Title: How Americans View Mormonism
1How Americans View Mormonism
2Results From a Public Opinion Survey of 1000
The Gratifying The Sad The Infuriating
3People have a right to their own opinions, but
they do not have a right to their own facts.
--Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan
4Image of Mormons / Left Brain
By comparison Baptists 71-21 Jews 67-20 Ca
tholics 58-35 Evangelicals 38-34
5Image of Mormons / Right Brain
If Mormons were an animal, what animal would they
6Positive Traits
7Negative Traits
37 do not know any Mormons 55 do not know any
active Mormons
If know a lot of Mormons 53 If know
several 40 If know one or two 30 If know
none 36
14 know the main claim of Mormonism unaided 29
remember having heard the claim after it is read
to them 84 have had some exposure to Mormonism
10Its not what he doesnt know that bothers me,
its what he knows for sure that just aint so.
--Will Rogers
Are Mormons Christians? 33 say definitely
Yes Do Mormons believe the Bible? 23 say
definitely Yes
Do Mormons worship Joseph Smith? 16 say
definitely No Do Mormons practice polygamy?
15 say definitely No
13The uncertainty factor about Mormon beliefs and
practices ranges from 67 to 85
14Six Factors
Ignorance Polygamy Power Weird Secretive Exclusion
15Political Power
37 believe that if Mormons had enough political
power, they would try to force people to
convert. 47 believe Mormons can be just as
fanatic as Muslims.
16Seven Steps to Improve Our Image
Think new Think simple Prepare the stage Have
natural conversations Expand the vision Use
technology Guide patiently
17Six Suggestions for Leading People to the Gospel
18Suggestion 1 Know Where People Are
Information Triage Now Later Never
19Steps to Conversion
Awareness Awakening Curiosity Interest Investigati
on Conversion
20Suggestion 2 Eliminate Jargon
What language did Peter, James and John use when
they spoke to Joseph Smith? What about
Moroni? We say, The Gospel has been
restored. What does that mean to those of other
21Our message
Christ organized a Church Men changed it It has
been brought back We claim to be the
re-established original Christian church.
22Suggestion 3 Use Contrast
Leaders do not say, Me, too. The problem with
commonality What is the difference between your
church and mine?
23It is only by doing things others have not that
one can advance.
--General George Patton
24Suggestion 4 Reframe the Issue
You Mormons practice polygamy. You Mormons
arent Christians. You Mormons dont believe the
25Suggestion 5 Stir Up Buzz
Which is the greater problem today antagonism
or apathy? Welcome even negative buzz.
26You have enemies? Good. That means youve
stood up for something, sometime in your life.
--Winston Churchill
27Suggestion 6 Be a Gardener, Not an Engineer
As we walk with those of other faiths, we are in
harmony with gardening principles when ...
- We prepare the environment and do not seek to
control - We do not treat people as projects
28- We deem our friend our equal and not an object to
be molded - We invite rather than challenge
- We suggest rather than push
- We mentor rather than manipulate
- We are patient and take time
- We practice the Golden Rule.
29The possibility
30 would not mind learning more about Mormonism
if they could learn it from a friend,
and they would not feel any pressure to
join. Thats 65,000,000 Americans.
30Bold message, gentle approach