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Dan Hooper


Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics At Fermilab Dan Hooper Theoretical Astrophysics Group Fermi National Laboratory dhooper_at_fnal.gov Annual DOE Review – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dan Hooper

Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics At Fermilab
  • Dan Hooper
  • Theoretical Astrophysics Group
  • Fermi National Laboratory
  • dhooper_at_fnal.gov

Annual DOE Review May 17, 2006
How To Study Particle Physics?
  • Traditionally, particle physics has been studied
    using collider experiments
  • Incredibly high luminosity beams very large
    numbers of collisions can be observed
  • Energy is technology/cost limited
  • Tevatron (1.96 TeV)
  • LHC (14 TeV)

How To Study Particle Physics?
  • Astrophysical accelerators are known to
    accelerate particles to at least 1020 eV
    (center-of-mass energies of hundreds of TeV)
  • Opportunities to study stable or extremely long
    lived particles (neutralinos, or other WIMPs,
    axions, topological defects, etc.)
  • Extremely long baseline
  • measurement possible
  • Provides a natural complementarity with
    collider experiments

Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
  • Particle Dark Matter
  • High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
  • Early Universe Particle Cosmology
    (lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,)

Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
  • Particle Dark Matter
  • High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
  • Early Universe Particle Cosmology
    (lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,)

Pierre Auger Observatory
Minos, MiniBooNE
Activity in Theoretical Particle-Astrophysics at
  • Particle Dark Matter
  • High Energy Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Physics
  • Early Universe Particle Cosmology
    (lepto/baryogenesis, BBN,)
  • Physics Beyond the Standard Model (SUSY, extra

Pierre Auger Observatory
Minos, MiniBooNE
Particle Theory Group
Particle Dark Matter
  • M. Carena, DH, P. Skands, Implications of direct
    dark matter searches for MSSM Higgs searches at
    the Tevatron (hep-ph/0603180)
  • G. Zaharijas, DH, Challenges in Detecting
    Gamma-Rays From Dark Matter Annihilations in the
    Galactic Center (accepted by PRD,
  • G. Bertone, A. Zenter, J. Silk, A new signature
    of dark matter annihilations gamma-rays from
    intermediate-mass black holes (PRD,
  • P. Fayet, DH, G. Sigl, Constraints on light dark
    matter from core-collapse supernovae
  • L. Bergstrom, DH, Dark matter and gamma-rays from
  • F. Halzen, DH, Prospects for detecting dark
    matter with neutrino telescopes in light of
    recent results from direct detection experiments
    (PRD, hep-ph/0509352)
  • T. Flacke, DH, J. March-Russell, Improved bounds
    on universal extra dimensions and consequences
    for LKP dark matter (PRD, hep-ph/0509352)
  • J. Gunion, DH, B. McElrath, Light neutralino dark
    matter in the NMSSM (PRD, hep-ph/0509024)

Particle Dark Matter
  • How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
  • Numerous methods of direct and indirect
    detection are being explored vast room for
    theoretical activity

Particle Dark Matter
  • How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
  • Gamma-ray telescopes can potentially discover
    dark matter by observing annihilation radiation
    (Hess, Magic, Veritas, Glast)
  • The center of our galaxy has long been considered
    the most likely region to generate such a signal
  • Recently, four gamma-ray telescopes have detected
    TeV emission from the galactic center

Particle Dark Matter
  • How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
  • The spectrum measured from the galactic center
    extends to at least 10 TeV, and appears to
    not fit the prediction of annihilating dark
  • Presence of new astrophysical source greatly
    reduces prospects for dark matter detection with
    planned experiments

Excluded by HESS
Excluded by EGRET
Undetectable by GLAST
(G. Zaharijas and DH, 2006)
Particle Dark Matter
  • How Do We Detect Dark Matter?
  • The spectrum measured from the galactic center
    extends to at least 10 TeV, and appears to
    not fit the prediction of annihilating dark
  • Presence of new astrophysical source greatly
    reduces prospects for dark matter detection with
    planned experiments
  • Look to other sources of potentially observable
    dark matter annihilation radiation
  • -Dwarf Spheriodal Galaxies (L.
    Bergstrom and DH, 2005)
  • -Intermediate mass galactic black holes
    (G. Bertone, Zentner, Silk, 2005)

Dark Matter Radiation From 100 IMBHs May Be
(Bertone, Zentner, Silk, 2005)
Particle Dark Matter
  • How Do We Detect It?
  • What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
  • There is a big difference between measuring rates
    in dark matter experiments and identifying the
    particle nature of a WIMP
  • Can various models be discriminated from
    astrophysical observables? Could SUSY parameters
    be constrained, or measured?
  • Much more theoretical work is needed to make the
    most out of any future detection/discovery

Particle Dark Matter
  • What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
  • The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
    scattering) rate provides information on
    neutralino composition, mA, and tan ?

