Title: Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
1- Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
2Inventory?Why not just work on reducing
- Informed action is effective action
- An inventory will reveal what your campus
emissions are, what they used to be, and how they
have changed. - It will reveal the relative shares from each
sector/source - This information will help in two important ways
- Understanding of the issue
- Provide specifics for discussion
- Foundation of action plan
3Campus Emissions
4(No Transcript)
5Measuring Energy Consumptionwith the Btu
One British thermal unit (Btu) is the amount of
energy in the form of heat which will raise the
temperature of one pound of water one degree
Fuel Btu 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity
3,413 Btu 1 cubic foot of natural gas 1,008
to 1,034 Btu 1 gallon of liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) 95,475 Btu 1 gallon of crude oil
138,095 Btu 1 gallon of kerosene 135,000
Btu 1 gallon of diesel fuel oil 138,690 Btu 1
gallon of residual fuel oil 149,690 Btu 1
gallon of gasoline 125,000 Btu 1 pound of coal
8,100 to 13,000 Btu 1 ton of coal
16,200,000 to 26,000,000 Btu 1 ton of wood
9,000,000 to 17,000,000 Btu 1 standard cord of
wood 18,000,000 to 24,000,000 Btu 1 pound of
low pressure steam 1,000 Btu
6Tracing Energy from Mine/Barrel/Pipeline to
Electric Outlet
7Emissions Coefficients
8Measuring Greenhouse Gas Emissionswith the
Greenhouse gases have different strengths. To
compare emissions, the Metric Tonne Carbon
Dioxide Equivalent was born. For example,
methane is 21 times as powerful a greenhouse gas
as CO2, so 1 Tonne of CH4 is equivalent to 21
Tonnes of CO2 (21 MTCDE).
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1 Methane (CH4) 21 Nitrous
oxide (N2O) 310 HFCs 140 1,700 SF6 23,900
9University Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator
Modeled after inventory protocol of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Spreadsheet for the University Of New Hampshires
2000 On-Campus Production
10University Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator
Calculator Products
- Composition and sources of annual greenhouse gas
emissions - Changes in emissions over time
- Relative sources of campus energy (Fossil,
Nuclear, Renewable, etc.) - Different ways to analyze and understand the
11Sources of Greenhouse Gas EmissionsUniversity of
New Hampshire, 2000 (Total emissions 58,062 MTCDE)
All greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O,
HCFCs) are reported in MTCDE, to make
multi-emission comparisons possible.
12Emissions over timeUniversity of New Hampshire,
Gathering data for multiple years makes detailed
analysis of emissions over time possible,
revealing how and when campus emissions have
13Different ways to analyze and understand the
information University of New Hampshire,
Analysis of various relationships helps determine
what has changed. Are emissions increasing
because there are more students or because the
campus is less efficient? Because the campus uses
more electricity, or because the electricity is
getting dirtier?
14University Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator
Revision/Upgrade Project
- MIT Masters student
- Harvard, UNH, UVM, others
- Launch next month
- Add components, refine/improve others
- Cogeneration
- Additional transportation
- Building inventory total sq. ft, categories
- Update emissions factors, sources if necessary
15Clean Air-Cool Planet 100 Market Street, Suite
204 Portsmouth, NH 03801 Phone 603.422.6464 Fax
603.422.6441 www.cleanair-coolplanet.org
Office of Sustainability Programs University of
New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 Phone
603-862-4088 Fax 603-862-0785 www.sustainableunh
Presentation developed by Adam Wilson