Title: Central European University Summer University Budapest, Hungary
1Central European UniversitySummer
UniversityBudapest, Hungary
25 reasons why to apply for SUN
35 reasons why to apply to SUN
- SUN offers a wide variety of high-level,
research-oriented, interdisciplinary and
innovative academic courses - SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds - participants receive impetus for further
research, for building up an academic network,
possibility of joint publications - SUN offers various funding packages for
participants - excellent facilities are provided at CEU
4SUN offers a wide variety of high-level,
research-oriented, interdisciplinary and
innovative academic courses
1996-2005 SUN hosted 183 courses in various
disciplines, i.e.
- International Relations
- Legal Studies
- Media Studies
- Medieval Studies
- Nationalism Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Public Policy
- Sociology
- Urban Studies
Cognitive Science Comparative Religion Complex
Systems Cultural Anthropology Economics Education
Policy Energy Policy Environmental
Sciences Ethnic Studies History Human Rights
The uniqueness of the subject, the commitment of
the teaching staff and the overall methodology
and execution made the course an outstanding
success. I have never experienced a more
comprehensive and professional display of what
quality academic interaction can be. (course
participant, 2002)
5SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds 1.
The ten summer schools held so far- hosted 183
courses,- received 16,131 applications- 4,983
participants attended, and- 1,352 faculties
taught the various courses.
- What did you like most about SUN?
- the persistence in building the subtle
equilibrium among people with different
interests. - (course participant, 2002)
Faculty profileProfessors have come to teach
courses- from 53 different countries so far-
11 of faculty were from the region- 32 from
countries that became new EU member states in
2004- 54 from Western Europe, America, Canada,
Australia, Israel and Japan- 2 from
non-regional emerging democracies
SUN faculty have included...
6SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds 2.
Peter Brown Professor of History Princeton
University Glen Bowersock Professor of Ancient
History Institute for Advanced Study, School of
Historical Studies, Princeton Dan Sperber Social
and Cognitive Scientist CNRS, and CREA Hayden
White University Professor Emeritus at the
University of California, Santa Cruzand
Professor of Comparative Literature at Stanford
University Myles Burnyeat Research Fellow All
Souls College, Oxford, UK Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd
Professor of Arabic Language and Literature
Utrecht University and Cairo University Vinh-Kim
Nguyen Professor of Medical Anthropology McGill
University Sir Geoffrey Lloyd Professor of
Ancient Philosophy and Science, University of
Cambridge Michael Burawoy Professor of Sociology
University of California, Berkeley Victor
Friedman Professor of Linguistics University of
Chicago Dru C. Gladney Professor of Asian Studies
University of Hawaii Moshe Idel Professor of
Jewish Thought Hebrew University, Jerusalem Will
Kymlicka Professor of Philosophy Queens
University, Kingston Andrei Pippidi Professor of
History University of Bucharest Jorn Rusen
Professor of History Kulturwissenschaftliches
Institut, Essen Ivan Szelenyi Professor of
Sociology Yale University Tamas Vicsek Professor
of Biological Physics Eotvos Lorand University,
Budapest Paul Bloom Professor of Psychology Yale
University Tim German Assistant Professor of
Psychology University of California Paul Hyams
Associate Professor Cornell University Patrick
James Professor of Political Science University
of Missouri-Columbia James Rosenau Professor of
International Studies George Washington
University Brian Stock Professor Emeritus
University of Toronto Guy Stroumsa Martin Buber
Professor of Comparative Religion Hebrew
University of Jerusalem
7SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds 3.
Participant Figures 1998-2005
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Applie
d 1570 1859 1874 1769 2046 1361 1007 739 From
the region 1528 1805 1813 1408 1757 950 714 434
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Attend
ed 541 586 590 622 578 504 390 349 From
the region 525 562 560 510 472 393 246
Overall acceptance rate 47 Overall acceptance
rate in the region 35
8SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds 4.
Participants Employment Profile 2005
9SUN brings together internationally recognized
faculty and a variety of outstanding junior
academics and professionals with various
backgrounds 5.
Participants Regional Distribution 2005
10SUN offers various funding packages 1.
While application from all over the world is
encouraged, continued priority is given to
applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, the
former Soviet Union and countries experiencing
emerging democracies worldwide. Applicants from
these countries, when admitted on merit, will be
eligible for scholarship, while those from
developed countries will usually be expected to
pay fees.
11SUN offers various funding packages 2.
Participants from Central and Eastern Europe and
the former Soviet Union and Mongolia, as well as
those coming from emerging democracies worldwide
can apply for financial aid. The scholarships
do not include living expenses, participants have
to cover these on their own. Living expenses
including local transportation and meals are
estimated to be EUR 150 for two weeks.
12SUN offers various funding packages 3.
