God%20is%20Creator:%20Proofs%20God%20Created%20Universe%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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God describes what is holding the earth by the Hebrew word kav meaning 'chord (as connecting) ... ( Strong's Exhaustive Concordance) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: God%20is%20Creator:%20Proofs%20God%20Created%20Universe%20

God is Creator Proofs God Created Universe Life
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the
earth. Gen. 11.
By Douglas Del Tondo, Esq.
God is Creator
Professor Whittaker explained in 1942 It was
never possible to oppose seriously the dogma of
creation except by maintaining that the world has
existed from all eternity in more or less its
present state. Sir Edmund Whittaker, The
Beginning and End of the World (Riddell Memorial
Lectures) (Oxford 1942) at 40.
God is Creator
That the world began yesterday or a million
years ago has nothing to do with the mystery of
how it began. It is no help to plunge into the
middle of things and go on from there, pretending
that there is no beginning and will be no end, or
that beginnings and ends are trivial things
compared to the rest of the world right now. It
is amusing, but not effective, to hide behind a
contradiction . . . explaining to ourselves and
the world that at some time, Random gathered
itself together and the world began. But this
is obviously a childs game, not meant to deceive
even the child for the phantasy of a world
giving birth to itself is no less ludicrous than
that of the infant bringing itself forth from its
own womb. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica
Pt.1,Ch4. 1275 A.D.
God is Creator
Paul Davies, professor of theoretical physics at
the University of Newcastle upon the Tyne and
atheist, says the Universe cannot have existed
forever there must have been a creation. P.
Davies, The Runaway Universe (1980).
God is Creator
To avoid the issue of creation, it would be
necessary for the material in the Universe to be
infinitely old, and this it cannot be for a very
practical reason. For if this were so, there
could be no hydrogen left in the Universe. . . .
Hydrogen is being steadily converted into
helium throughout the Universe and this
conversion is a one way process that is to say,
hydrogen cannot be produced in any appreciable
quantity through the breakdown of the other
elements. How comes it then that the Universe
consists almost entirely of hydrogen? If matter
were infinitely old this would be quite
impossible. Hoyle, atheist and professor at
Cambridge, The Nature of the Universe (1950) at
God is Creator
If one subscribed to the Newtonian view that the
universe was static and infinite, the dark night
sky defied logic. If the universe is infinite
and filled with an infinite number of stars and
galaxies, then we should expect to see a light
source no matter where we look. The sky should
be as bright at night as it is during the day
yet, darkness at night is an unalterable fact of
life. The mystery went unsolved until the advent
of the big bang. . . The night sky is dark
because there isnt enough incoming light from
stars and galaxies to brighten it. The universe
came into being at a finite time in the past in
the 15 billion years since its birth, only a
certain quantity of light from stars and galaxies
has had time to reach us. Trin Thuan, The
Birth of the Universe (N.Y., Times Mirror, 1993)
at 63-64.
God is Creator
Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe
which was created out of nothing. . . . Arno
Penzias, won Nobel prize for physics for the
initial discovery of the cosmic background
radiation, 1992. H. Margenau R. Abraham
Varghese, ed., Cosmos, Bios, and Theos (La Salle,
Il., Open Court, 1992) at 83.
God is Creator
C.S. Lewis, famous atheist professor who turned
Christian, wrote that modern physics establishes
that nature is not everlasting, and the universe
must have had a beginning. With this ground for
atheism now withdrawn, Lewis says at the
moment it now appears that the burden of proof
rests, not on us, but on those who deny that
nature has some cause beyond itself. Lewis,
Dogma and the Universe, from God in the Dock
(Grand Rapids, Mich. Eerdmans, 1970) at 39.
God is Creator
When the universe was created, it had a massa
sizethat if was slightly more or slightly less,
would have collapsed back on itself long ago or
coasted away without forming stars (and hence no
planets and hence no life). Someone had to pick
this size of original mass because making this
selection is as delicate a task, scientists
explain, as setting a pyramid on its point, in
perfect balance, or shooting a dart across the
cosmos and hitting a bulls-eye one millimeter in
size on a distant quasar.
God is Creator
To get a universe that has expanded as long as
ours has without collapsing or having its matter
coast away already would have required
extraordinary fine tuning. Turner, University
of Chicago physicist calculated the odds of
achieving that kind of precise expansion . . .
would be the same as throwing an imaginary
microscopic dart across the universe to the most
distant quasar and hitting a bulls eye one
millimeter in diameter. Richard Gore, The Once
and Future Universe, National Geographic (June
1983) at 704, 741, quoting Turner.
God is Creator
This collapse of the universe has not happened
despite the universe having existed some 15,000
million years, suggesting that we are very near
the critical level i.e., exactly right amount
of initial mass known as 1. To maintain such a
precarious position neither exploding rapidly
outwards nor collapsing inward for so long, like
balancing a huge pyramid on its point, means the
Big Bang conditions must have equaled the
critical value to an accuracy of 50 decimal
places. Anything less, and the Universe would
long since have expanded out of sight more and
it would have collapsed back on itself. Gordon
Fraser of European Laboratory of Particle Physics
in Geneva, In Search of Infinity (1995) at 102.
God is Creator
But without faith, it is impossible to please
Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He
is, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently
seek him. Hebrews 116 (New Testament)
God is Creator
All computerized recreations of our solar
system show that the interplay of the planets
gravitational pulls require that all planets
should have long ago flown off wildly into space.
God is Creator
Several strikingly different methods of
computing and tracking the evolution of planetary
orbits all generate results confirming that chaos
lurks in the planetary clockwork. . . . Sussman
and Wisdom have remarked The fact that almost
all long-term integrations of the solar system
give exponential divergence of trajectories i.e.
planets fly off erratically with a time scale in
the range of 3 to 30 million years in physically
quite different models is very striking and
unsettling. This is compounded by the fact that
despite the efforts of Laskar and others in no
case have we unambiguously identified the
mechanism responsible for the chaotic behavior.
