Daily Oral Language1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Daily Oral Language1


Title: Daily Oral Language 25 Last modified by: St. Barnabas School Created Date: 3/10/2006 11:11:01 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Daily Oral Language1

Daily Oral Language 1
  • ive took the long poem the prelude to read
    tonight i should of began it sooner dont you
  • because cameron has throwed successful passes
    in many games he was chose to be interviewed for
    the community magazine called around our town

Daily Oral Language 2
  • the book the return of the native is frequently
    studied in english classes mr lopez said this
  • mom she wont leave me and raul take joses bike on
    larchmont highway this Wednesday

Daily Oral Language 3
  • generally you write good but today you have to
    many short sentences in youre essay
  • to be an accomplished athlete youll have to run
    faster than bobbi has ran said coach gonzalez

Daily Oral Language 4
  • i was so tired i wanted to lay down my dad he
    suggested that i ate in an hour
  • 2. the new employee was requested to do there
    things first complete the Form second submit a
    reference and third he was asked to mail a resume
    to the personnel office

Daily Oral Language 5
  • 1. the article new digital photography appears
    in the book photograpy today it also appears i
    believe in the book how to take great pictures
  • 2. she was so angry she flinged the letter in the
    fire and sweared shed never speak to her sister

Daily Oral Language 6
  • 1. the self assured actor turned to the director
    and asked will you be auditioning talented actors
    for the french movie at 230 PM on Friday
  • 2. she lives at 319 beverly drive los angeles
    california which is located off of highway 108

Daily Oral Language 7
  • the laocoön and his sons is a statue in the
    vatican museun in rome italy it was made on the
    island of rhodes in greece and later it was sent
    to italy
  • my sister she has spoke many times in fact about
    that book the grapes of wrath

Daily Oral Language 8
  • we havent no cassette of the song stand by me but
    i think that you might find it at fredricks music
  • be careful not to fall off of the mountain ledge
    and watching out for falling rocks

Daily Oral Language 9
  • that there dog has bit several Children her
    owners would do good to keep her muzzled dont
    you think
  • the boat mystic adventure by the way sunk to
    years ago want it moored over their

Daily Oral Language 10
  • we went to joshs apartment which is located on
    thirty ninth avenue for the september surprise
  • the portrait jan six the portrait that was
    painted in 1654 is considered the better work of
    many similar paintings that rembrandt completed

Daily Oral Language 11
  • if youll help my memorize the poem the raven ill
    help you analyze the short story snowfall in
  • she hasnt never showed much self assurance or
    growed much from her mistakes

Daily Oral Language 12
  • he could of ran faster but he had tore one of his
    tendons consequently the race was lost by him
  • to be able to complete there science projects
    both rosa and sam the two who are juniors this
    year will have a two weeks extension

Daily Oral Language 13
  • i should of spoke sooner about my trip to
    nashville by the way where in sundra right now
  • the sky rockets the group that is a rock and roll
    band appeared in the april 24 2000 concert at

Daily Oral Language 14
  1. the meyers and baqueros boats were damaged on
    lake arrowhead when the to boats collided
  2. because we have went their twice on our way to
    visit my sister and brothers Resort which is
    located in northern california

Daily Oral Language 15
  • were sure there is 8 speakers participating in
    the symposium such speakers will draw large
  • the three doctors all of them foreigners decided
    to give a lecture on Saturday but the classroom
    was not available

Daily Oral Language 16
  • 1. adam received the bad news he was really shook
  • there is three students who are all sophomores
    who will earn extra credit for his hard work

Daily Oral Language 17
  • 1. 4923 dumore ave
  • syracuse ny
  • october 20 2001
  • 2. digital software
  • 1874 moore dr
  • boulder co 89822
  • dear sir or madame

Daily Oral Language 18
  • irregardless of the windy day father said we
    choosed to drive through yosemite national park
  • when i rose the lid of the box that I found
    inside of the attice i seen a copy of the herald
    tribune from tuesday january 7 1958

Daily Oral Language 19
  • the japanese had came to paris france to discuss
    how the airbus a huge plane is different than
    other planes
  • dr wong is it true that you have wrote the
    article the future of computers and a book
    entitled our digital world

Daily Oral Language 20
  • my parents was in the east at christmas time and
    brung back some gifts a box of videos a bag of
    imported chocolate and a set of luggage
  • there is four classmates of mine who have won a
    trop to see the brooklyn bridge on the twenty
    sixth of june

Daily Oral Language 21
  • ling a friend of mine purchased a pair of boots
    while in mexico with tapered heels
  • during the semester kim said the classes in this
    here school are alright

Daily Oral Language 22
  • during the blizzard the doors of our dadge had
    froze shut therefore we eat at home and not at
    the village café
  • behind the truck in the alley I and my brother
    catched a german pointer we had saw running down
    parma rd earlier

Daily Oral Language 23
  • because the students brung a copy of time to
    class with a article about the korean government
  • at 415 mom drived me and my friends to fairmont
    park where we played basketball

Daily Oral Language 24
  • the workers didnt pick up none of the old clothes
    i had weared and donated to the salvation army
  • our english teacher may of saw millers death of a
    salesman an awfully powerfully play at the
    shubert theater in new york

Daily Oral Language 25
  • the poem the raven is exciting to read it is one
    of 6 poems ms serrano have we students to read
  • deciding to reply to the want ad in the village
    voice a letter was wrote by chas yesterday

