Pastor Search Committee Guidebook - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pastor Search Committee Guidebook


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pastor Search Committee Guidebook

Pastor SearchCommitteeGuidebook
Prepared by Ed Gilman and Lewis McMullen
Suncoast Baptist Association

STEP THREE Calling Your Pastor
STEP TWO Contacting Candidates
STEP ONE Church Preparation
See Table of Contents page 2 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • This is a spiritual journey
  • Every church in the course of its history goes
    through pastoral change. This is a normal
  • Your search effort must be rooted in Scripture
    bathed in prayer daily.
  • You are responsible to God His church for your
  • Your purpose is to follow the leadership of God
    in finding the pastor He has selected for your
  • Your church has shown confidence in your ability
    by choosing you to serve on the Pastor Search
  • Three keys to success Prayer support of the
    church, leadership of the Holy Spirit, some
    practical help like this guidebook.

Page 3 in Guidebook
  • What organization does your committee need?
  • Chairman convenes meetings, give general
  • Vice Chairman assists chairman, functions in
    chairmans absence.
  • Secretary keeps records of all meetings, handles
    correspondence, maintains committee files
    (resumes, minutes, etc).
  • Number of members vary, usually between 5-9.
    (my personal preference is 7)

Page 3 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • General Guidelines for your work
  • Keep the work of the committee confidential,
    especially the content of your meetings.
  • This will allow freedom to be open honest.
  • It helps keep rumors half-truths to a
  • It keeps outsiders from trying to influence
    the committee.
  • Give regular reports at business meetings or
    when appropriate.
  • Respect a pastors present ministry by always
    asking permission if you want to contact someone
    in his current church.
  • Be open honest about your churchs strengths
  • Always notify candidates that are no longer being
  • Organize prayer support specifically for your
    search committee.

Page 3 in Guidebook
Pastor Search Committee Agreement
  • Agree on the when where of your meetings.
  • Agree on the overall process you will follow.
  • Agree that you will always relate to one another
    in Christian love.
  • Agree to have Bible study prayer at every
  • Agree to pray for one another the church daily.
  • Agree that all information will be shared equally
    among the committee.
  • Agree to trust one another by always being open
  • Agree to communicate with the church with regular
  • Agree to work with unity, confidentiality,
  • Agree to be faithful to attend participate in
    each meeting.
  • Agree to keep good minutes of the meetings.
  • Agree to not rush the work of the committee.
  • Agree not to speak for the committee until the
    committee has spoken.
  • Agree to make unanimous decisions.
  • Agree that there are no perfect pastors.

Page 4 in Guidebook
Pastor, Overseer, Elder, Bishop, Shepherd
Be shepherds of Gods flock that is under your
care, serving as overseers, not because you must,
but because you are willing, as God wants you to
be not greedy for money, but eager to serve not
lording it over those entrusted to you, but
being examples to the flock. 1
Peter 52-3
Page 5 in Guidebook
Pastor, Overseer, Elder, Bishop, Shepherd
An elder must be blameless, the husband of but
one wife, a man whose children believe and are
not open to the charge of being wild and
disobedient. Since an overseer is entrusted with
Gods work, he must be blameless- not
overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to
drunkenness, not violent, not pursing dishonest
gain. Rather he must be hospitable, one who
loves what is good, who is self-controlled,
upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold
firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been
taught, so that he can encourage others by sound
doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Titus 16-9
Page 5 in Guidebook
Pastor, Overseer, Elder, Bishop, Shepherd
Now the overseer must be above reproach, the
husband of but one wife, temperate,
self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to
teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but
gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of
money. He must manage his own family well and
see that his children obey him with proper
respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage
his own family, how can he
take care of Gods church? He must not be a
recent convert, or he may become conceited and
fall under the same judgment as the devil. He
must also have a good reputation with outsiders,
so that he will not fall into disgrace and into
the devils trap. 1 Timothy
Page 5 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Pastor, Overseer, Elder, Bishop, Shepherd
  • Biblical Characteristics of Pastor
  • Shepherd, Overseer, Servant, Example. 1 Peter
  • Blameless, One wife, Children are believers,
    Hospitable, Loves what is good, Self-controlled,
    Upright, Holy, Disciplined, Sound Doctrine.
    Titus 16-9
  • Above reproach, One wife, Temperate,
    Self-controlled, Respectable, Hospitable, Able to
    Teacher, Not given to drunkenness, Gentle, Not
    quarrelsome, Not a lover of money, Manage his
    family well, Not be a recent convert, Have a good
    reputation. 1 Timothy 32-7

