Title: The National GEM Consortium Fellowship Program
1The National GEM Consortium Fellowship Program
- Cordelia M. Brown, Ph. D.
- Purdue University
- Assistant Professor
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering Education
- Purdue University
- Big Ten Graduate School Exposition
- West Lafayette, Indiana
- September 28, 2009
2Student FAQs
- Why Should I Go to Graduate School?
- How Can I Pay for Graduate School?
- How Do I Apply for Graduate School?
- How Do I Apply for a GEM Fellowship?
- Where Can I Go to Graduate School?
- Tips For Securing Fellowships?
3Our mission
- ENHANCE the value of the nations human capital
by increasing the participation of
underrepresented groups (African Americans,
American Indians, and Hispanic Americans) at the
masters and doctoral levels in engineering and
4Advanced degree benefits
- Passion
- Community Impact
- Increased compensation
- Higher starting salary
- Greater ability to earn independently
- Enhanced career flexibility
- Competitive advantage
- Greater choice of work
- Greater mobility
- Fortified self-confidence
- Demonstrated ability to perform rigorous tasks
5Identifies you as a LEADER
- A seat at the table
- Solutions to some of the nations most pressing
problems lie in science and engineering - Healthcare (AIDS, cancer, Alzheimer's)
- Sustainable environment
- Transportation
- Communications
- Strengthening civil infrastructure
6Why Graduate School? (continued)
- How much more will I make?
- BS Salary? 50,000 - 70,000
- Ph.D. Salary? 90,000
- Source www.salary.com
- What will these advanced degrees do for my
career? - Will I have more flexibility?
- What type of jobs or research will I do?
7Earning Potential
8Partners developing the pool
9How Can I Pay for Graduate School?
10Financial Aid Assistance is Available
- Institutional Aid
- Fellowships
- Teaching (TA)
- Research Assistantships (RA)
- Grants
- External Sources
- Federal State Aid
- Loans
- Employers
- Other sponsors Organizations
- (GEM), Philanthropic
- Foundations, Private Individuals
- or Special Clubs
11What is a Fellowship?
- Fellowships/traineeships, grants and scholarships
are outright awards made to graduate students
with no service obligation. They usually provide
a monthly stipend for living expenses, tuition
and required fees.
12General Characteristics of Fellowships
- Full-Time Enrollment
- 1-6 Year Duration
- No Outside Employment
- Summer Internship Requirement
- Citizenship Requirement
- Research-Specific/Discipline-Specific
- Merit-Based
13Institutionally Awarded Fellowships
- Fellowships offered through departments and/or
college - Contact Director of Graduate Programs
- University-Wide Fellowships
- Diversity Graduate Assistance Grants
14Nationally Competitive Fellowships
- Awarded directly from granting agencies/foundation
s to graduate students - Graduate students may choose to use their
fellowships at any university to which they have
been admitted. - The National GEM Consortium
- National Science Foundation
- Ford Foundation
- Jacob K. Javits
15Searching for Nationally Competitive Fellowships
- Petersons Grants for Graduate and Postdoctoral
Study - Web Resources Graduate School Financing
Graduate Education Web Site - Databases
- Agency/Foundation Web Links
16Financial aid resources
- www.gemfellowship.org National Consortium
offering the largest of fellowships/internships
for underrepresented students for Masters and PhD
degrees in engineering and science - www.collegesource.org a database with course
catalogues and institutional mission statements - www.gradschool.com a comprehensive online
resource of current graduate school information
and listings - www.petersons.com a thorough website, including
specific campus information and standardized test
information. - http//www.nsf.gov Search for and participate
in Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU
Program) and gain valuable experience - http//www.finaid.org The Financial Aid Web
site - Graduate Office at your university
- Graduate Office at universities of interest to
you - Department you plan to pursue your degree
17Financial aid resources
- The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS)
- http//www.usphs.gov/html/jrcostep.html
- http//www.usphs.gov/html/srcostep.html
- Marshall Fellowships
- http//www.marshallscholarship.org/
- EPA Marshall Fellowships
- http//www.marshallscholarship.org/applicationepa.
html - Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
- http//www.pdsoros.org/requirements.html
- Rhodes Scholarship Trust
- http//www.rhodesscholar.org/brochure.html
- Department of the State Fulbright Fellowships
- http//us.fulbrightonline.org/home.html
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
- http//www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf_web/co
ntent.aspx?pageGrad - Morris K. Udall Foundation
- http//www.udall.gov/udall.asp?link400
- Teach for America
- http//www.teachforamerica.org/admissions/index.ht
m - USDA Public Service Leaders Scholarship Program
- http//www.usdascholarships.com/applications/subse
ctionid.1,pageid.15/default.asp - Dept of Homeland Security Graduate Fellowships
- http//www.orau.gov/dhsed/Grad2006.htm
18Financial aid resourcesNational Science
Foundation (NSF)
- http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id52
57 - Math and Physical Science in Public Science
Education - http//www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_k
eynsf02064 - Navy Civilian Service Fellowships
- http//www.nsf.gov/pubs/2005/nsf05582/nsf05582.jsp
- Robert Noyce Scholarship Program
- http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id57
- East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for US
Graduate Students - http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id52
84 - Graduate Research Fellowship Program
- http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id62
01 - http//www.nsfgradfellows.org/
- http//www.igert.org/programs.asp
- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants
- http//www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id52
19How Do I Apply for Graduate School?
