Title: MCLA Leadership Academy 2002
1MCLA Leadership Academy 2002
- Fundamentals of Educational Administration
- Dr. Sheila Tebbano
2Course Overview
- This course intends to give students an overview
of issues that school administrators face in
their work, organizational structure, history of
education in America, and an understanding of
leadership philosophy. The course will blend
theory with practical application through
dialogue, sharing, case studies, and reading. - Syllabus is being copied and will be avilable for
you on Tuesday.
- Class Participation
- Group Activities and Presentations
- Internet Searching
- In-class Writing Assignments
- Class Reading
- Final Presentation
Course syllabus will be provided in hard copy.
4Ground Rules for Success
- Listen Actively
- No Put Downs
- Permissions to Pass
- We are all learners
- Answer for yourself
- Contribute
- Question
- Respect Confidentiality
- Your Needs?
5Team Building
- Share
- Your Name
- Where You Work
- What You Do at Your Place of Work
- One Thing No One Would Believe About You
6Drawing Exercise
- Can we put the fun in Fundamentals?
7Be a Risk Taker!
8Educational Philosophy
Classic Texts and Manuscripts in
Education http//carbon.cudenver.edu/mryder/itc_d
9History of Education in America
- This page was last edited on 12/03/1999
114217. It was originated and is currently
maintained by Professor Robert N. Barger. It is
dedicated to F. Raymond McKenna, longtime
Professor of Philosophy and History of Education
at Eastern Illinois University. It has been
designated as an "Internet Site of the Day" by
selection of the Internet Scout Report for the
Social Sciences. A mirror site is located at
10Frederick Taylor (1856 1915)
- Bethlehem Steel
- Known as Father of Scientific Management
- Published Principals of Scientific Management in
1911 - Broke jobs down into their smallest movement
- Increased workers output
- Schools are based on the Industrial Model as
defined by Taylor - http//ollie.dcccd.edu/mgmt/1347/book_contents/1ov
11Dr. William Glasser
- We Learn
- 10 of what we read
- 20 of what we hear
- 30 of what we see
- 50 of what we see and hear
- 70 of what we discuss with others
- 80 of what we experience personally
- 95 of what we teach someone else.
- Seeing is believing!
- Video Example
- Apollo 13
- Talk to a partner about
- the leadership style
- in this clip?
13Organizational Culture
- Organizational cultures help employees answer the
question who are we? - A sense of identity helps employees feel more
connected to each other and the organization. - Members learn what role they fulfill in the
larger picture of their workplace.
147 Indicators of Organizational Culture
- Symbols
- golden arches, swish mark
- Practices
- The way we get things done each day
- Daily routines
- Vocabulary
- Jargon, technical language, specialized
15- Metaphors
- Walmart is like a family
- Stories
- The story of Lee Iaccoca working for one dollar
during his first year as the CEO at Chrysler in
the 1970s is still told around the organization. - Rites or Rituals
- Dress down Friday, bonus checks, company picnics
or parties, or any event which occurs with
regularity - Constructs
- Processes used by employees to help them
accomplish their daily tasks. - I.D. Cards allow employees to be easily
16- Talk to your partner about the organizational
culture of your school or organization. - Can you identify with the indicators within your
17Bolman and Deal
- Organizational Frames
- Structural
- Political
- Human Resources
- Symbolic
- Handout group reading and presentation
18Principle Centered LeadershipBy Steven Covey
- Leaders are continually learning.
- Leaders are service oriented.
- Leaders radiate positive energy.
- Leaders believe in other people.
- Leaders live balances lives.
- Leaders see life as an adventure.
- Leaders are synergistic.
- Leaders exercise self-renewal.
19Peter Senge
- Schools That Learn (2000) NY Doubleday
- Learning Organization Theory
- The 5 Disciplines
- Personal Mastery
- Mental Models
- picture activity
- Shared Vision
- Team Learning
- Systems Thinking
20Community and Shared VisionReference Senge, P.
(1994) The fifth discipline field book
Strategies and tools for building a learning
organization. New York Doubleday.
- 1. Terms that are often overused and
- misunderstood
- Community a location or a connection of social
organizations. Leader must consider both, as
they are interrelated. - Logistics, demographics, support systems
- Directly influence development of childrens
behavior and affects their learning as they
observe and interpret the messages they receive.
21- Vision is the ability to perceive something not
actually visible. Vision involves keen foresight
and powerful imagination. - Shared vision is a complex process in which a
group of people united by a common goal work
together to make the vision a reality. - Administrators task is to lead the group in the
difficult journey that may be filled with
pitfalls, disappointments, and setbacks.