Daily Oral Language 26
  • their interested in helping we students-if we
    support rayanne for student council president
  • id better finish the short story a dayswork i
    need more As on daily Tests

Daily Oral Language 27
  • dr torres she called at 405 AM vicky said and
    tells me about the fire at the oceanview motel on
    sunset boulevard
  • no mr soto dont have those magazines that this
    here class needs

Daily Oral Language 28
  1. sarah and me choosed these here activities at
    arts camp to sculpt dancing sing and to compose
  2. the british ocean liner lusitania sunk in the
    atlantic ocean on may 7 1915 on a voyage from new
    york to liverpool

Daily Oral Language 29
  • us students have began practicing tomorrow the
    better song on this here cassette for the 24th
    contemporary music festival
  • last summer grandfather growed teo many peaches
    he gived some to father to can

Daily Oral Language 30
  • we havent took no videos to ridgewood middle
    school for three years or so give or take a few
  • after the reading prof diaz introduced me and sam
    to sharon olds whose a poet she told us about her
    long poem the race

Daily Oral Language 31
  1. first he asked to who i was e-mailing second he
    wanted to know who had rode a Motorcycle down the
  2. watch out for the newly planted seeds in the
    garden mom shouted or youll get mulch on youre

Daily Oral Language 32
  1. has dad spoke to she and kate concerning an
    article in the magazine teen people about
    snowboarding in the rocky mountains
  2. noone in my family has never went to the art
    museum in new york and saw monets painting water

Daily Oral Language 33
  • capt bookman is it alright to assume that most of
    the thirty eighth division personnel is from
  • after you have drew up a map showing the route
    from sheridan blvd to highway 78 you may continue
    reading the book great expectations

Daily Oral Language 34
  • the salespeople at that there store is the more
    helpful in town for example one left me examine
    all the videos inside of the Case
  • had she knew before the all county swim
    championship that geraldo has swam every day
    since april 2 2000

Daily Oral Language 35
  • the larchmont glee club has gave its approval to
    order twenty one cases of salsa ten dozen
    avocados and they also have ordered five cartons
    of tacos
  • she wants to lay on the floor and watch dawsons
    creek this program will be on television at 800
    PM in the evening

Daily Oral Language 36
  • ms riaz said that when she teached at ravenhill
    academy the students theirselves choosed the
    topics for there essays
  • my friend he hasnt never put them puppies in the
    backyard cuz it cant stand being alone for long

Daily Oral Language 38
  1. we dont want to leave noone go into that
    auditorium because theirs danger of a stampede
    sgt miller said
  2. the us army are expanding faster i think then was

Daily Oral Language 39
  1. consumer reports is an informative magazine i
    think that the consumers union publishes for
    prospective buyers
  2. skateboarding in the park the ball hit the girl
    but the girl was not seriously injured

Daily Oral Language 40
  • bobbi should of took the too Videos the book and
    the cassette to the library if she had the time
  • carriers transformation scene is a spooky poem
    wrote in the 20th century

Daily Oral Language 41
  • the american colonists had been antibritish
    before the war but in the 17th century this was
    not true
  • the movie star wars is a hands down favorite of
    many film buffs prof hillier said in his lecture

Daily Oral Language 42
  • the marathon runner couldnt see nothing she hit a
    fellow runner the one who was right ahead of her
  • on the first serve the tennis player swinged the
    racket and missed but the tennis ball was hit by
    her on the second serve

Daily Oral Language 43
  • he was close to sitting an new olympic record
    when he nearly fainted and his advantage was lost
  • the short story the birds is a terrifying tale it
    is about a life threatening change in a natural

Daily Oral Language 44
  • yes teresa has sang in the monroe high school
    jazz club for 3 years i think
  • please note josé that you used to many xs in the
    caption mr monroe said and the type needs to be

Daily Oral Language 45
  • the friendly dog a labrador was everyones
    favorite at the greenwich animal shelter on
    mercer street
  • the metroliner was a fast Train that ran among
    philadelphia and new york according to an article
    in the washington post

Daily Oral Language 46
  • 1. 408 first avenue
  • tranton nj
  • may 21 2004
  • 2. clemens benjamin and brantley law offices
  • 204 state street
  • albany ny 12205

Daily Oral Language 47
  1. my sister she has wrote several celebrity
    profiles for the ledger which is a weekly
  2. to leave school on time we had to do the
    following turn off our computers lock the doors
    and get our coats

Daily Oral Language 48
  1. i and my brother have ate at the lakewood
    cafeteria the place is located on the south side
    three times
  2. we will make an effort to do these things
    irregardless of the time catalog the books expand
    the librarys hours and helping the younger

Daily Oral Language 49
  1. our van which was parked in the mechanics garage
    was broke into it was vandalized
  2. there are several buyers who wants to examine
    seaside at dawn the better of the four paintings

Daily Oral Language 50
  1. after completing the italian homework mark begun
    to do his assignment in Calculus later, he done
    his science assignment
  2. is your friend reading the novel the mayor of
    casterbridge or is she watching felicity on

Daily Oral Language 51
  • our class of 35 students are going to have a
    hours practice on the computer this afternoon i
  • im enrolled in courses in spanish drama and
    american history this semester victor said

