Autoregressive AR Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Autoregressive AR Models


... become zero, then we can say that the AR(3) model is an appropriate model for this variable ... In a moving average model, the dependent (time series) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: GeorgeP4


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Autoregressive AR Models

Autoregressive (AR) Models
  • The ACF of an AR(p) model decays towards zero as
    the lag k increases
  • The autocorrelations can either alternate signs
    or be all positive, but in all cases they show a
    decline towards zero as the lag increases
  • Implication We can identify an AR(p) model as
    the underlying model of a time series variable
    when the sample autocorrelations decay towards
    zero as the lag k increases

Partial Autocorrelations
  • If we identify an AR(p) model as the underlying
    model of a time series variable from the behavior
    of sample autocorrelations, how can we tell what
    the order p is?
  • The sample partial autocorrelations provide an
    easy way to recognize the order of an AR(p) model
  • The partial autocorrelation shows the correlation
    between observations of the variable that are k
    periods apart without including the effect of the
    correlations between shorter lags

Partial Autocorrelations
  • Result The partial autocorrelation of an AR(p)
    model is non-zero up to order p, but it is zero
    for orders higher than p
  • Example If we examine the partial
    autocorrelations of a variable and we observe
    that they are non-zero up to lag 3, but then
    become zero, then we can say that the AR(3) model
    is an appropriate model for this variable

Two Examples of Partial Autocorrelations
ACF and PACF for Oil Prices AR(2) Model
Moving Average (MA) Models
  • In a moving average model, the dependent (time
    series) variable Yt is explained by current and
    past values of the stochastic errors
  • An MA(1) model is given by
  • A moving average model of order q, or MA(q)
    model, will include q lags of the stochastic
    errors as explanatory variables of the time
    series variable Yt

Moving Average (MA) Models
  • How can we determine the order q in a moving
    average model?
  • Result In a MA(q) model, all autocorrelations of
    order (or lag) higher than q are equal to zero
  • The partial autocorrelations of a moving average
    process do not abruptly cut off, but decay
    towards zero
  • Example If from the ACF of variable Yt we
    observe that the autocorrelations up to lag 4 are
    non-zero, but those beyond lag 4 are zero, then a
    MA(4) model is an appropriate model

ACF and PACF of First Difference in Market
Returns MA(1) Model
Summarizing Results
  • Results of AR(p) model
  • The autocorrelations of an AR model decay towards
    zero as the lag k increases
  • The partial autocorrelations of an AR(p) process
    cut off abruptly, meaning they are all zero for
    lag k greater than p
  • Results of MA(q) model
  • The autocorrelations of a MA(q) model cut off
    abruptly, meaning they are all zero for k greater
    than q
  • The partial autocorrelations of a moving average
    process decay toward zero as the lag k increases

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models
  • ARMA models include lagged values of both the
    dependent time series variable and the stochastic
    errors on the right-hand side
  • These models are very good representations of
    stationary variables using relatively few unknown
    parameters (meaning p and q) to be estimated
  • An ARMA (p,q) model includes p lagged dependent
    variables and q lagged error terms

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models
  • Example The ARMA(2,3) model is given by
  • Pure autoregressive and pure moving average
    models can be viewed as special cases of ARMA
  • Example Setting q 0 in an ARMA (p,q) model
    gives us the AR(p) model alternatively, setting
    p 0 gives us the MA(q) model

Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Models
  • Given that the ARMA(p,q) models have both lagged
    values of the dependent variable and lagged error
    terms, it is more difficult to identify them by
    examining the ACF and PACF
  • For instance, if ARMA(p,0) then the ACF decays
    towards zero rather than cutting off abruptly
  • However, if ARMA(0,q) then the PACF decays
    towards zero rather than cutting off abruptly

Example of ARMA Model Oil Price Changes
  • If we observe the ACF of the variable that shows
    oil price changes, we note that the
    autocorrelations are not different from zero
    after lag 3
  • This is an indication of a MA(3) model that would
    best describe the variable

Example of ARMA Model Oil Price Changes
  • If we also examine the PACF of the oil price
    change variable, we note that the partial
    autocorrelations are not different from zero
    after lag 2 or 3
  • That would indicate that an AR(2) or AR(3) model
    would best describe this variable