(Carena, DH, Skands, 2006 DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
Particle Dark Matter
  • What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
  • The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
    scattering) rate provides information on
    neutralino composition, mA, and tan ?
  • Rates in neutrino telescopes depend on
    spin-dependent scattering cross section with
    protons (higgsino composition)

(DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
Particle Dark Matter
  • What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?
  • The direct detection (neutralino-nuclei elastic
    scattering) rate provides information on
    neutralino composition, mA, and tan ?
  • Rates in neutrino telescopes depend on
    spin-dependent scattering cross section with
    protons (higgsino composition)
  • Combining these and other astrophysical inputs
    can (in many models) allow for a determination of
    parameters such as ? or tan ?, beyond that which
    can be made at the Tevatron or LHC

LHCRelic Density
Actual Value
(DH, A. Taylor, 2006)
Particle Dark Matter
  • What Will A Detection Reveal To Us?

Much Work Remains To Be Done
Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • E.J. Ahn, M. Cavaglia, Simulations of black hole
    air showers in cosmic ray detectors (PRD,
  • L. Anchordoqui, T. Han, DH, S. Sarkar, Exotic
    neutrino interactions at the Pierre Auger
    Observatory (Astropart. Phys, hep-ph/0508312)
  • N. Busca, DH, E. Kolb, Pierre auger data,
    photons, and top-down cosmic ray models
  • F. Halzen, DH, A limit on the ultra-high energy
    neutrino flux from AMANDA (astro-ph/0605XXX)

Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • What is the origin of the Ultra-High Energy
    Cosmic Rays?
  • Extremely high energy cosmic ray events
    (super-GZK) may imply the existence of local
    sources (AGN, GRB, etc.), or of new physics
  • No local astrophysical sources are known
  • New physics proposals have included top-down
    models (ie. WIMPzillas!) and new
    exotic particles or interactions (ie. strongly
    interacting neutrinos)
  • Neutrino and gamma-ray observations, in addition
    to further cosmic ray data (Pierre Auger
    Observatory) will likely be needed to resolve
    this question

Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • Searching for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos
  • Current limits on UHE neutrinos are only a factor
    of 5 below standard predictions

(F. Halzen, DH, 2006)
Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • Searching for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos
  • Numerous techniques are approaching the level of
    sensitivity needed to observe UHE neutrinos
    (AMANDA/IceCube, RICE, Auger, ANITA)
  • The First Ultra-High Energy Neutrino
    Detection is Imminent!

(F. Halzen, DH, 2006)
Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • What is the origin of the Ultra-High Energy
    Cosmic Rays?
  • What fundamental physics can be probed with
    Cosmic Ultra-High Energy Particles?
  • Extremely high energy collisions-beyond the reach
    of colliders
  • Wide range of exotic physics scenarios can be

Ultra-High Energy Particle-Astro Physics
  • Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Energy
  • Neutrino-nucleon cross section measurements
    possible at Auger, IceCube (downgoing rate to
    rate through Earth)
  • TeV-scale gravity, SM electroweak instantons,
    R-parity violating SUSY models

Microscopic Black Hole Production
Earth-Skimming Rate Suppressed
Downgoing Rate Enhanced
(Anchordoqui, Han, DH, Sarkar, Astropart.Phys.,
Summary and Conclusions
  • Research in particle dark matter, ultra-high
    energy cosmic rays, high-energy neutrinos, and
    other areas of particle-astrophysics are very
    active and exciting at Fermilab
  • Interaction with experimental groups (CDMS,
    Pierre Auger) and particle theory group make
    Fermilab an excellent place to study this
    multi-disciplinary science

A Multi-Disciplinary Science
  • Strong interactions with particle theory group
    (joint pizza meetings/seminars) and
    experimentalists (munch, astro-coffee)
  • Two new postdocs strong in multiple fields to be
    joining our group this fall (Pasquale Serpico,
    Jason Steffen)


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