Daily Oral Language 52
  • since its snowing to hard she dont want to go to
    central park this morning
  • he hasnt choose no subject for his essay she
    added so why doesnt us help him

Daily Oral Language 53
  1. manny has wrote a article called website
    designing which will appear in the march issue of
    laptop magazine
  2. nathaniel dont have no interest in learing mai
    and i to use that there computer yet hes willing
    to learn the to of us how to load that there new

Daily Oral Language 54
  1. the centurion community choir want to learn this
    land is your land for the tri county community
    choral competition
  2. your to use one third cup of sugar according to
    the cookbook desserts made simple

Daily Oral Language 55
  1. marie asked has joanne lent you the article job
    hunting successfully or have katya and you read
    it already
  2. tony was to have gave we boys the movie reviews
    to right for the school newspaper however some
    other students writed it

Daily Oral Language 56
  1. i was to have took the biggest of the too boxes
    of equipment but i forget and left them laying on
    the floor
  2. has the speaker phone rang that loud before or
    did your sister turn up the volume to here it in
    her bedroom

Daily Oral Language 57
  1. i like the jeans that leanne bought at wanamakers
    warehouse with the embroidered cuffs
  2. will you be reading the prelude the
    autobiographical poem in you english Class this

Daily Oral Language 58
  1. tomorrow he said we will be visiting grandfathers
    house going skateboarding and take the dog to the
  2. yes veronica has knowed which is the best of the
    two computers but she has never saw neither of
    them in operation

Daily Oral Language 59
  1. she drunk the protein shake first and then
    exercise was needed by her for a hour
  2. neither of the 2 amateur actors wish to be the
    one whom presents the monologue

Daily Oral Language 60
  1. max has chose an electronic organizer for mothers
    gift im buying her a expensive sweater made in
  2. isnt rachel and sarah angry with selinas and
    joannes discussion of the surprise party

Daily Oral Language 61
  1. we should of finished the science project in may
    but there was no time to research careful for
    such a complicated exhibit
  2. yesterday he wants to go with dad and mom to see
    beauty and the beast the famous musical but he
    had to baby sit with david

Daily Oral Language 62
  1. between the five of we classmates only one have
    wrote a paper that is very difficult than the
    other 4
  2. have you read troys short story the open window
    for todays class sam asked

Daily Oral Language 63
  1. its alright to use them newspaper editorials if
    leroy dont need it
  2. the 4 page brochure entitled spanning the world
    deal with surfing the web i think

Daily Oral Language 64
  1. rachel dont have a lot of books and videos to
    return back to the Library cuz most of them were
    returned back on Monday
  2. she has went by that there theater many times of
    course however she cant remember the name

Daily Oral Language 65
  1. since ignacio should of took the plane we were
    surprised not to find him at the airport
  2. look at the race bobby said pulling ahead i can
    see the american runners

Daily Oral Language 66
  • 4913 simpson ave
  • denver co
  • january 11 2002
  • technocraft corporation
  • the lear building
  • 148 waverly dr
  • sacramento ca 94203

Daily Oral Language 67
  1. we could of stayed longer but raul was anxious
    too leave he wanted to watch the 6 oclock news
    program at this uncles house
  2. the truck that arrived at our house contained the
    furniture shipped from the east coast but noone
    was home to meet him

Daily Oral Language 68
  1. dont warren know that the further he drives on
    this narrow road the less chance we have of
    arriving on time at juanitas house
  2. the car skid and hit a tree the tree was on our
    lawn the car was defective but the driver was not

Daily Oral Language 69
  1. please try and find my copy of ernest hemingways
    the sun also rises tim so that I can borrow it to
  2. mr e r cavendish my piano teacher has a poster
    with this here quotation from john erskine music
    is the only language in which you cannot say a
    mean or sarcastic thing

Daily Oral Language 70
  1. architecture in toronto canada is an interesting
    blend of old and new skyscrapers exist harmonious
    with well preserved old buildings
  2. in the television lounge of westview nursing
    home many residents were setting and watching
    wheel of fortune

Daily Oral Language 71
  1. mrs blake the president of the pta appointed
    linda as Chairperson because she felt strong
    about the health committees task
  2. my cousin frank commented that washington high
    school is different than emerson middle school in
    three ways size expectation and facilities

Daily Oral Language 72
  1. mr schnick he didnt allow no one to see the
    movie charly who didnt finish reading daniel
    keyess novel flowers for algernon
  2. even though we didnt leave until 440 pm for the
    nelsons super bowl party we arrived early because
    the traffic on carlton blvd was light

Daily Oral Language 73
  1. Look at them beautiful paintings of adoreable
    little monkeys
  2. The artist painted they at just three year of

Daily Oral Language 74
  1. Wang Yani was born in 1975 she growed up in
    gongcheng China.
  2. Her enjoyed walking along the river and
    exploreing the countryside near gongcheng

Daily Oral Language 75
  1. Yani began to draw animals trees and other
    natureal thing
  2. she saw monkeys at the Nanning Zoo she decided to
    paint them.

Daily Oral Language 76
  1. Have you seen wang Yani's painting called A
    Hundred Monkeys
  2. This painting is thirty five foots long and
    actually shows one hundred twelve monkies.

Daily Oral Language 77
  1. Yani painted many monkeys but later she beginned
    too paint other subjects.
  2. Many of Yani's paintings illustrateions of
    stories from her imagination

Daily Oral Language 78
  1. George did you watch Jackie Joyner-Kersee at the
    Olympics in Barcelona spain?
  2. Yes her skill in track-and-field events amazs I!

