School Accountability Update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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School Accountability Update


Overview of Bulletin 111 Changes Preliminary Release SPS Component Changes Growth SPS Baseline SPS Subgroup Component Changes Label Changes SI/AA Changes Disaster ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: School Accountability Update

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School Accountability Update Fall 2006 Summer
Overview of Bulletin 111 Changes
  • Preliminary Release
  • SPS Component Changes
  • Growth SPS
  • Baseline SPS
  • Subgroup Component Changes
  • Label Changes
  • SI/AA Changes
  • Disaster Accountability

Schools Included in Preliminary Accountability
Release (Aug. 1)
  • For 2007, schools identified as
  • Failing the Subgroup Component based on spring
    2006 test results, or
  • Failing the SPS Component based on the 2007
    Baseline SPS or
  • Failing the SPS Component based on the 2006
    Baseline SPS or
  • Being in AUS or SCF (any level) in academic year

Bulletin 111, Section 301
SPS Component Changes
Inclusion of Students in the SPS
  • As in the past two years of Accountability
    releases, only students who have been in a
    district for a Full Academic Year (Oct.
    enrollment and time of testing) will count in the
    schools SPS Assessment Index.

Bulletin 111, Section 515
2007 Growth SPS
  • Will use assessment data from 2007 and attendance
    and dropout data from 2006
  • Calculated using
  • LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 1, and LAA 2 test data
  • Attendance data
  • Dropout data

Bulletin 111, Section 301
2007 Growth SPS
  • Assessment Index will use achievement levels from
    each test converted to index points
  • Advanced 200 points
  • Mastery 150 points
  • Basic 100 points
  • Approaching Basic 50 points
  • Unsatisfactory 0 points

Bulletin 111, Section 405
2007 Growth SPS
  • LAA 1 Accountability Conversion
  • Average of 4 State-specified skill levels (0-5)
    converted to an index and included in the SPS and
    Subgroup Proficient Calculations

LAA 1 Raw Score Level Assessment Points
0.00-0.49 Unsatisfactory 0
0.50-2.49 Approaching Basic 50
2.50-3.49 Basic 100
3.50-4.49 Mastery 150
4.50-5.00 Advanced 200
Bulletin 111, Section 3905
2007 Growth SPS
  • LAA 2 Accountability Achievement Levels
  • Grades 4-11 included in the Growth SPS

Level Assessment Points
Basic 100
Approaching Basic 75
Foundational 50
Pre-Foundational 0
Bulletin 111, Section 3905
2007 Growth SPS K-8
  • Two or three Indexes
  • Assessment Index
  • 90 weight
  • Attendance Index
  • 10 weight for schools with grades K-6
  • 5 weight for schools with grades 7 and 8
  • Dropout Index
  • 5 weight for schools with grades 7 and 8

Bulletin 111, Section 301
2007 Growth SPS K-8
  • Assessment Index Grade Subject weighting

Grade ELA Math Science Soc. Stud.
3rd 2 1 ½ ½
4th 2 2 1 1
5th 1 1 1 1
6th 1 1 1 1
7th 1 1 1 1
8th 2 2 1 1
Bulletin 111, Section 405
Spring Incentive Points K-8
  • As in 2005 and 2006, if during 2007 spring
    testing, a repeating 4th grader or an Option I
    8th grader scores at a higher achievement level
    on a LEAP test, the school shall receive 50
    incentive points per subject improved

Bulletin 111, Section 307
Summer Incentive Points K-8
  • For the 2007 accountability results, if during
    the 2006 summer school, a 4th or 8th grade
    student earns a score at a higher achievement
    level than the previous spring, the school that
    the student attended in the spring will receive
    50 incentive points per subject improved

Bulletin 111, Section 307
2007 Growth SPS K-8
  • Assessment Index Calculation
  • Sum index points and incentive points for each
    test unit
  • Multiply each sum times its appropriate
    grade-subject weight
  • Sum the weighted index points
  • Sum the grade-subject weights of each testing
  • Divide sum of weighted points by sum of the
    grade-subject weights

