Title: God of Second Chances
1God of Second Chances
But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is
going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will
see him, just as he told you. Mark 167
2God of Second Chances
- The Second Chance Is _______.
Then Peter began to call down curses on himself
and he swore to them, I dont know the man!
Immediately a rooster crowed. Then Peter
remembered the word Jesus had spoken Before the
rooster crows, you will disown me three times.
And he went outside and wept bitterly.Matthew
2674-75 I admit my shameful deed it haunts me
day and night. It is against you and you alone I
sinned, and did this terrible thing. Psalm
513LB Oh wash me, cleanse me from this guilt.
Let me be pure again.Psalm 512LB
3God of Second Chances
II. The Second Chance is _________________.
Personal Private
Jesus calls His own sheep by name . . . John
310 Martha, Martha, said Jesus, you are
worried and upset about many things, but only one
thing is needed. Luke 1041-42
II. The Second Chance is _________.
Then Peter preached a long sermon telling about
Jesus . . . And those who believed Peter were
baptized about 3,000 in all!Acts
240-41 (Peter) You decide whether God wants us
to obey men instead of Him! We cannot stop
telling about the wonderful things we saw Jesus
do and heard Him say. Acts 419-20