Title: Energy on planet earth
1Energy on planet earth
- Sources of energy on earth?
- Surface
- Solar radiation
- Extra solar radiation (very very small)
- Very well understood
- Core
- Radioactive decay of earths core elements (up to
90) - Core cooling (left over gravity) (5-10)
- Gravity (friction between elements of different
density) (5) - Latent heat from expansion of cooling materials
(small) - Not so well understood!
Source www.physorg.com/news62952904.html
22 more obscure sources?
- Earths rotation
- Coriolis effect trade winds and ocean currents
- Moon
- Tides
3Thermhaline current global conveyor belt
- Color key is NOT temperature!
4Radioactive heating of earths core
- Radioactivity involves the decay of unstable
nuclei of atoms - In the earths core, these are mainly Uranium,
Thorium and Potassium - Potassium is also the main source of human
radioactive exposure - Earth core total heat generation estimated30 -
44 TW (1 TeraWatt 1012 Watts) - Radioactive component measured in 2005 through
antineutrino detection by KamLAND (Japan)24 TW
- 10 TW 1990 global fossil fuel use
Sources http//athene.as.arizona.edu/lclose/teac
hing/a202/ NewScientist, July 27 2005
5Radioactive decay chains
Radioactive decay of heavier nucleiFrom
6Some solar numbers
- Sun mass 2 x 1030 kg 333 thousand earth
masses - Sun radius 7 x 108 meters 100 x earths
radius - Sun-Earth distance 150 x 109 metersroughly
2000 x earths radius - Density 1.4 tonnes / cubic meter 25 as
dense as the earth - Surface temperature 5778 KelvinEarth surface
temp 287 Kelvin (14 Celsius) - Power radiated (Luminosity) 3.851026 W
7Solar radiation on earth
- Total power radiated 3.851026 W
- Power density at earths orbit 1367 W/m2
SOLAR CONSTANT - Actually not a constant, increased by 30 over 3
billion years of life on earth! - Stability of climate during this time is one
basis of Gaia hypothesis. - Average power density at earth upper atmosphere
342 W/m2 - Because of earth is rotating sphere, divide solar
constant by 4. - Reaching the ground 240 W/m2
- Total 122 PW 122 x 1015 Watts
- Compared to 30-44 TW from earth core heating
8Spectral qualities of solar radiation
- Light (or radiation) is characterized by
wavelength/frequency (colour) and intensity. - Spectrum is the shape of the intensity vs.
wavelength - Wavelength and frequency are directly related to
each other - wavelength (speed of light) / frequency
- speed of light 299792458 meters / second
- Higher frequency gt higher energy
- Higher wavelength gt lower energy
- Black body radiation means the relation between
the wavelength and the intensity are determined
by the temperature of the radiating object alone - All objects at the same temperature have the same
black body spectrum. - Solar spectrum is Black body radiation at 5800
9Perfect black body
The most perfect black body radiation ever
measuredThe cosmic microwave background
radiation at 2.725 Kelvin
1 / wavelength
10 nanometer 10-9 meter
Source http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_radiati
11Energy distribution of solar spectrum
Wavelength (nanometer 10-9 meter) Percentage of total energy
lt 300 X-rays and gamma rays 1.2
300-400Ultra-Violet 7.8
400-700Visible 38
700-1500Infrared 38.8
gt 1500Microwaves, Radio waves 12.4
12Source Nasa ERBE
13Global radiation flows
Source Smil, General Energetics
14Uses for all this radiation
- 300 Kelvin planet water is liquid!
- Visible light energy which can be used by
15Solar radiation and core heatSecondary
phenomena energy sources
- Wind, tornadoes, hurricanes, jet streams (in part
due to earths rotation) - Waves, ocean currents (in part due to earths
rotation) - Tides (due to moon)
- Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis
- Global water cycle (rain, snow, rivers, glaciers,
erosion) - Requires 40 PW (third of solar radiation)
- Geothermal energy
16Global water cycle flows
Units W/m2 (I think)
Source Smil, Energies
17Global Wind Flows
Source Smil, Energies
18Wind and extractable energy
Power (Watts)
Source Smil, Energies
19Thoughts on global energy processes
- Small number of primary sources (sun, moon,
rotation, core heat) - Energy is transferred and reused in many ways
once it reaches the lithosphere-atmosphere - Movement of masses (tectonic plates, water, ice,
crust, air) - Transfer of temperatures (water, absorption and
re-radiation of light, volcanic eruptions and
geothermal processes) - Sorting of matter based on density.