Daily Oral Language 79
  1. Ms Joyner-Kersee practics many hours a day for
    the woman's heptathlon
  2. This contest consist of seven events, including
    running jumping and throwing.

Daily Oral Language 80
  1. I read a article called A special Fire in Sports
    Illustrated magazine.
  2. It gived the measurment of joyner-Kersee's
    Olympic-record long jump in 1988.

Daily Oral Language 81
  1. In 1988, Joyner-Kersee's long jump was twenty
    four foots, three and one-half inches.
  2. She won a gold medal and she won the heptathlon

Daily Oral Language 82
  1. She won a gold medal and she won the heptathlon
  2. Me and Darlene think this gracful woman is the
    most greatest female athlete ever!

Daily Oral Language 83
  1. Me and Pam think the story about John henry is
  2. It may be about a real person but no one are

Daily Oral Language 83
  1. John Henry was a dependible worker he builded
    railroads and tunnel.
  2. Him could swing his hammer for ten hour and not
    never be tired.

Daily Oral Language 84
  1. Henry's boss buyed a steam drill to build the big
    bend Tunnel.
  2. John henry said, that steam drill won't beat I!"

Daily Oral Language 85
  1. The steam drill made a admirible hole nine foots
  2. Henry's hole were fourteen feet deep him had
    beaten the steam drill!

Daily Oral Language 86
  1. After the contest john falled down dead with his
    hammer in his hand.
  2. He were buried in an suituble place it was near
    the tunnel

Daily Oral Language 87
  1. I'd love too be a time travelor then I'd visit
    king Louis XIV.
  2. On may 14 1643, four-year-old Louis became the
    king of France.

Daily Oral Language 88
  1. In those days the noblemans of france often
    challenged the king's power.
  2. Louis was a clever leadder him kept them nobles
    busy with endless ceremonies.

Daily Oral Language 89
  1. Every morning at 800, the waking-up ceremony
  2. Lucky noblemen help louis put on his wig shave
    and get dressed.

Daily Oral Language 90
  1. King Louis loved flowers many gardenors tend his
    four million tulips
  2. In his large garden too thousand orange trees was
    sometimes in bloom.

Daily Oral Language 91
  1. David asked "was king Louis XIV a good billiards
  2. "I don't know i replied, but at parties everyone
    watched him play."

Daily Oral Language 92
  1. Mr Stein said Every animal risponds to changes in
  2. Even us human need ways to keep cool.

Daily Oral Language 93
  1. in hot climates, many mammals has large ear for
    keeping cool.
  2. Heat is lost through the animals' ears this loss
    re-duces they're temperature.

Daily Oral Language 94
  1. some animals re-treat from the sun during the day
    but them come out during the night.
  2. Scorpions escapes the very hotter temperatures by
    hiding beneath stones

Daily Oral Language 95
  1. The light-colored coat of a zebu refflects the
    sun so heat bounce off it's back.
  2. An elephant covers itself with mud the mud keeps
    it cool than water can

Daily Oral Language 96
  1. A fox cool off by panting, and an hippopotamus
    re-freshes itself in a cool river.
  2. On an horse's body, sweat glands keeps the coat
    damp and preevent overheating.

Daily Oral Langauge 97
  1. The Republic of the Philippines is located in the
    Pacific ocean
  2. The nations two most large islands Luzon and

Daily Oral Language 98
  1. The philippine island of Luzon produces copper
    gold tobacco and rice.
  2. Manila is a important city on Luzon its the
    countrys capital.

Daily Oral Language 99
  1. "Luzon have many mountains and inactive
    volcanoes, grandmother said
  2. "Farmers grow they're crops on shelfs of land cut
    into the mountainside."

Daily Oral Language 100
  1. "On what date" thuha asked, did the Philippines
    become an independent nation?"
  2. It happened on july 4 1946, answered the
    teachers assistant.

Daily Oral Language 101
  1. This travelers guide describe colorful vehicle
    called jeepneys in Philippine cities
  2. Jeepneys is small than buses but may people crowd
    in for a ride.

Daily Oral Language 102
  1. Once African americans in the south couldn't
    never sit with white people on busses
  2. A woman named Rosa parks figthed two change this
    unfair law.

Daily Oral Language 103
  1. Ms Parks lived and worked in Montgomery alabama
  2. Too earn extra money, her made dress's in the

Daily Oral Language 104
  1. On thursday december 1, 1955 Parks get on a bus
  2. Parks sitting in the section for blacks or whites
    but one white person didn't have no seat.

Daily Oral Language 105
  1. Get up!" yell the bus driver but parks wouldn't
    move no way
  2. Parks goed to jail it was the first of many
    clashs to come.

Daily Oral Language 106
  1. To protest parks's arrest, African Americans
    refused to ride buses in montgomery
  2. Bus companies reported huge loss's of money the
    law were changed.

Daily Oral Langauge 107
  1. John a Ciardi was born on June 24 1916 in Boston,
  2. Do you think maria that this clever poet was a

Daily Oral Language 108
  1. Ciardi believe that most poetry for childs was
    boring and silly
  2. Some of his poems are strang, but them is always

Daily Oral Language 109
  1. You may borrow my copy7 of the book Fast and slow
    by John ciardi
  2. Me and Matt like the poem about the polluted

Daily Oral Language 110
  1. Mr Gomez will you read the poem called The Shark
    to we children?
  2. This poem describes a dangurous shark but the
    poem are very funny!