Ivars Peterson, Chaos in the Solar System (1993),
pp. 14, 15, 260, 264, 287 cfr. pp. 261-63
stability can be found with 3, but not 9 bodies
orbiting a star p. 256, chaos becomes possible
with four planets.
God is Creator
What Peterson is explaining is that the solar
system is stable in computerized models based on
Newtonian laws of gravity with only three
planets. However, as soon as you add a fourth
planet, the trajectories of all planets become
unstable, and the planets should veer out of
orbit. And as you add more planets, to a total of
nine, the loss of trajectories is more certain.
Thus, the mathematical models based on Newtonian
laws of gravity appear valid to a point, but
after that point, something else is intervening
to hold together the planets. And it is obvious
it is something powerful and able to counter very
precisely the forces of gravity itself. Thus, it
is true to say the earth is held in orbit by
gravity, but something else is holding the earth
in orbit despite the gravitational pull of the
other planets that should hurl earth at any
moment into darkest spaceand should have done so
many billions of years ago.
God is Creator
Job 267 (from 1500 B.C.) says God hangs the
earth on nothing. In Job 384-7 God
sarcastically asks Where were you when I laid
the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you
have understanding. Who determined its
measurements? Surely you know? or who stretched
the line upon it? To what were its foundations
fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone? Note
this says the earth hangs on nothing, and
rhetorically says its foundations were not
fastened to anything. In the midst of this, it
says a line was stretched upon or to the earth.
An invisible chord or line is how God describes
his laying the control over the earth that hangs
on nothing and sits on nothing.
God is Creator
Lets rephase Job 384-7 Where were you when I
laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if
you have understanding. Who determined its
measurements? Surely you know? or who stretched
the CHORD TO IT? To what were its foundations
fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone? Ivars
Peterson summarizes that a mysterious element is
guiding and controlling the planets that exceeds
the laws of gravity. The dynamics of the solar
system contain an element that simply cant be
captured by calculation. Ivars Peterson, Chaos
in the Solar System (1993) at 260.
God is Creator
Lets study the word translated sometimes as
line. Job 384-7 or who stretched the CHORD or
line TO IT? To what were its foundations
fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone? God
describes what is holding the earth by the Hebrew
word kav meaning chord (as connecting). It can
also mean rule or rim or a musical string.
(Strongs Exhaustive Concordance). Here science
helps us understand the proper translation is
chord. God stretched a chord or line to earth as
a means of holding it upon nothing. This is
obviously symbolic of the means He uses to
control earths path. It is not free-floating.
God is Creator
Can any sane person believe that all this array
of stars and the Vast celestial adornment could
have been created out of atoms rushing to and fro
fortuitously and at random? Could any other
being devoid of intelligence and reason have
created them? Not merely did their creation
postulate intelligence, but it is impossible to
understand their nature without intelligence of a
high order . . . . If any man is not impressed
by this coordination of things and this
harmonious combination of nature to secure the
preservation of the world, I know for certain
that he has never given any consideration to
these matters. Cicero, De Natura Deorum sec. 46.
God is Creator
The heavens declare the glory of God and the
firmament shows His handy work. Day unto day
utters speech, And night unto night reveals
knowledge. There is no speech nor language Where
their voice is not heard. Their line has gone
out through all the earth, And their words to the
end of the world. Psalm 191-4 (Old Testament).
God is Creator
The earths gravitational pull among the planets
is unique, and if significantly less mass, we
would have lost our atmosphere.
God is Creator
Gravity (Nelson Doubleday 1968) at 27-28 says
Gravity is a fact of life which makes life
possible. Apart from keeping us glued
comfortably to our planet even while the earth
races around the sun at a speed of 67,000 miles
per hour gravity keeps a tight rein on our life,
holding earths atmospheric blanket in place. It
has been estimated that if the earths
gravitational force had very much less than its
actual strength, most of our atmosphere would
have been lost to interplanetary space ages ago
hence the lifelessness of the moon.
God is Creator
Gravity (Nelson Doubleday 1968) at 3 explains
that gravity extends into limitless space . . .
All objects have gravity, although no one yet
knows its cause. Gravity is a characteristic of
all matter. Everything attracts everything else,
some things more than others. The more matter
there is, the greater the gravitational
attraction between objects. Id. at 7.
God is Creator
Any two objectseven two little ballspull at
each other with a force of 0.000000006673 cubic
centimeters per gram per second. This is known as
the Big Gwhat we call gravity. (Gravity, supra,
at 27.)
God is Creator Gravity
? All matter has inside of it a call to other
matter, although very weak, to come to it. We
call this gravity or gravitational force. ?
This call to other matter is exactly equal in all
matter, no matter what type of mass. ? As
mass increases (collects into a single organic or
inorganic form), the collective call or
gravitational force increases proportionally. ?
Although scientists have examined inorganic and
organic matter even at the molecular level, they
never have found a mechanism within matter that
causes gravity. ? Thus, gravity is an
invisible unseen property or force that produces
clear effects from which we deduce the existence
of gravity.
God is Creator
It follows that gravity is itself a non-material
force. It exists, but itself has no material
aspect. It indwells matter, much like our minds
indwell our bodies, and yet our thoughts are
floating on matter but not defined by matter. The
general public is generally unaware of what
gravity represents. GRAVITY IS UNSEEN,
God is Creator
With that background on gravity, bear in mind
there are three more forces in the universe the
electromagnetic force, and the strong and weak
God is Creator
The four forces have these attributes. James S.
Trefil, The Moment of Creation (1983) at 75)
God is Creator
Michael Papagiannis in his article Could You
Build a Better Universe? Griffith Observer
(1974) Vol. 38(8) at 2-11 discusses the four
fundamental forces and their relative strengths.
As you can see, they vary tremendously. You have
an extremely potent strong nuclear force down to
the very feeble gravitational force, some 1040
times less in intensity.