Funding Packages
Tuition waiver The tuition fee is provided.
Recipients have to cover their own insurance,
travel, accommodation and living
expenses. Partial SUN Scholarship Includes
tuition fee, accommodation and insurance. The
recipients of the scholarship have to cover their
travel and living expenses. Full SUN Scholarship
Includes tuition fee, accommodation, insurance
and a full or partial travel grant. The
recipients of the scholarship have to cover their
living expenses.
13SUN offers various funding packages 4.
Further Funding Information
The Full SUN Scholarships may include a full or
partial travel grant which can be applied for on
a competitive basis and will be available in a
limited number. Visa costs and short domestic
trips are not reimbursed. The citizens of the
following countries are not eligible to apply for
a travel grant Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Serbia
and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and the
western part of Ukraine, i.e. they should choose
Partial SUN Scholarship.
14SUN offers various funding packages 4.
As the number of fully funded scholarships
available is limited, funding offered by
institutions or individuals is welcome so that we
can invite more well qualified applicants. When
choosing the financial aid package, applicants
should consider if they of their institution can
contribute to the program expenses. Faculty and
Ph.D. students are advised to approach their home
departments for travel grants researchers may
have research grants available which can cover
their participation professionals may turn to
their employers to fund their training in SUN.
While selection of applicants will be based on
the academic merit of the applications, those
willing to bear the participation costs fully or
partially will be preferred in case of equally
strong applications.
15excellent facilities are provided 1.
The CEU educational buildings are located in the
heart of the capital. These buildings include
both educational facilities and administrative
offices. The main building of CEU consists of
two monument buildings and a newly constructed
faculty tower. For the careful renovation of one
of the monument buildings, CEU received the
"Urban Rehabilitation of 1995" award from the
Architects Association. A modern, ten-story
faculty tower was constructed behind the two
monument buildings and now houses most of the
universitys faculty offices and classrooms. The
tower is also the site of the library and the
university auditorium, an amphitheater-style
lecture hall.
16excellent facilities are provided 2.
CEU Library
The CEU Budapest Library (CEUBL) was established
in June 1992. The library has 2,000 square meters
of open access area comprising four separate
reading halls and a Multimedia Library.
Twenty-four personal computers with Internet
access and access to all on-line and CD-ROM
databases are available for all members in the
reading area. The CEU Library collects materials
in the fields of social sciences, philosophy,
political sciences, international relations,
legal studies, history, economics, business
studies, gender studies, art and literature,
medieval studies and environmental sciences.
Open Society Archives
The OSA was established in 1995. The Archives
provide research resources for the history of
communism and the Cold War, for human rights
issues, and the activities of the Soros
foundations network. The first acquisition was
the records of the Research Institute of Radio
Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).
17excellent facilities are provided 3.
Computer usage
Participants are given access to the computing
equipment in the CEU Computer Labs. There are
five Labs available four in the main building,
and one in the CEU Dormitory. Participants
receive a log-in name and an e-mail address in an
introductory computer lab tour. They have also
the possibility of working on a common drive set
up for the purposes of the given course.
18excellent facilities are provided 4.
The CEU Residence and Conference Center (Kerepesi
Dormitory) is a modern residence complex located
in the 10th District in Budapest. It provides
air-conditioned single and double rooms for up to
200 students each room is equipped with a
personal computer and a private bathroom. The
dormitory is run as a hotel-type service and
students can find many other facilities such as a
small shop for various personal articles
cafeteria, restaurant and a pub sports center
with swimming pool and fitness room, basketball
and tennis courts, etc. On every floor there is a
quiet lounge with a coffee machine, microwave
oven and a refrigerator a TV room and a laundry
19Eligibility criteria and SUN 2006
20Eligibility criteria 1.
- Minimum requirement for application is a
university degree. The program encourages
applications from advanced Ph.D. students,
postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty, researchers
and professionals. - The language of instruction is English thus all
applicants have to demonstrate a strong command
of spoken and written English to be able to
participate actively in discussions at seminars
and workshops.
21Eligibility criteria 2.
- Individuals are not eligible to apply to a SUN
course if they attended a CRC (Curriculum
Resource Center) session in the same calendar or
academic year. Additionally, applicants are not
eligible to apply to SUN if they have already
participated in two CEU faculty initiative
activities (i.e., CRC, SUN) within a four-year
period. Preference will be given to new
applicants over former participants in Summer
University courses.
22How to find out more about SUN
visit our website http//www.ceu.hu/sun
contact us via e-mail summeru_at_ceu.hu
via phone 36-1 327-3811 via
fax 36-1 328-3698 or 36-1 327-3124
mail to us CEU Summer University
Nador u. 9. H-1051 Budapest Hungary
visit us Zrinyi u. 14. H-1051 Budapest
Thank you for your attention!