Title: Scientific terminology
1Scientific terminology
- Empirical Fact
- Obvious observation from experiment.
- Assumption
- a fact or statement taken for granted
- Hypothesis
- An educated prediction of the outcome of an
experiment - Theory
- Assumption used to explain empirical facts
- Law
- Hypothesis that is well confirmed or established
- Cause
- entity that causes events to happen
2Inductive/deductive reasoning
- Induction moves from the specific to general
- I've noticed previously that every time I kick a
ball up, it comes back down, so I guess this next
time when I kick it up, it will come back down,
too. - Deduction moves from general and to specific
- That's Newton's Law. Everything that goes up
must come down. And so, if you kick the ball up,
it must come down.
Arguments based on experience or observation are
best expressed inductively, while arguments based
on laws, rules, or other widely accepted
principles are best expressed deductively.
3Inductive/deductive reasoning in chiropractic
- Chiropractic prefers deductive reasoning to
inductive reasoning. - Chiropractic is based upon a major philosophical
premise . . . the starting point from which all
deductions are made. - . . . there is a Universal Intelligence in all
matter constantly giving to it all of its
properties and activities, thus maintaining it in
existence. If this is a truth, then all the
logical conclusions drawn from it are necessarily
true. - As your chiropractor I feel a responsibility to
make you think, and help you to follow your own
logic to discover truth . . . your reasoning goes
into every decision that you make about life,
particularly your health care.
4Quantitative and qualitative research
5Cause as risk factor
- A cause is a factor (or member of a set of
factors) which results in a sequence of events
that eventually result in an outcome. - Exposure ? Outcome
- Cause ? Effect
- Causation is investigated by determining
association (link) between exposure and outcome - Examples
- Smoking / lung cancer
- Chiropractic care / optimal health
- Study of causation leads to inference
- passing from statistical sample data to
generalizations (as of the value of population
parameters) usually with calculated degrees of
7The Building Blocks of Theory
- Concepts
- Operational Definitions
- Propositions
- Abstractions that allow classification of
observations - When scalar values can be assigned, they may
become variables - Variables must be operationally defined
9Operational Definitions
- Description/delineation of the exact procedures
for measuring or observing the phenomenon, event
or behavior.
- Propositions state the nature of the relationship
between variables (concepts). - An hypothesis is a statement about the expected
relationship between two or more concepts that is
based on a theory and that can be tested.
11ExampleChiropractic Concepts
- Variables
- Adjustment
- Subluxation
- Health
12Chiropractic Proposition I
- Between subluxation and health
- The gt the quantity, quality, severity of
subluxations, the lt health.
13Chiropractic Proposition II
- Between adjustment and subluxation
- The gt the quantity, (etc) of adjustment, the lt
14Chiropractic Proposition III
- Between adjustment and health
- The gt the quantity, (etc) of adjustment, the gt
the health.
15Chiropractic Theory and Clinical Epidemiology
- Subluxation assessment performance
- Adjustment treatment performance
- Health outcome performance
16Epidemiological Reasoning
- Derive inferences regarding possible causal
relationships - Determine whether these relationships are
spurious or true - Discussion
- Associations
- Causal relationships
- Threats to validity
- Play of chance (statistical association)
17Estimating Risk is there an association?
- Compare the risk of outcome in exposed to the
risk of outcome in the nonexposed - Relative Risk
- Calculated in Cohort Studies
- If RR1, risk in exposed equal to risk in
non-exposed (no association) - If RRgt1, risk in exposed greater than risk in
nonexposed (positive association, possibly
causal) - If RRlt1, risk in exposed less than risk in
nonexposed (negative association, possibly
18Basic biostatistics and epidemiological terms
- Populations and samples
- Prevalence and incidence
- Statistics
- Reliability
- Validity
- Bias
19What do you mean, sample?
- One is interested in the characteristics of a
population but must, for practical reasons,
estimate them by describing a sample - A subset of a population
- Selected from the population
- 100,000 randomly selected US residents
- LBP patients recruited for a clinical trial
- HMO members randomly selected from files
- Students enrolled in the EBC class
20Populations and Samples
Figure 1.3
21Who was the intended population represented by
the sample?
- Population
- Large groups of people in a defined setting or
with a certain characteristic - The general population
- Adults with low back pain
- Residents of North Carolina
- Members of a California HMO
- Chiropractic students
- Is the sample representative?
22Sample size . . .
- Affects the probability of detecting a real
difference between groups if there is one - Affects the probability that a difference seen
between samples reflects a real difference
between the groups, and is not just a random
23Sample size is not happenstance!
