Title: Bienvenidos
1Safe Use/IPM Program A Safe Working Place for
the Honduran Field Worker
2The CropLife Network
European Crop Protection Association
- CropLife Latin America
- CropLifeamerica.org
Japan Crop Protection Association www.jcpa.org
Crop Life International
www. croplife.org
Crop Life Asia www.croplifeasia.org
Crop Life Africa Middle East www.croplifeafrica.or
Crop Life Latinamerica www.latinamerica.org
3What is CropLife Latin America?
Is the Regional Association representing the
Plant Science Industry in Latin America
- The Plant Science Industry invents, develops,
manufactures and sells products and services
designed to improve the global production of
food, feed, fibre and other useful products in a
sustainable way. (i.e. Insecticides, Herbicides,
4National Associations NetworkCropLife Latin
5Companies Network
CropLife Latin America
- Bayer CropScience
- Dow AgroSciences
- DuPont
- Monsanto
- Syngenta
6CAST/EPA/CLLA/CLH Honduras Coalition Program
- EPA began cooperating with the Mexican
government, Industry and other stake holders in
1999, to initiate a train the trainers program
for agricultural workers. - In 2003, starting a similar program was discussed
in order to address the continuum of labor and to
provide protection to farms workers and farmers
using pesticides.
7CAST/EPA/CLLA/CLH Honduras Coalition Program
- First contact with potential stakeholders (11/
2003) - Workshop stablished needs and priorities (02/
2004) - Steering Committee Integration
- Selection of the five working regions .
- Coalition Partners Agreements established .
- Train the Trainers Course (Master Trainers)
06/2004 - Development of training materials.
- Activities initiated in 5 regions 06 - 12/
2004. - Field Audits in 4 regions 06 12/ 2004
8Steering ComiteeHonduras Program
- SAG (Ministry of Agriculture)
- MINSALUD (Ministry of Health)
- SERNA (Ministry of Environmental)
- STPS (Ministry of Labor)
- FPX (Agroexporters Federation)
In Cooperation with U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency Crop Life Latin
America. Council for Agricultural Science
9Other coalition Members
- OIRSA Organismo Internacional Regional de Sanidad
Agropecuaria - Federación de Agroexportadores de Honduras FPX
- Escuela Agrícola Panamericana El Zamorano
- Cooperación Alemana GTZ
- Universidad Nacional de Agricultura UNA
- Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola
FHIA - Alcaldía Municipal del Distrito Central AMDC
- Instituto Nacional de Formación Profesional INFOP
- CRESAVE (Comité Regional de Sanidad Vegetal,
Comayagua) - DICTA (Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología,
Agropecuaria, Secretaría de Agricultura) - Comisión Nacional para la Salud de los
Trabajadores de Honduras CONASATH
10 Objective
- Establish in Honduras a sustainable program to
train farmers and agricultural workers on the
safe and proper use of pesticides, in order to
protect human health and the environment.
11Performance Indicators
- Achieve a change of attitudes in the trained
groups reducing the numbers of pesticides related
accidents in Honduras. - Establishment of a coalition with government
authorities and relevant stakeholders,
supporting the continuity of the educational
programs on proper pesticides use.
12Target Groups
- Priority Target Group
- Agricultural Workers and small farmers.
- Agroexporters farmers organizations
- Other Target Groups
- Pesticide Retailers
- Technical Advisors/Consultants
- Housewives
- Students,teachers
13Training Strategies
Train the trainers to form MasterTrainers
Multiplier effects on farmers, field workers and
14Selected Regions
- 11 Departments representing 85 of the total
country - agricultural production.
- Crops Melon, Water Melon, Tabasco Chili,
Coffee, - Oriental Vegetables, Vegetables and Cereals,
- Banana, Plantain.
152004 2007 GoalsNumber of trained persons
- 2004-05 8,120 peoples/541 events
- 2005-06 11,215 peoples/747 events
- 2006-07 15,765 peoples/1050 events
16 Training Materials
- Train the trainers Manual
- Brochure Safe Use of Pesticides
- Brochure Workers Protection Equipment
- Poster Safe Handling and Spraying of
Pesticides - Poster Triple Rinse of Empty Containers
- Flip Charts Safe Use of Pesticides
Manual y presentaciones del curso para
Productores y Exportadores de Frutas y
Hortalizas 2004
17Field Audit
18- Initial baseline established in four
regions - Has received training on pesticides
use? - Reads the Label info? Understands it? -
Pesticides use decision making - Personal
Protection equipment - Pesticides storage -
Intoxication symptoms . - Trainers and
Students from the Agricultural University
perform the interviews- Statistical analysis
done by the office of the Mayor of
Tegucigalpa ( Countrys Capital) - Interviewer
will look for confirmation of the answers in
the field
19Baseline ResultsAre you an independent farmer,
associated to a cooperative, company worker,
20Baseline Results Who advises you on pesticides
21Baseline ResultsDo you use personal protection
equipment when spraying pesticides?
22Baseline resultsWhat type of protective
equipment do you use when applying pesticides?
Interviewer field confirmation
Alfredo Ruiz President CropLife Latin
America Aruiz_at_croplifela.org www.croplifela.org