Title: Mercer Island High School
1Mercer Island High School
- Assets Survey Longitudinal Results
- 1997, 2002, 2004, 2008
2The Assets survey is administered by the Search
Institute, a national research organization which
provides the survey and analyses to schools and
communities. The survey contains 156 questions
which can be clustered into 40 developmental
assets which the Institutes research show are
highly correlated with student success. The
survey results are reported in percent of
students whose responses show that they have or
do not have each developmental asset. MIHS
students have taken the Assets survey in grades 9
and 11 in the fall of 1997, 2002, and 2004. In
2008 students in grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 were
surveyed.(Students in grades 8, 10, and 12 take
the state Healthy Youth Survey.)
3Who was surveyed in April 2008
- Gender
- 430 Females
- 425 Males
- Grades
- 9th Graders 249
- 10th Graders 232
- 11th Graders 203
- 12th Graders 186
4(No Transcript)
5External Assets
- Support
- Empowerment
- Boundaries and Expectations
- Constructive Use of Time
8Boundaries and Expectations
9Constructive Use of Time
10Internal Assets
- Commitment to Learning
- Positive Values
- Social Competencies
- Positive Identity
11Commitment to Learning
12Positive Values
13Social Competencies
14Positive Identity