God is Creator
Papagianis points out that these ratios are
actually quite critical for the existence of any
life anywhere in the universe. If the ratio of
strong to gravitational force was 1041 instead of
1040, planets would not be able to retain their
atmospheres. The difference is utterly slight,
because it would be a change of just adding one
zero at the end of 40 zeroesan extremely narrow
God is Creator
Hence, earth is among the planets that depend on
the most delicate fine-tuning of the force of
gravity to the strong force. The slightest
alteration in these two immaterial formulas
floating as laws in the cosmos, and earth would
have no atmosphere.
God is Creator
The precisely identical balance applies between
gravity and a different force the
electromagnetic force. They are tuned to a
relationship where electromagnetism is 10 to the
40th power stronger than gravity. If
electromagnetism were increased (or gravity
decreased) in relative intensity just by one zero
(a very minor change), John P. Cox and R. Thomas
Giuli, Principles in Stellar Structure, Volume
II Application to Stars (N.Y. Gordon and
Breach, 1968) at 944-1028 explain life would not
be possible anywhere in the universe because only
small stars would form.
God is Creator
Please note that in just these two examples, the
gravitational force is precisely balanced to
being 10 to the 40th times less powerful than the
electromagnetic force and the strong force, yet
these two forces are very disparate from the
other. So recall the force of gravity is
extremely slight 0.000000006673 cubic
centimeters per gram per second. And if it was
altered ever so slightly higher or lower in
potency, sufficient to change the relationship to
the strong force or electromagnetism by
.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 then
life could never exist on earth or anywhere.
God is Creator
What explains the origin of a fine-tuning of the
immaterial force known as gravity by which all
our livesour very existencedepends on whether
gravitys pull has an inter-relationship with
other forces measured as a fraction of either 40
zeros or 41 zeroes? Is this chance? Or design?
One part in 10 to the 40th power is equivalent
to a blindfolded person rummaging through a
trillion piles of dimes the size of North America
containing just one red dime that reach to the
moon and picking out, on the first try, the one
red dime. Dr. Hugh Ross, astrophycist, Creator
The Cosmos p. 109-11.
God is Creator
Paul Davies, chair of theoretical physics at
Newcastle-upon-Tyre, admitted in 1995 that
although he is not a religious man Yesterdays
theologians would have been delighted with
todays discovery of just how delicately balanced
that cosmic order turns out to be. P.C.W.
Davies, The great conundrum in the sky, The
Guardian (London) (Sept. 2, 1982) at 17.
God is Creator
Robert Jastrow, founder and director of NASA's
Goddard Space Studies for 20 years, presently
Director of the Mount Wilson Institute that
manages the Mount Wilson Observatory and former
professor of astronomy at Columbia and Dartmouth,
explains what these facts mean Yes, there is
another aspect of modern astronomical discoveries
that is, in my view, as remarkable as the
evidence for the abrupt birth of the Universe.
According to the picture of the evolution of the
Universe developed by astronomers and his fellow
scientists, the smallest change in any of the
circumstances of the natural world, such as the
relative strengths of the forces of nature, or
the properties of elementary particles, would
have led to a Universe in which there could be no
life and no man. Jastrow, The Astronomer and
God, The Intellectuals Speak Out About God (R.
Vaghese 1984) at 15, 21
God is Creator
Scientist George Greenstein, who is committed to
natural explanations, likewise confesses in The
Symbiotic Universe (William Morrow1988) at
26-27 As we survey all the evidence, the
thought insistently arises that some supernatural
agency or, rather, Agency must be involved.
Is it possible that suddenly, without intending
to, we have stumbled upon scientific proof of the
existence of a Supreme Being? Was it God who
stepped in and so providentially crafted the
cosmos for our benefit?
God is Creator
Physicist Paul Davies, in his article Physics
and the Mind of God, First Things Aug./Sept.
1995 at 31, 34, says If we could twiddle a
knob and change the existing laws, even very
slightly, the chances are that the universe as we
know it would fall apart, descending into chaos.
Certainly life as we know it, and even of less
elaborate systems such as stable stars, would be
threatened by just the tiniest change in the
strengths of the fundamental forces. The laws
that characterize our actual universe, as opposed
to an infinite number of alternative possible
universes, seem almost contrivedfine-tuned, some
commentators have claimedso that life and
consciousness may emerge.... I cannot prove to
you that this is design, but whatever it is it is
certainly very clever.
God is Creator
The book of Job was written in 1500 B.C., and is
actually the first book of the Bible ever
written. It existed several hundred years before
the books written by the pen of Moses. Jobs
statements about the earth rotating around the
sunheliocentricity pre-dated the heliocentric
view of the Greeks by 750 years.
God is Creator
This aspect of Job is pointed out in Old
Testament Survey (1981) at 8 published by the
Evangelical Teacher Training Association The
characters in Job presented facts in astronomy
which have not been generally known until recent
days. Their knowledge of physical geography and
zoology was most accurate. One of the oldest
books in the world, the book of Job refers to the
roundness of the earth the suspension of the
earth in space the circular motion and density
of the clouds . . . the rotation and the
revolution of the earth.
God is Creator
He stretches out the north i.e. polar star
over the empty place, and He hangs the earth on
nothing. (Job 267) (1500 B.C.) (Old Testament)
God is Creator
You have commanded the morning since your days
began and caused the dayspring sun to know its
place That it the sun might take hold of the
ends of the earth It the earth is turned as
clay to the seal and they earth and sun stand
hang as a garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.)
God is Creator
That it the sun might take hold of the ends of
the earth Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) Suns
gravitational pull is primary hold over earths
orbit in space.
God is Creator
It the earth is turned as clay to the seal
and they earth and sun stand hang as a
garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) This says the
earth is the clay pot on a potters wheel as the
potter holds a seal used to carve a distinct line
as the clay is rotated.
God is Creator
It the earth is turned as clay to the seal
and they earth and sun stand hang as a
garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) To turn a clay
pot, one had to hold the clay at both ends (i.e.,
the top by ones hand and the bottom through
support of potting wheel itself) while rotating
it. See The Macmillan Visual Dictionary (N.Y.
