Title: Physical Fitness 10th Grade Health
1Physical Fitness10th Grade Health
- Can Muscle Men Be Flexible?
2Physical Fitness
- The _____________________easily and have enough
reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands. - Volkswagen commercial
35 components of Physical FitnessCan Muscle Men
Be Flexible
- Health related components
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
- _____________
4CardioRespiratory Endurance
- Ability of the _____, _____, and _________ to
send fuel and oxygen to the bodys tissues during
long periods of vigorous activity. - Ex. One mile run/walk, 3 minute step test.
5Muscular Strength
- The ability to exert force against a _________.
- __________________
- Bench Press, Military Press, Squats, etc.
6Muscular Endurance
- ___________________________________________
- Max Sit-ups, flexed arm hang, max reps of bicep
7Body Composition
- The percentage of ___, ___________, connective
and _________ tissue. - Amount of ______in relation to total body weight.
- Weight charts, Skin Calipers, Hydro Static, and
Hand-Held Device. - _____ for males ______ for females.
- ________________________________________
- Prevents injury and muscle soreness
- Methods of measurement Seated reach, trunk
lift. - _____________________________
9Performance Related Components
- ________
- ________
- Coordination
- Power
- __________
- _______
10Performance Related Cont.
- Agility- _____________
- Balance- ability to assume or maintain any body
position with control and stability
- Power- ability to do strength performance
quickly, combining factors of strength and speed. - Reaction Time- ______
11Performance Related Cont.
- Coordination- ability to combine vision or other
senses with movements of the body.
12Difference Between Performance Related and Health
Related Fitness.
- Health Related Fitness can be drastically
changed, where Performance Related Fitness can
only be changed minimally, or not at all.
13The two types of excercise
- Anareobic- ____________________________
- Ex. Weight Training
- Increase resistance muscular strength
- Increase repetitions muscular endurance
- Aerobic- ___________________
- Ex- Running, biking
14Anareobic Excercise
- Benefits
- ____________
- Increase strength
- _________________
- ______________
- Myths
- Decrease flexibility
- Reduces coordination
15Aerobic Exercise
- Benefits
- _____________
- ________________
- Improve cardiovascular health
- ______________________
- Myths
- Makes you tired (better shape more efficient)
- ___________________________
- All exercises give you the same benefits
16Benefits of exercise depend on the F.I.T.T.
- __________ how often (3-5 x/week)
- _________ how hard (55 90 of max HR)
- _____ how long (20-40 minutes)
- ______ what kind (anaerobic vs. aerobic)
17Other types of Excercise
- Isometric-
- Isotonic
- - ________ pushing against a wall
- __________ push-ups, pull-ups, and weightlifting
18Other Type Cont.
- Isokinetic exercise involving muscular
strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility.
With movement through an entire range of motion.
(i.e., nautilus or cybex machines)
19Principles of Training
- Overload Principle ___________________
- Principle of progression- _________________
- Principle of specificity Different kinds of
exercises work on different areas of fitness.
20Fitness for Life
- How do you maximize success?
- Progress Slowly
- _______
- Goals
- Systematic
- _________
- Safety
- Buddy System
- ________
- Benefits of Fitness
- _____________
- ____________
- RBC carry more O2
- Inc. Stroke volume of heart
- ____________
- ____________
- Recuperate Faster
- Dec. Heart Disease
21Fitness for life Cont.
- Need for physical activity.
- Rest and Relax.
- _____________
- Cardiopulmonary Condition
- _____________
- Weight Control
- ______________
- Ways to increase physical activity.
- Daily Routine
- _________
- Formal Activity
- ________
- ________
- ________
- Recreation
22You do the Math!!!!
- If you are 16 years old and want to work out at
60-80 of your max heart rate, what range does
this give you?
- ________________
- Lower Limit (60) Max HR .6 (220 .6 122)
- ___________________
- Range 122-163 Beats per Minute.
- 1. _______________
- 2. ____
- 3. _______
- 4. _________
- 5. _______
- 6. ______
- ___________________________________
- 4 calories per one gram of carbohydrate.
- ___________________________________
- Sources of carbs- _________________just to name
a few.
- ______- (a.k.a. fats) fatty substances that do
not dissolve in water. - Maintain healthy skin, and hair. Insulates the
body and organs. - Sources of fat
- ____________________________________.
27Cholesterol and what it leads to
- Blocked arteries, heart disease, poor circulation.
28ProteinsBody Builders
- _________________________________________
- Sources of protein.fish, meat, poultry, eggs,
milk, cheese, peanut butter.
- Helps to regulate many vital body functions.
- Water Soluble
- ____________________________
- _________________________
- Fat Soluble
- _________________________
- Absorbed and transported by fat
- The body cannot produce
- Ex. Calcium, iron, phosphorous, copper, zinc,
etc. - Aid physiological processes within the body.
- ____________________
- Helps regulate body temperature.
- Carries nutrients and waste
- _____________
- ______________
- ____________________________
- 60 of diet should come from Carbs
- _______________________________
- _________________________
33Daily Food Guide Pyramid
34Food Labels
- Carbohydrates _ g x 4 total calories
- Proteins _ g x 4 total calories
- Fats _ g x 9 total calories
35Weight Control
- First thing First!!!! Watch those calories!!!!
- Calorie- ____________________
- What are the sources of calories?
- Basal Metabolism - ______________________
- 3500 kcal 1 pound
- Obesity _______________
- Overweight ____________________________
- Underweight- _____________________
37Eating Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa
- and
- Bulimia
38Anorexia Nervosa
- ____________________________ weight loss.
- 1 of teenage girls develop ________, 10 die
from it. - 8,000,000 people in America have an eating
disorder, ____________.
- _________________________________
- Up to 5 of college women are bulimic
- _______________________
- __________________________________
42What should I look for in a Diet?
- Calories _________________________
- Protein ____________________________
- Carbs should include a minimum of 150 grams of
carbs. - Monounsaturated Fat- _____________
- Saturated Fat Bad Fat
- Exercise ___________________________
43Fad Diets
- _______________________________________
- Atkins
- Sugar Busters
- Metabolife 3000
- Stacker
- Jenny Craig
44What makes a fad diet a fad?
- ______________________________________
- Promotes less than 1,000 calories a day
- ___________________________________
- Does not encourage exercise
- _____________________
- Promotes one or more days of fasting
45Hazards of Fad Diets
- _________
- Dehydration
- _________________
- Difficulty obtaining adequate amounts of
nutrients - ______________
- Difficulty sleeping
46Atkins Diet
- Claims most people lose 10-30 pounds in month
- Eliminates Carbs from the diet, or places them
sparingly around the diet - __________________________________________________
47Steroids and Nutritional Supplements
- The body produces its own creatine in the liver,
kidneys, and pancreas. - FDA does not regulate so it might not always be
- __________________________________________________
___________________________________. - Some common names are Deca, Annadrol, DHEA,
Therabolin, and Winstrol. - Taken orally or by injection
50How can you tell someone is using steroids?
- Be aware of the following signs and symptoms.
- Rapid weight gain
- Fluid Retention
- Jaundice (yellow skin, and eyes)
- Premature Balding
51Side Effects of Steroids
- __________
- __________
- Cancer
- ___________ (Heart Failure)
- Hardening Arteries
- ________________