Bulletin 111, Section 405
2007 Growth SPS High Schools
  • Three Indexes
  • Assessment Index
  • 90 weight
  • Attendance Index
  • 5 weight
  • Dropout Index
  • 5 weight

Bulletin 111, Section 303
2007 Growth SPS High Schools
  • Assessment Index Weights

Grade ELA Math Sci. Soc. Stud
9th 1 1
10th 1.25 1.25
11th 1.25 1.25
Bulletin 111, Section 409
2007 Growth SPS High Schools
  • As in past years, the Assessment Index will
    continue to be adjusted by a dropout adjustment
    factor based upon a goal of no more than 4
  • For the 2006 Growth SPS the expectation was no
    more than 7 dropouts

Bulletin 111, Section 409
Option II 8th Grade Incentive Points
  • Due to the change in High Stakes testing policy,
    Option II 8th graders and the incentive points
    associated with these students no longer exist

Bulletin 111, Section 307
2007 Growth SPS High Schools
  • Assessment Index Calculation
  • Multiply each test unit index points times its
    appropriate grade-subject weight and the
    appropriate dropout adjustment
  • Sum weighted points
  • Sum grade-subject weights of each testing unit
  • Divide sum of weighted points by sum of the
    grade-subject weights

Bulletin 111, Section 409
2007 Growth SPS - Combo Schools
  • Assessment Index calculated using a weighted
    average of the K-8 and 9-12 Assessment Indexes
  • K-8 portion weighted by the number of test units
    from spring tests in grades 3-8
  • 9-12 portion weighted by the number of test units
    from spring tests in grades 9-11

Bulletin 111, Section 301
Dropout Documentation Required
  • Documentation is required for any exit code used
    on a student who does not count as a dropout
  • Example Exit to private school, Exit out of
    state, etc.

Bulletin 111, Section 611
2007 Growth SPS - Combo Schools
  • Attendance Index calculated using a weighted
    average of K-8 and 9-12 Attendance Indexes
  • K-8 portion weighted by the number of students in
    grades K-8
  • 9-12 portion weighted by the number of students
    in grades 9-12
  • Dropout Index calculated using a weighted average
    of K-8 and 9-12 Dropout Indexes
  • K-8 portion weighted by the number of students in
    grades 7and 8
  • 9-12 portion weighted by the number of students
    in grades 9-12

Bulletin 111, Sections 301, 511 and 513
2007 Growth SPS
  • The LAA 1 scores will be used in the 2006-07
    Growth SPS but not for the 2006-07 Baseline SPS
    due to changes being made to the LAA 1.

Bulletin 111, Section 3905
2007 Baseline SPS
  • LAA 2 Accountability Achievement Levels
  • Grades 4-11 for 2007 included
  • Grade 4, 8, 10 ELA and math and grade 11 science
    and Social Studies for 2006 included

Level Assessment Points
Basic 100
Approaching Basic 75
Foundational 50
Pre-Foundational 0
Bulletin 111, Section 3905
2007 Baseline SPS K-8 Schools
  • Calculated in the same manner as the 2006
    Baseline SPS for K-8 schools but will include two
    years (2005-06 and 2006-07) of assessment data

Bulletin 111, Section 301
2007 Baseline SPS High Schools
  • Calculated using two indexes
  • Assessment Index (70 weight)
  • Graduation Index (30 weight)

Bulletin 111, Section 301
2007 Baseline SPS High Schools
  • Assessment Index will use the same tests and
    subject-grade weighting as the 2007 Growth SPS,
    but will incorporate two years of testing data
    (Spring 06 and Spring 07)

Bulletin 111, Section 301
2007 Baseline SPS High Schools
  • Graduation Index cohort definition
  • All students entering as first-time freshmen
  • Tracked for four years
  • Students who transfer into the school from
    outside the LEA on or before October 1 of their
    11th grade year will be added to the cohort
  • Students who transfer into the school from within
    the district on or before October 1 of their 12th
    grade year will be added to the cohort

