Title: Ingen lysbildetittel
1Bioinformatics at Norwegian University of Science
and Technology Professor Finn Drabløs Department
of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine
Finn Drabløs Bioinformatics
2NTNU key figures
- 53 departments in 7 faculties
- NTNU Library
- Museum of Natural History and Archaeology
- 58 000 student applications a year of which
9000 have NTNU as their first choice - 20 000 registered students, 7000 admitted/year
- 3000 degrees awarded a year
- 220 doctoral degrees awarded a year
- 4320 employees
- 2600 empl. in education and research 555
professors - Budget NOK 3.6 billion
- 555 000 m2 owned and rented premises
NTNU, May 2006
3Organizational chart
NTNU, May 2006
4Department of Computer and Information Science
- Research groups
- Algorithms, HPC and Graphics (Networks,
Evolutionary methods) - Computer Architecture and Design (FPGA)
- Database Systems (Databases for biobanks)
- Design and Use of Information Systems
- Information Management (Data integration, Text
mining) - Information Systems
- Intelligent Learning Arenas
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Logic and Language Technology (Ontologies)
- Self-Organizing Systems
- Software Engineering
5GeneTools / eGOn
6Department of Cancer Research and Molecular
- DNA Repair and Genome Stability
- Molecular Biology (mainly related to DNA repair)
- Proteomics
- Structure Biology (X-ray)
- Microarrays (printed, Affymetrix) / Genotyping
(Illumina) - Bioinformatics
- Interagon (Bioinformatics company)
7Function is context-sensitive
Uracil DNA glycosylase involved in both DNA
repair and somatic hypermutation
8FUGE Functional Genomics
- National program for functional genomics
- Technology platforms
- Research projects
- FUGE I 2002-2006
- FUGE II 2007-2011, 420 MNOK
- Application deadline April 18, 1800
- Several technology platforms
- Bioinformatics technology platform (extension)
- Microarray technology platform (extension)
- Biobank technology platform (extension)
- Several research projects
- miRNA in cell cycle regulation
- Genome Browser statistical module (Ensembl)
- The Nord-Trøndelag Health Survey
- HUNT 1 - 1984-1986
- Health survey - 75.000 participants (20)
- HUNT 2 - 1995-1997
- Health survey blood - 65.000 participants (20)
- Health survey - 9.000 participants (13-19)
- 46.000 participated in both HUNT 1 and HUNT 2
- HUNT 3 - 2006-2008
10Cell cycle studies
- Cell cycle synchronised (G1) HaCaT cells
- Status measured with flow cytometry
- Triplicates at 12 time points (1.5 cycle)
- Measured with Affymetrix U133A and B
- 2 x 22.000 probes
- Processing
- Regulated genes
- Regulatory motifs
- Network
11Bioinformatics research areas
- Transcription factor and RNA based gene
regulation - Finding regulatory motifs in co-regulated genes
- Comparing regulatory regions
- Structure prediction and modelling of protein
structures - Part of FUGE Bioinformatics platform
Automatic ligand docking
Potential ligand binding sites
12miRNA gene and target prediction
- Ongoing research activity
- FUGE project with University of Bergen, using
zebrafish to verify prediction of regulatory
features (promoters, enhancers, miRNA) - FUGE application The roles of microRNAs and
transcription factors in gene regulation and
tissue specific expression - Includes cell cycle regulation, international
13Composite motif discovery
- Find motifs (binding sites) that tend to occur
together - Use general motif generators for input
- MEME, Pratt, Teiresias
- Do exhaustive search with efficient search tree
pruning for motif combinations with flexible
distance and N-of-M matching
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2005
- Literature scanning, manual curation
- Partly linked to FUGE technology platform
- Experimental test bench, feedback on usage
- Linked to projects on gene regulation
- (Text mining on protein protein interactions)
- (Ontology data linked to e.g. microarray data)
- (Medical ontologies with versioning)