Jenna Bratz - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jenna Bratz


Domino Rally How long does it take for a domino to fall? Jenna Bratz Rachel Bauer Intro First set of dominoes date back to 1120 A.D. First used for games of strategy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jenna Bratz

Domino RallyHow long does it take for a domino
to fall?
  • Jenna Bratz
  • Rachel Bauer

(No Transcript)
  • First set of dominoes date back to 1120 A.D.
  • First used for games of strategy
  • Lining them up and knocking them down became
    increasingly popular in the 1980s with
    introduction of the game Domino Rally

Intro (contd)
  • Our Goals
  • Model the toppling time of 1 domino
  • Model the toppling time of 2 dominoes
  • Extend to 3, 4 or n dominoes
  • Find the optimal distance that minimizes topple

  • Charles Bert modeled the topple time of both one
    and two dominoes using a conservation of energy
    argument, however the experimental time did not
    match the predicted time
  • Shaw discovered that in a long chain of linearly
    equally spaced dominoes, only the 5 preceding
    dominoes contribute to the fall of the current
  • Math 512 at UD verified Berts argument with
    better data, and also verified Shaws argument
  • Heinrich and Lutz modeled molecule cascades, in a
    similar manner to modeling a chain of falling

1 Domino (Experiment)
  • Procedure
  • Domino was placed on sandpaper (to ensure no
  • A domino toppler was used to push the domino to
    its balancing point and then to just let it go
  • A high speed camera was used to capture the
    topple time (250 frames per second)

1 Domino (Experiment)
1 Domino (Theory)
1 Domino (Theory)
  • Assumptions
  • The domino will not slide (the pivot point will
    remain in the same position throughout the fall)
  • The domino will not rotate
  • The domino will start from an initial velocity of
    zero, and will have an initial angle of
    and a final angle of

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Conservation of Energy to obtain a model for
    theta in terms of time
  • Here, kinetic energy is the sum of the rotational
    kinetic energy, and the translational kinetic
  • The angle is by the choice of our
    coordinate system

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Because of assumptions, the initial angular
    velocity is zero.
  • Also assume that the final translational kinetic
    energy is zero since all the energy is
    transferred into the rotational kinetic energy
  • Equation reduces to

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Plug in I, writing w as and taking a second
    derivative of the equation with respect to time
    gives the following ODE
  • Can reformulate into a first order system with

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Stability Analysis
  • Equilibria at
  • Jacobian
  • After analyzing equilibria, obtain that when n is
    even, there is an unstable saddle and when n is
    odd, there is a center

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Phase Plane

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Numerical Solution of a particular domino
  • Wanted epsilon to be as small as possible, just
    enough to knock the domino off balance
  • Educated guess of epsilon being 1 degree.

1 Domino (Theory)
1 Domino (Theory)
  • Fit a curve to the numerical solution
  • Only interested in theta up to Pi/2

1 Domino (Theory)
  • Used this fit to estimate the time at exactly
  • Theoretical total time for one domino to fall is
    .27374 seconds

1 Domino (Analysis)
  • Experimental mean time .2667 seconds
  • Theoretical time .27374 seconds
  • Difference is .00704 seconds, only 2.57 error!

2 Dominoes (Experiment)
  • Set up 2 equally spaced, equally sized dominoes
  • Used domino toppler
  • Did 10 trials, spaced the dominoes at 2.17 cm,
    which was half the height of the domino

2 Dominoes (Experiment)
2 Dominoes (Experiment)
2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Assumptions
  • The dominoes will not slide (the pivot point
    will remain in the same position throughout the
  • The dominoes will not rotate
  • Dominoes are parallel and equally spaced
  • The second domino will receive a fraction of the
    first dominoes horizontal velocity

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • The first domino will hit the second domino at a
    critical angle,
  • Using this critical angle, can find the time at
    which the first domino hits the second, and from
    this time,
  • can obtain the speed
  • at which the first
  • domino is moving

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Finding the velocity of the first domino at the
    hitting point, will give the initial velocity of
    the second domino
  • After initial conditions of second domino are
    obtained, the same model as the one domino case
    can be used to model the fall time of the second

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Chose a distance of half the domino height of the
    domino chosen in the first theory, d.0217 m
  • This gives
  • We fit a curve to the numerical solution of the
    angular velocity of the first domino, and found
    the velocity at this critical angle to be

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Now, all of this velocity is not going to be
    transferred to the second domino . In particular,
    we claim that not all of the horizontal velocity
    will be transferred
  • We discovered that any fraction less than ½ of
    the first dominos velocity did not cause the
    second domino to fall
  • So we chose to use exactly half of the horizontal

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Horizontal Velocity is given by
  • We want half of this velocity to be the starting
    velocity of the second domino. So the new ODE
    for the second domino becomes

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Similar to the one domino case, we found a
    numerical solution.
  • Still want the time it takes the second domino to
    reach Pi/2, so we fit a curve to the numerical
    solution for theta.

2 Dominoes (Theory)
  • Finding the time at Pi/2 gives t.40069, and
    adding this to the time it took the first domino
    to reach the critical angle
  • (t.19805).
  • So the total time for two dominoes to fall should
    be t.59874 seconds

2 Dominoes (Analysis)
  • Theory did not match experiment
  • Most likely due to random choice of the amount of
    horizontal velocity that is transferred
  • Adjust the starting velocity of the second domino
    to match data

2 Dominoes (Full Velocity)
  • New assumption all of the horizontal velocity is
    transferred to the second domino
  • New problem for domino 2

2 Dominoes (Full Velocity)
  • Numerical solution is shown below
  • Steepness can be seen from the phase plane

2 Dominoes (Full Velocity)
  • Found curve of best fit (again) and got new
    topple time for 2 dominoes to be .35764 seconds
  • This number is still higher than experimental
  • Reason could be that the first domino may have
    had some small initial velocity in the
    experiment, which would decrease the topple time.

  • Model for the topple time of one domino was
    confirmed by data
  • Topple time for 2 dominoes is very dependent on
    the amount of velocity transferred
  • Appears that having all of the horizontal
    velocity transferred gives an accurate estimate
    for topple time

Further Work
  • Improve 2 domino model
  • Model n dominoes
  • For 3 dominoes, incorporate the effect of both
    the first and second dominoes
  • Find the distance that minimizes topple time
  • Explore different spacings, both nonlinear and
    not equal spacing

  • We would like to apologize to Patrick C. Rowe,
    for not spelling his name in dominoes on top of a
    slab of jello.
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