Title: RNA to Protein
1RNA to Protein
Translation and Protein synthesis
2A eukaryotic gene and its transcript
3The roles of transcription and translation in the
flow of genetic information
4The roles of transcription and translation in the
flow of genetic information
5The roles of transcription and translation in the
flow of genetic information
6The roles of transcription and translation in the
flow of genetic information
7The roles of transcription and translation in the
flow of genetic information
8Protein synthesis occurs with three stages in the
- Ribosome association and initiation of
translation - Elongation of the polypeptide chain
- Termination of translation
9Translation the basic concept
10The triplet code
11The dictionary of the genetic code
12Ribosome association and initiation of translation
Initiation Initiation involves the reactions
that precede formation of the peptide bond
between the first two amino acids of the protein.
It requires the ribosome to bind to the mRNA,
forming an initiation complex that contains the
first aminoacyl-tRNA. This is a relatively slow
step in protein synthesis, and usually determines
the rate at which an mRNA is translated.
13An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase joins a specific
amino acid to a tRNA
14The structure of a functioning ribosome
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16Initiation factors (IF)
IF-3 is needed for 30S subunits to bind
specifically to initiation sites in mRNA. IF-2
binds a special initiator tRNA and controls its
entry into the ribosome. IF-1 binds to 30S
subunits only as a part of the complete
initiation complex. It binds to the A site and
prevents aminoacyl-tRNA from entering. Its
location also may impede the 30S subunit from
binding to the 50S subunit
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18The initiation of translation
19Elongation of the polypeptide chain
Elongation Elongation includes all the reactions
from synthesis of the first peptide bond to
addition of the last amino acid. Amino acids are
added to the chain one at a time the addition of
an amino acid is the most rapid step in protein
20The elongation cycle of translation
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24Termination of translation
Termination Termination encompasses the steps
that are needed to release the completed
polypeptide chain at the same time, the ribosome
dissociates from the mRNA.
25The termination of translation
27The molecular basis of sickle-cell disease a
point mutation
28Base-pair substitution
29Base-pair insertion or deletion
30A summary of transcription and translation in a
eukaryotic cell