Page 5 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • What is Team-based Ministry?
  • What is a team? a group of interdependent people
    committed to a common purpose who chose to
    cooperate in order to achieve exceptional
    results. N.A.M.B.
  • The pastor is the team leader of the pastoral
    ministry team. He normally has a calling and
    giftedness in preaching/teaching as well as other
  • The pastoral ministry team is made up of
    ministers with specific callings spiritual
    gifts that they bring to the team.
  • Some have spiritual gifts calling in the area
    of music worship, others in the area of
    education, administration, youth, children,
    singles, seniors, etc.
  • Deacons serve the Lord the church as an
    extension of the pastoral ministry team. (see
    Acts 6)

Page 6 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Why a Team-based Ministry?
  • Our culture has changed. It is unrealistic to
    think one individual could keep up with all the
    technological advances information overload
    that is part of our complex society.
  • Life today is significantly impacted with teams.
    (President-cabinet, military-officers staff,
    sports coaches- team of assistants, CEOs-team of
  • Individualism is greatly exaggerated in our hero
    worshiping culture, even the Lone Ranger had
  • Normally you can accomplish more on a team than
    as an individual.
  • (exercise uses for a paper clip)

Page 6 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Why a Team-based Ministry?
  • Teams are a Biblical concept.
  • Teams arent the latest corporate world fad,
    they have been in existence since the beginning
    of time (literally).
  • Jesus had a ministry team of 12.
  • Paul always took a missionary team on his
  • Genesis 218, Exodus 1817-19, Ecclesiastes
  • I Cor. 1214, 18 Ephesians 411

Page 7 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • It is the counsel of Christian leaders like
  • Charles Swindoll You can go further faster
    with a team personally Ill take a team over an
    individual any day.
  • George Barna Leadership works best where it is
    provided by teams of gifted leaders serving
    together in pursuit of a clear compelling
  • John Maxwell Statistics show that groups
    consistently make better quality, more creative
    decisions than individuals alone the question is
    whether we will acknowledge that fact become
    team players.

Page 7 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
STEP ONE Church Preparation
There are five key items in church preparation
Page 8 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
SAMPLE Congregational Survey
  • Survey the congregation for their input into the
    needs of the church the type pastor they
    prefer. This step affirms the church.
  • Conduct the survey on Sunday morning, either in
    Sunday School or worship. (Mailings are not
  • Here are some sample questions
  • What are the greatest strengths of our church?
  • What are some areas that need more emphasis?
  • What age person would you like our pastor to be?
  • What educational level do you prefer he have?
  • How important is it that he attended a Southern
    Baptist school.
  • How much pastoral experience do you think he
    should have?
  • How important is it that he has pastored Southern
    Baptist churches?
  • What size churches has he pastored?
  • What are the top three priorities our pastor
    should have?
  • What other qualities or characteristics should
    our pastor have?

Page 9 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Congregational Survey
The work of pastor involves four roles. (see
diagram at left) In your opinion how much time
should our new pastor spend in each role
______ Proclaim ______ Minister ______
Lead ______ Administer 100 TOTAL
(Add other questions to the survey that would be
important for your church)
Page 9 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Pastors Job Description

You are not looking for a preacher, you are
looking for a pastor.
The key to being a successful Search Committee is
to match the expectations of the church with the
strengths of the pastor!
PASTORS PRIMARY FUNCTION To provide leadership
that equips the church to carry out its five
functions of evangelism, discipleship, ministry,
fellowship, worship, as it fulfills the Great
Page 10 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Sample
  • Leading
  • Provide leadership to the pastoral ministry team
    as they
    equip the church to fulfill the Great
  • Lead equip the deacons to lead the ministry
    teams of the church.
  • Be the spiritual leader of the congregation.
  • Proclaiming
  • Preach and teach the Bible.
  • Lead the church in proclaiming the gospel to the
    church community.
  • Plan, coordinate, evaluate congregational
  • Ministering
  • Lead the church in a caring ministry for persons
    in the church community.
  • Conduct wedding ceremonies funerals of the
  • Plan lead in the observance of the church
    ordinances. (Lords Supper baptisms)
  • Administering
  • Provide administrative leadership for the total
    church program.
  • Advise in the selection of supervise all church
  • Serve as chair of the Church Council Moderator
    of the church. (check by-laws)