- To draw conclusions about the effectiveness of
treatment (i.e. the difference between 2 groups
outcomes) the RCT must have the statistical power
to detect a real difference - Drawing conclusions about a population based upon
a sample - Study says A B
- Caution - Small numbers increase the chance of a
Type II error - Study says A is not B
- Caution - Small numbers increase the chance of a
Type I error
24Prevalence and incidence
- Prevalence proportion of a defined population
that has a condition at a given point in time - Estimated with cross-sectional study
- Incidence proportion of a defined population
that develops a condition over a defined period
of time. - Estimated with longitudinal study
25Measures of morbidity
- Prevalence
- The number of affected persons present in the
population at a specific time divided by the
number of persons in the population at that time - A slice through the population at a point in time
at which it is determined who has the disease and
who does not - The numerator includes a mix of people with
different durations of disease, and as a result
we do not have a measure of risk - Incidence
- The number of new cases of a disease that occur
during a specified period of time in a population
at risk for developing the disease - A measure of risk
- The time period must be clearly stated
26Prevalence and incidence illustrated
27Statistical Tests
- Employed in explanatory studies
- Assess the role of chance as explanation of
pattern observed in data - Most commonly assesses how 2 groups compare on an
outcome - Is the pattern most likely not due to chance?
- The difference is statistically significant
- Is the pattern likely due to chance?
- The difference is not statistically significant
- No matter how well the study is performed, either
conclusion could be wrong
28Descriptive Statistics (examples)
- Simply describe what is (or was)
- Patient characteristics at baseline
- Examples mean, standard deviation, median,
range, percentage - Assess group comparability on baseline
characteristics - Assess generalizability of results to target
29Analytical (inferential) statistics
- Assess statistical significance with confidence
intervals and p-values - Within and between group differences
- Make inference about target population
- Must be appropriately interpreted in the context
of the research question and the study design
30Difficulties in the process of drawing inference
- Exposure of healthy subjects to suspected agents
ethical? - Withholding suspected beneficial agents ethical?
- Thus, epidemiologic evidence from observational
studies very valuable
31Bradford Hill Criteria for assessing causality
- Temporal relationship
- Exposure to the factor must precede the outcome
- Strength of association
- correlation
- Dose-response relationship
- As dose of exposure increases, so does risk of
outcome - Replication of findings
- Relationship consistent in different studies in
different populations
32Bradford Hill (cont.)
- Biologic plausibility
- Seek consistency of epi findings with existing
biologic knowledge - If absent, the meaning of the association may be
difficult - Consideration of alternate explanations
- Investigators should take other possible
explanations in to account and rule them out - Cessation of exposure
- Risk declines when exposure is reduced
- Consistency with other knowledge
- Ex increase in lung cancer rates following
increase in cigarette sales
33Smoking causes lung cancer
- Where is the RCT that gave evidence to this?
- Decades of observational research
- Observing the same thing in a wide variety of
settings - Some free of some types of bias, others free of
other types of bias - It takes a lot of observational data to even
begin to suggest causation! - Strength of association Consistency
Specificity Temporality Biologic gradient
(dose/response) Biologic plausibility
Coherence of evidence
34Smoking and lung cancer Example of causality
- Cohort studies clearly demonstrate that smoking
precedes lung cancer - Risk ratios between smoking and lung cancer are
high in many studies - More cigarette smoke inhaled over a lifetime, the
greater the risk of cancer - Association found in both sexes, all races, all
SES, etc. - Burning tobacco produces carcinogenic compounds
which contact pulmonary tissue
35Key analytical statistical concepts p and r
- P-values and confidence intervals
- Reflects measure of effect relative to variation
and sample size - Variation consistency
- Example Mean value of 5
- 1, 10, 2, 11, 1
- 5, 4, 3, 6, 7 (less variation)
- R-values and correlation
- Pearsons correlation coefficient
36P-values (pprobability)
- A statistical value that indicates the
probability that the observed pattern is due to
chance alone - How confident we can be in the conclusion?
- this result was significant at plt0.05
- Example 50 patients each treatment group
- 25 get better with tx. A 35 get better with tx.
B - Statistically speaking, and all other things
being equal, we could expect this result to occur
by chance no more than 5 times in every 100
trials - Statistically, it is possible, but unlikely, that
the groups could actually be the same, and a
difference of this magnitude would be seen
37R-values (Pearsons Correlation coefficient)
- Whether two ranges of data move together
- are large values of one set associated with large
values of the other (positive correlation? - Are small values of one set associated with large
values of the other (negative correlation)? - Are values in both sets unrelated (correlation
near zero)? - R2 percentage of variable 1 explained by
38Significant Findings
- jargon term
- Need to consider BOTH statistical and clinical
39Clinical Significance
- i.e. clinical importance
- is defined before study is conducted
- assessed with descriptive statistics (e.g. mean
improvement in outcome measure)
40Statistical Significance
- Interpreting p-values
- plt0.01 ? statistically significant difference!
- 0.01?p?0.05 ? statistically significant
difference - 0.05ltp?0.10 ? borderline statistically
significant difference (but not significant) - pgt0.10 ? no statistically significant difference
41Possible Scenarios
- statistically and clinically significant findings
- clinically significant, but not statistically
significant - statistically significant, but not clinically
42Reliability and Validity
- Reliability is consistency
- Lack of reliability is a problem with random
error - CHANCE
- Validity is TRUTH or ACCURACY
- Lack of validity is a problem with systematic
error - BIAS