1992) at 584
God is Creator
It the earth is turned as clay to the seal
and they earth and sun stand hang as a
garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) In pottery
manufacture, while rotating the clay, an imprint
was added either by thumb patterns or raked
surfaces with a stick or rake that were
straight, crossed or zig-zag. (Pottery, Funk
Wagnalls Encyclopedia Vol. 20 at 7215 (1972)).
God is Creator
It the earth is turned as clay to the seal
and they earth and sun stand hang as a
garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) Thus, the
imagery well-known in Jobs day was of a
fresh-clay pot spinning while a seal was being
imprinted as the clay was turned or rotated. The
Bible says the earth is turned as clay to the
seal of the sun in the very same way. This means
the earth moves in rotation relative to the sun,
and not vice-versa.
God is Creator
It the earth is turned as clay to the seal
and they earth and sun stand hang as a
garment. Job 3812-14 (1500 B.C.) And this says
the earth and sun are not laying flat, but are
hanging like clothes hangsuspended in air.
God is Creator
He has made spherical khug in Hebrew means to
make spherical the waters with bounds, until
the day and night come to an end. (Job 2610)
(1400 B.C.)
God is Creator
Psalm 827-30, wisdom (or logos in Greek) speaks
of his role in creation, and says, When He
prepared the heavens, I was there, When He drew a
circle on the face of the deep . . . When he
marked out the foundations of the earth, Then I
was beside Him.
God is Creator
Isaiah 4022 says, It is He who sits above the
circle of the earth. The Ryrie notes says this
term circle or zenith allows for the concept
that the earth is a sphere.
God is Creator
Please note all these statements in the Bible
about the waters being a circle, the earth
hanging on nothing, the sun holds the ends of the
earth, the earth is rotated while the sun sets
its seal on it, etc. are unobservable truths to
those lacking scientific means to see. Only
revealed knowledge can explain their origin.
God is Creator
However, the Bible teaches there are many things
observable in nature, sufficient for one to
deduce there must be a God.
God is Creator
What may be known about God is plain to them
i.e., humans, because God has made it plain to
them. For since the creation of the world Gods
invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine
naturehave been clearly seen, being understood
from what has been made, so that men are without
excuse. Romans 119-20 (New Testament)
God is Creator
Where did life itself come from? Was it an
accident in a primordial soup? Or must it have
had a designer? And can we deduce the
intelligence of this Designer from the resulting
genius we see in life?
God is Creator
Two of his Prof. Hoyles reasons for
disputing origin of universe involve the origin
of life. The calculated time since the origin of
the universe of 10,000 millions years or so i.e.
10 billion years ago is not enough to account
for the evolution of living forms. . . The
essence of his argument last week was based on
the information content of genes. Evolutionary
processes would, Hoyle said, require several
Hubble times i.e. Hubble Time 10-17 billion
years to yield the right nucleotide sequences
for life. The chance that higher life forms
might have emerged in this way is comparable with
the chance that a tornado sweeping through a
junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the
materials therein. . . . Of adherents of
biological evolution, Hoyle said he was at a loss
to understand biologists widespread compulsion
to deny what seems to be obvious. Nature
(11/12/81) Vo 294, 105
God is Creator
All life depends on the identical genetic coding
mechanism known as DNA. However, DNA contains
within itself its own origin. Thus absent DNA
existing alreadysomehow spontaneously
arisingDNA has no other way of coming into
existence. Popper, the famous philosopher of
science, points out this dilemma as well But,
as Monod points out, the machinery by which the
cell at least the only cells we know translates
the code consists of at least fifty
macromolecular components which are themselves
coded in DNA. Thus the code cannot be
translated except by using certain products of
the translation. This constitutes a really
baffling circle a vicious circle, it seems, for
any attempt to form a model, or theory, of the
genesis of the genetic code. Popper, Scientific
Reduction and the Essential Incompleteness of All
Science, Studies in the Philosophy of Biology
(1974) at 259, 270, quoting in part J. Monod,
Chance and Necessity (1971) at 143.
God is Creator
And if you by-passed this barrier, you have what
Hoyle was referring to earlier The core machinery
of DNA that is necessary to replicate DNA
requires an information specificity that is so
incredible that its chance of occurring naturally
in the finite time since the universes origin is
the same as a tornado sweeping through a
junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the
materials therein. . . . The only logical
explanation from something so specific, and
written as a code, and where its origin can only
derive from within itself already existing, is an
intelligent designer. For the DNA code is just
that a code. It has an alphabet, stop
characters, and various punctuation symbols, just
like any language. It obeys all the rules of
other languages, with grammar, etc. DNA is in
every cell of your body. It gave you birth from
your parents and continues its replication
function moment-by-moment to sustain your life,
giving you fresh living cells all the time. And
DNA cannot form unless DNA already existsthe
baffling circle Monod pointed out.
God is Creator
Also, DNA has an essential need for its built-in
ability to generate specialized and complicated
enzymes to defend itself from lethal free oxygen
. Without DNA generating this enzyme, DNA would
be instantly destroyed the minute it first
evolved, because there is ever-present oxygen in
deadly quantities in water and air. So one is
compelled to believe DNA struck on its coding and
replicating mechanism, and simultaneously its
complicated defense against free oxygen. Francis
Crick, the scientist who discovered DNA, and who
struggled to find a natural explanation, finally
conceded defeat An honest man, armed with all
the knowledge available to us now, could only
state that in some sense, the origin of life
appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so
many are the conditions which would have had to
have been satisfied to get it going. Francis
Crick, Life Itself (1981) at 88.
God is Creator
Salisbury made an insightful confession Its
as though everything must happen at once the
entire system must come into being as one unit,
or it is worthless. Salisbury, Doubts About
the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution, 33 Am.
Biology Teacher (1971) at 335, 338.
