Title: Dan Hooper
1Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics At Fermilab
- Dan Hooper
- Theoretical Astrophysics Group
- Fermi National Laboratory
- dhooper_at_fnal.gov
Annual DOE Review May 17, 2006
2How To Study Particle Physics?
- Traditionally, particle physics has been studied
using collider experiments - Incredibly high luminosity beams very large
numbers of collisions can be observed - Energy is technology/cost limited
- Tevatron (1.96 TeV)
- LHC (14 TeV)
3How To Study Particle Physics?
- Astrophysical accelerators are known to
accelerate particles to at least 1020 eV
(center-of-mass energies of hundreds of TeV) - Opportunities to study stable or extremely long
lived particles (neutralinos, or other WIMPs,
axions, topological defects, etc.) - Extremely long baseline
- measurement possible
- Provides a natural complementarity with
collider experiments -
4Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
- Particle Dark Matter
- High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
- Early Universe Particle Cosmology
(lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,) -
5Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
- Particle Dark Matter
- High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
- Early Universe Particle Cosmology
(lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,) -
Pierre Auger Observatory
Minos, MiniBooNE
6Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
- Particle Dark Matter
- High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
- Early Universe Particle Cosmology
(lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,) - Physics Beyond the Standard Model (SUSY, extra
dimensions,) -
Pierre Auger Observatory
Minos, MiniBooNE
Particle Theory Group
7Particle Dark Matter
- M. Carena, DH, P. Skands, Implications of direct
dark matter searches for MSSM Higgs searches at
the Tevatron (hep-ph/0603180) - G. Zaharijas, DH, Challenges in Detecting
Gamma-Rays From Dark Matter Annihilations in the
Galactic Center (accepted by PRD,
astro-ph/0603540) - G. Bertone, A. Zenter, J. Silk, A new signature
of dark matter annihilations gamma-rays from
intermediate-mass black holes (PRD,
astro-ph/0509565) - P. Fayet, DH, G. Sigl, Constraints on light dark
matter from core-collapse supernovae
(hep-ph/0602169) - L. Bergstrom, DH, Dark matter and gamma-rays from
hep-ph/0512317) - F. Halzen, DH, Prospects for detecting dark
matter with neutrino telescopes in light of
recent results from direct detection experiments
(PRD, hep-ph/0509352) - T. Flacke, DH, J. March-Russell, Improved bounds
on universal extra dimensions and consequences
for LKP dark matter (PRD, hep-ph/0509352) - J. Gunion, DH, B. McElrath, Light neutralino dark
matter in the NMSSM (PRD, hep-ph/0509024) -
8Particle Dark Matter
- How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
- Numerous methods of direct and indirect
detection are being explored vast room for
theoretical activity -
9Particle Dark Matter
- How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
- Gamma-ray telescopes can potentially discover
dark matter by observing annihilation radiation
(Hess, Magic, Veritas, Glast) - The center of our galaxy has long been considered
the most likely region to generate such a signal - Recently, four gamma-ray telescopes have detected
TeV emission from the galactic center -
10Particle Dark Matter
- How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
- The spectrum measured from the galactic center
extends to at least 10 TeV, and appears to
not fit the prediction of annihilating dark
matter - Presence of new astrophysical source greatly
reduces prospects for dark matter detection with
planned experiments -
Excluded by HESS
Excluded by EGRET
Undetectable by GLAST
(G. Zaharijas and DH, 2006)
11Particle Dark Matter
- How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
- The spectrum measured from the galactic center
extends to at least 10 TeV, and appears to
not fit the prediction of annihilating dark
matter - Presence of new astrophysical source greatly
reduces prospects for dark matter detection with
planned experiments - Look to other sources of potentially observable
dark matter annihilation radiation - -Dwarf Spheriodal Galaxies (L.
Bergstrom and DH, 2005) - -Intermediate mass galactic black holes
(G. Bertone, Zentner, Silk, 2005) -
Dark Matter Radiation From 100 IMBHs May Be
(Bertone, Zentner, Silk, 2005)
12Particle Dark Matter
- How Do We Detect It?
