Title: Unit: Life Under the Ocean
1 Unit Life Under the Ocean By Candace
McMahon Kelly Bunce Kellie Waltz Alison Powers
2Introduction In this unit students explore the
environment under the sea. They name and locate
the oceans on a map or globe, research many sea
creatures, explore fish adaptations and the food
chain under the sea, investigate coral reefs and
explore the effect that humans have on sea life.
Students will read ocean story books and apply
the info gained from them by completing creative
writing activities, art activates and
experiments. Students will work in the media
center and comp. lab with internet access. They
will work individually and in small groups. The
whole group participates in the reading and
discussions of books. The class will begin an
KWL chart about oceans to begin the unit and
complete it with what we have learned at the end
of the unit. Through out the unit students will
make entries in their ocean journals.
Our group decided to create a lesson plan on life
under the sea. We believe students will have a
lot of fun learning about various aspects about
life under the sea. Students, at a young age,
need to learn more about ocean life and how it
relates to their own lives. Lessons are designed
to fit the needs of our classroom environment.
Hands on activities, projects, use of technology,
music, as well as but no limited to literature,
will be used by students in exploring a broad
range of themes and concepts related to ocean
life. We incorporated many hands on and group
activities in out unit plan to help reinforce
student interaction socially and emotionally.
This unit provides second grade level students
with many opportunities to explore and research
aspects of life under the sea. Lessons with in
our unit are modified to fit the needs of a broad
range of academic level learners.
4Adaptations and Modifications
- Questions range to account for individual levels
ranging from early beginning to grade level. - Heterogeneous grouping
- There is a broad range of activities to account
for different learning styles as well as
different attention disorders. - children's literature ranges in difficulty from
easy reading to upper level reading - Students are allowed choices whenever possible
and appropriate - In ocean journals they can write or draw
- Learning centers
- Sentence Facts
- Sea Animal Acrostics
- Fish Graph
- ABC Ocean Book
- Movement Activities
- Sea Sponge Distance
- Fish, Fish, Shark!
- Five Little Fishies Fingerplay Song
- Sea Creatures
- Dolphin Song
- I'm a Fish
- I'm a Big Whale
7Under the Sea Books
- Book 1 The following sheets will be completed
by students at different times during the unit,
and will be made into a book. Worksheets
include - - Word Searches
- Fish Maze
- Read and
Answer the Riddles/Draw
- Fact or Fiction?
Treasure Hunt
- Mixed-up
- Ocean Crossword
- Find and Color
- Label the
- Fish coloring pages
- Book 2 Students will color several pages
featuring sea creatures they will use the page
numbers at the bottom of each page to put the
pages in order to make a story. Staple or tie to
make booklet. Students will then read their book - Fishy Poems
8Science/Art Activities
- Shark Surprise!
- Handy Octopuses
- Crunchy Starfish
- Paper plate jellyfish
- Paper plate fish
- Rainbow Fish
- Shoe Box Aquarium
9Sea Snacks
- Jell-o aquariums
- Fish marshmallow treat
- Seaside Sandwich
- Gold fish crackers
- Edible Aquarium
- Octopus Treat
- Sea Star Cheezies
- Sandy Cinnamon Toast
10Educational Videos on Marine Life
www.truveo.com http//www.ngdigitalmotion.com/sear
ch/results?page2qLifeintheocean The Blue
Planet Seas of Life 4-DVD Set http//homepage.ma
11Learning Centers
- Seashells by the Seashore
- Fish Aquarium
- Math Center Worksheets and activities
- Sensory Sand
- Sand Art
- Salt Versus Fresh
12Game Centers
- Fish Memory
- ABC Sea game
- Puzzles
- Go Fish!