Title: VHDL
- Rabee Shatnawi
- Rami Haddad
2What is this presentation about?!
- This presentation will introduce the key concepts
in VHDL and the - important syntax required for most VHDL designs,
3Why to use VHDL?
- In most cases, the decision to use VHDL over
other languages such as - Verilog or SystemC, will have less to do with
designer choice, and more to do with software
availability and company decisions. Or the
professor's choice - -)
4- Verilog has come from a bottom-up tradition and
has been heavily used by the IC industry for
cell-based design, - whereas the VHDL language has been developed
much more from a topdown perspective.
Of course, these are generalizations and largely
out of date in a modern context
5(No Transcript)
6Entity model interface
- The entity defines how a design element described
in VHDL connects to other VHDL models - and also defines the name of the model.
- It allows the definition of any parameters that
are to be passed into the model using hierarchy.
7Entity definition
- entity test is
- .
- end entity test
- or
- entity test is
- end test
- How to connect Entities together?
- -The method of connecting entities together is
using PORTS. - PORTS are defined in the entity using the
following method - port (
- ...list of port declarations...
- )
9- The port declaration defines the type of
connection and direction where appropriate. - port (
- in1, in2 in bit
- out1 out bit
- )
10Entity Port Modes
- in
- signal values are read-only
- out
- signal values are write-only
- buffer
- comparable to out
- signal values may be read, as well
- inout
- bidirectional port
- If the model has a parameter, then it is defined
using generics. - generic (
- gain integer 4
- time_delay time 10 ns
- )
- It is also possible to include model specific
constants in the entity using the standard
declaration of constants method - constant rpullup real 1000.0
13 a complete examples, meet our first Entity.
- entity test is
- port (
- in1, in2 in bit
- out1 out bit
- )
- generic (
- gain integer 4
- time_delay time 10 ns
- )
- constant rpullup real 1000.0
- end entity test
14Architecture model behavior
- Implementation of the design
- Always connected with a specific entity
- one entity can have several architectures
- entity ports are available as signals within the
architecture - Contains concurrent statements
15Basic definition of an architecture
- While the entity describes the interface and
parameter aspects of the model . - the architecture defines the behavior.
16- There are several types of VHDL architecture and
. - VHDL allows different architectures to be
defined for the same entity. - architecture behaviour of test is
- ..architecture declarations
- begin
- ...architecture contents
- end behaviour
- Signals are the primary objects describing the
hardware system and are equivalent to wires. - They represent communication channels among
concurrent statements of system application. - Signals can be declared in
- Package declaration
- Architecture
- Block
- Subprograms
18Hierarchical design
- Functions
- Packages
- Components
- Procedures
- A simple way of encapsulating behavior in a model
that can be reused in multiple architectures. - Can be defined locally to an architecture or more
commonly in a package
20- The simple form of a function is to define a
header with the input and output variables as
shown below - function name (input declarations) return
output_type is - ... variable declarations
- begin
- ... function body
- end
21- function mult (a,b integer) return integer is
- begin
- return a b
- end
22Package Function containers
- package name is
- ...package header contents
- end package
- package body name is
- ... package body contents
- end package body
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25- library ieee
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all
- -- here is the entity
- entity halfadd is
- port (a, b in std_logic
- sum, c out std_logic)
- end halfadd
- architecture comp of halfadd is
- begin
- -- a concurrent statement implementing the and
gate - c lt a and b
- -- a concurrent statement implementing the xor
gate - sum lt a xor b
- end comp
26- library ieee
- use ieee.std_logic_1164.all
- entity fulladd is
- port (ina, inb, inc in std_logic
- sumout, outc out std_logic)
- end fulladd
- architecture top of fulladd is
- component halfadd
- port (a, b in std_logic
- sum, c out std_logic)
- end component
- signal s1, s2, s3 std_logic
- begin
- -- a structural instantiation of two half adders
- h1 halfadd port map( a gt ina, b gt inb,
- sum gt s1, c gt s3)
- h2 halfadd port map( a gt s1, b gt inc,
- sum gt sumout, c gt s2)
- outc lt s2 or s3
- Case insensitive
- Comments '--' until end of line Statements are
terminated by ''(may span multiple lines) - List delimiter ','
- Signal assignment 'lt
- User defined names
- letters, numbers, underscores
- start with a letter
28VHDL . Identifier
- (Normal) Identifier Letters, numerals,
underscores - Case insensitive
- No two consecutive underscores
- Must begin with a letter
- Not a VHDL keyword
mySignal_23 -- normal identifierrdy, RDY,
Rdy -- identical identifiersvector__vector -
- X special characterlast of Zout -- X
white spacesidle__state -- X consecutive
underscores24th_signal -- X begins with
a numeralopen, register -- X VHDL keywords
29VHDL Structural Elements
- Entity Interface Architecture
- Implementation, behavior, function
- Configuration Model chaining, structure,
hierarchy - Process Concurrency, event controlled
- Package Modular design, standard solution,
- data types, constants
- Library Compilation, object code
30Hierarchical Model Layout
- VHDL allows for a hierarchical model layout,
which means that a module can be assembled out of
several submodules. The connections between these
submodules are defined within the architecture of
a top module. As you can see, a fulladder can be
built with the help of two halfadders (module1,
module2) and an OR gate (module3).
