Using Medical Terminology in Pathology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Using Medical Terminology in Pathology


An image of a gross lesion will be shown and you should try ... A Holstein heifer with yellowish, easily torn, slightly rubbery material on peritoneal surfaces ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Using Medical Terminology in Pathology

Using Medical Terminology in Pathology
  • With special emphasis on Inflammation
  • PBS 559 General Pathology
  • Philip N. Bochsler, DVM, PhD
  • Diplomate, American College of Veterinary

An image of a gross lesion will be shown and you
should try to formulate a morphologic diagnosis
(mdx).Use your class notes and tables or
terminology to assist you.
  • Then go to the next slide, try to answer the
    questions, and check the mdx and other comments.
  • Remember Some latitude in the mdx is present in
    many cases. Spelling is always important.

Lungs from a horse that died after a two-day
Horse lungs
  • Mdx ______________________________ .
  • Alternatively, if you (logically) suspect that
    the dark areas are bloody/hemorrhagic
  • Mdx _______________________________ .
  • If you know that the etiology was Streptococcus
    zooepidemicus, the etiologic diagnosis is
    _________ .
  • Severe acute locally extensive pneumonia
  • Severe acute locally extensive hemorrhagic
  • Streptococcal pneumonia

Brain from a horse infected with Streptoccus equi
with a localized area of pale, soft exudate in
the cerebral cortex
Brain from a horse infected with Streptoccus equi
  • Mdx _________________________________ .
  • Comment Its difficult to identify the time
    frame from the image. If you knew that there was
    a fibrous capsule around the lesion, it would be
    ___________ (time frame).
  • If there was no fibrous capsule around the
    suppurative exudate, the time frame would likely
    be ______________________ .
  • Another simple, common medical term for a local
    area of severe suppurative inflammation, usually
    well-demarcated, which is visible to the naked
    eye is _______________ .
  • If you know that the etiology was Streptococcus
    equi, the etiologic diagnosis is
    __________________ .
  • Severe (time frame) focal suppurative
  • Chronic
  • Acute or subacute
  • Abscess
  • Streptococcal encephalitis/abscess
  • naked eye, i.e.., grossly visible

Numerous red foci on and in the lungs of a
term-aborted equine fetus
Lungs of a term-aborted equine fetus
  • Mdx ____________________________ .
  • Comment Hemorrhagic lesions are usually acute.
  • (Microsopically there is necrosis, too.)
  • If you know that the etiology was Equine Herpes
    Virus -1, the etiologic diagnosis is
    _____________ .
  • Moderate to severe acute multifocal hemorrhagic
  • Herpes viral pneumonia/abortion
  • Note The modifier bilateral between acute
    -and- multifocal results in an even better mdx.

A Holstein heifer with yellowish, easily torn,
slightly rubbery material on peritoneal surfaces
Yellowish, easily torn, slightly rubbery material
on peritoneal surfaces
  • Mdx ___________________________________ .
  • Comment Its so widespread that its almost
    diffuse, which would also be ok as an adjective.
  • Comment Fibrinous lesions are often acute.
  • Microsopically there is often suppuration with
    the fibrin, too.
  • If you could grossly see pus along with the
    sheets of fibrin, what would the mdx be?
  • Severe acute multifocal/diffuse fibrinous
  • Severe acute multifocal/diffuse
    fibrinosuppurative peritonitis
  • or, Severe acute multifocal/diffuse
    fibrinopurulent peritonitis
  • or, Severe acute multifocal/diffuse fibrinous
    and suppurative/purulent peritonitis

Bovine calf with an abscess of the vertebral
column with extension into the spinal canal
Bovine calf with an abscess of the vertebral
column with extension into the spinal canal
  • Remember If it looks like you have pure
    liquid/viscous pus without a fibrous capsule, the
    time frame is most likely acute.
  • Inflammation of bone is called __________ .
  • Inflammation of bone marrow is __________ .
  • In all likelihood, if bone marrow is inflamed the
    surrounding and adjacent bone is also inflamed,
    which in combination is called ________________
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord is
    _________________ .
  • This situation is a bit of a sticky wicket.
    (myelitis and myelitis)
  • continued
  • Osteitis
  • Myelitis
  • Osteomyelitis. Its not often heard, but this
    can also be called central osteitis.
  • Myelitis
  • A difficult problem or situation.

Bovine calf with an abscess of the vertebral
column with extension into the spinal canal
  • Youll need to be creative in this kind of case.
  • Try to incorporate inflammation of the bone, bone
    marrow, and spinal cord in a mdx
  • ________________________________ .
  • Severe acute focal suppurative osteomyelitis
    and spinal myelitis
  • locally extensive is acceptable
  • or purulent

Lungs from a dog which started coughing 2-3 weeks
Lungs from a dog which started coughing 2-3 weeks
  • This is a case of severe pulmonary blastomycosis
    (Blastomyces dermatitidis).
  • The etiologic diagnosis is __________________ .
  • Blastomyces induces numerous neutrophils and
    macrophages to chemotax into alveolar spaces.
  • An exudate consisting primarily of neutrophils is
    referred to as ___________________ .
  • An exudate consisting primarily of macrophages is
    referred to as ____________________ .
  • A prefix referring to pus is _____ .
  • An exudate consisting of both neutrophils and
    macrophages is called __________________________
    __ .
  • Continued