22- 2. Steps to building a shared vision and
empowering the community. - Spend time to reflect why you should undertake
the difficult process. - Hire staff that want to be a part of a larger
process, who understand the community, and who
share your vision.
23- 3. Share introductions
- Make sure office staff is friendly and welcoming
- Introduce new staff to current staff.
- Welcome back parties, open house, non-threatening
atmosphere for parents to get acquainted with the
staff and the school. - Establish procedures for welcoming new students
and staff after school begins
24- 4. Acquaint the staff with the communitys needs,
assets, special characteristics, and key
individuals. - Tour the community with staff every 2-3 years so
teachers get an idea of where their students live
and how they get to school. - Home visits?
25- 5. Next, you must show that you are serious
about building and sharing a vision with the
community and its children. - Have conversations with small, representative
community groups about the kind of school they
want, and what the roles of the principal,
teachers, students, parents, mentors, community
members, office staff, custodians should be.
26- A representative group should review all the
pieces and formalize a collective vision that
incorporates as many different elements as
27- 6. Publicize the vision throughout the
community. - Include it in all newsletters
- Present it to students and discuss with them its
implications and their roles in achieving it - Discuss it with parent groups, noting their
roles. Identify ways the school can help them,
and ways they can help the school and each other,
in realizing the vision.
28- 7. Keeping the vision alive.
- Revisit it every year.
- Are stakeholder groups on track?
- Are school decisions consistent?
- Is the community making the vision a reality.
- Does the vision ever change?
29Joy in the Job
- More and more is being asked of todays school
administrators. School administration theory and
responsibility have changed. What hasnt changed
is the fun part of the job. - What activities give administrators joy on the
job? Its group time!
30FISH Philosophy
There is always a choice about the way you do
your work, even if there is not a choice about
the work itself.
31- Happy people treat others well
- Fun leads to creativity
- The time passes quickly
- Having a good time is healthy
- Work becomes a reward and not just a way to
32- Engage people
- Look for ways to create great memories. Whenever
you create a memory you make someones day. - Focusing your attention on ways to make another
persons day provides a constant flow of positive
33The past is history The future is a mystery Today
is a gift That is why we call it the present.
34(No Transcript)
- The act of reflection provides an opportunity
for - Amplifying the meaning of ones work through the
insights of others - Applying meaning beyond the situation in which it
was learned - Making a commitment to modifications plans, and
experimentation - Documenting learning and providing a rich base of
shared knowledge
36- Dr. Thomas Kelly, Ph.D.
- Presently Dr. Kelly is
- Working to implement the ideas of William
Glasser, W. Edwards Deming and Steven Covey in
schools - Assisting schools in systemic assessment to guide
systemic change - New book on character education
No one thinks we need higher academic standards
more than me.At the same time I must say that
the higher standards we
need most are not academic.The higher
standards we need most are moral, and until we
get that straight the schools and the general
culture are going nowhere but down."
SELF ASSESSMENT. - William Glasser
ASSESS ITSELF. - Thomas F. Kelly
40- Character Education Resources
- http//www.region.york.on.ca/cc/pdf/resources.pdf
- http//www.canandaiguaschools.org/CAprofessional/g
41- Every schools goal should be to habituate
reflection throughout the organization. The
ultimate purpose of reflection is to get us into
the habit of thinking about our experiences. - Individually
- Collectively
- with teachers, students, and the school
community - External and internal voices.
42- Technology
- Professional development
- Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning
by Alan November (article) - Databases
- Attendance, Grades, Test Data, Financial Records,
Budget, Demographic Information - Scheduling
43Who Moved My Cheese
44School Safety
- Discipline
- Violence
- Crisis
- NYS SAVE Legislation
- Harassment
45Teacher Support
- Supervision
- Hiring
- Support
- 22 of all new teachers leave the profession in
the first three years because of lack of support
and a sink or swim approach to induction. - U.S. Education Department, office of
Educational Research and Improvement - Isolation
46- Resources
- Promising Practices, The Induction of New
Teachers. - www.ed.gov/pubs/PromPractice/chapter5.html
47Leader of Leaders
- American school day was never designed with time
for professional development in mind. - State requirements
- Adult learning theory
48Internet Resources for Administrators
- http//www.chalktalkonline.com/pages/links.html
- http//www.edu-leadership.com
49- http//www.nsba.org/sbot/toolkit/
Policy Resources http//www.nsba.org/sbot/toolki
50- This graph, taken from The Education Commission
of the States', Bridging the Gap, clearly shows
the rising achievement levels of students in
recent years. Education in the U.S. IS improving.