Page 10 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Pastors Compensation
  • The phrase salary package is very misleading.
  • Most employers do not include benefits business
    expenses as part of an employees salary.
  • Use the term compensation and divide it into
    three sections total each separately
  • 1- Salary- base salary, housing allowance,
    utilities allowance
  • 2- Family Protection Benefits- retirement, health
  • 3- Ministry Expenses- automobile,
  • books/periodicals, hospitality

Page 11 in Guidebook
SuncoastBaptist Association
Pastors Compensation Salary is usually based on
Education level of the pastor
Socio-economics of the church
(church size income)
(Bible College, MDiv, DMin)
Area cost of living
(rural, urban, suburban)
Experience of the pastor
Ability level of the pastor
(track record)
(churches served, tenure)
Page 11 in Guidebook
SuncoastBaptist Association
  • Church Information Packet
  • Purpose To introduce the candidates to your
    church community.
  • Include such things as
  • Brief history of the church. (when founded, major
  • Any printed materials available (bulletins,
    newsletters, packets)
  • Local community demographics trends.
    (population trends)
  • 5-10 year record of church programs from annual
    church reports. (see page 13 of Guidebook)
  • Major emphasis or plans for the future.
    (long-range plans, etc)
  • Church facilities information. (present future
  • Present staff and program leadership.
    (organization charts, etc)
  • Church website address. (if church has one)

Page 12-13 in Guidebook
Church Profile Worksheet Includes
Suncoast Baptist Association
Music Program Missions Groups Income
receipts Mission Giving Discipleship
  • Membership
  • Baptisms
  • Worship Attendance
  • Sunday School Enrollment
  • Sunday School Attendance

Page 13 in Guidebook
STEP TWO Begin Screening
Suncoast Baptist Association
Select 1-2-3 Priorities
Set A Deadline for Resumes
Telephone References
Second Screening
First Screening
Core Values Survey
Letters Of Inquiry
Reference Forms
Page 14 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Gather Resumes
  • Possible sources for resumes
  • Church Members
  • Local Pastors
  • Local Association
  • State Convention
  • Seminaries

Page 15 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Set a Deadline for Receiving Resumes
  • This insures all resumes will get equal
  • Normally 30 days is a sufficient time for
    receiving resumes.
  • To prevent false expectations on the part of any
    candidates, work through your resume sources
    rather than your Search Committee making direct
    contact with candidates. (be sure to get accurate
    information from your source individuals)

Page 15 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Begin Screening
  • This is a spiritual journey for your committee,
    church, future pastor, will require much time
    in prayer, Bible study, dialogue.
  • The Church Member Survey has helped you shape a
    profile of your future pastor based on what
    members feel they need in a pastor.
  • This survey profile will be very useful to you
    when you have numerous resumes to consider.
  • Remember the Church Member Survey is a guide not
    a mandate that must be followed without any
  • After the deadline, the Search Committee should
    prayerfully go through the resumes divide them
    into three stacks based on
  • A- Most fits church expectations
  • B- Somewhat fits church expectations
  • C- Does not fit church expectations

Page 15 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Stack A now becomes the focus of your
    committees search.
  • Keep a log of your A candidates (see page 16).
  • Do not discard the other resumes, especially the
    B candidates.

Page 15-16 in Guidebook
Suncoast BaptistAssociation
  • A Letter of Inquiry
  • Send a letter to each candidate. (see sample on
    page 17)
  • The purpose of the letter is to find out the
    level of interest on the part of the candidates.
    (sometimes resumes are outdated)
  • Give a deadline for their response to your
    letter. (a
    follow-up card or letter reminder is usually
  • Include with the letter information to help
    candidates with their decision things like
  • 1- The Church Information Packet
  • 2- A summary of the Church Survey
  • 3- Job Description Compensation Package
  • 4- Anything else that would be useful

(See Pages 9-13 in Guidebook)
Page 17 in Guidebook
  • Suggestions would be to former staff members,
    Deacon Chairmen, Director of Missions, or State

Send Reference Forms
Send Reference Forms to anyone who has worked
with the candidates or knew them in a previous
  • Personalize the reference form for your churchs

Mark NI on your list of A candidates who
eliminated themselves from consideration
After the deadline for responses, send Reference
Forms to each reference on the resume of the
candidates that responded positively.
Page 18 in Guidebook
  • Values drive our behavior in our family, our job,
    or our church.
  • Identified or not, every church has a set of core
    values that effect all decisions, priorities,
    goals, how problems are solved, everything
  • The P.S.C. can do a great service for its church
    potential candidate by taking a core values
    survey of the congregation.
  • Later this will be matched (or not) with the top
    potential candidates.