- What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
- There is a big difference between measuring rates
in dark matter experiments and identifying the
particle nature of a WIMP - Can various models be discriminated from
astrophysical observables? Could SUSY parameters
be constrained, or measured? - Much more theoretical work is needed to make the
most out of any future detection/discovery -
13Particle Dark Matter
- What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
- The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
scattering) rate provides information on
neutralino composition, mA, and tan ? -
(Carena, DH, Skands, 2006 DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
14Particle Dark Matter
- What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
- The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
scattering) rate provides information on
neutralino composition, mA, and tan ? - Rates in neutrino telescopes depend on
spin-dependent scattering cross section with
protons (higgsino composition) -
(DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
15Particle Dark Matter
- What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
- The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
scattering) rate provides information on
neutralino composition, mA, and tan ? - Rates in neutrino telescopes depend on
spin-dependent scattering cross section with
protons (higgsino composition) - Combining these and other astrophysical inputs
can (in many models) allow for a determination of
parameters such as ? or tan ?, beyond that which
can be made at the Tevatron or LHC -
LHCRelic Density
Actual Value
(DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
16Particle Dark Matter
- What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
Much Work Remains To Be Done
17Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- E.J. Ahn, M. Cavaglia, Simulations of black hole
air showers in cosmic ray detectors (PRD,
hep-ph/0511159) - L. Anchordoqui, T. Han, DH, S. Sarkar, Exotic
neutrino interactions at the Pierre Auger
Observatory (Astropart. Phys, hep-ph/0508312) - N. Busca, DH, E. Kolb, Pierre auger data,
photons, and top-down cosmic ray models
(astro-ph/0603055) - F. Halzen, DH, A limit on the ultra-high energy
neutrino flux from AMANDA (astro-ph/0605XXX) -
18Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- What is the origin of the Ultra-High Energy
Cosmic Rays? - Extremely high energy cosmic ray events
(super-GZK) may imply the existence of local
sources (AGN, GRB, etc.), or of new physics - No local astrophysical sources are known
- New physics proposals have included top-down
models (ie. WIMPzillas!) and new
exotic particles or interactions (ie. strongly
interacting neutrinos) - Neutrino and gamma-ray observations, in addition
to further cosmic ray data (Pierre Auger
Observatory) will likely be needed to resolve
this question -
19Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- Searching for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos
- Current limits on UHE neutrinos are only a factor
of 5 below standard predictions -
(F. Halzen, DH, 2006)
20Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- Searching for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos
- Numerous techniques are approaching the level of
sensitivity needed to observe UHE neutrinos
(AMANDA/IceCube, RICE, Auger, ANITA) - The First Ultra-High Energy Neutrino
Detection is Imminent! -
(F. Halzen, DH, 2006)
21Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- What is the origin of the Ultra-High Energy
Cosmic Rays? - What fundamental physics can be probed with
Cosmic Ultra-High Energy Particles? - Extremely high energy collisions-beyond the reach
of colliders - Wide range of exotic physics scenarios can be
tested -
22 Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
- Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Energy
Neutrinos - Neutrino-nucleon cross section measurements
possible at Auger, IceCube (downgoing rate to
rate through Earth) - TeV-scale gravity, SM electroweak instantons,
R-parity violating SUSY models -
Microscopic Black Hole Production
Earth-Skimming Rate Suppressed
Downgoing Rate Enhanced
(Anchordoqui, Han, DH, Sarkar, Astropart.Phys.,
23Summary and Conclusions
- Research in particle dark matter, ultra-high
energy cosmic rays, high-energy neutrinos, and
other areas of particle-astrophysics are very
active and exciting at Fermilab - Interaction with experimental groups (CDMS,
Pierre Auger) and particle theory group make
Fermilab an excellent place to study this
multi-disciplinary science
A Multi-Disciplinary Science
- Strong interactions with particle theory group
(joint pizza meetings/seminars) and
experimentalists (munch, astro-coffee) - Two new postdocs strong in multiple fields to be
joining our group this fall (Pasquale Serpico,
Jason Steffen)