Bulletin 111, Sections 601-603
2007 Baseline SPS High Schools
  • Graduation Index cohort definition (continued)
  • Early graduates will be included with what would
    have been their four-year cohort
  • Students with Disabilities whose IEPs state that
    they will take longer than 4 years to graduate
    will be added to the cohort with which they
    graduate, provided they are less than 22 years
    old at the beginning of the academic year
  • Legitimate leavers are taken out of the cohort

Bulletin 111, Sections 601-603
2007 Baseline SPS High Schools
  • Graduation Index point values

Student Result Points
Academic Endorsement 180
Tops Opportunity Award OR Career Tech Endorsement 160
BESE approved Industry Based Certification OR Tops Tech and Dual Enrollment OR Tops Tech and Articulated Credit 140
Regular HS Diploma 120
GED 90
Skills Certificate/Certificate of Achievement 60
Attendee 30
Dropout 0
Bulletin 111, Section 613
2007 Baseline SPS Combo Schools
  • Calculated using a weighted average of the K-8
    and 9-12 School Performance Scores
  • K-8 portion weighted by the number of eligible
    spring testers in grades 3-8
  • 9-12 portion weighted by the number of eligible
    spring testers in grades 9-11 plus the number of
    members of the cohort used as the denominator in
    the Graduation Index calculation

Bulletin 111, Section 303
Inclusion of Schools for 2007 (and Beyond)
  • To receive a 2007 Growth SPS, a school must have
    at least 40 testing units in any combination of
    LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 1 or LAA 2
  • To receive a 2007 Baseline SPS, a school must
    have at least 80 units in any combination of
    LEAP/GEE, iLEAP, LAA 1, LAA 2 or Graduation Index
    cohort membership
  • Each Grad Index cohort member will count as 4
    units for this determination

Bulletin 111, Section 519
Pairing and Sharing Data
  • Pairing data will no longer be necessary
  • For the 2007 Growth SPS and the 2007 Baseline
    SPS, schools that have no testing grade will
    share one grade of testing data from a school
    into which its students feed

Bulletin 111, Section 521
Pairing and Sharing Data
  • Any school enrolling only 12th grade students
    will share data with a school or schools
    containing grades 9-11 from which the majority of
    its students are sent
  • Used to define the schools cohort for the
    Graduation Index
  • SPS will be based solely on the schools
    Graduation Index

Bulletin 111, Section 521
Pairing and Sharing Data
  • Any school with a K-2 and 9-12 configuration will
    receive an SPS based solely upon the 9-12 data

Bulletin 111, Section 521
Subgroup Component Changes
Subgroup Component Inclusion of Students
  • In 2007, the Subgroup Component Proficiencies
    will use test (LEAP, GEE, iLEAP, LAA 1 and LAA 2
    tests) results from ELA and math for grades 3-8
    and grade 10 for both the Proficiency AMO
    analysis and Safe Harbor decrease in
    Non-Proficiency analysis

Bulletin 111, Sections 701 and 707
Subgroup Component - 2007 Additional Academic
  • For schools with a 12th grade, the 2007 Subgroup
    Component analysis will include a cohort
    Graduation Rate to replace the Non-Dropout Rate
    as the school Additional Academic Indicator
  • The cohort for this Graduation Rate is defined in
    the same way as the cohort for the Graduation
  • For 2007 only, the Safe Harbor AAI growth will
    continue to use non-dropout rates

Bulletin 111, Section 701
Label and RemedyChanges
2007 Growth Labels
  • Schools with a Performance Label of Three Stars
    and a Baseline SPS gt 105 will not receive a
    negative Growth Label
  • In 2005, the bar was 100

Bulletin 111, Section 1101
2007 Growth Labels
  • Exemplary and Recognized Academic Growth Criteria
  • No longer calculating a full Subgroup Performance
    Score (GPS) for all subgroups
  • Calculating a weighted Subgroup Assessment Index
    (SAI) for the Economically Disadvantaged and
    Students with Disabilities subgroups
  • Assessment Index with grade-subject weighting for
    the students in each of these subgroups