Page 19 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • See sample Core Values Survey

    on page 19-20 of the guidebook.
  • The survey covers the key areas

    of church life
  • Prayer, ministry, preaching,

    organization, worship, Bible study,

    missions, fellowship, outreach,

    evangelism, stewardship,

    discipleship, unity, etc.

Pages 19-20 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Second Screening
  • As a committee discuss the reference information
    on each candidate.
  • Pray for Gods leadership then divide all your
    A candidates again into three stacks again
    based on the new information you have gathered.
  • Again label each stack, one suggestion is a,
    b, c, based on which most, somewhat, least
    fits church expectations.
  • Your a group now become the focus in this
    crucial stage in the process.
  • Mark them in the appropriate spot on your list of
    candidates. (refer to page 16 in

Page 21 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Second Screening
  • With this smaller group (a) it is now possible
    to call each of their resume references, as well
    as additional people who worked with them or knew
    them in previous churches.
  • It is strongly recommended that you pursue
    references beyond those listed by the candidate
    on his resume. (Church Secretaries at his
    previous churches may give you suggestions for
    reference checks.)
  • It is ok to use some of the earlier references
    because sometimes people are more open on the
    telephone than in writing.
  • It is suggested that each committee member use a
    uniform form.
    (sample on page 22)
  • Question 15 on the Telephone Reference Form can
    be very important as some people are hesitant to
    share information unless you ask a question like
  • The purpose of a uniform form for your telephone
    conversations is so that common information will
    be gathered to make it easier for an equal
    comparison of each candidate. (can be volumes of

Page 21-22 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Chose Your Top Three
  • You are now probably at the most crucial time in
    the process.
  • It is time to prayerfully determine your top
    three candidates.
  • Spend time in prayer as a committee before you
    rank your 1-2-3 candidates.
  • The committee should be unanimous on their first
    choice candidate.
  • Do not try to consider all three candidates in a
    popularity contest.
  • Depend on God to bring your committee to His
    first choice for your pastor.
  • It is my opinion that when committees consider
    more than one candidate, the committees can
    become hopelessly deadlocked in a popularity
    contest that divides the committee sometimes
    the church.

Page 21 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Seek His Will!
  • Prioritizing Your Top Three
  • Sometimes this step is easy obvious, and at
    other times it is difficult laborious.
  • Take as much time as you need for the committee
    to agree on the top three.

    (You can list them
    in the last column of your candidates list, page
  • After this decision is made, ask each of the
    three candidates to complete a core values survey
    and to send you a written doctrinal statement
    an audio or video sermon.

Page 21 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
STEP THREE Calling Your Pastor
Choosing Your Prospective Pastor Prospective
Pastor Interview Form Presenting Your Candidate
to the Church
Page 23 in Guidebook
Choosing Your Prospective Pastor
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Go to his current church observe his worship
    leadership style, how he interacts with the
    people the general atmosphere of the church.
  • Schedule an interview appointment so that you
    will have adequate time to meet him interview
    him without being rushed.
  • Use a questionnaire for the interview.
  • (See sample on page 28)
  • Using set questions will help you not to forget
    important questions it will be useful so
    members can write in their answers on the return
  • Divide questions you will use for the interview
    among the committee members.

Page 24 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Choosing Your Prospective Pastor
  • Dont fill in your questionnaire answers during
    the interview. (a hot-seat already)
  • Begin with small talk to overcome the
    awkwardness of the first meeting.
  • Next, share about your Church Member Survey
    summary, Church Information Packet, and Core
    Values Survey. (page 9, 12,
    19-20 in Guidebook)
  • Be open to the Holy Spirits prompting to ask
    questions that were not previously thought about.

