Life on an Ocean Planet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life on an Ocean Planet


Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking: 'The laws of science do not distinguish between the past and the future. ... In order to survive, human beings have to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life on an Ocean Planet

  • Choose to view chapter section with a click on
    the section heading.
  • The Nature of Life
  • How Energy Enters Living Systems
  • The Oceans Primary Productivity
  • Energy Flow Through the Biosphere

Chapter Topic Menu
The Nature of Life
  • Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking
  • The laws of science do not distinguish between
    the past and the future.In order to survive,
    human beings have to consume food which is
    anordered form of energy, and convert it into
    heat, which is a disorderedform of energy The
    progress of the human race in understanding
    theuniverse has established a small corner of
    order in an increasinglydisordered universe.
  • This principle of physics called entropy, or
    randomness, appears to be the driving force of
    all life in our universe.
  • Defining life appears simple if you compare a
    fish and a rock. From a scientific point of view,
    its not quite so cut-and-dried. Often life and
    nonlife share the same elements matter, carbon
    atoms and energy reactions.
  • Energy reactions found in living systems also
    exist outside of life.For example fire results
    when a reaction releases chemicalenergy within
    substances. Living systems use energy similarly
    by releasing chemical energy for life processes.
  • All life uses energy. Therefore it is possible to
    define life basedon the characteristics living
    systems have apart from nonlivingsystems with
    respect to energy use.

The Nature of Life
Chapter 4 Pages 4-2 4-3
Elements Essential for Life
The Nature of Life
Chapter 4 Page 4-3
Matter and Energy
  • Life requires matter and energy to exist. All
    living organisms are composed of about 13 of 118
    known elements from the periodic table.
  • Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen account
    for 99 of the mass. Nine other elements account
    for the remaining 1. These elements, in
    combinations, account for all biological
  • Scientists recognize more than 1.6 million
    different species, as many as 30 million may
  • Despite this huge number, all organisms organize
    matter into biological chemicals and into cells.
  • A cell is the smallest whole structure that can
    be defined as a living system.
  • Organisms can consist of a single cell or
    billions of codependent cells.
  • All life organizes matter into cells.

The Nature of Life
Chapter 4 Pages 4-3 4-4
Matter and Energy (continued)
  • The first law of thermodynamics states that
    energy can be transferred from one system to
    another in many forms. However, it cannot be
    created nor destroyed.
  • Energy is defined as the capacity to do work.
  • Energy is necessary for life because living
    systems use it to accomplish the processes of
    life reproduction, growth, movement, eating,
  • Organisms need energy to help break down complex
    molecules into simple molecules. They need more
    energy to build distinct complex molecules from
    simple molecules.
  • Organisms cannot create energy but can use it
    to perform useful work. Living systems must
    acquire energy from outside sources.

The Nature of Life
Chapter 4 Pages 4-4 4-5
  • The second law of thermodynamics states that
    disorder increases with time and eventually all
    energy and matter will be distributed evenly.
  • Entropy is the measure of how much unavailable
    energy exists in a system due to even
    distribution. High entropy low organization and
    low energy potential.
  • Living systems use energy to create order and to
    gather and store potential energy. The increased
    order is local and temporary, and requires more
    energy to create than it retains. Here, matter
    exists in a low-entropy (organized) state.
  • Example About 85 of the energy required to
    organizeprotein into complex muscletissue is
    ultimately lost as heat in creating the tissue.

The Nature of Life
Chapter 4 Pages 4-4 4-6
Autotrophy and Heterotrophy
  • Terrestrial and most marine organisms get their
    energy directly or indirectlyfrom the sun.
  • Autotrophy is the process of self-feeding by
    creating energy-rich compounds called
  • Autotrophs obtain energy from the sun or chemical
  • They do this by converting the energy from
    sunlight and inorganic compounds into
    carbohydrates. Plants are autotrophs.
  • Many organisms, including virtually all animals,
    cannot produce their own carbohydrates. These
    organisms get their energy and matter by
    consuming other organisms. This is called
  • Heterotrophs are organisms that rely on other
    organisms for sources of energy.
  • We are heterotrophs. Humans rely on
    photosynthesizing plants, bacteria, and other
    micro-organisms for life.
  • This is one reason why the health of the natural
    environment is a crucial issue.

