The Catholic Counter-Reformation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Catholic Counter-Reformation


1560-1648 4 Areas of Focus : Political Dimensions Doctrine Ecclesiastical & Structural Reconfiguration Religious Orders #1 Political Dimensions 1520 Pope Leo X orders ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Catholic Counter-Reformation

The Catholic Counter-Reformation
  • 1560-1648

4 Areas of Focus
  • Political Dimensions
  • Doctrine
  • Ecclesiastical Structural Reconfiguration
  • Religious Orders

1 Political Dimensions
  • 1520 Pope Leo X orders Luther to recant 41 of
    his 95 theses or be excommunicated
  • Luther burns the order
  • (called a Papal Bull, or
  • law)
  • Luther is protected by
  • the Elector of Saxony,
  • Frederick III.

Political Dimensions Contd
  • The Emperor Charles V, in response, calls a
    Diet (meeting of the German Estates) in Worms
    the next year. (1521)

Political Dimensions Contd
  • It is here where Luther refuses to recant, and
    utters the (probably mythical) words, Here I
    stand. I can do nothing other. God Help Me. Amen.

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Luther is spirited away, and Charles V insists on
    there being a full Church council, as do the
    German estates.
  • Charles V wants the
  • religious controversy
  • settled ASAP. He has
  • the France of François I
  • and the Turkey of
  • Suleiman II to deal
  • with.

Political Dimensions Contd
  • But back In Rome, a full church council is the
    last thing the new Pope, Clement VII (the one
    who will give Henry so much trouble) wants.
  • Full Church Councils
  • tend to think they are
  • the voice of God on
  • Earth.

Political Dimension Contd
  • But everyone knows that this is heresy.
  • Unless you want to end up like this

Political Dimensions Contd
  • So the Papacy will delay and delay and delay.
  • And heresy will spread and spread and spread.
  • England will fall in 1533.
  • And in France, the Calvinist heresy will take

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Jean Calvin (1509-64)
  • Heretic extraordinaire
  • Born in France too!

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Basically Calvin said
  • 1) We are enslaved to sin because of the Fall of
    Adam and Eve.
  • 2) Only Gods mercy can save us.
  • 3) The only person punished for our sins is
    Christ himself.
  • Therefore God wont punish the elect twice
    (i.e. with Hell)
  • Who are the elect?
  • Us. ?
  • Which could mean ALL of us. ?
  • Or just some. ?
  • Only God knows.

Political Dimensions Contd
  • 4) Grace is irresistible on the elect.
  • 5) The Perseverance of the saints
  • By saints Calvin means the elect
  • By perseverance he means that the elect can
    never stray.
  • This doctrine is very useful for Henri IV of
  • He will stray several times, finally
  • settling on Catholicism in 1594 by
  • observing
  • Paris vaut bien une messe. ?

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Calvin doesnt work in isolation many beliefs
    of the Lutheran faith, such as the priesthood of
    all believers of Martin Luther, are believed by
    Calvinists too
  • All peoples work is pleasing to Godnot just a
  • Everyone can read and interpret scripture
  • And this would be nothing except

Political Dimension Contd
  • What makes Calvinism so threatening is how
    quickly is spreads and how effectively it
  • It doesnt really spread in the countryside, but
    it does in the towns and cities
  • Except Paris, which remains severely Catholic.
  • Luther was an original thinker, but not good at
    the practical aspects of building a Church
  • Calvin was a systematizer
  • He created a Church with roles for both clergy
    and non-clergy

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Calvin gives disgruntled nobles something to do
  • Calvinism spreads like wild fire through the
    upper nobility of France (via the wives, who
    convert their husbands and sons)
  • Like this one Jeanne dAlbrect, Queen of Navarre
  • Her son, Henri, will
  • become King Henri
  • IV, the first Bourbon
  • monarch

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Unfortunately in France, into one noble
    household, namely les Valois, Calvinism makes no
  • Les Valois, who have for their leader one
    François I, just happen to be the kings of France
    from 1515-1589

Political Dimensions Contd
  • But why should les Valois remain so staunchly
  • Why would François I support Clement VII and not
    want a general Chuch council?

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Well, unlike Henry VIII in England, in 1516
    François I won the right to control of most of
    the French Catholic Church in something called
    The Concordat of Bologna.
  • The Pope was the only person who could annul a
    marriage, but beyond that, François I was pretty
    much the head of the Catholic Church in France.
  • He could tax, appoint bishops, block appointments
    by the Pope, etc.