Bulletin 111, Sections 903 and 1301
2007 Growth Labels
  • Exemplary and Recognized Academic Growth Criteria
  • For Exemplary Academic Growth (EAG), a school
  • Make its Growth Target, and
  • Economically Disadvantaged and Students with
    Disabilities SAI must grow by at least 2 points,
  • The school must not be in AUS or SCF

Bulletin 111, Sections 903 and 1301
2007 Growth Labels
  • Exemplary and Recognized Academic Growth Criteria
  • For Recognized Academic Growth (RAG), a school
  • Make its Growth Target, but
  • Economically Disadvantaged and Students with
    Disabilities SAI does not grow by at least 2
    points, and/or
  • The school is in AUS and/or SCF

Bulletin 111, Sections 903 and 1301
Academically Unacceptable Schools/Subgroup
Component Failure/Academic Assistance Changes
Academically Unacceptable School (AUS) Status
  • A school with a Baseline SPS of less than 60.0
    enters AUS 1 if the school was not labeled AUS
    the previous year
  • Schools progress to more serious levels of AUS
    based on the number of consecutive years a school
    has been labeled AUS.

Bulletin 111, Section 1601
Academically Unacceptable School (AUS) Status
  • In 2007-08, all schools labeled AUS shall
    implement remedies/sanctions based on the number
    of years they have been labeled AUS.
  • Schools exit Academically Unacceptable School
    status when their Baseline SPS are 60.0 or

Bulletin 111, Section 1601
Waiver of AUS Requirements
  • For 2007 only, schools with a 12th grade that are
    Academically Unacceptable, have a 2007 Baseline
    SPS lt60, but had a 2006 Baseline SPS gt 60 and a
    2007 Growth SPS gt 60, AUS requirements will be
    waived for the 2007-08 school year.

Bulletin 111, Section 1503
Waiver of AUS Requirements
  • Schools identified as AUS with a 2006 and a 2007
    Baseline SPS of 55.0 or greater and the
    Recognized Academic Growth label in 2007, for the
    2007-08 school year will
  • Continue previous years remedies/sanctions
  • Implement no additional remedies/sanctions

Bulletin 111, Section 1601
Academically Unacceptable Schools
AUS 1 Revised School Improvement Plan to open academic year School Choice Scholastic Audit Write new SIP for remainder of the current year and the next 2 years based on the Audit
AUS 2 Implement SIP based on Scholastic Audit Quarterly Implementation Reports Title I schools offer Supplemental Educational Services Non-Title I schools add a remedy from Corrective Action List Eligible for Turn-Around Specialist
Academically Unacceptable Schools cont.
AUS 3 Add from Corrective Action List Develop Reconstitution Plan Eligible for DE
Submit Reconstitution Plan (Type 5 Charter School
Proposals submitted at the same time)
Implement Reconstitution Plan
Implement Reconstitution Plan
Eligible for Recovery School District (RSD)
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Requirements
  • As a result of AUS identification, new SIPs are
    intended to get the school out of trouble before
    AUS 4. Accordingly, in their revised SIPs,
    schools must plan to move to AUS 2 and AUS 3 over
    the following two years.

Bulletin 111, Section 1601
Subgroup Component Failure (SCF)
  • Schools are now assigned Subgroup Component
    Failure (SCF) labels independent of AUS labels
  • The labels are the same as those for federal NCLB
    Act School Improvement (SI) 1(failing the same
    subject area for 2 consecutive years), SI 2 (3
    years), Corrective Action (CA) 1 (4 years) and CA
    2 (5 years), and Restructuring (6 years).

Bulletin 111, Sections 1605 and 1607
Subgroup Component Failure (SCF)
  • Any school that fails to meet Subgroup AYP in the
    same subject or in the Whole School AAI for two
    consecutive years enters Subgroup Component
    Failure 1 (SCF 1).
  • Schools in any level of Subgroup Component
    Failure remain at the same level if they pass
    Subgroup AYP for 1 year in the subject that
    caused them to originally enter.