The issue is that educational improvement is not
keeping pace with public expectations. Many
American schools are doing the best job of
educating children in their history, but theyre
not changing fast enough to keep up with the
demands of the worlds economy and the
expectations of the American public. This figure
illustrates the central public policy challenge
of education reform in the current political
51Data Driven Decision Making
- Tools for Schools Video
- handouts
- The Real Causes of High Achievement by Mike
Schmoker - http//www.sedl.org/pubs/sedletter/v14n02/1.html
52SCANS Report
- In 1992, the U.S. Department of Labor issued a
report developed by the Secretarys Commission on
Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS). Entitled
"Learning a Living", the report identifies the
skills and competencies necessary for the
workplace and outlines how to incorporate them
into American schools. In addition, the
Commission issued several other reports
addressing such issues as building community
coalitions and giving anecdotes from schools
currently using the SCANS ideas in their work. - Read this entire section by scrolling down or do
directly to the following
54The Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
- The Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership
(JCEL) publishes in electronic format
peer-reviewed case studies appropriate for use in
programs that prepare education leaders. Building
on a long tradition, the University Council for
Education Administration sponsors this journal in
an ongoing effort to improve administrative
preparation. The Journal editorial staff seeks a
wide range of cases that embody relevant and
timely presentations of issues germane to the
preparation of educational leaders. - Cases published in JCEL may be downloaded and
duplicated for non-profit use by any individual
or education/public agency. Such reproduction
must bear the citation of the article, including
author's name, title of case, journal name, issue
and page numbers. Commercial use of this journal
in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. - http//www.ucea.org/cases/past.html
Knowledge Bases Including Theories, Research, the
Wisdom of Practice, and Education Policies
ASSESSMENT - Overhead masters for presentations and training
- Worksheets for planning and assessment
- Seventeen different needs assessment surveys (can
be customized), already used by more than 5,000
schools - Make your own survey (see following)
- Incorporates the ideas of W. Edwards Deming,
William Glasser, and the Johnson City Public
Schools - If self improvement is to be a continuous
process, it must be guided by continuous
self-assessment. - http//www.drtomkelly.com/download.htm
56- Leadership Characteristicsthat Facilitate School
Change - By Sylvia Méndez-Morse
- http//www.sedl.org/change/leadership/welcome.htm
l - Table of Contents
- Credits and Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- History of Leadership Research
- Traits Model of Leadership Leaders versus
Followers - Situational Leadership Impact of the Setting
on Leaders - Effective Leaders Two Dimensions
- Contingency Models More than the Situation
- Nonleader Leadership Many Leaders
- Current Leadership Research
- Leaders vs. Managers
- Vision
- Shared Vision
- Valuing Human Resources
- Transformational Leadership
- Characteristics of Leaders Change
57Excuses, Excuses
Awkward's Humour and Sillies
These are actual excuse notes from parents
(including spelling)I think a good portion of
these came from student's as well...
My son is under a doctor's care and should not
take P.E. today.Please execute him. Please
excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I
had hershot. Dear School Please ekscuse John
being absent on Jan. 28, 29,30, 31, 32, and also
33. Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is
58Leadership Gap Every day we encounter
situations, circumstances or seemingly impossible
problems that could be ameliorated, if not solved
by the exercise of leadership. At school or in
our workplace situations arise that are allowed
to develop or continue due to a lack of
leadership. We do not act ourselves nor do we
empower others to fill the void. Because of our
belief in leadrship myths we are sometimes blind
to our hidden potential for responding. We
recognize that leaders could make a difference
but don't act. 1. Create a list of situations
that seem to be an issue or at impasse and that
might be resolved by the intervention of a
leader. 2. What keeps you from taking the
action you know is needed to solve the problem?
What leadership myths get in your way? Do you
have any support in demonstrating leadership in
this situation? 3. What would you do to solve
the problem? How would you demonstrate leadership
ability? Thinking about leadership... How were
you encouraged or discouraged to exercise your
leadership skills? http//gsep.pepperdine.edu/cl
60Learning Organizations
61(No Transcript)
The role of the school administrator is critical
to the success of the school library program, so
read on, browse, try our links and you will find
many helpful resources and ideas.