Daily Oral Language 111
  1. Yesterday I writed my own poem about elfs on the
    shelfs of my kitchen
  2. Now i writing a poem about a majic bicycle.

Daily Oral Language 112
  1. yes the two of you have youre mothers permission
  2. snowy our cat is the whiter of all of the cats on
    our block

Daily Oral Language 113
  1. did you read a copy of science fiction digest my
    favorite magazine
  2. mother brung the groceries home or it could of
    been dad

Daily Oral Language 114
  1. there taking mrs jackson theyre friend too albert
    park with them
  2. one of the birds are making its nest

Daily Oral Language 115
  1. in chicago illinois we stayed at the conrad
    hilton hotel
  2. we read the longest day a short poem in class

Daily Oral Language 116
  1. get youre room cleaned up mother said or your not
    going to the show
  2. i to have just finished reading night visits john
    smiths long poem

Daily Oral Language 117
  1. us girls havent never tore the paper into to
  2. wont you give kim and i there popcorn

Daily Oral Language 118
  1. we have knew that prof bagley plays golf real
  2. yesterday i laid down in the hammock and read tom
    sawyer a novel by mark twain

Daily Oral Language 119
  1. their was to little water for the grass to grow
    more tall
  2. may curt and me go to the riverside beach asked

Daily Oral Language 120
  1. yes the to of you have youre mothers permission
  2. there reading arctic fury a short story

Daily Oral Language 121
  1. has you ever been to a audition for a play
  2. were glad that sammy is on hour team this year

Daily Oral Language 122
  1. allen watch television form 630 to 830 last night
  2. them boys rides the bus two school ever day

Daily Oral Language 123
  1. werent their no cookies left
  2. why cant jerome never get here on time

Daily Oral Language 124
  1. matt walked nervous to the plate knowing his team
    would loose the game if he striked out  
  2. boy we was sure tired after climbing to the top
    of pikes peak 

Daily Oral Language 125
  1. sherry need a new break on her motorcycle before
    shell be able to race  
  2. theys dog gots mud in his fir from rolling in a
    mud puddle 

Daily Oral Language 126
  • them kids all choosed hatchet as theyre favorite
    literature book  
  • anita dont know how to play the star spangled
    banner yet

Daily Oral Language 127
  1. after he gived hi dog a bath carlos was so wet
    and dirty he taked one hisself     
  2. why doesnt you come over four homemade ice cream
    said mr choi

Daily Oral Language 128
  • miguel pablo and carlotta is going to mexico for
  •   dont walk threw them mud puddles in your good

Daily Oral Language 129
  • lets meat at the park four a picnic  
  •   put that down write now and dont took it again

Daily Oral Language 130
  1. if we leave now she said well be right on time
  2. do you have dear mr henshaw alice ask the clerk

Daily Oral Language 131
  1. a mongoose is to curius to frighten easy
  2. rikki-tikki behaves tame with people but hes
    fearce toward his animal enemys

Daily Oral Language 132
  1. the british rule india until 1947
  2. rudyard kipling whos first name was actully
    joseph is sent away to england when he was only

Daily Oral Language 133
  1. were nag or nagaina the more meaner cobra
  2. if animals could talk would people lissn

Daily Oral Language 134
  1. when robert Frost lived in new England he use to
    see colts, who are young horses
  2. julio that lives in florida hasnt never seen snow

Daily Oral Language 135
  1. cassie is eight christopher is seven john is six
    and stacey the eldest was eleven
  2. her big brother say that the song of the trees
    are only the sound of the wind

Daily Oral Language 136
  1. yesterday the girl listen to the pines of the
  2. when mr anderson came back he grateful to the

Daily Oral Language 137
  1. one hundred dollars arent much money for all them
  2. Mildred D. Taylor the author of the short story
    Song Of The Trees modeled david logan after
    herselfs own father

Daily Oral Language 138
  1. Was kevins leg broke
  2. allthough anne McCaffrey live in ireland she was
    growing up in N.J.

Daily Oral Language 139
  1. whats your favoritest food
  2. them peaches is still green

Daily Oral Language 140
  1. ernestor galarza didnt speak no english when he
    entered First grade at the lincoln school
  2. wheres the lincoln school at

Daily Oral Language 141
  1. every wensday and Saturday her and her mother
    goes shoping for fresh vegtables
  2. what do your family eat on christmas day

Daily Oral Language 142
  1. we began using chopsticks instead of a fork after
    reading the story Fish Cheeks by amy tan
  2. by the time she was Fortie, the poet emily
    dickinson weared only white cloths

Daily Oral Language 143
  1. ray bradbury was 12 when he decides to become a
  2. the idea of collonizing mars and other planets
    interest many serious sceintists

Daily Oral Language 144
  1. the story the name of the names if from a ray
    bradbury book titled the martian chronicles
  2. the colonists looked differently after having
    lived on mars for a few years

Daily Oral Langauge 145
  1. seperated from his homeland by thousands of miles
    vladimir dreamed of playing again in snow
  2. do people develop different personalitys when
    they leave thier hometowns