God is Creator
Here is another clear example of why DNA could
not have evolved, but all had to be created
miraculously at one time. All DNA requires a
proof-reading mechanism to correct errors in
copying information from an original life form to
its copy. Any error rate of between 1 to 10
percent is fatal for a DNA genome of 100 bases
(equivalent of letters in a code) or more.
Maynard-Smith points out first life had to have
an error rate of at least one percent. So it
could only survive if it was less than 100 bases.
To increase and become more complex, it would
need a proof reading replicase enzyme. Yet, that
enzyme cannot exist if the DNA is less than 100
bases. Maynard Smith explains this leads to a
dead-end for lifewhat he calls a Catch-22.
God is Creator
This has brought us to the catch-22 of the
origin of life. The first replicating molecules
had to manage without informed enzymes, and hence
had to put up with error rates greater than 1 in
100. This limited their genome size to 100 bases
or less. To improve on this, they had to code
for a replicase enzyme, and also for a primitive
protein-synthesizing machinery. That cannot be
done with as few as 100 bases. So, if you
cannot increase your genome size you cannot code
for an enzyme, and if you cannot code for an
enzyme you cannot increase your genome.
Maynard-Smith, The Problem of Biology (Oxford
University Press, 1986) at 117-18.
God is Creator
Hence, the only explanation of the crucial
replicase enzyme is that it must have existed
when the first DNA existed that had 100 bases or
more. (Humans have three trillion bases, or
letters in their genetic code.) That bespeaks
intelligent intervention at minimum, if not
assembly of the entire DNA structure. It is
physically impossible to have come into existence
without intervention.
God is Creator
This paradox is confessed by all evolutionary
biologists, with no solution. Besides
Maynard-Smith, Woese adds The primitive cell
was faced with the seeming paradox that in order
to develop a more accurate translational
apparatus it had first to translate more
accurately. Woese, On the origin of the
Genetic Code, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. (1965)
at 1546, 1549. .
God is Creator
Given that there would be at least considerable
difficulties in maintaining present-day
biological information transfer processes in the
absence of editing, the question arises as to the
feasibility of information transfer in a
protobiont which would at least initially lack
such reactions.... In summary, it is not clear
how a protobiont lacking editing reactions and
with additional problems of biological inaccuracy
resulting from poorly controlled metabolism can
attain threshold accuracy necessary for
stability of the system and its subsequent
evolution rather than breakdown of all
information transfer. Lambert, Enzymatic
Editing Mechanisms and the Origin of Biological
Information Transfer, J. Theoretical Biological
Information Transfer, Vol. 107 at 387, 396, 398
God is Creator
Lambert confesses all his theories about the
chance origin of life fall apart when this issue
surfaces The prebiological system appears to
face dissolution and death rather than
refinements as a consequence of its nonspecific
information transfer i.e. lacking editing
reactions. It is far from clear that the
proposals entertained herein or even any
combination thereof for the origin of proteins
from amino acids, suffice to account for the
chance evolution of life in the light of enzymic
editing mechanisms and the implications
thereof. Lambert, Enzymatic Editing Mechanisms
and the Origin of Biological Information
Transfer, J. Theoretical Biological Information
Transfer, Vol. 107 at 387, 401-01 (1984).
God is Creator
Lets consider another dilemma for those who
think life can happen without intervention of a
super-intelligence. Consider this question about
a traveling salesman. Lets submit this question
to a computer please find the shortest route
connecting a large number of cities. The
difficulty increases exponentially as the number
of destinations increase. For example, to
pinpoint the best itinerary for a salesman
traveling to 100 cities would require examining
100 x 99 x 98 x 97 .... x 1 possibilities.
Although this may sound simple, it is a task
that would take even the fastest computer
billions of years to compute. (John L. Casti,
Confronting Sciences Logical Limits,
Scientific American (Oct. 1996) at 102, 102).
God is Creator
This traveling salesman problem is what DNA
confronts when it must fold proteins in a
three-dimensional shape that is precisely suited
to the next cell being created. The same
Scientific American (October 1996) discusses that
DNA must finds the precise right sequence for
protein folding and then execute it. And this
involves a needle-in-the haystack problem like
the traveling salesman problem. The protein
folds up rapidly into a highly specific
three-dimensional structure that determines its
function in the organism.
God is Creator
Your body does protein folding on a regular basis
in a matter of seconds, Castri points out, as
it regenerates cells. How much time should this
take if we hired the fastest supercomputer to
resolve it? It has been estimated that a
supercomputer applying plausible rules for
protein folding would need 10127 years to find
the final folded form for even a very short
sequence of just 100 amino acids. In fact, in
1993 Aviezri S. Fraenkl of the University of
Pennsylvania showed that the mathematical
formulation of the protein-folding problem is
computationally hard in the same way that the
travelling salesmen problem is hard. How does
nature do it? Scientific American (Oct. 1996) at
102, 102.
God is Creator
Castri has no solution, except to believe that
when an explanation based on chance alludes us,
we need to ignore further talk about a subject
and regard it as scientifically unanswerable.
That amounts to intentionally suppressing the
only answer design. Lets see why. Because the
universe is about only 109 years old, the
replication of just one protein in your body
would, if using the best designed supercomputer
in the world, require 10127 years (about another
10118 more years than have already passed, which
is equivalent to multiplying 1 trillion years by
another trillion years about 10 times) to
successfully fold. Yet, DNA has hidden somewhere
in its information the keyabsent which life
could never have progressed from the
beginningwhich forms the proteins essential to
cell structure in a matter of seconds.
God is Creator
Prof. Adleman of USC has proven directly that DNA
has a computer in its structure. He has harnessed
it to solve the traveling salesman problem up to
seven citiessomething that still would alude our
supercomputers in our lifetime, and he did it in
a very short time. His studies began in 1996 and
were peer-reviewed and appeared in Science
magazine in March 2002. The future of computing
is going to be DNA. PC computers will be based on
DNA because DNA has a built in parallel computer
that is able to examine over 1 million
possibilities per second, yet has low heat
output. Prof. Adleman says DNA can crack the
highest encryption methods used because of its
extraordinary potency.