31Component example
ENTITY half_adder IS PORT ( A, B
IN STD_LOGIC sum, carry OUT
STD_LOGIC ) END half_adder
ARCHITECTURE structural OF half_adder IS
and2 PORT ( a, b
ex1 xor2 PORT MAP ( a gt a, b gt
b, c gt sum ) or1 and2 PORT MAP ( a gt a, b
gt b, c gt carry )
END structural
begin MODULE1 HALFADDER port map(
port map ( W_SUM, CARRY_IN,
port map ( W_CARRY2, W_CARRY1, CARRY
) end STRUCT
entity FULLADDER is port (A,B, CARRY_IN in b
it SUM, CARRY out bit)end FULLA
DDERarchitecture STRUCT of FULLADDER is signa
l W_SUM, W_CARRY1, W_CARRY2 bit component
HALFADDER port (A, B in
bit SUM, CARRY out bit)
end component component ORGATE port (A
, B in bit RES out bit)
end componentbegin
port map ( A gt A,
B gt B,
) . . .end STRUCT
ENTITY and2 IS PORT ( a, b
output lt ( a AND b
) AFTER 5ns END gate
- The process in VHDL is the mechanism by which
sequential statements can be executed in the
correct sequence, and with more than one process,
concurrently. - Contains sequentially executed statements
- Exist within an architecture,
- only Several processes run concurrently
- Execution is controlled either via sensitivity
list (contains trigger signals), or
JustToShow process Begin Some statement
1 Some statement 2 Some statement 3 Some
statement 4 Some statement 5 end process
- JustToShow process
- Begin
- Some statement 1
- Some statement 2
- Some statement 3
- Some statement 4
- waitltconditiongt
- end process JustToShow
- Wait for type expression
- Wait until condition
- Wait on sensitivity list
- Complex wait
Wait for 10ns
Wait until CLK1
Wait on Enable
Wait unit date after 10ns
- JustToShow process ( )
- Begin
- Some statement 1
- Some statement 2
- Some statement 3
- Some statement 4
- end process JustToShow
- VHDL provides a construct called sensenitivity
list of a process - The list specified next to the process keyword.
- The same as wait on sensitivity_list at the end
of a process
JustToShow process
Begin Some statement 1 Some statement
2 Some statement 3 Some statement 4 wait
on end process JustToShow
- JustToShow process (signa1,signal2,signal3)
- Begin
- Some statement 1
- Some statement 2
- Some statement 3
- Some statement 4
- Some statement 5
- end process JustToShow
Signa1 0 Signal35
- process(C,D)
- begin
- Alt2
- BltAC
- AltD1
- EltA2
- end process
- Variables are available within processes
- Named within process declarations
- Known only in this process
- Immediate assignment
- An assignment to a variable is made with
symbol. - The assignment take instance effect and each
variable can be assigned new values as many times
as needed. - A variable declaration look similar to a signal
declaration and starts with variable keyword - Keep the last value
- Possible assignments
- Signal to variable
- Variable to signal
- Types have to match
39Variables vs. Signals
- Signals
- In a process, only the last signal assignment is
carried out - Assigned when the process execution is suspended
- lt to indicate signal assignment
- Variables
- Assigned immediately
- The last value is kept
- to indicate variable assignment
40Variables vs. Signals (contd.)