- Life on earth is based on taking advantage these
energy various energy flows.
20Some biology vocabulary
- Biomass mass or energy of organisms (living or
ex-living) per unit area of land or unit volume
of water - Units J/m2 or tonne/hectare
- Phytomass plant biomass (stock)
- Autotroph organism which does not feed on other
organisms, but relies on chemical, thermal or
radiation energy in its environment producers in
the food chain - Plants, some bacteria
- Heterotroph organism which feeds on organic
matter created by other organisms consumer in
the food chain - Everyone else
- Primary production rate of phytomass production
- Units J/m2/day or tonne/hectare/year
- Secondary production rate of non-plant biomass
21Troph flow chart
Carbon from CO2?
22Life on earth
- When? 3.5 billion years ago (Archean era)
- Sun earth 5 billion years old and another 5
billion to go. - Who? Prokaryotes Archaea autotrophs
- Lots of CO2 in atmosphere, sequestered to CaCO3
(limestone) - Inorganic geochemical processes?
- Early life forms?
- Missing in atmosphere? O2
23Atmospheric composition
Source Smil, Energies
24Absorption of terrestrial radiation
Peak of earthradiation at 300K
Source Smil, Energies
25Photosynthesis primary production
- Plant input Carbon dioxide water sunlight
- CO2 H2O light
- Plant output Carbohydrate oxygen water
- CH2O O2 H2O
- Carbon is fixed in plant,
- providing food for heterotrophs
- Oxygen is released intoatmosphere
- Why do plants do it?
26CO2 Carbondioxide
CH4 Methane
Source J. Siirola, GRC 2006
27Carbon oxidation states, cont.
28Efficiency of photosynthesis
- Efficiency of photosynthesis stored chemical
energy / incident sunlight - Factors influencing efficiency
- (1) Theoretical constraints
- Only 43 of incident sunlight is
Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR),
wavelengths 400-700 nm - Chemical reaction efficiency of carbon
assimilation is 90 - Quantum probability requirements of light per
molecule 30 - Total theoretical efficiency 12
- (2) Practical constraints
- Light reflected from transmitted through leaf
surface 10-25 - Angle of leaf to sunlight is often not 90, often
not direct sunlight - Energy costs of respiration (40), rapid rates of
photosynthesis - Plant metabolic processes (maintenance, growth,
reproduction) - Only get 50 - 2 of best theoretical
performance - Total photosynthetic efficiency is 6, most often
29Limiting factors of photosynthesis
- Water availability
- C3 and C4 photosynthesis
- C4 in warmer, dryer climates
- Nutrient availability
- Managed ecosystems (agriculture) are more
30Primary production
- Numerous intricacies of photosynthetic
energetics remain unknown but certainly one of
the most surprising weaknesses in our knowledge
of life is our patchy understanding of phytomass
stores and productivities. Our lack of
satisfactory appraisal of photosynthesis on
planetary and ecosystemic scales is more
troubling than remaining gaps in our biochemical
understanding. - Vaclav Smil, General Energetics Energy in the
Biosphere and Civilization, 1991
31Accounting for primary production
- Gross primary production GPP total fixation of
carbon by autotrophs (primary producers) - Autotrophic respiration RA lost energy
- Heterotrophic respiration RH
- Total ecosystem respiration RE RA RH
- Net Primary Production NPP rate of production of
new biomassNPP GPP - RA - Net Ecosystem Productivity NEP GPP RE
- NEP gt 0 Ecosystem is carbon sink
- NEP lt 0 Ecosystem is carbon emitter
32Trophic Model - Odum
I Input, ingested energy NU not used A
assimilated energy P Production R
Respiration B Biomass G Growth S
Stored Energy E Excreted Energy
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
33Energy Flow through Ecosystems
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
34Ecological Parameters and Succession
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
35The Trophic System of different Ecosystems
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
36The Trophic Net
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
37NPP - Methods of Assessment
- short term harvest technique - harvest an area
(quadrats) at short term intervals to get NPP - PN ? B D C
- where D death, C consumption and
- ? B Bt Bt-1
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
38NPP Correlation with Climate
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
39ANPP of the World Ecosystems
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
40Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production -
- NPP0 NPP of the potential vegetation (i.e.