How Matter and Energy Enter Living Systems
Chapter 4 Page 4-7
  • Whether an organism is an autotroph or a
    heterotroph, it must convert carbohydrates
    intousable energy.
  • Organisms use oxygen to engage in cellular
  • Respiration is the process of releasing energy
    from carbohydrates to perform the functions of
    life. (This is not the same as breathing.)
  • The chemical processfor respiration is

How Matter and Energy Enter Living Systems
Chapter 4 Pages 4-7 4-8

  • Because they create energy-rich compounds,
    autotrophs are also known as primary producers.
  • Primary producers combine energy from sunlight
    with inorganic materials to form energy-right
    organic compounds.
  • Conduit through which the biosphere gets almost
    all its energy.
  • Organisms with chlorophyll are the majority of
    primary producers.
  • Chlorophyll allows for the collection of
  • The process of using light energy to create
    carbohydrates from inorganic compounds is called
  • Because carbon dioxide and water have more oxygen
    than is needed, the process also releases oxygen.
  • Without photosynthesis we would not have the
    oxygen we need to breathe.

How Matter and Energy Enter Living Systems
Chapter 4 Page 4-9
Photosynthesis (continued)
  • Note that even organisms with chlorophyll
    respire. If youlook at photosynthesis you can
    see it is a complementaryprocess to respiration.
  • The chemical process for photosynthesis is
  • Aerobic respiration meaning respiration that uses
  • Anaerobic respiration releases energy through
    chemicalreactions that do not require oxygen.
  • Anaerobic respiration is not as efficient as
    aerobic respiration.

How Matter and Energy Enter Living Systems
Chapter 4 Pages 4-9 4-10
  • Chemosynthesis is the process of using chemicals
    to create energy-rich organic compounds.
  • It is similar to photosynthesis because
    itproduces carbohydrates.
  • Chemosynthesis differs from photosynthesis it
    does not use sunlight as an energy source, it
    uses chemical energy within inorganic compounds.
  • Chemosynthetic organisms are primary producers.
  • Fixation is the process of converting, or fixing,
    an inorganic compound into an organic compound.
  • In 1977, there was an important discovery of a
    major biological community in the deep ocean
    relying on chemosynthesis.
  • These communities use chemical energy from
    minerals in the hot spring water coming from the
    hydrothermal vents.