God is Creator
  • For more information on DNAs built-in computer,
  • Science Magazine, March 14, 2002 abstract online
    at http//www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/
  • Wired Magazine article on Dr. Adlemans research
  • Signal Magazine 1996 article on Dr. Adleman
  • ComputerWorld article on Dr. Adleman

God is Creator
In sum, science was able to originally infer the
existence of a super-computer inside of DNA,
because only such power cold fold a protein into
its correct three-dimensional shape. Only a
computing power able to solve the traveling
salesman hypothetical in seconds would be able to
solve how to fold proteins correctly and thereby
have any function. Next, science was able to find
that computer directly, and actually harness it
to solve the traveling salesman problem when no
supercomputer on earth could touch the problem in
the same short period. Hence, it is fair to say
DNA is endowed with the finest fastest most
sophisticated computer in the world. And for life
to have existed, it always had to have this
God is Creator
Dr. Adleman found the key that unlocks protein
folding. The ability of DNA depends upon a
computerized process that makes our
supercomputers look like childs play. Consider
that for just a brief moment. Our supercomputers
are nothing compared to the feature in DNA that
sorts and assembles the proteins perfectly. This
not only reveals design, but it reveals that the
designers potency so exceeds our own that we can
never attain to its intellectual height. To do as
Castri has done, and insist when the cause is
pointing at your Creator, you must say it is
scientifically unanswerable, is a crime against
science. For science seeks to know about the
universe and everything in it. And that includes
all intelligent life, including the one who
created DNA. Call Him God or call Him what you
want. Yet, you cannot ignore Him.
God is Creator
Jeremiah 517 Compared to him God all people
are foolish, and have no knowledge at all.
God is Creator
At what point would this ability of DNA to solve
folding correctly a protein from 100 amino acids
have been needed?
God is Creator
Remember, Castri in Scientific American (Oct.
1996) at 102 said It has been estimated that a
supercomputer applying plausible rules for
protein folding would need 10127 years to find
the final folded form for even a very short
sequence of just 100 amino acids. Where did we
previously see 100 amino acids being a necessary
hurdle in explaining the origin of life from
natural materials?
God is Creator
It was Maynard-Smith, The Problem of Biology
(Oxford University Press, 1986) at 117-18
explaining that life could not replicate unless
it exceeded 100 base pairs of amino acids, which
creates a conundrum of impossibilities This
has brought us to the catch-22 of the origin of
life. The first replicating molecules had to
manage without informed enzymes, and hence had to
put up with error rates greater than 1 in 100.
This limited their genome size to 100 bases or
less. To improve on this, they had to code for a
replicase enzyme, and also for a primitive
protein-synthesizing machinery. That cannot be
done with as few as 100 bases. So, if you
cannot increase your genome size you cannot code
for an enzyme, and if you cannot code for an
enzyme you cannot increase your genome.
God is Creator
Lets make a far-fetched supposition that when
100 bases were exceeded in the early DNA, just by
accident simultaneously appeared the replicase
enzyme. Yet, at the identical moment must appear
something smart enough to fold the protein
properly from these 100 bases or otherwise
replication (life) will not occur. And for
folding of these 100 base pairs, we need a
computing power sufficient to crunch down to mere
seconds what would take trillions upon thousands
of billions of trillions of years for our
supercomputers to perform. Hence, if we indulge
in the assumption that replicase enzyme just
appeared out of nowhere by accident, we must also
believe in the fortuitous creation of the
ultimate supercomputer ever known to science. If
you believe this is all by chance, one believes
in a fairy tale. Only a God can cause such
intelligent effects, and right on time.
God is Creator
In sum, life cannot replicate successfully unless
it has 100 base pairs. It cannot exceed 100 base
pairs however unless it has a proof-reading
enzyme called replicase but it cannot make this
enzyme unless it already has 100 base pairs.
(Hence the Catch-22.) And if one supposed that
replicase just fortuitously appeared, one must
also believe the most brilliant supercomputer
appears simultaneously to shape the 100 base
pairs into a proper protein, reducing to mere
seconds what our best supercomputers would take
almost eternity to resolve just one time. Hence,
belief that life can just by chance originate is
without foundation.
God is Creator
Your hands have made me and fashioned me an
intricate unity . . . Did you not . . . clothe me
with skin and flesh, And knit me together with
bones and sinews? You have granted me life and
favor, And your care has preserved my spirit.
(Job 108, 11-12 (Old Testament))
God is Creator
Evolution has been the great antagonist of belief
in God as Creator of individual life forms. It
too is a mere phantom, quite easily disproven.
God is Creator
Why? Fact One DNA that creates each life form
has a specific quality for each type of animal
it has a specific number of letters that belong
to each type. This is known as the genome size.
The letters are called base pairs.
God is Creator
Why can Evolution be so easily disproven? Fact
Two Life forms generally have increasing genome
sizes comparable to their increasing complexity
and subsequent appearance on earth.
God is Creator
Why can Evolution be so easily disproven? Fact
Three So to evolve from one type with one genome
size to another type that has a larger genome
size one must be able to add letters (base pairs)
to the genome.
God is Creator
Why can Evolution be so easily disproven? Fact
Four It has been repeatedly proven impossible to
ever increase the size of a genome of a type. It
can be mutated (re-arranged) or reduced in
number. It however NEVER CAN BE ADDED TO.
God is Creator
Why can we never add to the size of the genome of
a given type of life? Because unlike
recombinant mutations (re-arranging or deleting
letters), a mutation that adds letters to the
genomeknown as a page frame mutationwould
always be fatal in nature, but even in the lab
that can prevent the fatality, the result is
uniformally catastrophic disfunction or at least
God is Creator
Why can we never add to the size of the genome of
a given type of life? This fatal quality of
adding letters is true from amoebas to man. Yet
there can be no Darwinian evolution from one type
to another without this. And since adding letters
is impossible, Darwinian evolution is impossible.
