Title: By: Jenna Golis
1Do computers
make students
By Jenna Golis ISTC 201.420
2- Henry Jay Becker
- Education professor at University of California
- -Students learn more skills by using computers
- More computer use in class means better word
processing skills - More likely to use computer at home if used at
school - Supports constructivist philosophy of teaching
and resources for students to
discover/construct concepts for
themselves Sense Making- Encourage students
to think about the subject matter Interest,
Effort- Students interest and effort are
more important than material theyre working
4- Larry Cuban
- Education professor at Stanford
- Does not believe computers need to be used in
school - Teachers should prepare students for real life
- Schools waste money on computers
- SAT and other tests are useless
- Only predict 1st year in college
- - Standardized tests taken in elementary and
middle school show barely any relationship to
future job performance - As test scores rise over time, policy makers will
change the tests and scores will decline - Believes in traditional philosophy of teaching
5 TRADITIONAL PHILOSOPHY Explainer- Teacher must
go over material in a structured way to
show students how to do work, and assign
practice. Curriculum- Communitys judgment
about what children need to be able to know
and do. Motivation is useful but its more
important that students learn whats in
their texts.
6 Teachers and computers -8 out of 10 public school
teachers have computers at home that they use
regularly -Most teachers use computers more at
home than at school -Most teachers believe that
computers in school improve teaching and
7- Preschoolers and computers
- -Computer games include
- Reader Rabbit
- Pajama Sam
- Winnie the Poohs Adventures
- Different games help children learn
- Colors
- Shapes
- Letters
- Songs
- Strategy
8Elementary Schoolers and Computers -Do research
projects -Look up library book numbers when in
library class -Play games -Surf internet to
figure out how to use it
9- Middle High school students and Computers
- Research papers/projects
- In school library- look up book info. and
catalog numbers - Download music
- IM and e-mail friends
- High schoolers can look up info. on colleges,
classes, majors - Play games
10- College students and Computers
- - Typing papers
- - IMing e-mailing
- - Surfing the net
- - Blackboard
- - Looking up grades
- Online shopping ebay, clothes sites
- - Playing games
11 Conclusion Computers are advantageous to
students but whether they make students smarter
depends on who is asked.
12 The End Jenna Golis ISTC