Title: Loaded Language
1Loaded Language
This is emotional or biased language that must be
stripped away if we are to understand an argument
Jennys dog passed away. The brave little
animal didnt quite make it through the night.
3- What do these words or phrases really mean?
- Downsizing
- Defence
- Senior Citizen
- Learning Difficulties
- Jobseeker
- Affirmative Action
4Emotive Language
People who are against abortion describe
themselves as pro-life. They are against the
murder of unborn babies.
5People in favour of legal abortion describe
themselves as pro-choice. They believe that
pregnant women should have the right to choose
the termination of their foetus.
What is a soil management solution? What is a
rodent operator? What is a bilateral probital
7Loaded Questions
Do you still beat your wife? Where did you hide
the money you stole? Are you really going to
vote for that idiot Obama? Would you be a nice
guy and lend me 5?
8Click the image to see Madeleine Albright being
tricked into answering a loaded question.
Albright later wrote I must have been crazy I
should have answered the question by reframing it
and pointing out the inherent flaws in the
premise behind it. As soon as I had spoken, I
wished for the power to freeze time and take back
those words. My reply had been a terrible
mistake, hasty, clumsy, and wrong. I had fallen
into a trap and said something that I simply did
not mean. That is no ones fault but my own.