Its plain and simple to see. Take a closer look.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? First, lets realize that all the
proofs of evolution were really just examples of
recombinant mutational activity within a type.
The peppered moth changing from grey-white to
black is recombinant evolution, not page frame
mutation evolution.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? Thus all the so-called proofs piled
upon us in the classroom and on TV were based on
appearances, but not upon direct knowledge of
mutations and what kind of mutation would be
needed to change a type to another more advanced
type (i.e., more letter instructions) a page
frame mutation aka frameshift mutation.
God is Creator
Dobzhansky, Genetics of the Evolutionary Process
(N.Y. Columbia University Press, 1970) at 55
explains the process A different kind of
mutation is induced by the acridine dyes
proflavin and acridine orange. These substances
are believed to become inserted between the
normal bases in the DNA chains, pushing these
bases apart. This results in addition or
deletion of one or several bases during the
process of DNA replication, and in the appearance
of so-called frameshift mutations.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? There are 3 million words in a
bacterias DNA (9 million nucleotides, and every
three forms a word). Humans have three trillion
words that form its genome size. Unless you can
increase the number of words in DNA by some
natural means, you have no Darwinian
type-to-new-type evolution.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is impossible? To
go from 3 million words to 3 billion words, there
must be some mutation that can add words
nucleotides. Absent this, no evolution can
occur. That is fairly obvious and
simple. Professor of Biology E.W. Fleck, of
Whitman College, says, without mutation no DNA
change is possible and no evolution can occur.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? Scientists have been able to force
organisms to add a word to their instruction set.
However, to insert these, scientist use dyes
which always have a lethal release of
free-oxygen. To spare some of the DNA from
instant death, lab techs bathe the organism in
repair enzymessomething that could not naturally
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? Acridine dyesa DNA by-product of
higher life formsis the only means that has been
shown able to add letters. However, it can only
do this if it also releases OH (free oxygen). OH
is lethal to DNA. To create this reaction in an
acridine dye, one needs to use an oxidizable
substrate called NADH and chelated iron. Needless
to say, the chemists hand put these in place
they do not appear together naturally inside a
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? Paula Burch has theorized what could
be natural substrates and chelators to release OH
in an acridine dye. Yet, then nature must insert
them together in a cell with the dye. Burch
explains that this further depends only on the
accessibility of dyes to the interior of cells
and the presence of the various components
required within a single cellular compartment,
i.e. the chelator and oxygen substrate.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? Then these acridine dyes, to form OH
and thus damage DNA sufficient to accept new
letters, would itself be lethal unless a chemist
pre-introduces DNA repair enzymes to overcome the
normal cascading affect of OH (free oxygen).
Paula Burch, page 3, on Internet 9/96 (search
Acridine or Paula Burch) (off of home page of
Paula Burch).
God is Creator
Did you notice the steps in adding a new
letter? DNA has mechanisms to prevent letter
additions. So the chemist must find a means of
inflicting heavy damage from oxygen on DNA to
disable its enzyme defense. The lethal effects
of photosensitizing dyes such as ... acridines
involve oxygen..., Ms. Burch explains. Then
simultaneously, DNA must be assisted by external
heavy doses of repair enzymes (collected from
healthy DNA) to spare some portion of DNA.
God is Creator
Did you notice the steps in adding a new
letter? Any child can see that you have destroyed
a defense mechanism of DNA in order to add a
letter, and in nature absent intervention it no
longer has defenses to survive. And so adding the
letter only succeeded because the chemist quickly
inserted repair enzymes that heavily-damaged DNA
cannot generate. So you have once more a closed
circle. You cannot add letters to DNA without
destroying DNAs ability to repair itself and by
removing that ability, DNA will collapse, and so
adding letters can never naturally succeed.
God is Creator
But what happens anyway after a new letter or
letters are added? Does DNA still
function? Unlike recombinant mutations that have
a large neutral affect, and hence make evolution
within a type very possible, mutations involving
adding one or two letters are always fatal, that
is it has uniformally drastic disfunction and
usually total non-function.
God is Creator
adding or deleting one or two bases to the
nucleic acid base sequence ... have a uniformally
drastic effect on gene function. Because they
are read in sequence from one end of the gene to
the other without any punctuation between
triplets, insertion of an extra base or two bases
will lead to translation out of register of the
whole sequence distal to the insertion or
deletion point. The polypetide is drastically
modified and usually fails to function at
all. Mutation, McGraw-Hill Concise
Encyclopedia of Science and Encyclopedia (1989)
at 1216.
God is Creator
What this is saying is the explanation for why
DNA aborts if there are additions to the genome
size is because it keeps a count on how many
letters are needed to form the gene. If that
number is exceeded, it can detect that the number
of letters copied mismatches what it it supposed
to be, and terminates expressing that gene
further. The reading page of DNA is said to be
out of frame, and hence the term page frame
God is Creator
Thus, evolution cannot occur without some kind of
mutation that adds letters to the genome size,
and this DNA prevents. It aborts expressing any
gene that has the wrong number of DNA
letters. And of course, do not forget the
experiments that added letters relied on what in
nature is a lethal chemical process. Only by the
chemist replacing the damaged aspect of DNA
quickly can DNA hold the new letters for as
briefly as it does before aborting anyway.
God is Creator
And also do not forget that an acridine dye is
not accessible in the era of bacteria. And even
if it were, in order to have its lethal damage to
DNA (before the chemist intervenes) and thereby
open a door to a new letter position, there must
be inserted into the cell two other chemicals a
substrate and a chelator and this also bespeaks
the chemists hand, not a natural occurrence.
God is Creator
Hence, page frame mutations are impossible in
nature. They are only seen in the laboratory for
a brief moment, and depend on destroying DNAs
defenses and then replacing them immediately by
artificial means. Then anyway, DNA cannot read
correctly the new frame, because it keeps count
of the number of letters. An addition of one or
two letters is uniform drastic damage, DNA
self-aborting or not functioning.