Example of ARMA Model Oil Price Changes
  • Given the above two potential model
    specifications, it seems reasonable to also
    consider two or three mixed models, for example
    ARMA(2,1) and ARMA(1,2)
  • More generally, we could consider a number of
    models and see which one works better based on
    some model evaluation criteria that we will
    discuss later

Nonstationary Time Series VariablesARIMA Models
  • Many financial and economic time series exhibit
    nonstationarity stock market indices, exchange
    rates, interest rates, commodity prices
  • However, many of those variables can be converted
    to stationary variables by taking first or second
  • Example If variable Yt is nonstationary it is
    highly likely that either ?YtYt Yt-1 or the
    first difference of ?Yt will be stationary

Nonstationary Time Series VariablesARIMA Models
  • ARIMA models can be used to describe
    nonstationary time series variables that can be
    converted into stationary ones after some
    differencing (usually first or second
  • An ARIMA(p, d, q) is a model with p lagged values
    of the dependent variable and q lagged values of
    the error term for a variable that becomes
    stationary after d degrees of differencing
  • Example An ARIMA(1, 1, 0) is a model with one
    lagged value of the variable Yt (as in the case
    of an AR(1) model), no lagged values of the error
    term and the variable Yt becomes stationary after
    taking first differences

Selecting a Model Fitting ARIMA Models to the
  • In selecting a model to represent the time series
    data, we should follow the principle of parsimony
  • Principle of parsimony In searching for a model,
    we should not try to look for a very elaborate
    model, but for the simplest model that appears to
    adequately represent the data
  • Implication In making our initial choice of
    model, we should attempt to proceed, if possible,
    with a model containing just a very small number
    of parameters (lowest possible number of p and q)

Selecting a Model Fitting ARIMA Models to the
  • The steps to follow in selecting an ARIMA model
  • Is our variable stationary or not? How many
    differences does it take to convert it into a
    stationary variable? This determines the degree
    of differencing (d)
  • Examine the sample autocorrelations of the
    variable and if they decay slowly, then the
    variable is nonstationary
  • Select the autoregressive and moving average
    orders (p) and (q)
  • Use the summary results for the two models(AR(p)
    and MA(q)) based on the pattern of the ACF and
    PACF to determine these orders (see notes a few
    slides back)
  • If there are clear indications of an AR(p) or a
    MA(q) model, use either of those models

Selecting a Model Fitting ARIMA Models to the
  • For ARMA(p, q) models, identification is
    trickier, but very often good representations of
    time series are available with small values of p
    or q or both
  • In general, we would like to estimate a number of
    models with various combinations of p and q while
    keeping pq lt 5 (based on the principle of
    parsimony, we want to keep the model simple)
  • Evaluate the performance of the models based on
    the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the
    Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC) (preference
    will be on the SBC criterion)

Selecting a Model Fitting ARIMA Models to the
  • Select the model with the lowest value of the
  • If there is no clear answer based on the model,
    then we examine if any of the 2-3 models with the
    lowest SBC values have insignificant
    coefficient(s), which means that they will be
  • Use the estimated model for forecasting future
    values of the dependent time series variable
  • Evaluate the forecasts based on a forecasting
    confidence interval
  • Note that selecting the right model can be more
    of an art rather than a straightforward process

Example Fitting a Model of Oil Prices
  • Examining first the ACF, we observe that there is
    a gradual decay
  • This implies nonstationarity, so we can take
    first differences and examine the ACF again to
    see if there is now evidence of stationarity

Example Fitting a Model of Oil Prices
  • The ACF of the first differences shows that
    autocorrelations become zero very quickly
  • This is an indication of stationarity
  • So, in the ARIMA model, we use d 1
  • We next examine the ACF and PACF of the variable
    of first differences in oil prices

ACF and PACF of First Differences of Oil Prices
Example Fitting a Model of Oil Prices
  • As noted previously, the ACF and PACF indicate
    the possibility of a MA(3) and an AR(2) model
  • Thus, we could estimate a number of combinations
    of ARIMA models and select the best based on the
    SBC criterion
  • For example, estimate the following models
  • ARIMA(1,1,0)
  • ARIMA(0,1,1)
  • ARIMA(2,1,0)
  • ARIMA(0,1,2)
  • ARIMA(0,1,3)
  • ARIMA(1,1,1)

Fitting a Model of Oil PricesForecasts from
ARIMA (2, 1, 0)
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