Medical Terminology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medical Terminology


Medical Terminology Class #3 Medical Terminology Do page one of your medical terminology worksheet. ... Abdomin (o)Abdomen Neur (o)Nerve Aden (o)Gland Ocul (o) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology
  • Class 3

Medical Terminology
  • Do page one of your medical terminology
    worksheet. Take a break when you are finished.

Prefixes a word element at the beginning of the
word to alter its meaning. A prefix can not stand
alone it must be combined with a root word
  • A-, an-Without or not Intro-Into within Ab-Away
  • Leuk-White Ad-Toward Macro-Large
  • Ante-Before, forward Mal-Bad, illness, disease
  • Mega-Large Auto-Self Micro-Small
  • Bi-Double, two Mono-One, single Circum-Around
  • Neo-New Contra-Against, opposite Non-Not
  • Para-Abnormal Per-By, through Peri-Around
  • Poly-Many, much Ecto-Outer, outside Post-After,
  • En-In, into, within Endo-Inner,
    inside Pro-Before, in front
  • Epi-Over, on Re-Again Eryth-Red
  • Retro-Backward Ex-Out, out of Semi-Half
  • Hemi-Half Sub-Under Hyper-Excessive
  • Super- Above, over Hypo-Under, decreased Supra-Abo
    ve, over
  • In-In, into, within, not Trans-Across Inter-Betwe
  • Uni-One Intra-Within

Root words provide the fundamental meaning of a
term. Combinations of rootwords, prefixes and
suffixes form medical and scientific terms. A
vowel, called a combining vowel, often is added
when two root words are combined or a suffix is
added to a root word the combining vowel is
usually an o or an i.
  • Abdomin (o)Abdomen Neur (o)Nerve Aden (o)Gland
  • Ocul (o)Eye Adren (o) gland Orth (o)Straight,
  • Angi (o)Vessel Oste (o)Bone Arterio (o)Artery
  • Ot (o)Ear Arthr (o)Joint Ped (o)Child, foot
  • Broncho (o)bronchi Cardi (o)Heart Phleb (o)Vein
  • Cephal (o)Head Pnea Breathing Chondr
  • Pneum (0)Lung, air, gas Col (o)Colon Proct
  • Cost (o)Rib Psych (o)Mind Crani (o)Skull
  • Pulm (o)Lung Cyan (o) Blue Py (o)Pus
  • Cyst (o)Bladder, cyst Rect (o)Rectum Cyt (o)Cell
  • Rhin (o)Nose Derma Skin Sten (o)Narrow,
  • Duoden (o)Duodenum Stran (o)Sternum Encephal
  • Stomat (o)Mouth Enter (o)Intestines Therm
  • Fibro (o)Fiber, fibrous Thorac (o)Chest Gastr
  • Thromb (o)Clot, thrombus hyr (o)Thyroid Toxic
    (o)Poison, poisonous
  • Hepat (o)Liver Trache (o)Trachea Hydr (o)Water
  • Hyster (o)Uterus Ile (o), ili (o)Ileum Urin
  • Uter (o)Uterus Mamm (o)Breast Vas (o)Blood
    vessel, vas deferens
  • My (o)Muscle Ven (o)Vein Myel (o)Spinal cord,
    bone marrow

Suffixes a word element placed at the end of a
root word to alter the meaning of the word.
Suffixes, like prefixes, can not stand alone,
they must accompany a root word. The suffix
should be the starting point when interpreting
medical terms.
  • -algiaPain -megalyEnlargement
  • -omaTumor -celeHernia
  • -osisCondition -cyteCell
  • -pathyDisease -ectasisDilation
  • -phasiaSpeaking -plegiaParalysis
  • -gramRecord -graphyMaking a record
  • iasisCondition of -scopeExamination instrument
  • -ismCondition -scopyExamination using a scope
  • -it isInflammation -logyStudy of
  • -lysisDestruction of -uriaCondition of the urine

Abbreviations shortened form of words or
phrases. A. Used as written communication to
save time and space B. When using abbreviations,
provide an abbreviation key
  • AbdAbdomen IBWIdeal Body Weight
  • Ad libAs desired idThe same
  • ligligament alt noctAlternate nights
  • AMMorning medsMidline
  • MLMedicationns nNormal
  • ApproxApproximately NANonapplicable

Terms Related to Dx and Dz
  • Indication a condition for which an approach
    would be beneficial for health enhancement,
    treatment of a particular condition, or support
    of a treatment modality other than massage
  • Contraindication a condition or factor that may
    make an approach harmful.
  • Contraindications may be subdivided by severity
  • 1. General avoidance of application do not
  • 2. Regional avoidance of application avoid a
    particular area
  • 3. Application with caution requires
    supervision from medical or
  • supervising personnel massage but carefully
    select types of methods
  • to be used, duration of application, frequency
    and intensity of massage.

