Charging Up Your Emotional Intelligence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Charging Up Your Emotional Intelligence


Charging Up Your Emotional Intelligence Possessing emotional intelligence is an important skill. While life will still throw up problems and traumas, EQ enables you ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Charging Up Your Emotional Intelligence

Charging Up Your Emotional Intelligence
  • A Positive Attitude is one of Lifes Most
    Valuable Assets EQ teaches attitude

Emotional Intelligence Leads to Success in Top
Executives Around the World
  • For 515 senior executives analyzed by the search
    firm Egon Zehnder International, those who were
    primarily strong in emotional intelligence were
    more likely to succeed than those who were
    strongest in either relevant previous experience
    or IQ.
  • In other words, emotional intelligence was a
    better predictor of success than either relevant
    previous experience or high IQ.
  • More specifically, the executive was high in
    emotional intelligence in 74 percent of the
    successes and only in 24 percent of the failures.
  • The study included executives in Latin America,
    Germany, and Japan, and the results were almost
    identical in all three cultures.

EQ is a Learnable Skill
Start by Identifying Emotions
EQ and Wellness???
  • Wellness is a very individual and personal issue
  • The journey to increasing EQ is also very
  • Are they related? How?

Defining EQ
  • Personal Competence
  • Self Awareness
  • Self Management
  • Social Competence
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship management

Self Awareness
  • Self-Awareness is about developing a straight
    forward and honest understanding of what makes
    you tick might have to ask your team for some
    honest feedback ?
  • People high in self-awareness are remarkably
    clear in their understanding of what they do
    well, what motivates and satisfies them and which
    people and situations push their buttons. The
    amazing thing about self-awareness is that just
    thinking about it helps you increase the skill

Self Management
  • Self-management is your ability to use your
    awareness of your emotions to stay flexible and
    direct your behavior positively
  • The biggest challenge that people face is
    managing their tendencies over time and applying
    their skills in a variety of situations
  • Results and success come from putting your
    momentary needs on hold to pursue larger more
    important goals ie Kind vs Right

Social Awareness
  • Social awareness is you ability to accurately
    pick up on the emotions in other people and
    understand what is really going on with them
  • Listening and observing are the most important
    elements of social awareness listen with the
    intent to understand not with the intent of
    responding draw them out ?
  • Social awareness in its purest form is watching
    others in their natural state without letting
    your own thoughts and feelings disturb the

Relationship Management
  • Relationship management is your ability to use
    your awareness of your own emotions and those of
    others to manage interactions successfully
  • Relationship management is also the bond you
    build with others over time
  • The greatest challenge is during periods of
    stress some of the most challenging and
    stressful situations happen at work and 70 of
    people tested have difficulty handling stress
  • Conflicts at work tend to explode when people
    dont manage their anger or frustration and
    choose to take it out on other people

  • Do Skips EQ Rating

  • http//
  • Emotional intelligence or Quotient (EQ) is the
    capacity for effectively recognizing and managing
    our own emotions and those of others. Emotions
    have the potential to get in the way of our most
    important business relationships. A lack of EQ is
    the main reason promising careers derail. A
    critical level of EQ is the number one reason
    successful leaders, managers and sales people
    outperform the average!
  • Social Skills Training for Supervisors Leads to
    Productivity Gains in Manufacturing.   After
    supervisors in a manufacturing plant completed
    training in emotional competencies such as how to
    listen better and help employees resolve problems
    on their own Lost-time accidents were reduced
    by 50 percent
  • Formal grievances were reduced from an average
    of 15 per year to 3 per year

  • Do EQ case study from On Course, Skip Downing

What is Wellness
  • Wellness is a choice a decision you make to move
    forward toward optimal health
  • Wellness is a way of life a lifestyle you design
    to achieve your highest potential for wellbeing
  • Wellness is a process a developing awareness
    that there is no end point, but that health and
    happiness are possible in each moment, here and
  • Wellness is a balanced channeling of energy
    energy received from the environment, transformed
    within you, and returned to affect the world
    around you.
  • Wellness is the integration of body, mind, and
    spirit-the appreciation that everything you do,
    and think, and feel, and believe has an impact on
    your state of health and the health of the world.
  • Wellness is loving acceptance of yourself.

The 6 Dimensions of Wellness
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Occupational
  • Social
  • Source Bill Hetler, M.D.

12 Dimensions of Wellness
  1. Self-Responsibility Love
  2. Breathing
  3. Sensing
  4. Eating
  5. Moving
  6. Feeling
  7. Thinking
  8. Playing Working
  9. Communicating
  10. Intimacy
  11. Finding Meaning
  12. Transcending

  • I make more progress in the Self-responsibility
    and Love category when I take 100 ownership for
    my own wellness
  • The dimension of Breathing looks at the way we
    either block or allow energy to flow into usever
    catch yourself holding your breath?
  • What role does eating play in our life?
  • Sensing wellness is about living life on
  • Movement allows us to include all movement in
    our daily routine, house cleaning, stair
    climbing, walking in the shopping mall and all
    other forms of movement included in our day
  • Feeling the emotional components of wellness
  • Thinking Is my thinking holding me back, is it
    constructive and positive or does it tend to be
    destructive and negative
  • Playing and working Weisure, How conscious
    am I about this dual dimension and is it in
    balance for me?
  • Communication is about our ease of connection
    with others and the integrity about our
    relationship with ourselves.
  • Intimacy On a scale of 1-10 how much more
    intimacy would I like in my life?
  • Finding meaning Does my life have meaning and
  • Transcending go beyond or surpass, rise above

Complete Wellness Wheel
  • Handout
  • Awareness raising exercise
  • Very personal

Identifying Emotions
  • Pick partner
  • Discuss 2 interactions with a positive outcome
  • Identify your primary emotion in each interaction
  • Discuss 2 interactions with a negative outcome
  • Identify your primary emotion in each interaction
  • Help each other identify your emotions

  • Using emotions identified in exercise demonstrate
    on flip chart

Responsibility Model
Creator Question
  • What Different Choice
  • Might I Make
  • That Would Create a Different
  • Outcome?

I Choose How I Respond
  • Stimulus

  • It is not what happens, it is how we react to it.
  • We are each 100 responsible for all our
  • Louise Hay

Creators Have Great Minds
  • Your wishes
  • are your
  • own
  • command

Energy Levels and Map of Consciousness
  • Open this file power vs force 2.xls
  • Having a broader choice of emotions to choose
    from in any given situation will help you to
    become more accurate in defining your feelings

Learn _____ Blame
Face the world head on
  • Exceptional posture is more than just the
    manifestation of physical balance or standing up
    straight. It expresses mental and emotional
    balance-and, indeed, reveals something of the
    human spirit. The Other 90, Robert K. Cooper

  • Collectively create a list of three things to
    take away from this session

Football team
  • 1. I am the thinker of my thoughts, they are not
  • 2. Learn from my mistakes move on
  • 3. My behavior affects the whole team

Honoring the people who do the work can produce
stunning results for the company. If employees
believe theres a real effort to help improve
their skills, provide opportunities for
advancement and job security, they will do things
that blow your mind. Sidney Harman
(No Transcript)
  • Possessing emotional intelligence is an important
    skill. While life will still throw up problems
    and traumas, EQ enables you to deal with these in
    the best possible way, to make good choices based
    on wise thinking, and to enjoy great
    relationships with others
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