Daily Oral Language 146
  1. patrolmen wells is a loyall Police Officer and
  2. they call him silky Bob because hes a smoothe

Daily Oral Langauge 147
  1. why do some writers adopt pen names rather than
    use thier real ones
  2. william sydney porter the author of the short
    story After Twenty Years is known as O. Henry

Daily Oral Language 148
  1. the lives of a investigative reporter are very
  2. i have always want to be an investigative reporter

Daily Oral Language 149
  1. the mason-dixon line is not an actul line drawed
    on the ground
  2. my mother whose from ohio remebers a time when
    she have to stand up for her rights

Daily Oral Language 150
  1. if youre bestest friend couldnt go somewhere with
    you would you go anyway or stay behind
  2. the hole golf teem wanted to play at that country

Daily Oral Language 151
  1. has you ever been to a audition for a play
  2. were glad that sammy is on hour team this year

Daily Oral Language 152
  1. yes the two of you have youre mothers permission
  2. snowy our cat is the whiter of all of the cats
    on our block

Daily Oral Language 153
  1. did you read a copy of science fiction digest my
    favorite magazine
  2. mother brung the groceries home or it could of
    been dad

Daily Oral Language 154
  1. there taking mrs jackson theyre friend too albert
    park with them
  2. one of the birds are making its nest

Daily Oral Language 155
  1. in chicago illinois we stayed at the conrad
    hilton hotel
  2. we read the longest day a short poem in class

Daily Oral Language 156
  1. get youre room cleaned up mother said or your not
    going to the show
  2. i to have just finished reading night visits
    john smiths long poem

Daily Oral Language 157
  1. us girls havent never tore the paper into to
  2. wont you give kim and i there popcorn

Daily Oral Language 158
  1. we have knew that prof bagley plays golf real
  2. yesterday i laid down in the hammock and read tom
    sawyer a novel by mark twain

Daily Oral Language 159
  1. their was to little water for the grass to grow
    more tall
  2. may curt and me go to the riverside beach asked

Daily Oral Language 160
  1. yes the to of you have youre mothers permission
  2. there reading arctic fury a short story

Daily Oral Language 161
  1. dr and mrs j r stone went to everglades national
    park in florida
  2. last tuesday we read about africas victoria falls

Daily Oral Language 162
  1. the dinosaurs were sleeping on there feet
  2. you go inside and sit down she sail. no he

Daily Oral Language 163
  1. last spring we read about a swiss village in
    geography class
  2. has my uncle purchased german potato salad at the

Daily Oral Language 164
  1. do mr And mrs colena attends a baptist church in
  2. the french poodle were taken to uptown grooming

Daily Oral Language 165
  1. in english our class enjoyed the book roll of
    thunder, hear my cry
  2. has you visited the kansas state fair each day,

Daily Oral Language 166
  1. my aunt mary brang carnation ice cream at martins
  2. has fannys fudge factory moves downtown to
    brookside drive

Daily Oral Language 167
  1. a alaskan cruise are scheduled to leave for the
  2. the papago indian are located in eastern arizona

Daily Oral Language 168
  1. georgia is located in the south
  2. should i had ask grandma to meet us at rustlers

Daily Oral Language 169
  1. the red cross meets last friday with governor
    jonas t phelps
  2. the books title is success through a positive
    mental attitude

Daily Oral Language 170
  1. did napoleon lost at the battle of waterloo
  2. we seen judge barnworths car at a kiwanis club

Daily Oral Language 171
  1. are columbian tea or folgers coffee served at
    hungry boy restaurant
  2. the club does meets at the st marks community

Daily Oral Language 172
  1. dawns siamese cat have been found by officer
  2. the dree middle school were open on presidents

Daily Oral Language 173
  1. doctor hughes the veterinarian needs an african
    elephant liver
  2. officer jones pulled them womans from the burnin
    ford bronco

Daily Oral Language 174
  1. i sits in line for two hour to get me drivers
  2. sam yelled double dutch while karen screamed no

Daily Oral Language 175
  1. i meet james at walmart to get some of them cheap
    yella bananas
  2. the colossus scares me when i gone to lagoon last

Daily Oral Language 177
  1. dont make me do state testing george yelled you
    must she insisted
  2. saddam hussein blows up the tanker and then he
    builded it back

Daily Oral Langauge 178
  1. me hair feel dirty and full of gunk said jim well
    warsh it out she said
  2. i is not willin to paints yer house fer free bo
    jangles said

Daily Oral Language 179
  1. no dont tare down the gap she said as her husband
  2. officer hatchet yelled freeze punk and johnny
    dropped his ice cream

Daily Oral Language 180
  1. brittney sangs like a sick mule and needs to
    wears more clothes
  2. i hate pullin them weeds when them thorns sticks
    me in the thumbs

Daily Oral Language 181
  1. she screamed give me the donut you mongrel mutt
    but I ignored her
  2. i cants believe it the year is over josh said as
    he rans out the door

Daily Oral Language 182
  1. did milton the english poet right the long poem
    paradise lost
  2. theyll seems to be many problems with them too

Daily Oral Language 183
  1. them too have fighted since kindergarten but
    being apart is best
  2. darrel announced I is ready to jump through the
    center of the earth

Daily Oral Language 184
  1. i got scared readin the story the monsters are
    eating maple street!
  2. cents i need to make it home you needs to drive
    with common since

Daily Oral Language 185
  1. john yelled dont step on my toe and jane said
    leave me alone
  2. she gone to the tower to do some dancin friday

Daily Oral Language 186
  1. after looking for wheaties i choose to buy corn
    flakes insteads
  2. George said watch out for the mower John yelled

Daily Oral Language 187
  1. yous guys take me to the march of dimes haunted
    house right now
  2. I buys my pizzas at pizza hut and dominos

Daily Oral Language 188
  1. Spring are here and I is glad, please help me
    with my vocab.
  2. Watch out wal mart is coming to town?