How Matter and Energy Enter Living Systems
Chapter 4 Pages 4-11 4-12
Marine Biomass
  • The main products of primary production are
  • Scientists measure primary productivity in terms
    of the carbon fixed (bound) into organic
  • Biomass is the mass of living tissue. The biomass
    at a given time is called the standing crop.
  • Example The average standing crop in the oceans
    is 1-2 billion metric tons. On land, the average
    standing crop is 600 to 1,000 billion metric
  • Comparing primary productivity of the seas to
    that of the land, the lands primary production
    is slightly higher.
  • How is it possible that the total primary
    production from marine ecosystems is only a bit
    less than that of terrestrial ecosystems?
    marine ecosystems cycle their energy and
    nutrients much more rapidly.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Pages 4-13 to 4-15
  • The term plankton does not describe a kind of
    organism, but a group of organisms with a common
    lifestyle and habitat. Plankton include
    autotrophs, heterotrophs, predators and grazers.
  • Plankton drift/swim weakly at the mercy of water
  • Plankton are not a species, but include many
  • Most are very small, some, like the jellyfish,
    grow severalmeters long.
  • Some start life as planktonic larvae and then
    becomenektonic organisms that swim or attach
    themselvesto the bottom as benthic organisms.
  • Meroplankton live part of their lives as
  • Holoplankton remain plankton all their life.
  • Phytoplankton are primary producers
    responsiblefor more than 92 of marine
  • Zooplankton are primary and secondary
    consumersof other plankton.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Pages 4-15 4-16
Plankton (continued)
  • Four most important kinds of phytoplankton
  • 1. Diatoms are the most dominant and
    efficientphotosynthesizers known.
  • They convert more than 50 of the light energy
    theyabsorb into carbohydrate chemical energy.
    They have a rigid cellwall made of silica called
    a frustule which admits light. This is anideal
    cell material for a photosynthesizer.
  • 2. Dinoflagellates are characterized by one or
    two whip-likeflagella which they use to move in
  • Most are autotrophs. They are the most
    significant primary producersin coral reefs.
    They are also the principal organismsresponsible
    for plankton blooms.
  • 3. Coccolithophores are single-cell autotrophs
    characterizedby shells of calcium carbonate.
  • They live in bright shallow water.
  • 4. Silicoflagellates are micro-organisms with
    internal supportstructures made of silica and
    have one or more flagella.
  • They are structurally and chemically more
    primitive than diatoms.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Pages 4-17 4-18
Plankton (continued)
  • Understanding the role of picoplankton
    haschanged the way marine biologists thinkabout
    tropical region productivity.
  • Picoplankton are extremely tiny plankton.
  • May account for up to 79 of the
    photosynthesisin tropical waters.
  • Many are cyanophytes, which are bacteriawith
  • Can also be called cyanobacteria orblue-green
  • Their role in primary productivity is to be
    foodfor heterotrophic bacteria.
  • They may also play a significant role in
    producingoxygen and taking up carbon dioxide.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Pages 4-18
Limits on Marine Primary Productivity
  • Limiting factors are physiological or biological
    necessities that restrict survival. Too much or
    too little of a limiting factor will reduce
  • Limiting factors in the ocean include
  • Inorganic nutrients such as nitrogenand
    phosphorus compounds.
  • Sunlight due to season, depth, or water clarity.
  • Tropical waters have low productivity.
  • Warm upper water act to trap nutrients in the
    cold layers that are too deep forphotosynthesizin
    g autotrophs.
  • The Arctic and Antarctic have little temperature
    difference allowing nutrients to cycle to
    shallower water.
  • Temperate regions, coastal areas, have more
    primary productivity due to more nutrients from
    rain runoff.
  • Shallow water keeps them from sinking too deep.
  • Areas of highest productivity are in the
    Antarctic Convergence Zone and near shore
    temperate regions due to nutrient availability.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Pages 4-19 to 4-21
Limits on Marine Primary Productivity (continued)
  • Light is an important limiting factor.
  • The amount of daylight affects photo-synthesis
    and primary productivity. For example, the
    Antarctic Convergence Zone has optimum nutrients
    available, seasonal sunlight limits its
  • Depth is a limiting factor too.
  • Depth affects photosynthesis and primary
    productivity. Suspended particles and the lights
    angle limit how much light penetrates water. Even
    in very clear water, very little photosynthesis
    takes place below 100 meters (328 feet).
  • Too much light can be bad too. Photo-inhibition
    takes place when too much light overwhelms an
    autotroph. It cannot photo-synthesize when water
    is too shallow.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Page 4-21
Limits on Marine Primary Productivity (continued)
  • Different phytoplankton species have
    differentoptimal depths.
  • As light conditions change, the advantage
    shiftsfrom species to species.
  • Autotrophs produce carbohydrates and oxygen,but
    they also respire.
  • They use carbohydrates and some oxygen
    forrespiration. The less light, the less
    photosynthesisand the less carbohydrates are
  • At some point, the amount of carbohydratesproduce
    d exactly equals the amount requiredby the
    autotrophs for respiration.
  • The point of zero net primary production is
    calledthe compensation depth.
  • This is the depth at which about 1 of the
    surfacelight penetrates.
  • If phytoplankton remain below compensationdepth,
    they will die within a few days.

The Oceans Primary Productivity
Chapter 4 Page 4-22
Trophic Relationships
  • The hierarchy of what-eats-what can be
    illustrated with a trophic pyramid.
  • It is a representation of how energy transfers as
    they consume each other.
  • Primary producers, mainly photosynthesizers,
    makeup the base. Most of these are plants. In
    the ocean,phytoplankton are primary producers.
  • Primary consumers, the first level of
    heterotrophs, eat the primaryproducers. Most of
    these are herbivores (animals that eat plants).
    In the ocean, zooplankton are primary consumers.
  • Secondary consumers, eat primary consumers.
  • Each level eats the level below and has
    significantlyless biomass (living matter) than
    the level it eats.
  • Energy Loss Through Trophic Levels
  • Only about 10 of the energy transfers from one
    level to the next, so each level is about a tenth
    of the size of the level underneath. 90 of the
    energy is lost to entropy.

Energy Flow Through the Biosphere
Chapter 4 Pages 4-24 to 4-26
Food Webs and Decomposition
  • A food web is a way to illustrate different
    levels of consumers and energy flow. In real
    life, organisms consume across levels, not just
    below. The food web better represents the flow of
    energy through consumption in nature.
  • Decomposers break down organic material
    intoinorganic form. They take out the very last
    usableenergy from organic matter to sustain
  • Decomposers are primarily bacteria and fungi,
    their job is to convert dead organisms into the
    compounds primary producers use.
  • Bacteria are the most important decomposers.
  • Decomposition is important because it completes
    the materials cycle.
  • Within systems, energy flows andmatter cycles.

Energy Flow Through the Biosphere
Chapter 4 Pages 4-27 4-28
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