God is Creator
Needless to say, evolution from one type could
not occur without adding letters to the genome
size of bacteria and later creatures. Yet, it is
impossible. If one wanted to imagine it happened
once, you still have millions or perhaps billions
of types that must have had an addition in genome
size explained each time as well. The barrier of
page frame mutation blocks evolution.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? What about chromosome duplication?
Doesnt that add more words (binding sites) to
allow evolution? No. Starting with bacteria, we
can rule it out. Only higher organisms experience
chromosome duplication. It cannot occur in a
non-sexual reproducing creature and in one
lacking a nucleus such as bacteria.
God is Creator
Why evolution from type to type is
impossible? What about chromosome duplication?
And when it occurs in plants or animals that
solely reproduce sexually, the resultant creature
exists but cannot reproduce. A dead-end.
God is Creator
What about chromosome aka gene fusion? Gene
fusion (breaking off of a piece of a gene and
re-connecting elsewhere) is really just
re-combination. There is no new binding sites
(letter positions). Furthermore, it does not even
have evolutionary significance for recombinations
within a type. A fused gene only can survive if
special editing occurred to DNA deleting of stop
and start codons, and ignoring intron messages.
Lab techs can do this. Accident cannot.
God is Creator
Why is Darwinian evolution from type to new type
impossible? For the simple reason that it depends
on having a successful page frame mutation. And
this is impossible naturally. It depends on
inflicting damage that is then artificially
repaired immediately. And the result is then
anyway uniformally drastic disfunction or usually
non-function. And there is no viable other means
to add new letter positions, e.g., chromosomoal
God is Creator
Why is Darwinian evolution from type to new type
impossible? So why do so many believe in
Darwinian evolution from type to new type?
Because they relied upon appearances, and the
doctrine solidified well before we knew the
actual means necessary to create a new type into
a new type page frame mutation. Once this
problem was discovered, it was quickly ignored.
Why? Because scientists are trained to ignore
anything that points away from a natural
explanation to an intelligent origin. They deem
it unscientific.
God is Creator
Why is Darwinian evolution from type to new type
impossible? Regardless, Darwinian evolution from
type to new type is impossible to occur naturally
and without intervention that can add new
letters. To go from bacteria at 3 million words
to humans at 3 trillion words, an impossible
process had to be breached many millions of
times. Hence, all life depends on the Hand that
did this.
God is Creator
Jesus Stop judging by appearances, and make a
right judgment. John 724
God is Creator
Stop judging by appearances, and make a right
judgment. John 724 (Jesus) But how can I really
know humans did not evolve from apes? or ape-like
ancestors? I am everywhere taught this is true,
from movies, tv, and in school. I am forced to
memorize the evolutionary lineage as if it is
real. What is true?
God is Creator
Stop judging by appearances, and make a right
judgment. John 724 (Jesus) IT IS EASILY PROVEN
God is Creator
Stop judging by appearances, and make a right
judgment. John 724 (Jesus) First, apes have far
smaller genome sizes than humans. And you thus
have the barrier of page frame mutation that
blocks asserting one type can evolve into another
type. That ends the debate. However, there is
even a simpler and more elegant disproof.
God is Creator
The only place this issue was ever mentioned was
in a graduate level textbook on evolution by
Skelton. The difference in chromosome number
between humans (2n46) and the ape species,
gorilla, chimpanzee and orang-utan (2n48)
appears to have come about as the result of the
fusion of two chromosomes which are still
separate in apes. (Evolution (Skelton ed.)
(1993) at 99.)
God is Creator
Please follow closely what Skelton is saying. All
ape species have 48 chromosomes and all humans
have 46. Chromosomes exist in two bands (which
Skelton notes by using 2n), so when humans have
children the wife gives 23 chromosomes and the
husband gives 23 chromosomes, to form 46
chromosomes in a baby. When an ape mates, the
female gives 24 chromosomes and the male gives
24, for a baby ape of 48 chromosomes.
God is Creator
So, it is physically impossible for an ape and
human to procreate because of this chromosome
mismatch. You cannot match 24 chromosomes of the
ape to the 23 chromosomes of a human, and hence
you cannot produce an ape-human. The extra
chromosome of an ape would get all tangled. Why
is this relevant?
God is Creator
Remember Skelton said the origin of human
evolution appears to have come about as the
result of the fusion of two chromosomes in the
first humans. We will show later that chromosome
fusion (two chromosomes becoming one) is
impossible due to the intron problem. However,
putting that to one side, what is necessary for
the first humans to have come about if we assume
chromosome fusion is possible?
God is Creator
Statistics alone will show this is a fantasy, a
fable. For chromosome fusion to succeed, the
female ape with this erroneous chromosome
number23 instead of the normal 24must encounter
a male with the same erroneous chromosome number
of 23. And to avoid tangling, the fusion must
occur to the identical chromosome on each. So if
chromosome 24 fuses to chromosome 2, this must be
repeated for both male and female.
God is Creator
Statistics alone will show this is a fantasy, a
fable. Then there is always the chance that this
damaged strand will not be given to the potential
child, but the normal 24 chromosomes are given.
Thus, each ape with the erroneous strand has a
50-50 chance of giving the erroneous strand to
the offspring rather than their good strand.
God is Creator
Statistics alone will show this is a fantasy, a
fable. With all these givens, are you ready to do
the math? Level one Assuming chromosome fusion
is possible and it occurs to, lets say,
chromosome 2 and 4, ask yourself how many pair
combinations are possible on one strand? Well, 1
can fuse with 23 other possible chromosomes, and
2 likewise, and so on. So there are 23
combinations for 24 chromosomes, or 552 possible
God is Creator
Statistics alone will show this is a fantasy, a
fable. With all these givens, are you ready to do
the math? Level two Thus,
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