- process(C,D)
- Variable Av,Bv,Ev integer 0
- begin
- Alt2
- BvltAvC
- AvltD1
- Ev lt Av2
- A ltAv
- B ltBv
- E ltEv
- end process
42The world is not sequential
- Its convention to specify things in a sequential
way, this is not the simplest way to describe
reality. - Processes are concurrent statements
- Several processes run parallel linked by signals
in the sensitivity list - sequential execution of statements
- Link to processes of other entity/architecture
pairs via entity interface
43- Architecture SomeArch of SomeEnt is
- Begin
- P1process(A,B,E)
- Begin
- Somestatment
- Somestatment
- Somestatment
- DltSomeexpression
- End process P1
P2process(A,C) Begin Somestatment Somestatment
Somestatment End process P1
P3process(B,D) Begin Somestatment Somestatment
Somestatment End process P1
end Architecture SomeArch
44IF Statement
45Case statement
46For loop
- entity FOR_LOOP is port (A in integer rang
e 0 to 3 Z out bit_vector (3 downto
0)) end FOR_LOOP architecture EXAMPLE of FO
R_LOOP isbegin process (A) begin Z
lt "0000" for I in 0 to 3
loop if (A I) then Z(I) lt
1 end if end loop
end processend EXAMPLE
47(No Transcript)
48Exit Next
- The exit command allows a FOR loop to be exited
completely. This can be useful when a condition
is reached and the remainder of the loop is no
longer required. The syntax for the exit command
is shown below - for i in 0 to 7 loop
- if ( i 4 ) then
- exit
- endif
- endloop
- The next command allows a FOR loop iteration to
be exited, this is slightly different to the exit
command in that the current iteration is exited,
but the overall loop continues onto the next
iteration. This can be useful when a condition is
reached and the remainder of the iteration is no
longer required. An example for the next command
is shown below - for i in 0 to 7 loop
- if ( i 4 ) then
- next
- endif
- endloop
49Conditional Signal Assignment
- entity CONDITIONAL_ASSIGNMENT is port (A, B, C,
X in bit_vector (3 downto 0) Z_C
ONC out bit_vector (3 downto 0) Z_S
EQ out bit_vector (3 downto 0))end
NDITIONAL_ASSIGNMENT isbegin -- Concurrent
version of conditional signal assignment Z_CONC
lt B when X "1111" else
C when X gt "1000" else A
-- Equivalent sequential statements process
(A, B, C, X) begin if (X "1111")
then Z_SEQ lt B elsif
(X gt "1000") then Z_SEQ lt C els
e Z_SEQ lt A end if end
processend EXAMPLE
CONDITION_1 else VALUE_2 when
CONDITION_2 else . .
50Selected Signal Assignment
- entity SELECTED_ASSIGNMENT is port (A, B, C, X
in integer range 0 to 15 Z_CONC
out integer range 0 to 15 Z_SEQ
out integer range 0 to 15)end SELECTED_ASSIGNME
sbegin - -- Concurrent version of selected signal
assignment with X select Z_CONC lt A
when 0, B when 7
9, C when 1 to
5, 0 when
others -- Equivalent sequential
statements process (A, B, C,
X) begin case X is when 0
gt Z_SEQ lt A when 7 9 gt
Z_SEQ lt B when 1 to 5 gt Z_SEQ lt
C when others gt Z_SEQ lt 0 end
processend EXAMPLE
with EXPRESSION select TARGET lt VALUE_1 when
CHOICE_1, VALUE_2 when
3 when CHOICE_4 to CHOICE_5,
VALUE_n when
- Functions
- function name can be an operator
- arbitrary number of input parameters
- exactly one return value
- no WAIT statement allowed
- function call ltgt VHDL expression
- Procedures
- arbitrary number of parameters of any possible
direction (input/output/inout) - RETURN statement optional (no return value!)
- procedure call ltgt VHDL statement
- Subprograms can be overloaded
- Parameters can be constants, signals, variables
or files
- architecture EXAMPLE of FUNCTIONS
is function COUNT_ZEROS (A bit_vector)
return integer is variable ZEROS
integer begin ZEROS 0 for I
in A'range loop if A(I) '0'
then ZEROS ZEROS 1 end
if end loop return ZEROS end
COUNT_ZEROS signal WORD bit_vector(15
downto 0) signal WORD_0 integer signal
IS_0 boolean
begin WORD_0 lt COUNT_ZEROS(WORD) pro
cess begin IS_0 lt true if
COUNT_ZEROS("01101001") gt 0 then IS_0 lt
false end if wait end
processend EXAMPLE
- architecture EXAMPLE of PROCEDURES
is procedure COUNT_ZEROS
(A in bit_vectorsignal Q out
integer) is variable ZEROS
integer begin ZEROS 0 for I
in A'range loop if A(I) '0'
then ZEROS ZEROS 1 end
if end loop Q lt ZEROS - end COUNT_ZEROS signal COUNT
integer signal IS_0 booleanbegin pr
ocess begin IS_0 lt true COUNT_ZER
OS("01101001", COUNT) wait for 0
ns if COUNT gt 0 then IS_0 lt
false end if wait end
processend EXAMPLE
55Data Types
- Each object in VHDL has to be of some type, which
defines possible values and operations that can
be performed on this object (and other object of
the same type) . - VHDL is strongly typed language which causes that
two types defined in exactly the same way but
differing only by names will be considered
differently. - If a translation from one type to another is
required, then type convention must be applied
even if the two types are similar.