A WebQuest for K-12 Administrators Designed
byBill Byles
63Another adm. webquest
- Ancient Civilizations
- International School An Internet WebQuest on
Mesopotamia, The Indus Valley Civilization,
Ancient China and Ancient Egypt created by Sue
Reid email reids_at_aes.ac.in
64- Webquest for Lois-Ann Yamanaka's Name Me Nobody
- http//homepages.wmich.edu/e7neeley/webquest.html
65- Administrator Bookmarks
- http//www.esc12.net/BOOKMARK/admin.htm
- http//www.eduscapes.com/
- Selected Internet Resources for Education
66- http//www.mnsfld.edu/swoolley/ed596/res.htm
- RESPECTT (Albuquerque Public Schools Learning
Technologies) - Raising Educational Standards, Professional
Excellence Communication through Technology
67- Staff/Professional Development
- Creating the CyberSchool
- http//www.tnellen.com/school/staff.html
- The Educators Portal
- http//www.educatorsportal.com/
- Web Resources for Teachers
- http//www.middlecountry.k12.ny.us/web20resources
68A Framework for Continuous ImprovementQUEST
challenges members of a school community to
embark on a journey of continuous learning and
improvement. This journey begins with the
articulation of core values and the creation of a
shared vision. Support for the journey comes as
participants, focused on a shared vision,
intentionally engage in activities designed to
broaden the learning community, sharing
leadership, and strengthening the learning
culture of the school. Impetus comes from a
student focus establishing shared goals for
learning, assessing student learning, and
enabling SMART learners (successful, motivated,
autonomous, responsible, and thoughtful).
Momentum for continuous improvement is fueled by
the energy of individuals--derived from
commitment to a shared vision, caring about each
other and members of the broader community,
excitement of learning together, and the
potential for every child to become a SMART
69QUILT Wait Time Test
- http//www.ael.org/rel/quilt/ql971003.htm
70- Educational Quotes for the 21stC
- prepared by
- http//www.leading-learning.co.nz/famous-quotes.ht
- Learning Styles
- Learning Environment
- Parent Involvement/Communication
- Community Empowerment Building a Shared Vision
(article) http//www.saesp.org/comm/p1196a.htm - BCMS school improvement team parent communication
survey - Relationships
- Avoiding the cold within Instructional
relationships systematically applied (article) - http//www.nassp.org/pbulications/schools_in_the_m
72 Learning Community Thoughts
Ten years ago Peter Sense introduced the idea of
the 'Learning Organisation', Now he Says... to
change we need to stop thinking like mechanics
and to start acting like gardeners... Companies
are actually living organisms not machines' Fast
People come to relate to each other in predicable
ways, which form a pattern that when defined the
structure of relationships - norms, expectations,
taken for granted habits of communicating. These
patterns aren't fixed they can change. Fast
Company ' Communities of the mind are
collections of individuals who are bonded
together by natural will and to a set of shared
ideals and ideals.' Thomas Sergiovanni A
learning organisation sees the environment. as
messy, complex and volatile. It picks and chooses
it's way attempting to use certain events as
catalysts for action, turn constraints into
opportunities, and blunt or minimise the
impositions that do not make sense...because they
know that that is the only way to survive and
prosper in a complex environment. Michael Fullan
'Shared values are more important than paper
and policies. We need, passion, people, and
pride. Leadership not management.' Lester Levy
'Without question we have had a breakdown in the
sense of community. The solution is to restore a
sense of community...and doing within the
school.' James Comer 'It's not the biggest, the
brightest, or the best that will survive, but
those who adapt the quickest'. Charles Darwin
'To raise new questions, new problems, to
regard old problems from a new angle requires
creative imagination and makes real advances'
Albert Einstein ' Education for the future has
left the harbor and is already on the open seas.
Some educators are still clinging to the belief
that the ship hasn't left and are invested in
business as usual. Some educators are enjoying
the freedom of the open seas .... excited about
the foreign ports and places they will visit .
Renata and Geoffrey Caine 'Changing public
education is like punching a pillow or as someone
once said like moving a cemetery after you've
done all the work you still have a cemetery.' Art
Costa Our challenge. How do we create
organisational coherence...how do we create
structures that move with change, that are
flexible and adaptive...that enable rather than
constrain? How do we resolve the need for
personal freedom and autonomy with organisational
needs for prediction and control Margaret
we do is based on agreements we have made. In
these agreements we tell ourselves who we are,
what everyone else is, how to act, what is
possible, and what is impossible. What we have
agreed to believe creates what we experience.
When these agreements come from fear, blocks and
obstacles develop keeping us from realizing our
greatest potential. Based on ancient Toltec
wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code
of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives
and our work into a new experience of
effectiveness , balance and self supporting
behavior. Make your life easier, make the change
consciously today to improve your life!
74- The Four Agreements
- Based on the wisdom of Don Miguel Ruiz
- Speak with integrity.
- Say only what you mean.
- Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or
to gossip about others. - Use the power of your word in the direction of
truth and love.
- Nothing others do is because of you.
- What others say and do is a projection of their
own reality, their own dream. - When you are immune to the
- opinions of others, you wont be the victim of
needless suffering.
- Find the courage to ask questions and to express
what you really want. - Communicate with others as clearly as you can to
avoid sadness, misunderstandings, and drama. - With just this one agreement, you can completely
transform your life.
- Your best is going to change from moment to
moment - It will be different when you are healthy as
opposed to sick. - Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and
you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and