Terminology of Location and Position
  • Directional Terms used to describe the way one
    body part relates to another
  • 1. Superior / cranial or cephalad
  • 2. Inferior / caudal
  • 3. Anterior / ventral
  • 4. Posterior / dorsal
  • 5. Proximal
  • 6. Distal
  • 7. Lateral
  • 8. Medial

Terminology of Location and Position
  • B. Anatomic Planes
  • 1. Transverse plane
  • 2. Frontal/coronal plane
  • 3. Medial/sagittal plane

Terminology of Location and Position
  • C. Positional Terms
  • 1. Anatomic position stance of the body when
    erect, arms hanging at the sides, palms facing
  • 2. Erect position the body in a standing
  • 3. Supine position the body lying in a
    horizontal position with face up
  • 4. Prone position the body in horizontal
    position with face down
  • 5. Laterally recumbent position the body lying
    horizontally on either the right or left side

The EndLets review terms
Medical Terminology
  • Tissue a collection of similar cells acting
    together to form a particicular function
  • Epithelial closely packed single or stratified
    layer of cells (skin) covering the body and
    lining its cavities with the exception of blood
    and lymph vessels
  • Connective tissue that supports and binds other
    tissue and parts
  • Muscular tissues that are contractible 3
    types cardiac, smooth muscle and skeletal
  • Nervous CNS brain and spinal cord
  • PNS cranial and spinal nerves
  • ANS nerves in thoracic, lumbar, cranial and
    sacral segments of the Spinal cord

Medical Terminology
  • Histo - tissue
  • Histology study of microscopic anatomic and
    physiologic characteristics of tissues and cells
  • Organ structural part of a system of the body
    that is composed of tissue and cells that enable
    it to perform a particular function
  • Bone a dense, hard and somewhat flexible
    connective tissue
  • Os, ossa, oste, osteo having to do with bone

Medical Terminology
  • Tendon any one of the white, glistening bands
    of dense, fibrous connective tissue that attaches
    muscle to bone
  • Ligament shiny white flexible bands of fibrous
    tissue binding joints together and connecting
    articular bones and cartilages to facilitate
  • Cartilage a nonvascular dense supporting
    connective tissue composed of ground substance
  • Hyaline cartilage a type of elastic connective
    tissue composed of Specialized cells in a
    translucent, pearly blue matrix covering
    articulating ends of bones
  • Fibrocartilage Cartilage that consists of a
    dense matrix of white collagenous fibers.

Medical Terminology
  • Joint any one of the articulations between
  • Articulation movements of joints
  • Bursae a fibrous sac between certain tendons
    and the bones beneath them. The bursae acts as a
    small cushion that allows the tendons to move
    over the bone as it contracts and releases
  • Osteoblasts a bone forming cell during early
    development of the skeleton, differentiates from
    a fibroblast to function in the formation of bone
  • Osteoclasts a large type of multinucleated bone
    cell with a large amount of acidophilic cytoplasm
    that functions to absorb and remove osseos tissue

Medical Terminology
  • Manubrium most anterior of the 3 bones of the
  • Xiphoid Process the smallest of 3 parts of the
  • Malleolus a rounded bony process such as each
    side of the ankle
  • Process a natural growth that projects from a
  • Crest a narrow, elongated elevation

Medical Terminology
  • Trochanter one of the two bony projections on
    the proximal end of the femur that serve as a
    part of the attachment for various muscles
  • Tuberosity an elevation or protuberance
    especially of the bone
  • Acute beginning abruptly with marked intensity
    or sharpness, then subsiding after a relatively
    short period of time
  • Ambulatory able to walk
  • Anomoly deviation from what is regarded as

Medical Terminology
  • Flaccid weak, soft and flabby lacking muscle
  • Hyperkinisia too much erratic or rhythmic
  • Hypertonicity excessive tone, tension, activity
  • Insertion the place where a muscle attaches to
    a bone for movement
  • Origin the more fixed or proximal attachment of
    two points of a muscle

