Title: International Center for Leadership in Education
1International Center for Leadership in Education
Academics CTEAcademic Requirements of the
2These are the Best of Times. . . These are
the Worst of Times. . .
3Business Approach Science of Numbers
Education is an Art
4What Works
5What Works
- Rigor and Relevance
- Academics Into
- Arts
- Interdisciplinary
- Academies
- Electives in 9th Grade
- Foreign Language
- Looping
- Technology
- Read 180
- I CAN Learn
6Skills Gap
7Application Model
- 1. Knowledge in one discipline
- 2. Application within discipline
- 3. Application across disciplines
- 4. Application to real-world predictable
situations - 5. Application to real-world unpredictable
1 2 3 4 5
9Employment 1970s
10Employment 1990s
Semi Skill
11Employment 2010
Semi Skill
121970s 1990s 2010
13Change Process
Why What How
142005-06 Lexile Framework for Reading Study
Summary of Text Lexile Measures
Interquartile Ranges Shown (25 - 75)
Text Lexile Measure (L)
High School Literature
College Literature
High School Textbooks
College Textbooks
Personal Use
Entry-Level Occupations
Source of National Test Data MetaMetrics
1516 Career ClustersDepartment of Education
16Reading RequirementsFindings
- Entry-level
- Highest in 6/16
- Second Highest in 7/16
- Consistent Across Country
17Human Services
1816 Career ClustersDepartment of Education
19Human Services
22On-the Job Lexile Requirements
National Adult Literacy Study 1992
1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800
International Center for Leadership in Education
23New Literacy
24Quantile Framework
- Numbers and Operations
- Algebra / Patterns Functions
- Data Analysis Probability
- Measurement
- Geometry
252005-06 Quantile Framework for Math
StudySummary of Quantile Measures
Interquartile Ranges Shown (25 - 75)
Quantile Measure (Q)
Personal Use
High School
First-Year College
26Change Process
Why What How
27TAKS English LAStudent Expectations Tested
28Texas Career and Technical Education
Texas English Language Arts Essential Knowledge and Skills/ Student Expecations English II - 10th Grade English III - 11th Grade (Exit) TAKS TAKS Ag Services Construction Advertising Health Science Machinist
Texas English Language Arts Essential Knowledge and Skills/ Student Expecations English II - 10th Grade English III - 11th Grade (Exit) 10th 11th Ag Services Construction Advertising Health Science Machinist
(C) organize ideas in writing to ensure coherence, logical progression, and support for ideas. H H H M H H M
(G) analyze strategies that writers in different fields use to compose. L L L L M L L
(G) draw inferences such as conclusions, generalizations, and predictions and support them with text evidence and experience H H H M H H H
(D) interpret the possible influences of the historical context on a literary work. H H M L M M L
(B) evaluate the credibility of information sources, including how the writer's motivation may affect that credibility H H H H H H H
29Texas Arts Education
Texas Mathematics Essential Knowledge and Skills/ Student Expectations 7th Grade TAKS Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre
(A) represent multiplication and division situations involving fractions and decimals with concrete models, pictures, words, and numbers H H H H H
(B) use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve problems involving fractions and decimals H H H H H
(D) use division to find unit rates and ratios in proportional relationships such as speed, density, price, recipes, and student-teacher ratio H M M M M
(B) use properties to classify shapes including triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, and circles L H M L H
(B) use a problem-solving model that incorporates understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness H H H H H
30NYS Assessment English LAPerformance Indicators
31NYS Assessment SciencePerformance Indicators
32 New York Career and Technical Education
Curriculum Matrix for English Language Arts
New York English Language Arts Learning Standards/Performance Indicators Grade 9 NY Regents Comprehensive English Exam Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Architecture Construction Architecture Construction Architecture Construction Arts, AV Tech Communications Arts, AV Tech Communications Arts, AV Tech Communications
New York English Language Arts Learning Standards/Performance Indicators Grade 9 NY Regents Comprehensive English Exam Ag Production Ag Services (Ag Business) Ag Mechanics Natural Resources Architecture Surveying Drafting Construction Visual Arts Design Performing Arts Communications
Locate and use school and public library resources for information and research - define a purpose for reading by asking questions about what they need to know for their research H H H H H H H H H H H
Read and follow written, complex directions and procedures to solve problems and accomplish tasks demonstrate task awareness by employing flexible strategies H H H H H H H H H H H
Read, view, and interpret texts and performances in every medium from a wide variety of authors, subjects, and genres (e.g., short stories, novels, plays, film and video productions, poems, and essays) - build background by activating prior knowledge through questioning what they already know about the form in which the story is presented and the period in which it was written H L L L L L L L L H M
Read, view, and respond independently to literary works that represent a range of social, historical, and cultural perspectives H L L L L M L L L H M
