Title: Fellowship Match Committee
1Fellowship Match Committee
- Douglas W. Brown, MD, Chair
- Christopher D. Harner, MD
- Robert E. Hunter, MD
- Peter Jokl, MD
- Michael J. Stuart, MD
2Fellowship Match Committee
- Chair
- AOSSM rep
- AANA rep
- AOSSM rep
- AANA rep
- Committee chair alternates between AOSSM AANA
designee for two-year term beginning with AOSSM
not involved with Fellowship
not involved with Fellowship
involved with Fellowship
3Grievance Committee
- AOSSM AANA Presidents
- AOSSM AANA President Elects
- AOSSM AANA Vice Presidents
- AOSSM AANA Treasurers
- AOSSM AANA Secretaries
- 2009 Match Data
- 43 dropouts
- 14 who didnt match
- 2009 Post-Match Survey
- 2010 Match Agreement Application
- 2010 Match Timeline
- Questions
Where did they go?
52009 Match Data
- Where did the 43 applicant dropouts go?
- 13 Unknown (many foreign medical graduates)
- 12 Different Specialty
- (4) Shoulder (3) Joint (2) Trauma (1) Foot (1)
Hand (1) Unknown - 4 - Foreign Med. Grads
- 3 - Military Deferment Denied
- 1 - Scrambled for sports spot
- 2 - Fired/Held back
- 3 - Registered but never applied or applied to
one program only - 1 - Personal reasons
- 4 Sports - outside the match
62009 Match Data
- Where did the 14 applicants who didnt match go?
- 5 - No reply
- 4 - Still looking for a spot
- 4 - Scrambled secured a spot
- 1 - Decided not to do fellowship
72009 Post-Match Survey(Applicants)
- 93/198 47
- Overall, 90 of applicants surveyed their
experience with the match was good or
excellent. - Many suggested that programs could be more
organized on interview day - For all the comments on the interview process,
see the 1 page document in your folder
82009 Post-Match Survey(Programs)
- 64/95 67
- 81 Support NO additional materials be requested
with application - 84 Support an application deadline of December
15, 2009 for ALL programs - 91 Receptive to coordinating interview dates
with programs in their area
92009 Post-Match Survey(Programs)
- 61 - 80 said good or excellent outcome
- Fairness, Transparency, Communication
102010 MatchMatch Agreement
- The Fellowship Match Committee is charged with
monitoring and assuring compliance with the Match
process. The Fellowship Match Committee will
monitor communications between fellowship
programs and residency programs to ensure the
communication is only related to due diligence
and not to undermine the integrity of the match
process. - (a copy of changes to Appendix A in your folder)
112010 MatchMatch Agreement
- Post Interview Communication Programs should
not communicate (verbally, in writing, or through
other individuals) with applicants and they
should not request that applicants communicate
with them. Communication between fellowship
programs and an applicants residency program,
colleague or letter writer can occur if
performing due diligence regarding a particular
candidate. Conversations may not include any
discussion about rank order or intention to rank
from either party. Throughout the process, and
regardless of any circumstances of the
communications between the fellowship program and
the candidate, including any interested parties
on either side, the integrity of the blind match
process must be protected.
122010 MatchMatch Agreement
- Thank you letters from applicants to program are
discouraged. Programs are prohibited from sending
thank you letters to applicants. - The Fellowship Match Committee strongly suggests
each program read aloud the terms of Appendix A
to all applicants prior to conducting interviews. - Mention post-interview/pre-match survey
- Committee STRONGLY discourages programs
requesting supplement material in addition to the
application, 4 letters of reference, USMLE
Score Report.