Daily Oral Language 189
  1. I likes burgers and fries at wendys but not at
  2. my sister anita speaks arabic and studies iranian

Daily Oral Langauge 190
  1. them dentists comes here daily to fix broke
  2. the vaccine were being given by doctors at the
    holy cross hospital

Daily Oral Language 191
  1. the german language teacher are ill with the
    asian flu
  2. while we was in san francisco we cross the golden
    gate bridge

Daily Oral Language 192
  1. sam said why dont we go home then john said no
  2. the paint from thems cans were leakin on the

Daily Oral Language 193
  1. wow bat man i gotsta go home
  2. the japanese mafia stealed trained monkeys to
    robbing banks

Daily Oral Language 194
  1. the juice from thems oranges were tasty on me
  2. youre dog are smart to just lay in the shade on
    such a hot day

Daily Oral Language 195
  1. the repair man just speaked in pig latin and
    didnt fix me clock
  2. the last day john kellys latest book is really

Daily Oral Language 196
  1. my friends they has ate at conner park many times
    and play game to
  2. hasnt the boys never catched any fish in the luck

Daily Oral Language 197
  1. mrs jacobs have you ever went to the catskill
    mountains and hiked
  2. my social studies teacher learned me that africa
    is by the ocean

Daily Oral Language 198
  1. there is to many commas in youre paragraph but
    its still good
  2. Saturday morning carl and me sold forty six
    copies of the la times

Daily Oral Language 199
  1. turtle yelled dont pull my hair but doug said
    hush up you midget
  2. we drived all night but i wouldnt want to do that

Daily Oral Language 200
  1. after looking for hours they still couldnt find
    me and george
  2. betty has your mother let you put youre money in
    the zions bank

Daily Oral Language 201
  1. anglicanism the state religion of england began
    with henry viii
  2. did you finish memorize the poem ode to the west

Daily Oral Language 202
  1. last summer our family gone to yellowstone
    national park
  2. did the byu cougars won the championship

Daily Oral Language 203
  1. we seen mr dudleys car at the store
  2. last year our school goes to hogle zoo

Daily Oral Language 204
  1. i luv livin in spanish fark
  2. i brung my coat to gives to them homeless ones

Daily Oral Language 205
  1. dunt make me mad, ricky said to lucy
  2. that there movie were just totally stupid

Daily Oral Language 206
  1. i gives all my homework time to my english essay
  2. i stays up late watching who wants to be a

Daily Oral Language 207
  1. you're sister sat the table and your to wash the
  2. food costs have raised this year said mr lopez

Daily Oral Language 208
  1. i gots up early to washes me clothes
  2. when i was in the south last year i gone to fort

Daily Oral Language 209
  1. didnt youre teacher learn you nothing about the
  2. the edgewood clinic is located on terry street in
    anoka idaho.

Daily Oral Language 210
  1. if you give the puppy to pam she well see that
    its taken home
  2. us girls is going to susans slumber party tonight

Daily Oral Language 211
  1. the oil from that there tanker was leak in the
  2. if yous guys give the alien to tom he gonna wash
    it with dish soap

Daily Oral Language 212
  1. wolves are predators and hunt other animals such
    as Moose Elk and Deer for food
  2. in stories like little red riding hood the wolf
    is described as being evil

Daily Oral Language 213
  1. Native americans hold the wolf in high regard.
    And believe that wolves have many good qualities
  2. wolves were brought in to yellowstone park in 1995

Daily Oral Language 214
  1. smaller and lighter than gray wolves the arctic
    wolf lives on the islands in canadas arctic
  2. the red wolf used to lived as far north as
    pennsylvania and as far west as texas

Daily Oral Language 215
  1. the leader of a wolf pack is called the alpha
    wolf the leader of the united states is called
    the president
  2. the sawtoothpack lives on the nez perce
    reservation in idaho.

Daily Oral Language 216
  1. wolves communicate by howling growling whimpering
    whining barking squealing
  2. I writeing a report called The orphan trains of
    New York.

Daily Oral Language 217
  1. My friend Les and I can learn you about this
  2. In 1853, the children's aid society of new York
    seed thousands of homeless children.

