Title: Immigration, Expansion, and Sectional Conflict
1Chapter 13
- Immigration, Expansion, and Sectional Conflict
- 1840-1848
- Between 1845 and 1847, Brigham Young led some
20,000 Mormons into the Great Salt Lake Valley
(then part of Mexico). - The Mormons chose this remote desert area in
hopes of isolating themselves from non-Mormom
fellow Americans who were persecuting them. - However, great numbers of their countrymen were
also relentlessly pushing westward
3Introduction (cont.)
- In the 1840s, many American believed it was the
manifest destiny of the U.S.A. to possess North
America from coast to coast - Acting on that belief, the administration of
James K. Polk between 1845 and 1849 - Annexed Texas
- Divided the Oregon Territory with GB
- Fought the Mexican War
- Resulting in the conquest of CA and NM
4Introduction (cont.)
- Also in the 1840s and 1850s a rising tide of
new immigrants entered the country - Expansion and immigration were linked
- The overwhelming Democratic Party leaders saw the
acquisition of more land and a return to a
republic of self-sufficient farmers - A way of relieving growing class, ethnic, and
sectional conflicts - Adding OR would please the North
- Adding TX would please the South
5Introduction (cont.)
- In fact, westward expansion had the opposition
effect - It sharpened sectional strife
- Split the Democratic Party
- Set the nation on the path to the Civil War
6Introduction (cont.)
- 1.) How did immigration in the 1840s influence
the balance of power between the Whig and
Democratic Parties - 2.) What economic and political forces fed
westward expansion during the 1840s - 3.) How did westward expansion threaten war with
Britain and Mexico - 4.) How did the outcome of the Mexican-American
War intensify intersectional conflict?
7Newcomers and Natives
- Introduction
- Between 1840 and 1860
- 4.2 million immigrants entered the U.S.A.
- 2 biggest groups came from Ireland and the German
8Expectations and Realities
- Immigrants came in the hope of improving their
economic condition - Few of the Irish immigrants possessed enough
capital to acquire farms - Instead they settled heavily in northeastern
cities - They took jobs in construction and railroad
building - Germans and Scandinavians tended to concentrate
in IL, OH, WI, MO - More entered farming than the Irish
- Drawn to cities too
9Expectations and Realities (cont.)
- By 1860
- Irish and Germans accounted for about 50 of the
populations in the following cities - St. Louis
- New York
- Chicago
- Cincinnati
- Milwaukee
- Detroit
- San Francisco
10The Germans
- Very diverse group of immigrants
- People of different social classes and religions
- Bound together by their common language
- Often times settled in German neighborhoods
- They prospered and built many ethnic
institutions - German-language newspapers
- Voluntary associations
- Schools
- Native-born Americans criticized them for being
11The Irish
- Between 1815 and 1844 almost 1 million Irish
entered the U.S.A. - Most were Catholic, poor, and seeking greater
economic opportunity - From 1845-1855
- Roughly 2 million arrived
- Overwhelming Catholic
- Fleeing from the potato famine in Ireland
- They usually entered the urban work force at the
bottom - Competed for jobs with equally poor blacks
12The Irish (cont.)
- The competition for jobs between the Irish and
poor blacks led to animosity between the 2 groups - Made most Irish hostile to abolition and
abolitionists - Those Irish who rose to the level of skilled and
semi-skilled workers competed against
native-born, white, Protestant mechanics - Caused another level of hostilities
- Ethnic and religious
13Anti-Catholicism, Nativism, and Labor Protest
- Know-Nothing Party
- A.k.a. American Party
- Mostly white, Protestant, native-born workers
- anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant
- Ohio History link on Know Nothing Party
- Played a significant political role in the 1850s
14Anti-Catholicism, Nativism, and Labor Protest
- Labor also responded to low wages and job
competition by advocating land reform - Including free 160-acre homesteads in the West
for all who wanted them - Formed unions and waged strikes
- Unions won a few gains
- Their growth was limited by
- govt. and employer opposition
- The deep splits along ethnic and religious lines
in the antebellum working class
15Immigrant Politics
- Almost all Irish and German immigrants became
supporters of the Democratic Party - Antiprivilege party
- More sympathetic to the common man than the Whigs
- They also resented Whig connections with the
temperance movement and nativism - The Irish suspected the northern Whigs of
antislavery views - Irish feared economic competition from
emancipated slaves - They wanted no part of abolitionism
16The West and Beyond
- The Far West
- In the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s, TX and
present-day southwestern regions of the U.S.A.
belonged to Mexico - After independence Mexico claimed all Spanish
territories in the West - Oregon Territory
- OR, WA, ID, parts of WY, MT, and Canada
- Ceded to the United States from Spain in the
Adams-Onis Treaty - Under joint occupation by GB and U.S.A.