20Graduate admissions process
- Graduate school application
- University department forms, questionnaires
- Transcripts, letters of reference, statement of
purpose - Apply for admission at GEM member universities
before January 1st for additional funding
opportunities - Take Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
- Submit ALL documents at once
21Graduate admissions process (continued)
- Recommendation letters
- Ask for STRONG letters from faculty
- They should endorse your current
academic/research performance and future
capabilities - If they dont know your goals (industry,
professorate, academic administration) they cant
support them in writing - Allow 2-3 weeks for letters to be written
- Statement of purpose
- Have faculty/advisor/mentor review before
22Graduate Admissions Process (continued)
- Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
- Two parts General and discipline exams
- Includes a writing section http//www.gre.org
- Computer-based exams offered continuously
- Resources include search services, online
practice exams, and campus workshops/seminars - Submit GRE scores with admission packet
- Review Petersons Guide for scores (previous
class) submitted at various universities and - GRE required for funding at some universities
23How Do I Apply for a GEM Fellowship?
24How to Remember GEM?
- G Graduate School
- E Employment
- M Money
25GEM delivers Graduate School
90 GEM member universities, including
MIT Cornell Columbia UTEPG
eorgia TechU of IllinoisJohns HopkinsU of
MichiganNorthwestern Penn StateU of
WashingtonPurdue RIT Yale U of Puerto Rico
U of Arizona UC Berkeley UC Davis UC
Irvine UCLA UC San Diego FAMU U of S
Florida Drexel Stanford Texas AM Rice U of New
Mexico U of Notre Dame Tuskegee
26GEM delivers Employment
- Internship Expectations
- Internships begin summer before Fall enrollment
at member university except - Juniors complete three internships with employer
- MS Engineering Fellows are expected to complete
two internships with employer sponsor - PhD Engineering and PhD Science Fellows are
expected to intern at least once with employer
sponsor - All interns are evaluated as potential full-time
employees and - Employers pay internship salary and travel.
27GEM delivers Money/Funding
- The GEM Fellowship is an EMPLOYER sponsored
program, where students receive - Waived tuition and fees
- Paid summer internship (s) at 40 employer
members - MS Engineering Fellowship Program
- Minimum 10,000 stipend over 3 semesters/4
quarters - Full tuition and fees at GEM member university
- PhD Science/Engineering Fellowship Program
- Minimum 14,000 academic year stipend for year
one from GEM - University support year 2-5
- Full tuition and fees at GEM member university
28GEM Applicant delivers
- Eligibility requirements
- Minimum 2.8 GPA for MS Engineering Fellowship
- Minimum 3.0 GPA for PhD Engineering and Science
Fellowships - Submit three (one from faculty) letters of
recommendation - Detailed resume
- Include statement of purpose
- Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
- GRE scores (GEM GRE Code 1305)
- Be member of underrepresented minority group
(African American, Hispanic American, and
American Indian) - Be a U.S. citizen
29GEM Applicant delivering an A-GAME
- Freshman-Juniors
- Undergraduate research
- Internships and/or co-ops in relevant industries,
labs (employer list on web site) - Juniors and Seniors apply _at_ www.gemfellowship.org
- by November 15th deadline.
- Apply to targeted graduate programs at member
universities (university list on web site) by
their deadline (latest February 1) - Leverage relationships with GEM Employers in
January to request their consideration of
30On Time or Out of Time ???
- Starting July 1 Apply online _at_
www.gemfellowship.org - Indicate up to four preferred employers on GEM
application - Apply for admission to member universities
- Take GRE
- October 1 Early consideration
- November 15 Submit complete GEM application and
graduate school application - December
- GEM Selection Committee matches employer intern
preferences with eligible applicants - February Announcement of GEM Fellows
31On Time or Out of Time ??? (continued)
- February GEM Acceptance Forms Due
- May Forward transcript school selection to GEM
May/June Internship begins - August/September Fall semester begins
- Meet campus GEM Representative
- Meet other GEM Fellows!
32Tips for Securing Fellowships
- Start Early
- Application deadlines range from early November
to early February - Research your options
- Pay attention to restrictions
- Some programs limit the number of credit hours
you can complete before application - Follow directions to the letter
- The Name Thing
- The name on your SS card, graduate school
admissions application, and fellowship
application should be identical - Supporting documents matter
- Keep trying
34Graduate School Game Plan
- Summer Write a draft statement of purpose (why
you want to be admitted to the program to which
you are applying). Start browsing through
directories of graduate programs and college
catalogs. - September Meet with current faculty members to
discuss your statement and possible programs. Ask
for letters of recommendation. Sign up for
required standardized tests. - October Take standardized tests. Request
application materials from programs in which you
are interested. The PETERSONS GUIDE (available
in Career Services, Campus Library and online) is
a good source of information and addresses of
graduate school programs. - November Order transcripts. Ask if the
Registrars Office can send a transcript with
your fall term grades in time to meet the
deadlines of programs to which you are applying. - December Complete application forms (do a draft
on a photocopy of the forms first). Give your
recommenders the forms to fill out or the
addresses to which they should send their letters
and copies of your statement of purpose or your
response to specific questions asked by the
program. - January Mail applications. Even if deadlines are
later, it is good to get the applications in
early. If you are applying for need based
financial aid programs, you must also file an
application for Financial Aid. You must have
Financial Aid transcripts sent to the institution
to which you are applying. - February Contact programs about the possibility
of visiting. Make trips if possible. (Be sure to
brush up on your Interviewing Skills.) - April When applying for need based financial aid
programs, you may have to file a copy of your
federal income tax return
36Contact Information
- Dr. Cordelia M. Brown
- Purdue University
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Building, EE
248 - 465 Northwestern Ave.
- West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
- (765) 494-1743
- brown83_at_purdue.edu
- The National GEM Consortium
- 1800 K. Street, NW, Suite 900
- Washington, DC 20006
- www.gemfellowship.org
- 202 457-8672 (Office)
- 202 207-3518 (Fax)