Political Dimension Contd
  • In return, the Papacy got François Is support
    against Church councils.
  • So you can see (now) why it takes so long to get
    a General Council together.
  • It wont meet until 1545. And it wont end until
  • And it will only actually meet 3 times in that

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Pope Paul III will try to summon it in 1537, but
    will get nowhere until 1545
  • Pope Julius III, (not a
  • fan), moves the council
  • to Bologna, suspends it
  • and then dies. (1555)

Political Dimensions Contd
  • Pope Paul IV spends his papacy becoming the
    father of the Roman Inquisition.
  • It is Pope Pius IV who
  • will bring the Council to
  • a successful end (and
  • then die) in 1563 (1565).

2 Doctrine
  • Upheld basic beliefs of the medieval Church.
  • The Church Fathers (ancient Saints like Augustine
    and Origen), the scholastics, and canon law were
    all held to be as valid as the Bible. (so no sola
  • Grace and therefore salvation were achieved thru
    faith and good works, not sola fidae
  • The 7 sacraments were confirmed, including the
    doctrine of transubstantiation.

A Word about sacraments
  • Definition a sacrament is an outward sign of an
    inner blessing from God
  • These are rites instituted by Christ during his
    ministry on Earth.
  • The Catholic Church has 7
  • Baptism
  • Confirmation
  • The Eucharist (Communion)
  • Marriage
  • Ordination
  • Holy Orders
  • Last rites

A Word about sacraments
  • The Lutherans will reduce the number of
    sacraments to two baptism and marriage
  • The Calvinists eliminate them all.
  • For the most part, the sacraments are harmless
    doctrine, except for a) Holy Orders
  • Which made priests special and better than
    ordinary people
  • And b) marriage

A Word about sacraments
  • Marriage is a problem because a blessing from God
    cannot be taken back
  • This is why the marriage state bound people to
    one another and it was practically impossible to
    dissolve them.
  • The Church didnt offer divorce per sé, but an
  • This declared that the marriage was invalid at
    the time the vows were declared, and thus no
    grace was ever given by God.
  • This is what Henry VIII sought he claimed his
    marriage to Catherine of Aragon was incestuous.

2 Doctrine Contd
  • Indulgences (tho not ones), pilgrimages, the
    veneration of the saints Virgin Mary were all
  • Catholic doctrine was recorded in the Roman
    Catechism, a manual for priests basically
    teaching them the beliefs of the faith.
  • The Mass was standardized and spoken in Latin.

3 Ecclesiastical Reforms
  • Here the Church sided with the humanists in their
    criticism of priests.
  • Parish priests were to be better educated and
    trained, catching up with the average person in
    most cases.
  • Papal authorities would better educate the laiety
    (i.e. those who were not priests) about their
    religion the liturgy, the art, etc.

Ecclesiastical Reforms Contd
  • From now on, bishops were made to live in their
    dioceses (i.e. the lands they ruled in the
    Churchs name)
  • However, bishops now had greater power in
    overseeing spiritual matters in their
  • Celibacy was effectively enforced

4 Religious Orders
  • Capuchins, Ursulines, Theatines, Barnabites,
    especially Jesuits, were the shock troops of
    the Counter-Reformation
  • They were orders of the world (i.e. they lived
    amidst the people) and oversaw the spiritual
    health of priests and the laiety and rooted out

4 Religious Orders Contd
  • Capuchins practised the imitatio Christi of
  • Theatines rooted out heresy and educated the
  • Ursulines educated girls
  • But the Jesuits were most effective

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
  • Founder Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)
  • A soldier, he is badly wounded at Pamplona in
    1521 by a canon ball
  • If he survives, he will devote himself to God
    and the Roman Pontiff, his vicar on Earth.
  • Started The Society of Jesus in 1534

4 The Jesuits Contd
  • Given Papal authorization in 1540 by Paul III
  • Organized along military lines with strict
    military discipline
  • Took oaths of chastity, poverty, and obedience

4 Religious Orders Contd
  • The Jesuits thus helped the papacy keep its
    supremacy versus Church Councils with Loyolas
  • This was another key aspect of the medieval
    Catholic Church the primacy over the Church of
    the office of the Pope in direct opposition to
    the doctrine of Concialiarism, the belief that
    Gods will was revealed through Church councils,
    not just the Pope alone
  • It explains why the Council of Trent took so long
    to form.
  • And why it took so long to end. (1545-1563)
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