Medical Terminology
  • Hyperemia an excess of blood in a part of the
    body, caused by increased blood flow, as in an
    inflammatory response, local relaxation of
    arterioles or obstruction of blood flow from an
    area. Skin overlaying a hyperemic area usually
    becomes reddened and warm
  • Spastic pertaining to spasms or other
    uncontrolled contractions of skeletal muscles
  • Myalgia diffuse muscle pain, usually
    accompanied by malaise
  • Spasm an involuntary muscle contraction of
    sudden onset such as habit spasms, hiccups,
    stuttering or a tic
  • Fracture to break - a traumatic injury to the
    bone in which the continuity of the bone tissue
    is broken

Medical Terminology
  • Osteoarthritis joint inflammation - a form of
    arthritis in which one or many joints undergo
    degenerative changes
  • Osteochondritis bone cartilage inflammation. A
    disease of epiphyses or bone forming centers of
    the skeleton that begins with necrosis and tissue
    fragmentation and is followed by repair and
  • Osteochondrosis a disease of the epiphyses, or
    bone-forming centers of the skeleton, that begins
    with necrosis and tissue fragmentation and is
    followed by repair and regeneration.
  • Osteoporosis a disorder characterized by
    abnormal loss of bone density and deterioration
    of bone tissue, with an increased fracture risk.
  • Spondylitis an inflammation of any of the
    vertebrae, usually characterized by stiffness and

Medical Terminology
  • Atrophy a wasting or decrease in size or
    physiologic activity of a part of the body
    because of disease or other influence.
  • Benign noncancerous and therefore not an
    immediate threat.
  • Chronic persisting for a long period, often for
    the remainder of a persons lifetime.
  • Clinical pertaining to a clinic, to direct
    bedside medical or nursing care, to materials or
    equipment used in the care of a sick person.
  • Diagnosis identification of a disease or
    condition by a scientific evaluation of physical
    signs, symptoms, history, laboratory test
    results, and procedures.

Medical Terminology
  • Local pertaining to a small circumscribed
    area of the body
  • Malignant tending to become worse and to cause
  • Metastatic the process by which tumor cells
    spread to distant parts of the body.
  • Prognosis a prediction of the probable outcome
    of a disease based on the condition of the person
    and the usual course of the disease as observed
    in similar situations.
  • Sign an objective finding as perceived by an
    examiner, such as fever, rash.

Medical Terminology
  • Symptom a subjective indication of a disease
    or a change in condition as perceived by the
  • Syndrome a complex of signs and symptoms
    resulting from a common cause or appearing, in
    combination, to present a clinical picture of a
    disease or inherited abnormality.
  • Systemic pertaining to the whole body rather
    than to a localized area or region of the body.
  • Bacterial of or pertaining to bacteria.
  • Cancer a neoplasm characterized by the
    uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells that tend
    to invade surrounding tissue and to metastasize
    to distant body parts.

Medical Terminology
  • Congenital present at birth, as in anomaly or
  • Degenerative pertaining to or involving
    degeneration or change to a lower or
    dysfunctional form.
  • Epidemic affecting a significantly large number
    of people at the same time.
  • Exacerbation an increase in the seriousness of
    a disease or disorderas marked by greater
    intensity in the signs and symptoms of the
    patient being treated
  • Idiopathic without a know cause

Medical Terminology
  • Infectious the invasion of the body by
    pathogenic microorganisms that reproduce and
    multiply, causing disease by local cellular
    injury, secretion of a toxin or antigen/antibody
    reaction in the host.
  • Trauma physical injury caused by violent or
    disruptive action or by the introduction into the
    body of a toxic substance
  • Viral of or pertaining to a virus
  • Aponeurosis a strong flat sheet of fibrous
    connective tissue that serves as a tendon to
    attach muscles to bone or as fascia to bind
    muscles together or to other tissues at their
    origin or insertion.
  • Belly the fleshy central bulging portion of a

Medical Terminology
  • Clonus an abnormal pattern of neuromuscular
    activity, characterized by rapidly alternating
    involuntary contraction and relaxation of
    skeletal muscle
  • Contracture a abnormal, usually permanent
    condition of a joint, characterized by flexion
    and fixation
  • Cramp a spasmodic and often painful contraction
    of one or more muscles
  • Fascia the fibrous connective membrane of the
    body that can be separated from other structures,
    such as tendon.s
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