132010 MatchApplication
- Now requests an official USMLE score report
- Now requests a 4th letter of recommendation
- Now includes statement on post-interview
communication - Modified to remove OITE scores
142010 MatchApplication
- Statement on Communication
- Post Interview Communication  Programs should
not communicate with applicants, and should not
request or expect that applicants communicate
with them post interview. While a thank you note
is generally regarded as a polite gesture, the
Fellowship Match Committee discourages even these
types of communications. - (a copy of the application is in your folder)
15Letter to Selected Programs (10)
- June 26, 2009
- Â
- REÂ AANA/AOSSM Fellowship Match
- Â
- Dear ,
- Â
- We had a successful first year of the match, and
we are very pleased with the level of
participation by programs and applicants, and the
high degree of compliance with the match rules. - Â
- An area of some ambiguity and concern this past
year involved post-interview communication with
applicants. Our intention going into the match
was for there to be no communication, but we
received some reports that some programs
(directors, faculty, staff or fellows) apparently
interpreted the rules differently and, in some
cases, followed up with applicants to determine
their interest in ranking the program or
requested that the applicants contact them if
they were interested in the program. We view
these types of communications as inappropriate
because they potentially compromise the integrity
of the blind match process. - Â
- Through anonymous surveys with applicants and
program directors which we conducted, your
program was identified as one where some
post-interview communication with applicants may
have occurred. My purpose in writing is not to
stipulate or investigate this matter further, but
simply to inform you that going forward any
post-interview communications will be considered
a violation of the match agreement. Going
forward, the Fellowship Match Committee, which
was created to oversee the match process, will
address any issues which are raised, including
questionable communication, as was the case this
year. - Â
- Please understand that this letter is strictly
confidential. Other Fellowship Match Committee
and Fellowship Committee members are aware that
these letters are being written, but they do not
know to whom they are being written. - Â
- I hope you appreciate that the sole purpose in
writing is to insure the integrity of the match
process in the future by establishing clear
expectations. I know I speak for all the
committee members and AOSSM staff in saying that
we appreciate your support and your desire to
build upon the success of this first year. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me directly. - Â
- Sincerely,
- Â
- Douglas W. Brown, MD
162010 Match Dates
On or before - participating programs must
submit 150 August 15, 2009 check signed
agreement to AOSSM - programs register
their program via web link provided
by AOSSM, once their match agreement
has been received processed
Beginning - participating programs
listed on the website Sept 1, 2009 -
application available on SF Match website -
applicants are permitted to sign-up for
match, complete on-line application,
submit to programs of interest
172010 Match Dates
October 1, 2009 - advertisements describing
programs listed in AJSM, Arthroscopy,
and Sports Medicine Update
December 15, 2009 deadline for submitting
182010 Match Dates
Jan 1, 2010 - interviews may begin
(12 Interview Weeks)
Mar 26, 2010 - interviews end - rank
order lists due - please do
post-interview/pre-match surveys
(2 Weeks)
April 12, 2010 - programs notified if they
filled (Monday) - applicants notified
if did/didnt match
April 13, 2010 - Match Day (Tuesday)
19Thank you!
202009 Match Data
- Program Participation
- 95 Programs participated
- 93 submitted rank order lists
- 2 contacted the Society because they had no
interviews. Are participating in the scramble.
- 224 Positions
- 209 Accredited
- 15 Non-Accredited
- 83 of all positions (184) matched.
- 71 of all programs (67) fully matched.
212009 Match Data
- Applicant Participation
- 241 Applicants registered
- 43 withdrew or didnt submit rank list
- 198 Applicants participating
- 184 applicants matched
- 14 applicants did not match
222009 Match Data
- Insight
- Mean number of applicants that a program ranked
was 8.46 per position - Median was 7.5
- Programs that fully matched ranked an average of
9.34 applicants per position. (Median 7.5) - Programs that did not fully match ranked an
average of 6.36 applicants per position. (Median
6.5) - Programs that did not match any position ranked
an average of 5.73 applicants per position.
(Median 4) - Programs that matched their 1 ranked applicant,
ranked an average of 8.22 applicants per
position. (Median 6)
232009 Match Data
- 22 Programs (23) matched 1 applicant
- 7 programs were single position programs
- 15 programs with multiple positions matched
their first choice applicant - 4 programs with multiple positions had all of
their ranked applicants match in order -
representing a total of 11 positions
242009 Match Data
- There were 9 non-accredited programs in the match
- representing 15 positions - 5 of those programs did not fully match
- 6 of the 15 positions did not match
- Of the 9 non-accredited positions that did not
match, 3 positions were in programs with other
accredited positions.