Title: Spanning the Silos
1Spanning the Silos
- Lessons Learned From Implementing Customer-Level
Decision Automation
Louise NicholsonAVP, Business Applications and
Credit Services
2About TD Canada Trust
- TD Canada Trust provides a full range of
financial products services to approximately 10
million personal and small business customers - Products services are provided anywhere,
anytime through telephone and internet banking,
more than 2,400 automated banking machines and a
network of 1,014 branches located across Canada. - Ranked first by the market research firm,
Synovate, in eight of the eleven customer
satisfaction categories.
3Why was change required?
- In 2000, the TD Bank and Canada Trust merged at a
record pace presenting the following challenges - Inefficient processes
- Complex operating environment
- Insufficient management reporting
- Lack of an integrated customer view
4Our approach to resolve our dilemma
- Step 1 Five year credit strategy
- Articulate our long-term credit strategy
- Who are our target customers?
- What business do we want to be in?
- How will we grow our customer base?
- Will we be market leaders or followers?
- Develop the supporting business and technology
5Our approach to resolve our dilemma (contd)
- Step 2 Conceptual Design
- Develop our credit process models
- Identify our tactical requirements
- Identify our technology requirements
- Refine our business case
- Create the high-level implementation plan
6Our approach to resolve our dilemma (contd)
- Step 3 Implement the vision
- Acquire new technology (Buy vs. Build where
possible) - Implement the new credit infrastructure
- Develop our implementation approach
7Our approach to resolve our dilemma (contd)
- Step 4 Monitor and Continuously improve
- Monitor strategy outcomes
- Regularly update scorecards
- Continuous champion/challenger testing
8Indirect Sales
Sales Force
Telephone Banking
E Bank
Decision Presentation
Customer Requests
Application Data Credit Decisions
CREDITLINK In House Developed Origination
Pre-approved Credit Limits
CAPSTONE (QuickApp, FullApp)
Application Booking/Funding
Customer Management Processes
TD Accounting Platforms
Automated Actions Data Feeds
9Origination Account Management Together
10Phasing allowed benefits realization while
spreading resource consumption
Spring 2005
Winter 2003
Primary phases
Supplemental phases
Quick App Decisoning
Decisioning SBB on a Personal Covenant SBB on a
Business Covenant
CM TRIAD Repository Offers
Origination (Direct and Electronic
Banking) Personal Lending Real Estate SBB
Full App Decisoning
Account Management SBB Reviews SBB Positive
Actions Collections
Origination Offer Screens
Additional Functionality
Core Infrastructure
11How are we performing?
- CAPSTONE QuickApps and CMT Offers
- Volume has increased by 60
- The easy fulfillment process has allowed
electronic Banking channel to readily accepted
the new offers functionality. - CAPSTONE FullApps
- Auto adjudication rates have remained constant.
(The complexity and credit quality of these
applications has changed as a result of
QuickApp/Offers) - Resubmit rates into the Credit Centres have
increased by 15. (A result of branch capacity
savings and deficiencies in the current
origination application) - Improved PCLs according to early indications,
but too early to discern significant trends - CMT Strategy Refinements have the following
anticipated results - 30 increase in VISA approval rates
- 14 increase in ULOC approval rates
12Key Learnings
- Vision
- Project Team Structure
- Continual Communication
- Focus
- Project Team Structure
- Customer View
- Business Partner Ownership
13What happens next?
- Leverage new infrastructure
- Re-visit phasing approach and project governance
- Complete final phases
- Customer centric view is the right approach
- Be flexible
- Level of investment