Title: American History I Liberty, Equality
1American History ILiberty, Equality Power
When Old Worlds Collide Contact, Conquest
2Ancient Journeys to the Americas
- How many years ago did glaciers cover much of the
earth? - - Created a Land Bridge which connected Siberia
to Alaska -
3Bering Strait
4Ancient Journeys to the Americas
- A. Small numbers survived harsh winters
- B. As Glaciers melted people settled throughout
the Americas - - When did people settle in South America?
5Indian Settlement of America
6methods of survival
- hunters gatherers
- - bison, mastodons, berries, nuts etc
- - the spear point
- farming fishing
- - dugout canoes
- When did the Neolithic Revolution occur?
- - permanent farm villages civilizations
7Europe in the 15th Century
- Age of Exploration
- Motives of exploration
- - 3 gs
- What made journeys possible?
- - advancements
- - Gutenbergs printing press
8Portuguese explorationSpice trade of the Indies
- Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460)
- - What did he begin?
- - Christianity new trade opportunities
- Portuguese exploration / Africa
- - set up trading forts (1471)
9(No Transcript)
10Portuguese exploration (continue)
- The search for an all water route to Asia
- Bartolomeu Dias/ Cape of Good Hope
- Vasco de Gama/ route to India
- - May 1498- port of Calicut
- - objective- Christians spices
11Spanish exploration voyages to the new world
- Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)
- A. Italian/ financed by Ferdinand Isabel
- 1. Nina, Pinta, the Santa Maria
- 2.discovery of a new world
- 3 later voyages (1493-1504)
- Death
- - believed he reached India
12(No Transcript)
13Explorations (continue)
- John Cabot- 1498/ King Henry VII
- - New England coastline
- Orders from King Henry VII
- discover and investigate whatsoever islands,
countries, regions or provinces of heathens and
infidels in whatsoever part of the world which
before this time were unknown to all Christians
14Explorations (continue)
- Pedro Cabrals discovery of Brazil
- Amerigo Vespucci- letters of the new world/ South
America - - labeled America
- - significance of voyage
- Irony of New World
15Treaty of Tordesillas- 1494
16Spanish Conquests
- Spanish conquests in Americas
- - most powerful nation in Europe by mid-16th
17Spanish Policy in New World
- Queen Isabel- policy of Encomienda
- Forced labor starvation
- At least ½ died to disease (small pox, typhus,
measles) - - Encomienda abolished (1542)
18Spanish in Asia
- Ferdinand Magellan- 1520
- A. sought western route to Asia
- B. How did Magellan make history?
- C. landed at Philippines- fight erupts
- - death of Magellan 40 crewman
- D. other ship sails around the world
- E. significance of voyage
19Magellans voyage around the world
20African slave trade
- European exploration of African coastline
- need for slaves in new world
- - plantations laborers
- - labor slaves native Americans
- 1518- Spanish ship transports slaves to New World
(1st time) - - life on slave ship
21Slave trade continue
- 10 million slaves to New World between 16th
19th century - It is estimated that how many slaves were
stripped from Africa?
22Sorrow of slave trade
- Tragic loss for millions of Africans
- - families sold into slavery
- - abandoned families/ 20 children
- Justification?
23A look at the AmericasThe New World
24Mayan Civilization
25The Mysterious Maya(500 800s)
- Mayan power- (Yucatan) / farmers
- Religion- polytheistic
- - human sacrifice- necessary/ POWs etc
- - What were the Mayas the 1st to record?
- - left records of activities
- 800- decline
- A. growing pop / overuse of land
26Aztecs(1100 1519)
- 12th century- arrival valley of Mexico
- - Aztecs were known as?
- Aztec Empire- population 4 million
- - monarch- Moctezuma
- - city-states- allowed freedom
- - robbers
27Aztec (continue)
- Human sacrifice
- - led the way
- - delay final destruction
- Pyramids- in honor of sun god
- - filled with gold
- - overlook cities markets
28Destruction of Aztec Civilization
- 1400 1519 - Aztec domination of Mex.
- Cortes- 1519, led Spanish ex. to Mexico
- - received friendly welcome
- - European view of Indians
- - Moctezumas belief of Cortes
- - relationship deteriorates
29Destruction Aztec (continue)
- fighting erupts
- - Moctezuma taken hostage
- - Aztec strength/ drove Spaniards out
- - Cortes regroups
- - disease hits Aztec empire
- - destruction of Aztec pop, temples cities
30Incas Empire 1500
31Conquest of the Incas(1450 1532 CE)
- Conquered western coast of South America
- A. stretched 12,000 miles / roads bridges
- B. oral commands
- C. ruled 12 million people (unmatched)
32Fall of Incas
- Spanish arrival in central Andes
- A. led by Francisco Pizarro
- B. guns v. arrows
- C. diseases
- D. When did the Incas fall to the Spanish