Title: Autoregression models
1Autoregressive models
Another useful model is autoregressive model.
Frequently, we find that the values of a series
of financial data at particular points in time
are highly correlated with the value which
precede and succeed them.
2Autoregressive models
Models with lagged variable
The creation of an autoregressive model generates
a new predictor variable by using the Y variable
lagged 1 or more periods.
Dependent variable is a function of itself at the
previous moment of period or time.
3The most often seen form of the equation is a
linear form
where yt the dependent variable values at the
moment t, yt-i (i 1, 2, ..., p) the dependent
variable values at the moment t-i, bo,
bi (i1,..., p) regression coefficient, p
autoregression rank, et disturbance term.
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5A first-order autoregressive model is concerned
with only the correlation between consecutive
values in a series.
A second-order autoregressive model considers the
effect of relationship between consecutive values
in a series as well as the correlation between
values two periods apart.
6The selection of an appropriate autoregressive
model is not an easy task. Once a model is
selected and OLS method is used to obtain
estimates of the parameters, the next step would
be to eliminate those parameters which do not
contribute significantly.
7(The highest-order parameter does not contribute
to the prediction of Yt)
(The highest-order parameter is significantly
8using an alpha level of significance, the
decision rule is
or if
to reject H0 if
and not to reject H0 if
9Some helpful information
10If the null hypothesis is NOT rejected we may
conclude that the selected model contains too
many estimated parameters. The highest-order term
then be deleted an a new autoregressive model
would be obtained through least-squares
regression. A test of the hypothesis that the
new highest-order term is 0 would then be
11This testing and modeling procedure continues
until we reject H0. When this occurs, we know
that our highest-order parameter is significant
and we are ready to use this model.
12Example 1
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18We have to estimate the parameters of the
first-order autoregressive model
and then check if Beta1 is statistically
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20Example 2
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24Autogregressive Modeling
- Used for Forecasting
- Takes Advantage of Autocorrelation
- 1st order - correlation between consecutive
values - 2nd order - correlation between values 2
periods apart - Autoregressive Model for pth order
Random Error
25Autoregressive Modeling Steps
- 1. Choose p
- 2. Form a series of lag predictor variables
- Yi-1 , Yi-2 , Yi-p
- 3. Use Excel to run regression model using all p
variables - 4. Test significance of Bp
- If null hypothesis rejected, this model is
selected - If null hypothesis not rejected, decrease p by 1
and repeat your calculations