Life on an Ocean Planet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life on an Ocean Planet


Title: Life on an Ocean Planet Subject: PowerPoint Chapter 13 Author: Lesley D. Alexander, Ph.D., DSAT Last modified by: Sam Sirico Created Date: 12/13/2004 6:58:28 PM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Life on an Ocean Planet

  • Choose to view chapter section with a click on
    the section heading.
  • Coastal Classification
  • Coastal Dynamics
  • Biological Processes and Human Activity

Chapter Topic Menu
Two Classification Systems
  • Without coastal dynamics, the processes that
    create and shape the oceans coastlines, history
    would be significantly different.
  • This first classification system is based on
    geology and processes that take place over very
    long periods of time.
  • Active Coasts These are close to plate
    collisions that result in volcanic activity and
    earthquakes (the Ring of Fire). West Coast
  • Narrow Continental shelf for active margin
  • Passive Coasts These lie far away from active
    plate boundaries with little volcanic activity
    and few earthquakes. East Coast North America
  • Broad continental shelf no subduction

Coastal Classification
Chapter 13 Pages 13-3 to 3-5
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Two Classification Systems
  • Oceanographers believe that many other coastal
    processes occur. This second classification
    system is based on short-term coastal dynamics.
  • Primary Coasts Formed by geologic processes not
    directly related to the ocean over an extended
    period of time.
  • Secondary Coasts Formed by marine action,
    process takes much less time.
  • A combination coast is one that can be both
    primary and secondary.

Coastal Classification
Chapter 13 Pages 13-3 to 3-5
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Primary Coasts
  • Scientists attribute primary coast development to
    nonmarine forces. These include land-based
    erosion (from running water, wind or land ice),
    sedimentation, volcanic activity and tectonic
  • Land-based Erosion Coasts include
  • fjord coasts Glacier gougingdrowned river
    valleys. River flow erosion then water
  • Both fjord coasts and drowned river valleys can
    form estuaries
  • EstuaryAn estuary is a partly enclosed coastal
    body of brackish water with one or more rivers or
    streams flowing into it, and with a free
    connection to the open sea. salt wedge
  • vertically mixed estuaries,slightly stratified
    estuaries and
  • Highly stratified estuaries.

Coastal Classification
Chapter 13 Pages 13-5 to 13-8
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Primary Coasts (continued)
  • Sedimentation Coasts form when materials
    carried by rivers flow into the ocean, deposit
    and accumulate. Often sediments accumulated form
    a wide triangular shape a delta (Nile deltain
  • Volcanic Coasts formed by volcanic activity
    (Hawaiian Islands).
  • Tectonic Activity Coasts formed by tectonic
    activity. Primarily includes fault coasts which
    form as plates collide. Results when the
    collision uplifts the seafloor above the water
    surface, allowing the sea to flood the new area
    (Tomales Bay, California).

Coastal Classification
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Secondary Coasts
  • Secondary coasts result from marine processes
    that include wave erosion, material deposited by
    seawater motion, and marine life.
  • Wave-erosion Coasts constant pounding by waves
    erodes and changes a coastline, wearing away land
    protrusions. Can result in spectacular formations
    like sea caves, arches and sea stacks.
  • Marine-deposition Coasts form when sea action
    causes ocean sediment to accumulate in one place.
    Involves ocean sediments moved by water motion in
    the sea. Barrier islands, beaches, salt marshes,
    and mud flats are all types of deposition coasts.
  • Marine Organism Coasts marine organisms build
    coasts by providing a structure that reduces the
    effects of waves and currents. Best known of
    these is the Great Barrier Reef of Australia
    built by coral.

Coastal Classification
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Longshore Drift
  • One of the most significant forces shaping the
    coast is longshore drift.
  • The tendency for materials to move along the
    coastline due to a longshore current.
  • Waves arrive on shore at somewhat of an angle,
    but the water recedes at nearly a 90º angle to
    the beach. Sand and sediment flow back with the
    water at this angle. The net motion of this
    backwash combines with the net motion imparted by
    the waves to cause a longshore current.
  • Longshore drift occurs as the current moves
    material down the coast.

Coastal Dynamics
Chapter 13 Pages 13-12 13-13
Longshore Drift
Longshore Current This is the overall movement
of the water along a beach based on the angle of
wave approach and then the backwash of the water
returning to the ocean. Waves do not approach
the beach perfectly parallel to the shoreline.
The return of the water is nearly 90 degrees to
the shoreline. Longshore Drift This is the
process of when the wave breaks on the beach and
due to the energy of the wave lift sediment and
sand and takes it back out to the waters.
Longshore Drift can cause immense beach
Beach Dynamics
  • Sand comes from erosion. It may be from the
    effect of waves pounding the shoreline or inland
  • In tropical regions sand also comes from
    biological sources, like the erosion of coral
  • A beach is composed of three sections
  • 1. Foreshore region from the high- to low-tide
  • 2. Backshore region rarely touched by seawater.
    Includes dunes and grasses.
  • 3. Offshore beyond the low-tide terrace.
  • Factors that shape a beach They are grain size
    of beach sediments, wave energy and the degree of
    beach slope.

Coastal Dynamics
Chapter 13 Pages 13-13 to 13-15
Beach Dynamics
  • Factors that shape a beach They are grain size
    of beach sediments, wave energy and the degree of
    beach slope.
  • Why is grain size important? What if I increase
    grain size of the sand?
  • Are there other factors that affect beach shape?
  • Can Man affect beach shape unintentionally?