absence of human interference) - NPPact NPP of the actual vegetation
- NPPh Harvest of NPP
- NPPt NPP remaining in ecosystem after harvest
- NPPt NPPact - NPPh
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
41Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
42Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
43Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
44NPP and the Carbon Cycle
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
45The Global Carbon Cycle
Courtesy of Karlheinz Erb
- Heterotrophs eat, breathe, excrete and emit
energy - Food ingested, then absorbed or excreted
- Energy costs for basal active metabolism
- Basal functions temperature maintenance, organ
function - Activity needed to capture food.
47Basal metabolic rate Kleibners w3/4 law
- Geometric considerations can explain the ¾
- diameter of limbs goes as mass3/8
- Power output of muscles goes as diameter2
- Power goes as mass3/4
70 kg
Source Smil, General energetics
48BMR of humans
kcal / day
80 W
50 W
(Harris Benedict, 1919)
49BMR by organ
Source Durnin 1981 http//www.fao.org/DOCREP/MEE
50Human food energy requirements
Smil, Energies
51Human BMR vs. gender, age
from Mitchell, 1962
52Energy costs of motion (food capture)
Source Smil, General energetics
53Energy cost of human activities
Source Smil, Energies
54Walking-Biking-Driving (part 2)
Conclusion if you are an average American (or
Swiss) meat-eater,it may be more efficient to
drive a Smart than to walk ...
55Energy cost of motorized food gathering
USA Person 70 kg, 1 km distance Walking Biking  Sitting (1 minute) Average Car (gasoline) Smart Car (diesel)
Speed (km/h) 5 20 Â 60 60 60
Person Energy used (MJ/km) 0.2 0.1 Â 0.012 Â Â
Car Gasoline or Diesel (litre/100km) Â Â Â Â 9 4.2
Car Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100km) Â Â Â Â 9 5.4
VEGETARIAN Plant-based energy (MJ/km) 0.3 0.1 Â 0.02 Â Â
VEGETARIAN Fossil Energy (MJ/km) 0.8 0.3 Â 0.05 Â Â
VEGETARIAN Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100km) 2.0 0.6 Â Â 9.1 5.5
CARNIVOROUS Plant-based energy (MJ/km) 1.5 0.5 Â 0.09 Â Â
CARNIVOROUS Fossil Energy (MJ/km) 1.6 0.5 Â 0.09 Â Â
CARNIVOROUS Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100 km) 4.1 1.3 Â Â 9.3 5.6
3 MJ fossil/ MJ veg.
25 loss crude to gasoline
½ veg½ meat
6 MJ fossil/ MJ meat
56USA Person 70 kg, 1 km distance Walking Biking  Sitting (1 minute) Average Car (gasoline) Smart Car (diesel)
Speed (km/h) 5 20 Â 60 60 60
Person Energy used (MJ/km) 0.2 0.1 Â 0.012 Â Â
Car Gasoline or Diesel (litre/100km) Â Â Â Â 9 4.2
Car Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100km) Â Â Â Â 9 5.4
VEGETARIAN Plant-based energy (MJ/km) 0.3 0.1 Â 0.02 Â Â
VEGETARIAN Fossil Energy (MJ/km) 0.8 0.3 Â 0.05 Â Â
VEGETARIAN Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100km) 2.0 0.6 Â Â 9.1 5.5
CARNIVOROUS Plant-based energy (MJ/km) 1.5 0.5 Â 0.09 Â Â
CARNIVOROUS Fossil Energy (MJ/km) 1.6 0.5 Â 0.09 Â Â
CARNIVOROUS Gasoline Equivalent (litre/100 km) 4.1 1.3 Â Â 9.3 5.6
3 MJ fossil/ MJ veg.
25 loss crude to gasoline
½ veg½ meat
6 MJ fossil/ MJ meat