56Data Types
A physical type is a numeric type for
representing some physical quantity, such as
mass, length, time or voltage. type distance is
range 0 to 1E5 units um mm 1000 um In_a25400
um end units Variable Dis1,dis2
Distance Dis128mm
An integer type is a scalar whose set of values
include integer numbers in specific
range. type byte_int is range 0 to 255 type
voltage_level is range 0 to 5
An enumeration type is a type whose values are
defined by listing (enumerating) them
explicitly. type logic_level is (unknown, low,
undriven, high)
A floating point type is a discrete approximation
to the set of real numbers in a specified
range. type signal_level is range 10.00 to
57Data Types
A record type allows declaring composite objects
whose elements can be from different types. Type
RegName is (AX,BX,DX) Type Operation is record
Mnemonicstring (1 to 10) OpCodeBit_Vector(3
downto 0) Op1,op2,RegRegName End
record Variable Instr3 Operation Instr3.
Mnemonic Mul AX, BX Inst3.Op1Ax
- Is an indexed collection of elements all of the
same type. Arrays may be one-dimensional (with
one index) or multidimensional (with a number of
indices). - type VAR is array (0 to 7) of integer
- constant SETTING VAR (2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16)
- type VECTOR2 is array (natural range ltgt,
natural range ltgt) of std_logic - variable ARRAY3x2 VECTOR2 (1 to 3, 1 to 2))
((1,0), (0,-), (1, Z))
- A type with a constraints. A value belong to a
subtype of a given type if it belongs to the type
and satisfied the constraints. - Subtype Digits is Integer range 0 to 9
- Integer is a predefined type and the subtype
digits will constraints the type to ten values
59Standard Data Types
) type BIT is (0,1) type CHARACTER is
(-- ascii set) type INTEGER is range
-- implementation_defined
type REAL is range
-- implementation_defined -- BIT_VECTOR, STRIN
- Every type has a number of possible values
- Standard types are defined by the language
- User can define his own types
- Signal Instruction Bit_vector(15 downto 0)
- Alias OpCode Bit_vector(3 downto 0) is
Instruction(15 downto 12) - Alias Source Bit_vector(1 downto 0) is
Instruction(11 downto 10) - Alias design Bit_vector(1 downto 0) is
Instruction(9 downto 8) - Alias Immdata Bit_vector(7 downto 0) is
Instruction(7 downto 0)
- A basic operation that combines one or more
values into a composite value of a record or
array type - Variable data_1 Bit_vecot(0 to 3)
(0,1,0,1) - Variable data_1 Bit_vecot(0 to 3)
(1gt1,0gt0, 3gt1,2gt0) - Signal data_Bus std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
- data_Buslt(15 downto 8 gt 0, 7 downto 0
gt1) - Signal data_Bus std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
- data_Buslt(14downto 8 gt 0, othersgt1)
- Signal data_Bus std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
- data_Buslt(othersgtz)
- Type Status_record is record
- CodeInteger
- Namestring(1 to 4)
- End record
- Variable Status_var Status_record
(codegt57, namegtMOVE)
- architecture EXAMPLE_1 of CONCATENATION
is signal BYTE bit_vector (7
downto 0) signal A_BUS, B_BUS bit_vector (3
downto 0)begin BYTE lt A_BUS B_BUSend
EXAMPLE - Variable Bytedat bit_vector(7 downto 0)
- Alias Modulus bit_vector(6 downto 0) is
bytedat(6 downto 0) -
- Bytedate1 modulas
- Attributes are a feature of VHDL that allow you
to extract additional information about an object
(such as a signal, variable or type) that may not
be directly related to the value that the object
carries. - Type table is array (1 to 8) of Bit
- Variable array_1 table00001111
- Arrat_1left, the leftmost value of table array
is equal to 1 - architecture example of enums is
- type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read,
Idle) - signal L, R state_type
- begin
- L lt state_typeleft -- L has the value of
Init - R lt state_typeright -- R has the value of
Idle - end example
- (clock'EVENT and clock'1')
- type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read,
Idle) - variable P integer state_typepos(Read)
-- P has the value of 3 - type state_type is (Init, Hold, Strobe, Read,
Idle) - variable V state_type state_typeval(2)
-- V has the value of Strobe
- http//www.seas.upenn.edu/ese201/vhdl/vhdl_primer
.html_Toc526061356 - http//www.vhdl-online.de/vhdl/tutorial/
- http//tams-www.informatik.unihamburg .de
/vhdl/doc/cookbook/VHDL Cookbook .pdf