Large Scale Sand Features
  • Spits form when a longshore current slows and
    cant carry as much sediment. Sand settles out of
    the water, forming the spit. (Why does the
    current slow?)
  • Tombolos are spits that extend between two
    islands or from an island to the mainland. These
    are actually two spits that extend and meet in
    the middle.

Coastal Dynamics
Chapter 13 Page 13-16
Large Scale Sand Features (continued)
  • Barrier Islands there are currently two theories
    on how they form.
  • 1. Sediment accumulates offshore, eventually
    building up into an island.
  • 2. They were giant sand dunes that became islands
    with the last major sea-level rise.
  • Typical barrier islands share five features
  • 1. Ocean beach
  • 2. Ocean dune
  • 3. Barrier flat
  • 4. Salt marsh
  • 5. Lagoon

Coastal Dynamics
Chapter 13 Pages 13-17 to 13-19
Large Scale Sand Features (continued)
  • Deltas there are three types. All are developed
    from the sediments discharged from a river mouth
    accumulating and creating new nutrient rich land.
  • 1. River-dominated deltas have strong rivers and
    mild wave and tidal action (Mississippi River
  • 2. Tide-dominated deltas occur in areas with
    strong tidal changes (Essex Riverin
  • 3. Wave-dominated deltas
  • have significant wave
  • energy that redistributes
  • river sediments
  • (Senegal delta in west Africa).

Coastal Dynamics
Chapter 13 Pages 13-17 to 13-19
Coral Reefs
  • Coral is perhaps the most significant of all
    biologicalprocesses that affect the coast. Coral
    reefs can be massive, but only the outside layer,
    the coral polyps, is alive.
  • Individual polyps create a calcium carbonate
    externalskeleton as they grow. It is this part
    of its structurethat creates coral reefs.

Biological Processes and Human Activity
Chapter 13 Pages 13-21 13-22
Coral Reefs
Biological Processes and Human Activity
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  • Fringing reefs lie along an island or mainland
    coast.They have a fore reef the outer ocean
    side with most biological activity.
  • A reef crest is the top of the reef that takes
    most of the wave energy.
  • A back reef is on the land side and has less
    biological activity.

Coral Reefs
Biological Processes and Human Activity
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  • Barrier reefs have a similar structure as
    fringing reefs, but lie further from shore.
  • A barrier reef has a lagoon between it and the
    main coast

Coral Reefs
Biological Processes and Human Activity
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  • Atolls are ring-shaped coral reefs that encircle
    a shallow lagoon. These are the last stages of
    the fringe reef and then the barrier reef.

A wet, spongy area of land in tropical climates
and along coastal regions that is dominated by
mangrove trees and shrubs, particularly red
mangroves (Rhizophora), black mangroves
(Avicennia) and white mangroves (Laguncularia).
  • Mangrove ecosystem act as Buffer Zone between the
    land and sea.
  • Mangroves protect the coast against erosion due
    to wind, waves, water currents
  • and protect coral reefs, sea-grass bed and
    shipping lanes against siltation.
  • They are also known to absorb pollutants.

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Plant Communities
  • In areas where the waves have generally low
    energy, plant communities can dominate the coast.
  • Seagrasses for example live entirely underwater,
    but most marine plants live partly out of the
  • Among the most important of the plant-dominated
    shorelines are the mangrove swamps.
  • Mangroves affect the coast directly by holding
    sediment in place and absorbing wave energy.
  • Human Activities
  • There are two primary motivations for humans to
    modify the coastline
  • 1. To create new coastal structures.
  • 2. To protect building and structures already on
    the coast from naturalcoastal changes.

Biological Processes and Human Activity
Chapter 13 Pages 13-23 13-24
Plant Communities
  • Human Activities
  • There are two primary motivations for humans to
    modify the coastline
  • 1. To create new coastal structures.
  • 2. To protect building and structures already on
    the coast from natural coastal changes. (How
    successful are man-made attempts to stop natural

Biological Processes and Human Activity
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Human Activities (continued)
  • Human-built coastal structures include
  • Groins(No not that one) are artificial
    protrusions jutting out perpendicular to the
    shore. These may be built to create an area
    relatively protected from longshore current, or
    for recreation.
  • Jetties are the same as a groin, except they are
    built to reinforce a harbor entrance.
  • Breakwaters run parallel to shore or start on
    shore and curve into the sea. They are used to
    create an artificial lagoon for use as a harbor
    or beach.
  • Seawalls stand either at the water along the
    shoreor at the top of a beach. They act as a
    barrier toblock the waves from eroding the land.

Biological Processes and Human Activity
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Human Activities (continued)
  • All of these man-made structures can create
  • Jetties and groins block longshore drift. This
    tends to cause sand to accumulate on the upside
    drift and to become depleted on the downside
    drift. Spits may form at the top of jetties.
  • Seawalls effectively absorb energy but create
    problems at their ends. The unprotected land next
    to the seawall tends to suffer from increased

Biological Processes and Human Activity
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Human Activities (continued)
  • Beach renourishment is the process of bringing in
    sand or sediment from somewhere else to replenish
    eroded sand.
  • It is expensive and is only a temporary fix as
    the sand beach will again erode. Taking sand from
    somewhere else effects that environment also and
    may damage biological communities.
  • The likely solution to problems created by human
    structures is a change in coastal attitudes and
    management. In the long run it is more effective
    and less costly to work with nature instead of
    against it. (Should we be building structures on
    barrier reefs or right on the beach)

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