Lungs from a dog which started coughing 2-3 weeks
  • Mdx _____________________________________ .
  • Blastomyces pneumonia, or fungal pneumonia
  • Suppurative or purulent
  • Granulomatous
  • Pyo-
  • Pyogranulomatous, or Suppurative and
    Granulomatous, or Purulent and Granulomatous
  • Severe chronic diffuse pyogranulomatous
  • Chronic-Active is also ok.
  • It consists of thousands of small foci
    (multifocal) of pyogranulomatous inflammation
    which are packed very closely together and which
    are distributed in every lung lobe, so call it

The thoracic cavity of this cat is filled with
pus.(The lungs are collapsed.)
The thoracic cavity of this cat is filled with
  • A one-word description of this condition is
    _______________________________ .
  • If the abdominal cavity were filled with pus how
    would you describe it? __________________________
    ____ .
  • Pyothorax
  • No, its not pyoperitoneum nor pyoabdomen.
    Although these may technically be correct, they
    are not used, probably because they are
    phonetically clumsy. Suppurative peritonitis
    is a better choice.
  • Note Take it on faith that what Ive told you
    in this case is true, that it is really pus in
    the thoracic cavity. However, without supporting
    data, e.g., cytology, etc., you might also
    consider from the photo that a pale liquid in the
    thoracic cavity could be chyle, a
    noninflammatory fluid with high lipid content.
    This condition, chylothorax, may result from
    fluid leaking from a perforated thoracic duct, or
    may be an idiopathic condition.

Intestinal tract from a chicken with coccidiosis
Intestinal tract from a chicken with coccidiosis
  • You can see the bloody exudate is in some parts
    of the intestinal tract, but not others.
  • Inflammation of the small intestine is called
    _____________ .
  • Inflammation of the cecum/ceci is called
    _____________ .
  • Mdx ____________________________ .
  • Sanguineous
  • Enteritis
  • Typhlitis
  • Severe acute segmental hemorrhagic
  • Or, Severe acute multifocal hemorrhagic
  • Or, Severe acute segmental/multifocal hemorrhagic
    enteritis and typhlitis

An equine placenta which accompanied an aborted
fetus necrosis and suppuration are present.
An equine placenta which accompanied an aborted
fetus necrosis and suppuration are present.
  • Mdx ____________________________________ .
  • Fungal hyphae were present in the placenta.
  • Etiologic diagnosis _________________________ .
  • Severe acute locally extensive suppurative and
    necrotizing placentitis (or, purulent and
    necrotizing). Some people might say
    necrosuppurative. Your choice.
  • Fungal placentitis

The trachea from this bovine steer contains pus,
fibrin, and blood. (Note the hole in the glove)
The trachea from this bovine steer contains pus,
fibrin, and blood.
  • Mdx ___________________________________ .
  • What if a similar exudate was also in the nasal
    cavity? Mdx ____________________________ .
  • What if a similar exudate was also in the larynx?
    Mdx ____________________________ .
  • Bovine Herpes Virus-1 (IBR) and secondary
    bacterial infection was the etiology.
  • Severe acute diffuse fibrinopurulent and
    hemorrhagic tracheitis
  • Severe acute diffuse fibrinopurulent and
    hemorrhagic rhinotracheitis
  • Severe acute diffuse fibrinopurulent and
    hemorrhagic laryngotracheitis

A 10-year-old male dog was finally neutered. The
veterinarian bisected the testes and found these
A 10-year-old male dog was finally neutered. The
veterinarian bisected the testes and found these
  • Mdx ____________________________________ .
  • Multiple/multifocal neoplasms.
  • These are interstitial/Leydig cell tumors, so
    Multiple/multifocal interstitial cell tumors is
  • Remember If its not inflammation, you dont
    need to used the formula for describing
    inflammatory lesions. If its cancer, just call
    it that.

This is a saggitally-sectioned kidney from a dog
that died from acute ethylene glycol toxicosis.
The kidney is pale (rather than the usual
mahogany red color) because the renal tubular
epithelium has undergone necrosis.
Kidney from a dog that died from acute ethylene
glycol toxicosis
  • Mdx ______________________________________ .
  • Severe acute nephrosis
  • There is no signficant inflammation present the
    lesion is the result of a toxin, not bacteria,
    virus, protozoa, foreign body, etc. which cause
    an inflammatory reaction.
  • -osis is attached to latin word roots and
    indicates the presence of damage, necrosis, etc.
    It is not used in all situations, however, by
    common convention. For instance, you wont hear
    the term encephalosis its just not used.
    Youll pick these nuances up as you continue in
    your career.
  • Remember -opathy is another suffix used in
    noninflammatory situations. It indicates that a
    problem is present in a certain organ, but the
    etiology is not known, not sufficiently
    understood, or may be understood but you need to
    emphasize that it is noninflammatory e.g.,
    cardiomyopathy. Examples encephalopathy,
    hepatopathy, nephropathy, osteopathy, etc.

If you learn this terminology now you will be a
step ahead for the rest of your veterinary
education and your career. Refer to your notes
from class including the table and list of word
roots. Good luck!
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