Bulletin 111, Sections 1605 and 1607
Exit from Subgroup Component Failure (SCF)
  • A school exits SCF when it passes the Subgroup
    AYP for two consecutive years in the subject that
    caused them to originally enter Subgroup
    Component Failure.

Bulletin 111, Section 1605
Subgroup Component Failure
SI 1 New 2-year SIP (must incorporate remedies for SI 2) School Choice (for Title I schools only)
SI 2 Supplemental Ed. Services (Title I schools)
CA 1 Add a remedy from Corrective Action List Eligible for Turnaround Specialist
CA 2 Scholastic Audit Develop Alternate Governance Plan (Title I schools) or Focused Reconstitution Plan (non-Title I schools) based on the Scholastic Audit
Restructuring Alternate Governance (Title I) Implement Focused Recon. Plan (non-Title I)
Entry into Academic Assistance
  • Beginning in 2007, schools with new Growth
    Targets greater than 7.0 points enter Academic
    Assistance level 1 (AA1).
  • In 2010, this value decreases to 6.0 points, and
    in 2013, to 5.0 points.

Bulletin 111, Section 1403
Movement in and Exit from Academic Assistance
  • Schools move one level higher in Academic
    Assistance when their newly calculated Growth
    Target exceeds 8.0 SPS points (a school in AA 1
    moves to AA 2).
  • Schools exit Academic Assistance when their new
    Growth Targets are 5.0 or fewer points.
  • Schools remain at the same level of Academic
    Assistance when they do not advance or exit
    Academic Assistance.

Bulletin 111, Section 1405
Waivers from AA Status
  • Districts may submit requests to the State
    Superintendent of Education for waivers from AA
    status if
  • 1.The total number of Academically Unacceptable
    Schools (AUS), schools in Subgroup Component
    Failure, and schools in Academic Assistance
    exceeds 30 of the non-alternative schools in the

Bulletin 111, Section 1403
Waivers from AA Status
  • Waiver requests based on this 30 limit must be
    for individual schools and can only serve as a
    means to establish a reasonable number of schools
    on which to focus resources.

Bulletin 111, Section 1403
Waivers from AA Status
  • Districts may also submit requests to the State
    Superintendent of Education for waivers from AA
    status if
  • 2. The school or schools for which a district is
    requesting waivers implemented reforms or
    innovations that should show substantially
    improved student achievement the following year.

Bulletin 111, Section 1403
Waivers from AA Status
  • Any waiver request based on 2 must be
    accompanied by documentation that shows
    implementation of the reforms/innovations in the
    previous year.
  • The documentation must include classroom
    observations. A school cannot receive a waiver
    for 2 consecutive years based on 2.

SPS Component Disaster Policy
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Disaster Accountability
New School
Disaster year no scores released Year 1 (2007)
Assessment Index only no labels assigned Year
2 (2008) Baseline SPS Performance Labels Year
3 (2009) Fully Accountable
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Disaster Accountability
New School
High School
The cohort to calculate the Graduation Index must
be re-established.
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Disaster Accountability
New School
High School
Disaster Year no scores released Year 1 (2007)
Assessment Index only no labels assigned Year
2 (2008) Baseline Assessment Index
Performance Labels Year 3 (2009) Fully
Accountable as a 9-11 school (Assessment Index
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Disaster Accountability
New School
High School
Year 5 (2011) Graduation Index calculated,
Fully Accountable
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Subgroup Component - Disaster
  • The displaced students will not be considered a
    separate subgroup for the 2006-07 academic year

Bulletin 111, Section 4527
Disaster Accountability
Additional Information
Displaced students will not be counted as
dropouts in their receiving schools if they drop
out prior to the first day of school the
following academic year.
Bulletin 111, Chapter 45
Where to get
Current Bulletin 111 Policy (and all
bulletins) http//
1.html Proposals passed by BESE for Notice of
Intent (this is for all agencies in the
state) http//

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