Title: Salesforce Einstein and its applications to businesses
1Salesforce Einstein
and its applications to businesses
2Companies that utilize customer data are known to
fare much better than the companies whose data
is scattered around multiple places or in silos,
and the data had to be sent to analysts for
processing because the analytical tools were not
designed for the business user Integrating
Artificial Intelligence (AI) with customer data
can help the company change how they interact
with their customers spanning across all
industries. Artificial intelligence helps to
improve business outcomes in different parts of
businesses such as Marketing, Sales
Productivity, Customer Service, IT Retail, and
Commerce it helps to gain answers to simple
questions that bog the companies by integrating
customer data with analytics tools.
3Salesforce Einstein is an intelligent CRM
assistant divided into two categories.
Einstein out-of-the-box applications Just as AI
is integrated into all the apps we use, Einstein
is integrated into all the Salesforce
applications such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud ,
etc. Einstein platform The Einstein platform
provides users with sophisticated capabilities
that enable businesses to obtain customer
insights, forecast outcomes, identify appropriate
actions to take, and automate repetitive
operations, allowing them to focus more on the
customer. Simple questions such as if a customer w
ill open a mail or subscribe to your page can be
predicted by AI, thus helping the business only
to send emails to prospects. Predicts where the
next sales opportunities lie. Customer service can
be improved using AI by classifying the customer
request mails and routing them to the right
agent or solving customer queries via chatbots.
4There is Einstein intent and Einstein sentiment
in Einstein language Here unstructured data in
the form of text is harnessed to help the
companies understand their customers
better. Einstein sentiment used in applications
surfaces through social media. It uses positive
and negative filters to predict if a particular
product interests a customer or not and helps
marketers plan their marketing strategy
accordingly. Einsteins intent helps categorize
text and helps marketers find out what the
customers are talking about based on the
different text categories of the product, say
colour, texture, etc.
5Conclusion Einsteins platform infused with
Salesforce has several tools that can harness a
sea of data and help the businesses in any
industry perform better, help them generate more
sales, better revenue, and help them be always
on top of their game. There is a lot of
unstructured data existing in silos in the
businesses which cannot be accessed due to
bureaucracy. The data available is equivalent to
striking a gold mine considering the number of
insights it can give about the customers, this
data when utilized at the right platform such as
Salesforce along AutoML and Einstein, it helps
the companies predict better outcomes,
worst-case scenarios and allows companies to
scale new heights.
7So, what makes Einstein better than another
platform which uses AI? Since Einstein is
infused within the Salesforce platform, all the
data that is stored, including data from email,
social, calendar, and external data, is readily
available at the platform itself and structured
so that Einstein can start learning. Einstein
Bots If a customer has any query and needs an
instant answer, they immediately go to their
favorite channels such as chat, voice, or text
for help. Routine questions, password updates,
order status updates, etc, can be handled
easily using Einstein bots which uses natural
language processing. Thus, you can tend to the
customer faster without spoiling the brand value
at the same time, service agents get more time
to handle other complex customer cases.
8Einstein Voice Einstein Voice is divided into
Einstein voice assistant assisting the employees
and Einstein voice bots helping the customers. 1.
Einstein voice assistant It helps the Salesforce
user know what actions are to be prioritized it h
elps to log notes from any meeting by talking to
the assistant using a smartphone. Einstein will
help the user by reminding them of action items,
scheduling meetings. Employees can navigate the
Salesforce dashboard easily, and data can be
pulled out in real-time using the voice
92. Einstein voice bot
It helps customers interact with the business
customer service. Einstein voice bots help reply
to inquiries by allowing the customers to speak
to their smart speakers without picking up the
phone or logging into a portal. For any query,
the Einstein voice bot will search through the
Salesforce platform and then speak the answer to
the customer, and this gives the service agent
more time for solving complicated customer cases.