Page 24 in Guidebook
The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters,
but a man of understanding draws them
out. Proverbs 205 (NIV)
Be An "Inner-Viewer"
Page 24 in Guidebook
Two Basic Types of Inquiry
  • Open-Ended
  • Follow-Up Probing

Page 24 in Guidebook
Principles of Open-Ended Inquiry
  • Open-Ended
  • Behaviorally Focused
  • Not Leading
  • Not Hypothetical
  • Relevant
  • Clear and to the Point
  • Not Intimidating

Page 24-25 in Guidebook
Follow-Up Probing
  • Listen for behavior
  • Recast the probe
  • Piggyback off the preceding behavior description
  • Probe to visualize behavior
  • Focus on past, rather than future, behavior

Page 25 in Guidebook
Follow-Up Probing
  • Focus on actor not the stage
  • First-person singular
  • Do not engage in counseling

Page 25 in Guidebook
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Interviews
  • Control
  • Completeness
  • Flexibility
  • Low Threat
  • Retention
  • Informative

Page 26 in Guidebook
Interview Skills
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Minimal encouragers
  • Specific statements
  • Non-judgmental reaction
  • Gain a balanced picture
  • Safe climate
  • Negative information
  • Calculated Pauses
  • Pacing the interview
  • Attending behavior
  • Watch Your Non-Verbals

Page 26-27 in Guidebook
Avoid Like the Plague...
  • Talking too much
  • (15 of the time)
  • Ineffective questioning
  • Impatience with pauses and silence
  • Jumping to premature conclusions

Page 27 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Choosing Your Prospective Pastor
  • Dont make a commitment at this time.
  • Schedule a committee follow-up meeting to make
    your decision about the call.

Page 27 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Choosing Your Prospective Pastor
The Follow-up Committee Meeting
  • Have each member share their feelings about the
  • It is normal healthy to have different opinions
    or unique impressions by committee members. (ie
    ladies perspective)
  • Pray earnestly about the decision.
  • Vote I suggest secret ballot.
  • The committee should be unanimous.
  • If the vote is yes, proceed in making plans to
    present him to the church.
  • If the vote is no, communicate this to him
    proceed to your 2nd candidate.

Page 27 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Send a Credit and Legal Information release
    form to your candidate.

Authorization For Release Of Credit
and Legal Information I
hereby authorize __________________________Church
to check my credit and legal history with all
appropriate sources. Such information may be
obtained for the years of ________ to the
present. Ministers Name ________________________
___________ Spouses Name ________________________
___________ Ministers Drivers License
_________________________ Ministers Social
Security __________________________ Ministers
Signature ________________________________ Spouse
s Signature ________________________________ Date
Page 29 in Guidebook
Presenting Your Candidate to the Church
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Your committee should host all meetings with
  • Suggested groups to meet with candidate Deacons,
    Leadership Council, Church Staff.

Your goal is to make sure everyone has an
opportunity to meet the candidate, for select
groups to have personal time with him.
  • Your Committee should have a meeting with the
    candidate to discuss written specific details of
    the call.

Some specific details for your committee to
discuss Compensation, Job Description, By-Laws,
Personnel Policies, Moving Arrangements.
Scheduled a church-wide fellowship with time for
informal questions to the candidate.
Page 30 in Guidebook
Presenting Your Candidate to the Church
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Have candidate preach am pm vote after pm.
  • Most churches vote by secret ballot when calling
    a pastor.
  • Excuse the Pastor his family during the voting

If the vote is not high enough, this should be
explained to the candidate in private.
If vote is affirmative, communicate the
percentage to the candidate.
Be clear ahead of time the minimum vote
requirement for a call.
Page 30 in Guidebook
Presenting Your Candidate to the Church
Suncoast Baptist Association
  • Sometimes a candidate may request a week to pray
    about his decision.
  • If the pastor accepts the call, the Pastor Search
    Committee should assist in the transition of the
    pastor his family into the church.

If the vote is affirmative, the new pastor should
make a statement to the congregation.
  • Many churches plan a special service for the
    pastors first message.
  • You should befriend the new pastor his family,
    support them help them adjust to their new
  • Pastors 1st Sunday suggestions High Attendance
    Day/Church-wide fellowship/Installation, invite
    community leaders, invite Director of Missions.

Page 30 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
Thank God for His presence, guidance, power,
faithfulness to you, your new pastor the church.
Suncoast Baptist Association
Pastor Search Committee Flowchart
See page 31 in Guidebook
Suncoast Baptist Association
C E L E B R A T E !
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