Title: Chapter 15 social improvement Americas 3rd Revolution
1- Chapter 15 social improvement Americas 3rd
Revolution - Societies formed against alcohol, tobacco,
swearing mail on Sundays - Anti-slavery becomes the great crusade
- Source of changereligion (3/4 of Americans go to
church regularly) - Deism embraced by intellectuals (reason, not
revelation science, not Bible) - Unitarians-branch of Puritanism that sees 1 God
in very positive light - Peter Cartwrightbest known preacher Charles
Finneygreat preacher - Key aspect of 2nd Great Awakening feminization
of religion - 2nd Great Awakeningreligious fervor started in
camp meetings - Western NYBurned Over District (Wm.
Miller-Christ on Oct.22, 1844) - Rich learned rely on old religions poor less
educated flock to revivals - Split in N. S. branches of Methodists
Presbyterians foretell split in Union - Joseph Smith-received golden platters from
angels decoded message leads to Mormonism voted
in blocks trained own army Smith killed in IL
(Brigham Young becomes Mormon Moses leads
people to Utah)
2Free Schools-tax for educationinsurance for
stability democracy Red schoolhouse becomes
model (1 teacher, 8 grades, 1 room, 3 Rs) Horace
Mann (reformer for better schools, longer terms,
higher teacher pay) Noah Webster (reformer for
better reading 20 years on his dictionary) Wm.
McGuffey (reader w/ lessons in morality,
patriotism idealism) Higher Learning first
state universities in South ? NC Education of
women must overcome stupid ideas and
predjudices Reform aimed at treatment of
prisoners, mentally ill.and use of liquor Plight
of women Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Black Wild utopias New Harmony,
Brooke Farm, Oneida Community, Shakers Inventions
emerge (Americans had pursued practicality over
pure science)
3XVII. Key Terms A. Lyceum Movement- this was an
adult education movement for dropouts who were
curious for knowledge. They came to listen to
lectures by traveling reformers. B.
Transcendentalism- a liberal movement that
believed that the truth "transcends" from the
senses and that every man possesses an inner
light. C.James F. Cooper- wrote Last of the
Mohicans, romanticism, and most of his novels
almost had the frontiersman as the hero. D.Henry
D. Thoreau- transcendentalist, who condemned
government and inspired passive resistance. He
wrote Walden, and also wrote Essays on Civil
Disobedience. E.Herman Melville- considered an
unconventional author, wrote the first modern
American novel, Moby Dick. F.Ralph W. Emerson-
wrote many poems and philosophical essays, he
urged the departure from European views to
"spiritual powers" and self-reliance in the
"American Scholar". G.Walt Whitman- a poet who
most famous work was "Leaves of
Grass". H.Nathaniel Hawthorne- took part in the
transcendentalism, but felt the movement was
flawed. His most famous work was The Scarlet