Title: Overview of R language | Mostly used R Programming packages
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2What is the R Language?
3R is an open source programming language and free
software environment commonly used for
statistical computing within data heavy roles
such as data mining and statistics. The source
code for the R software environment is written
primarily in C, FORTRAN, and R.
4What is a package?
5A Package is a collection of R functions, data
and compiled code. Packages are stored in a
directory called library. Within the R
interface, some packages are already present and
others need to be downloaded and installed.
6What is CRAN?
7CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) is one of
the sources to download R packages. It is a
global repository of open-source packages that
extends the capabilities of R. CRAN has more than
1000 packages to download
8What are the Mostly used packages in R?
9- To visualize data
- ggplot2
- ggvis
- rgl
- googleVis
- To model data
- car
- mgcv
- lme4/nlme
- randomForest
- multcomp
- vcd
- glmnet
- caret
- To load data
- RMySQL, RPostgressSQL, RSQLite
- XLConnect, xlsx
- Foreign
- To manipulate data
- dplyr
- tidyr
- ttringr
- lubridate
10- To Repost Results
- shiny
- RMarkdown
- xtable
- For Spatial data
- Sp, maptools
- maps
- ggmap
- For Time Series and Financial Data
- zoo
- xts
- quantmod
- To write high-performance R code
- rcpp
- data table
- parallel
11- To work with the web
- jsonlite
- httr
- To write your own R packages
- devtools
- testthat
- roxygen2
12Course Benefits Learning at IQ Online Training
Syllabus We have a unique list of topics that
will cover almost the entire subject. Interactive
It is going to be completely interactive. Our
aim is to make each class fell like a
brainstorming session we will learn it by our
day to day example so you will connect each
concept very well. Practice Sessions With each
topic, you will be given assignments in a way
that you will get to apply the theory you learned
immediately. Certificate Preparation Our tutors
will guide you for qualifying in major
certificate preparations. Support Our Team will
be available to you via email or the chat on
website for you to reach out to us to solve your
13Call 17325938450, 919989527180 Mail
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