Title: NCLB Update
1NCLB Update
- December 2008
- Marilyn Peterson, Federal Programs Administrator
- Title III new interpretations
- Title I projects
- Targeted Assistance Schools
- Schoolwide Programs
- Financial
- Applications
- Adequate Yearly Progress
- Upcoming dates
3New Title III and Title I
- The Title III office was moved (at USDE) to the
SASA office that includes Title I to better
coordinate and integrate the programs - USDE has released new interpretations of Title
I and III requirements - Become effective with July 2009 grants
- USDE adding new interpretations to the Single
Audit Act (A-87) and monitoring of Title I and III
4Supplement, not supplant
- Title I funds cant be used to provide any
activity required by State or local laws - Title III funds cant be used to provide any
activity required by Federal, State or local laws - Federal law includes Title I of NCLB
5Federal Requirements
- Lau v Nichols
- Requires districts to provide core language
instructional programs to ensure LEP students
have equal access to education - NOTE core language instructional programs is
not defined in the new regulations or anywhere
else - Title I requirements
- Annual assessment of English language proficiency
6What does Title III require?
- Funds be used for (Section 3115)
- Developing and implementing new language
instructional programs and academic content
instruction programs - Carrying out highly focused, innovative, locally
designed activities to expand or enhance existing
language instructional educational programs and
academic content instruction programs
7What does the new guidance seem to say?
- Title I funds can be used for teachers to add on
to or supplement the core language instructional
programs provided by the district but Title III
funds cant - Title III funds cant be used for district costs
associated with ELDA but Title I funds can - Neither Title I or Title III can pay for
screening of LEP students
8Services to ELL in New Guidance
- Will require much closer coordination and
integration of Title I and Title III programs - The greater flexibility of schoolwide programs
provide some options for districts in terms of
funding staff - Title I services in Targeted Assistance Schools
can supplement existing district funded programs
and then Title III funds can supplement
9Options for Title III funds
- Coordination of services
- Extended services
- Summer, after school, etc.
- Support for classroom teachers
- Professional development for classroom teachers
- Professional development to help teachers become
ELL endorsed - Parent activities
- Paraprofessionals, liaisons, interpreters
10Title I, Part A
- Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS)
- NCLB requires an annual evaluation of program
effectiveness - NDE has always said that programs needed to
annually review their programs, including student
achievement results, but provided no guidance or
structure - USDE said this was not sufficient
11New TAS Rubric
- A Task Force has helped us develop a rubric for
Targeted Assistance Programs annual review of
effectiveness - Similar to the rubric used by Schoolwide Programs
- Review of program requirements but with
identified options for improvement - Rubrics will not be submitted but should be
retained as documentation for reviews
12Timeline for TAS Rubric
- TAS Rubric will be reviewed with the Committee of
Practitioners in March - Distributed to all Title I programs
- Available for use by Spring 2009
- Reminder Districts with nonpublic school
programs must annually review services and
participating student performance
13Title I Schoolwide Programs
- Newly eligible or planning to become a
schoolwide? - Intention was due in November in writing to Title
I Director (Diane Stuehmer) - Existing Schoolwide Programs
- April of each year
- Submit documentation for annual review of
Schoolwide plan and effectiveness or - Submit schoolwide plan for peer review
14Schoolwide Annual Review
- Peer review of schoolwide plan once every three
years - Schedule posted on Title I homepage
- Peer reviewed the year before the NCLB Integrated
Site Review - Schoolwide programs must do an annual review of
effectiveness - Submit documentation only in years when you dont
do the peer review
15Time and Effort Reports - NCLB
- What are time and effort reports or logs?
- Documentation of actual time spent in activities
that are wholly or partially federally funded - That account for all of the employees time
- Are signed by the employee and/or the employees
direct supervisor
16Who needs time and effort reports?
- Any certificated or classified staff
- Funded wholly by federal funds
- Funded by multiple federal programs
- Funded in part by federal and in part by State or
local funds
17How often are reports needed?
- Semi-annual Certification
- Staff with salary and benefits charged to a
single federal program - Monthly
- Staff funded from multiple federal programs or
funded in part by State or local funds
18Title I Schoolwide Programs
- Semi-annual certification for staff funded wholly
by Title I - Staff funded by multiple federal programs or a
combination of federal and State or local funds - Monthly reports
- Charge Title I for activities identified in the
approved Schoolwide Plan
19Common Errors
- Change of position, duties or funding without
notifying the fiscal office or accounting - Reporting time according to the ratios budgeted
without regard for actual time spent - No independent review other than the
20Common Errors
- Time and effort reports not signed by appropriate
staff (employee and/or supervisor) - Entire days schedule not accounted for
- Accounting adjustments transferring payroll
expenditures without supporting documentation - Lack of reports for employees with supplemental
contracts/stipends and extra hours
21Stipends, Contracts, Extra Hours
- Documentation
- Sign-in sheets or attendance logs for extra hour
pay charged to a single program - Contracts specifying program to be charged
- Stipend as long as the employee signs or some
after-the-fact certification
22Applicable Regulations
- OMB Circular A-87 Cost Principals for State,
Local, and Indian Tribal Governments - Attachment B, Section 11 h
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a087/a087-all.htm
l - Title I Fiscal Guidance
- www.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/fiscalguid.doc
23Closing out 2007-08 Applications
- Final Reports were due Nov. 30
- As projects are closed-out, any unspent funds are
available for carryover for 2008-09 - Carryover funds must be amended into the 2008-09
application - Email generated by the grants management system
to notify districts
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Postmark deadline is Monday, February 2
- Information available at http//www.nde.state.ne.
us/21stcclc/ - NCLB/Data Conference
- April 30 May 1, 2009