33New York Arts Education
New York Mathematics Key Ideas/Performance Indicators Grade 8 New York State Assessment Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre
8.N.3 Read, write, and identify percents less than 1 and greater than 100 H M M M M
8.N.6 Justify the reasonableness of answers using estimation H H H H H
8.A.2 Write verbal expressions that match given mathematical expressions H H H H H
8.A.3 Describe a situation involving relationships that matches a given graph M M M M M
8.A.4 Create a graph given a description or an expression for a situation involving a linear or nonlinear relationship M M L L L
34TCAP / EOC MathematicsAccomplishments /
Additional SPIs Tested
35Tennessee Career and Technical Education
Tennessee Language Arts Standards/Learning Expectations/Accomplishments High School English II End-of- Course Test Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Agriculture Natural Resources Architecture Construction Architecture Construction Architecture Construction Arts, AV Tech Communications Arts, AV Tech Communications Arts, AV Tech Communications
Tennessee Language Arts Standards/Learning Expectations/Accomplishments High School English II End-of- Course Test Ag Production Ag Services Ag Mechanics Natural Resources Architecture Surveying Drafting Construction Visual Arts Design Performing Arts Communica- tions
1.01 Write to acquire knowledge, clarify thinking, synthesize information, improve study skills, gain confidence, and promote lifelong communication. L H H H H H H H H H H
1.02 Write frequently for a variety of purposes including narration, description, persuasion, exposition, and personal, creative expression. H H H H H H H H H H H
1.14 Continue to respond actively and imaginatively to literature. L L L L L L L L L H H
1.15 Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for multicultural and ethnic diversity in language. H M M M M M M L M H H
3.04 analyze the impact of media on daily life. H M H M M M M M M H H
36Tennessee Arts Education
Tennessee Language Arts Standards/Learning Expectations/Accomplishments High School English II Curriculum Survey of Essential Skills National Rankings End-of-Course Test Visual Arts Dance Music Theatre
1.08 Develop organized pieces of writing containing focused, well-developed ideas. e12 e54 H H H H H
1.09 Demonstrate effective writing style by the use of vivid words, a variety of sentence structures, and appropriate transitions. e12 e54 H H H H H
1.10 Evaluate and revise writing to focus on purpose, organization, development, transitions, unity, and audience awareness. e14 e41 e62 H M M M M
1.11 Recognize and demonstrate appropriate use of standard English usage, mechanics and standard spelling, and sentence structure. e1 e7 H H H H H
1.12 Identify and use a variety of resources to revise and edit writing. e21 H M M M M
1.13 Research information to prepare presentations or reports which use summarizing, paraphrasing, direct quotations, citation of sources, and bibliographic entries. e3 e36a L
37Change Process
Why What How
39Computer Sales
Computer Manufacturers
Dell Sony Compaq HP IBM Think Pad Apple NEC Gatewa
y Toshiba
Quanta Wispron Asustek Compal Inventec
Mainland China Companies
40Cities with 1 Million People
United States Europe China (2006) China (2020) 9 36 100 160
41What Works
- Rigor and Relevance
- Academics Into
- Arts
- Interdisciplinary
- Academies
- Electives in 9th Grade
- Foreign Language
- Looping
- Technology
- Read 180
- I CAN Learn
- Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core
subjects of English language arts, math and
science and others identified by the school)
- Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core
subjects of English language arts, math and
science and others identified by the school) - Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and
relevant learning beyond the minimum requirements)
- Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core
subjects of English language arts, math and
science and others identified by the school) - Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and
relevant learning beyond the minimum
requirements) - Student Engagement (The extent to which students
are motivated and committed to learning have a
sense of belonging and accomplishment and have
relationships with adults, peers, and parents
that support learning)
- Core Academic Learning (Achievement in the core
subjects of English language arts, math and
science and others identified by the school) - Stretch Learning (Demonstration of rigorous and
relevant learning beyond the minimum
requirements) - Student Engagement (The extent to which students
are motivated and committed to learning have a
sense of belonging and accomplishment and have
relationships with adults, peers, and parents
that support learning) - Personal Skill Development (Measures of personal,
social, service, and leadership skills and
demonstrations of positive behaviors and
46Guiding Principles
- Responsibility
- Contemplation
- Initiative
- Perseverance
- Optimism
- Courage
- Respect
- Compassion
- Adaptability
- Honesty
- Trustworthiness
- Loyalty
47What Works
- Rigor and Relevance
- Academics Into
- Arts
- Interdisciplinary
- Academies
- Electives in 9th Grade
- Foreign Language
- Looping
- Technology
- Read 180
- I CAN Learn
48What Works
- Rigor and Relevance
- Academics Into
- Arts
- Interdisciplinary
- Academies
- Electives in 9th Grade
- Foreign Language
- Looping
- Technology
- Read 180
- I CAN Learn