17The United States in 1840
18Far Western Trade
- Fur trappers and traders
- 1st Americans to enter the Far West
- Some sailed around South America
- Others blazed overland trails
- Santa Fe
- Oregon Trail
- Introduced eastern manufactured goods in exchange
for beaver pelts or Mexican silver - Set up encampments and trading posts
- Spurred the interest of pioneer farmers with
their tales of favorable climate and fertile soil
in the Far West
19The American Settlement of Texas to 1835
- In the 1820s the Mexican govt. gave generous
land grants to Americans - encouraged their settlement in TX
- a way to guard against Indian attacks
- hasten the economic development of the province
- Many American came
- Mostly from southern states
- In the 1830s, Mexican govt. attempted to end
American immigration and prohibit slavery in TX
20The American Settlement of Texas to 1835 (cont.)
- Its efforts antagonized the Americans but failed
to stop the flood of immigrants - By 1836 the American population in TX was 30,000
free and 5,000 slaves
21The American Settlement of Texas to 1835 (cont.)
- Santa Anna
- New president-dictator of Mexico
- 1834
- Started to tighten his hold on TX
- The Americans in the province rebelled
22The Texas Revolution, 1836
- Fall of 1835
- Santa Anna led an army into TX to suppress the
uprising - The Mexicans defeated the Americans at the Alamo
and at Goliad
23The Battle of the Alamo
24The Texas Revolution, 1836 (cont.)
- In April 1836
- Sam Houston
- Led the American route against the Mexicans at
San Jacinto - Took Santa Anna prisoner
- Forced him to sign a treaty granting TX
independence - The Mexican govt. later refused to ratify the
treaty - But TX remained independent
25American Settlements in CA, NM, and OR
- The Mexicans also initially welcomed American
colonists to CA - By the 1840s a growing number were settling in
the Sacramento Valley - They lived apart from the Mexicans
26American Settlements in CA, NM, and OR (cont.)
- In the 1830s, American missionaries entered
Oregons Willamette Valley to attempt to convert
the Indians there - The missionaries glowing reports of the
territorys climate and resources aroused keen
interest back in the U.S.A.
27The Overland Trails
- In the 1840s, 14,000 Americans joined wagon
trains on the overland trails (or the OR and CA
trails) - Headed for OR or CA
- Problems
- Faulty maps and guidebooks
- Fears of Indian attacks
- Other real and imagined dangers
28(No Transcript)
29The Overland Trails (cont.)
- The British could not effectively settle OR at
all - Mexican numbers in CA were small and scattered
30The Politics of Expansion, 1840-1846
- Introduction
- At the start of 1840s, western expansion was not
an important political issue - Only after politicians failed to deal effectively
with troubling economic issues did some of these
leaders seize on expansion as a primary goal
31The Whig Ascendancy
- The Whig Party won the election of 1840
- William Henry Harrison
- The Party planned to enact Clays American system
of a new national bank, protective tariffs, and
federal aid for internal improvements
32The Whig Ascendancy (cont.)
- Harrison died after only 1 month in the White
House - VP was John Tyler
- Tyler was a states rights Virginian
- Vetoed all the economic measures Congress passed
- Created tension in the Whig party
33Tyler and the Annexation of Texas
- Tyler supported the U.S. annexation of Texas
- Appointed John C. Calhoun as his secretary of
state - Draw up a treaty with Mexico to annex TX
34Tyler and the Annexation of Texas (cont.)
- Calhoun wrote undiplomatically that one reason
for annexation was to provide more territory for
the expansion and protection of slavery - This added fuel to already existing northern
suspicions that acquiring TX was part of a
southern conspiracy to expand slavery - The Senate rejected Tyler and Calhouns
annexation treaty
35The Election of 1844
- Whigs nominated Henry Clay
- Democrats nominated James Polk
- Major issue of annexation of TX
36The Election of 1844 (cont.)
- Henry Clay waved on annexation
- First opposed it as sectionally divisive
- Then softened his opposition
- Finally opposed it again
- His shifts lost southern votes to Democrats and
northern antislavery votes to the Liberty - James Polk
- Expansionist
- Called for admitting TX immediately
- Many Irish and other recent immigrants voted for
Polk - They disliked the Whigs association with
nativism, temperance, and anti-Catholicism - Polk won in a close election
37The Election of 1844 (cont.)
38Manifest Destiny, 1845
- Expansionism had become a popular cause by the
1840s - Many expansionists said it was manifest destiny
to the U.S.A. to spread its experiment in liberty
and self-govt. from coast to coast - John L. OSullivan developed the phrase of
manifest destiny - Expansionists eyed the excellent harbors of CA
and OR - Natural outlets for American trade with Asia
39Manifest Destiny, 1845 (cont.)
