Title: AGR 101
1AGR 101 October 7
- Seating chart in effect - Please sit in same
location as last week. - See instructor now if you did not attend this
division last week. - There is a chart to view on the front table.
2Absences September 30
- Jon Burton
- Lacey Carlson
- Stephen Dotson
- Erica Greene
- Nick Holt
- Brain Montero
- Justine Penix
- Callie Provost
- Amanda Reehling
- William Sjaichudin
- Jeremy Stevenson
- 430
- Lauren Gudeman
- Eric Hackney
- Scott Markiewicz
- Todd Reichart
- Catherine Simpson
- Erica Sullivan
- Michael Cobb
- Austin Henderson
- Nicholas LaVerne
- Courtney Lipply
- Amanda Massow
- Justin McCloskey
- Tristian Monterastelli
- Heather Moore
- Daniel Morris
- Andrew Newlon
- Brittany Perz
- Michelle Adkisson-Redwine
- Tyler Wallace
3Due today October 7
- Freshman Survey Response Forms
- Completed Leadership Assessment
4Things To Do Before Class on October 21
- Enjoy Fall Break
- Complete Reading Assignment
- University Code of Honor
- Prepare for Quiz 2. Topics will be posted on
the October 21 class page by 500 PM on October
5AGR 101 Attendance
- Print Your Name On Appropriate Line. Leave Empty
Seats Blank. - Record Your Row Location and Number of Seats From
Aisle Including Empty Ones. - Return to Your Location Next Tuesday.
6Personal Leadership and Leadership Development
- Janet S. Ayres
- Professor
- Department of Agricultural Economics
7Personal Leadership and Leadership Development
- Dr. Janet AyresProfessor
- Department of Agricultural Economics
- Characteristics of Leadership
- Definition of Leadership
- Why Leadership is Important
- How Leadership Relates to You
- What You Can Do To Develop Your Leadership
9Leadership Characteristics
- When you think of leaders, who comes to mind and
why? - What do they do?
- What are they like?
10Leadership Characteristics
- Vision Able to inspire a direction for the group
- Action Able to get things done to mobilize
resources - Relationships Builds effective working
relationships - Communication Listens, speaks clearly, influences
others - Character Integrity, honesty, caring,
responsible, fair - Competent Knowledgeable about issues skillful
11Definition of Leadership
- Leadership is a process of people working
together toward common goals that bring about
positive change. - Purdue College of Agriculture
- Leadership Development Certificate Program
- 2005
12Importance of Leadership
- Is leadership important? Should we be concerned
about leadership? - Why? Or why not?
13How Does Leadership Relate to You?
- Family?
- School?
- Business?
- Community?
- Religious affiliation?
- Professional organizations?
- Other areas of your life?
14How Does Leadership Relate to You?
Do you think of yourself as a leader?
15How Does Leadership Relate to You?
- Can You Develop Your Leadership Capacity?
- How?
16How To Build Your Leadership Capacity
- Develop awareness of yourself
- - Strengths weaknesses
- - Values
- - Interests
- - Emotions
- - Character
17Personal Assessment
- Four Components
- Personal Leadership Development
- Interpersonal Leadership Development
- Group Organizational Leadership
- Community Leadership Development
18Personal Assessment
- Other assessments are available such as
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator
- Insight
- Others available at the Dean of Students Office
19How To Build Your Leadership Capacity
- Develop awareness of yourself.
- Identify what you do well and what you do not do
well. - Identify what you would like to develop.
- Set goals for yourself.
- Get involved in groups.
- Stretch yourself.
- Reflect on what you learned.
20How To Build Your Leadership Capacity
- Leadership is about taking risks and trying new
things. - Stretch yourself 10.
21How To Build Your Leadership Capacity
- You have a great opportunity to develop your
leadership capacity while here at Purdue. - Housing unit
- College of Ag organizations
- Campus organizations
- Community organizations
- International opportunities
- Conferences workshops
- Leadership classes
22How To Build Your Leadership Capacity
- Consider participating in the
- College of Agricultures
- Leadership Development Certificate Program
- Sophomore or Junior Year
- www.ydae.purdue.edu/ldcp/