Title: Quiz 2 Classical Conditioning
1Quiz 2Classical Conditioning
2When John was a little boy, he
sneezed whenever he breathed air that contained
cat dander (the dust from cat fur) from Fluffy,
his grandmother's Siamese cat. His allergywhich
was specific only to the dander from Siamese
catswas finally diagnosed, and he began to take
medication that prevented this reaction (i.e.,
Siamese cat dander no longer made him sneeze).
However, he still sneezed whenever he saw Fluffy.
Use this information to answer the following ten
3This situation is an example of _____
- operant
- classical
- observational
- both a and b
4In this situation, the cat dander that caused
John to sneeze was the ______.
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- unconditioned response
5In this situation, John's sneeze that was caused
by the cat dander was the _____.
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- unconditioned response
6In this situation, the sight of Fluffy that
caused John to sneeze was a(n) _____.
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- unconditioned response
7In this situation, John's sneeze caused by the
sight of Fluffy was the _____.
- conditioned stimulus
- conditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- unconditioned response
8A psychologist who studies learning would use
the term _____ to describe the fact that John now
sneezes when he sees Fluffy because he has seen
her and breathed her cat dander at the same time
on many occasions
- generalization
- discrimination
- extinction
- acquisition
9Even though John's allergy was specific to
the dander from Siamese cats, he would sometimes
sneeze when he saw other cats that looked like
Siamese cats (e.g., those with gray fur and blue
eyes). This is an example of _____.Â
- extinction
- spontaneous recovery
- stimulus generalization
- stimulus discrimination
10Even though John sometimes sneezed when he
saw cats that looked like Fluffy (e.g., with gray
fur), he never sneezed when he saw cats that
looked very different from Fluffy (e.g., those
with black fur and yellow eyes). This is an
example of _____.Â
- extinction
- spontaneous recovery
- stimulus generalization
- stimulus discrimination
11Years later, John walked past a pet shop on
his way to work everyday that had Siamese cats in
the window. At first, he sneezed every time
passed the pet shop. However, he began to sneeze
less and less often, and finally after six months
he could walk past the window without sneezing.
This situation is an example of _____.Â
- extinction
- spontaneous recovery
- stimulus generalization
- stimulus discrimination
12John's grandmother died when he was 35. He
began to sneeze (even though he was still taking
his medication) as soon as he walked into the
funeral parlor and saw the photograph of his
grandmother with Fluffy on her lap that was
displayed near her casket. This is an example of
_____. Â
- extinction
- spontaneous recovery
- stimulus generalization
- biological preparedness