- Expansionists argued that acquiring additional
fertile soil would safeguard the U.S. future as a
democratic republic of self-sufficient farmers - Combat the social stratification and class strife
that accompanied industrialization and
urbanization - These ideas, carried in the penny press, strongly
appealed to struggling immigrants in the cities
40Polk and Oregon
- Polk wanted OR during the 1844 campaign
- Manifest Destiny placed OR in its sights
- Neither GB or U.S.A. wanted a war over OR
- They settled for a compromise treaty
- Split OR at the 49th parallel
- Senate ratified the treaty in 1846
41The Mexican-American War and Its Aftermath,
- The Origins of the Mexican-American War
- In Feb. 1845, Congress passed a joint resolution
to annex TX - Mexico never recognized the independence of TX
- TX claimed that its southern boundary was the Rio
Grande - Mexico contented that it was the Nueces River
(100 miles to the northeast) - Polks support encouraged Texas to accept
annexation on July 4, 1845
42The Origins of the Mexican-American War (cont.)
- Polk also wanted to gain CA and NM
- He sent John Slidell to Mexico with an offer to
buy them for 25 million - Mexico refused
43The Origins of the Mexican-American War (cont.)
- Polk ordered American troops into the disputed
region south of the Nueces River - Led by Zachary Taylor
- Polk hoped to provoke a war that would give the
U.S. a chance to seize CA and NM
44The Origins of the Mexican-American War (cont.)
- When Mexican troops clashed with Taylors, Polk
told Congress that Mexico had forced war with the
45The Origins of the Mexican-American War (cont.)
46The Mexican-American War
- Feb. 1847
- Taylor defeated a Mexican army at the Battle of
Buena Vista - Colonel Stephen Kearny
- took NM
- Commodores John D. Sloat and David Stockon and
army officers Kearny and John C. Fremont - Took CA
- combined naval and land assaults
47The Mexican-American War (cont.)
- General Winfield Scott
- Captured Mexico City
- Mexico surrendered Sept. 1847
- Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Mexico accepted the Rio Grande boundary
- Mexico Ceded to U.S.A. almost all of the
present-day U.S. southwest region - U.S.A. paid 15 million
- U.S.A. promised to pay claims of U.S. citizens
against Mexico
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49The Wars Effects on Sectional Conflict
- Patriotism was generated by the war
- Sectional conflict grew though between 1846 and
1848 - The Polk administration angered the North and
West by lowering tariffs and vetoing federal aid
for internal improvements
50The Wars Effects on Sectional Conflict (cont.)
- Most important, arguments began over the
expansion of slavery in the Mexican cession - Northern Democrats worried that the western
expansion of slavery would close out
opportunities for free laborers in the West and
worsen class antagonism in the East
51The Wilmot Proviso
- 1846
- David Wilmot
- Northern Democratic
- Tacked on an appropriations bill an amendment
that would bar slavery from the new territory
acquired from Mexico - Passed the House but not the Senate
- Extremist southerners led by Calhoun claimed it
was unconstitutional for Congress to forbid
slavery in any territory
52The Election of 1848
- Whigs nominated Zachary Taylor
- Democrats nominated Lewis Cass
- Tried to solve the sectional controversy by
proposing popular sovereignty which would give
settlers who lived in a territory the right to
decide whether to permit slavery
53The Election of 1848 (cont.)
- Free-Soil Party
- A faction of Democrats called Barnburners joined
antislavery conscience Whigs and Liberty Party
abolitionists - Nominated Martin Van Buren
- Opposed to any further spread of slavery
54The Election of 1848 (cont.)
55The Election of 1848 (cont.)
- Taylor won the election
- A military hero
- position on slavery was unknown
- The good showing of the Free-Soilers in the North
demonstrated the popular appeal of keeping
slavery out of the West and using it as a place
of opportunity for poor white men
56The California Gold Rush
- Just before the signing of the Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo, an American carpenter living
in CA discovered gold near Sacramento - The news quickly reached the east
- Produced a rush of prospectors
- CAs population surged
- The weak military govt. proved unequal to
containing the violence and disorder of the gold
fields and mining boomtowns - Californians demanded a civilian state govt.
- This brought to a head the issue of slavery in CA
and the rest of the Mexican cession
57Panning Gold, California
- After winning the 1840 election, the Whigs were
unable to enact their platform of national
banking and protective tariffs because of the
death of Pres. William H. Harrison. - His replacement VP John Tyler, espoused
Democratic not Whig views - In the 1844 election, the ardently expansionist
Democrat James Polk was elected President
59Conclusion (cont.)
- Polk during his one term, nearly led the U.S.A.
into a war against Britain and did fight Mexico. - The issue of the spread of slavery into the
territories taken from Mexico fanned sectional
strife and split the Democrats - Many northern Democrats joined others in 1848 to
create the Free-Soil Party