Daily Oral Language 218
  • Charles L. Brace the founder maked a unusual
  • we have drank all of the fruit punch eric but
    mother will buy some more for we kids

Daily Oral Language 219
  1. they arrived late they missed the beginning of
    the movie raiders of the lost ark
  2. inside of the room you could see how good he had
    sat the Dining room table

Daily Oral Language 220
  1. vicky is the better of the four athletes but she
    cant be at all the games
  2. if you had shook the malt good you could of drank
    it easily

Daily Oral Language 221
  1. please do the following things mail that package
    type the lists straightening the books and
  2. mrs ames ive never had no desire to have him
    learn me how to drive because hes to critical i
    would of froze that corn but i couldnt get it off
    of the cob

Daily Oral Language 222
  1. i would of froze that corn but i couldnt get it
    off of the cob
  2. will you read the novel time warp or will you
    read the magazine article scientific mysteries
    over the weekend

Daily Oral Language 223
  1. marty and me have ate our lunches therefore well
    carry the boxes to the room
  2. unless you lay down for a while youll collapse
    from overwork

Daily Oral Language 224
  1. i and my brother seen the movie young
    frankenstein at the majestic theater
  2. there are two girls who are reading the short
    story called the indian swing theyll share it in

Daily Oral Language 225
  1. betty exclaimed dont touch that hot pan
  2. i should of wore them gloves but i returned them
    back to my sister

Daily Oral Language 226
  1. to be specific the chicago tribune is different
    from the chicago sun times because the former
    contains more sections
  2. he learned we students to refinish furniture as
    a result i refinished this table

Daily Oral Language 227
  1. to enjoy a shakesperean play like hamlet a person
    should read it before seeing it i believe
  2. since donnas poem entitled springtime won first
    prize mr harris our teacher read it to us

Daily Oral Language 228
  1. the japanese company has began to develop to new
    computers and they plan to market there products
    next year
  2. please leave roy read carls popular mechanics
    magazine since carl has already wrote his report

Daily Oral Language 229
  1. cindy she dont borrow her bicycle to many people
    however she will leave a friend use it
  2. holy cross church must of purchased the twenty
    nine trees for its landscaping project

Daily Oral Language 230
  1. this here quote appeared on the poster be not the
    first by whom the new is tried
  2. the sun will of rose over the catskill mountains
    by 610 AM tomorrow

Daily Oral Language 231
  1. that woman who is buying a ticket must like to
    travel alot because she has went to europe every
    summer for ten years
  2. i ran father then the other forty nine people i

Daily Oral Langauge 232
  1. has sarah took my book again asked george angrily
  2. this rose colored dish was gave to my mother and
    i by my Aunt who lives in savannah

Daily Oral Language 233
  1. after finishing a note to jan the pan was put
    away by Gloria
  2. on vacation at stone lake the bailey family
    enjoyed boating swimming to fish and to hike

Daily Oral Language 234
  1. she should of chose the best of the two plays
    which was life with father
  2. juan stated me and my sister are reading the
    interesting novel the prince and the pauper

Daily Oral Language 235
  • 1. 320 merlin circle
  • cincinnati oh 45200
  • july 23 2006
  • 2. dear bill
  • do you have a sleeping bag i can lend when
    we go camping together
  • sincerely
  • john

Daily Oral Language 236
  1. the pipes freezed i learned because this here
    furnace dont work proper
  2. they havent never found the most valuable of the
    too stole paintings

Daily Oral Language 237
  1. if you want to see an interesting Television
    program then watch the simpsons on sunday
  2. i would of drew the outline but i didnt have
    nothing to draw with

Daily Oral Langauge 238
  1. me and barry visited cliff st in the afternoon
    and then in the evening we go to the movie willow
  2. on august 28 2003 we visited donna and her mother
    at 7213 ninth avenue seattle washington

Daily Oral Langauge 239
  1. shes certainly doing good in her new job at the
    waxford tire co
  2. the abandoned house that no one is living in is
    located in the southern part of boulder colorado

Daily Oral Language 240
  1. I think the Mountains in the east is beautiful
    but mom thinks the ones in the west is most
  2. the battle of the Alamo is a Historic event of
    interest to many Texans

Daily Oral Language 241
  1. she dont go to India in the summer because its
    too hot instead she travels to Norway
  2. you have to many simple sentences in this
    paragraph jeff vary youre sentences for a better

Daily Oral Language 242
  1. the poem october is a serious poem written by r
    frost in the twentieth century
  2. We divided the project between the five of us but
    were not sure well finish on time prof Jackson

Daily Oral Language 243
  1. will you lend me fifty five cents to take the bus
    to brownell park
  2. hes going too his best Friends house to pick up
    the novel the outsiders

Daily Oral Language 244
  1. because aunt alice and him went to the somerset
    inn for lunch and then stopped outside of the
    marine bank to talk to nicks friend
  2. after she had rang the bell many times she gives
    up and left these items by the door cookies fudge
    and cake

Daily Oral Language 245
  1. he has gave subscriptions to newsweek as
    christmas gifts for twenty nine years
  2. celebration has been a popular song for more than
    twenty five years i think

Daily Oral Language 246
  1. my car had a flat tire i was late for the movie
    star wars
  2. i seen my father fix the faucet standing in the

Daily Oral Langauge 247
  1. them students they are reading the article
    entitled pollution on the rise
  2. she arent to concerned about reading the short
    story the gift of the magi shell see it on
    television next tuesday

Daily Oral Language 248
  1. they would of rode the cable car at niagra falls
    but they refused to wait in the long line their
  2. the young girl who was six years old was trapped
    inside of the empty closet which had nothing in it

Daily Oral Language 249
  • mrs vetter told us to do the following read the
    assignment take notes and to write a Report
  • brittania record company
  • 7321 westridge boulevard
  • los angeles ca 90049

Daily Oral Language 250
  1. she dont want to leave we too kids attend the
    football game weve been gone to much recently
  2. leave the book playing dead on the shelf until
    your ready to read it said mr Arnold
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