Intuition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intuition as weak decision making ... feelings, pattern matching, spiritual insight, and even ESP An Example: Ray Kroc Sold paper cups for Lily-Tulip, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intuition

  • Definition
  • Intuition as weak decision making
  • Intuition as strong decision making
  • Intuition as a kind of skill
  • Self-rating of intuition
  • Situations that need more/less of it

A Definition of Intuition
  • Intuition is using information and making
    judgments based on skills, rules, and/or
    knowledge without conscious awareness
  • Scientific and popular literatures span bodily
    reactions, feelings, pattern matching, spiritual
    insight, and even ESP

An Example Ray Kroc
  • Sold paper cups for Lily-Tulip, became Midwest
    sales manager
  • 1937 quit to buy sales rights to multimixer that
    could make six milkshakes at once
  • 1952 McDonalds ordered 8 for one restaurant in
    San Bernardino Kroc flew out to look and saw
    long lines
  • Talked the brothers into letting him franchise
    their outlets
  • In 1960, frustrated by his small percentage, he
    asked for a price on everything 2.7 million,
    excluding the original restaurant
  • Lawyer said no. Im not a gambler and I didnt
    have that kind of money, but my funnybone
    instinct kept urging me on. So I closed my
    office door, cussed up and down, and threw things
    out the window. Then I called my lawyer back and
    said Take it!

Intuition Weak Decision Making
  • Intuition as the lack of rational thought
  • Womens intuition
  • Intuitive experts do worse than models
  • Schoemaker Russo pyramid

The higher the method is on the pyramid, the
more accurate, complex, and costly it tends to
be. (1993, p. 26)
Intuition Strong D-M
  • Klein - pattern matching, recognition
  • Simon - chess masters memory
  • Dreyfuses - expertise as use of intuition for
    perception, action, frame, decision
  • Executives are paid for judgment
  • Scientists esthetic of elegance
  • Analysis paralysis, MBA syndrome a foolish
    consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds

Skill, Rule, and Knowledge
  • Kleins recognition-primed decision model starts
    with intuitive situation assessment, evoking a
    match or anomaly (skill-based)
  • If there is no match, a deeper diagnosis is
    attempted based on more general if-then rules
  • If that fails, experts become like novices using
    knowledge-based general reasoning and mental
    simulation of potential plans (more analytical)

Intuition as Part of D-M
  • Myers-Briggs Cognitive Styles

Agors Survey Intuitive Ability
  • Top managers average 6.5, middle/lower managers
    average 5.8
  • Women average 0.6 higher than men
  • managers of Asian background average 0.3 higher
    than managers of Caucasian background

Some Situations Induce Intuition
  • Management is the art of making decisions with
    insufficient information
  • Hammond - more cues, more redundancy, unfamiliar,
    presented as a whole, pictorial, little time
  • you are expected to decide bigger issues
  • success comes from distinctiveness rather than
    accuracy, e.g., macroecon. forecasts

Union Bank of Switzerland
  • Until c.1990, top level decisions had no
    strategic planning function gut feel -- out of
    the stomach
  • Now, quantification happens at the middle level
    top level still decides by gut feel
  • Decisions within silos (run by the 7 Kings)
    are technically quantifiable decisions about the
    whole bank are (believed to be) not
  • quantifiable, e.g., 2 silos or 1?
  • Should we keep retail only
  • within Switzerland?

Job Choice Exercise
  • Where do attributes come from?
  • - alternatives that differ (attribute-focused)
  • - value-focused
  • What level of attribute? (see table)
  • Values must develop (cf. Schein)
  • How to manage tradeoffs?
  • When do weights matter?
  • Sensitivity analysis/need for more data

Your Job Choice Attributes
  • Financial salary, benefits, risk, (bonus)
  • Job satisfaction, learning, leadership,
    autonomy, responsibility, training, (creativity,
    fit to values, challenge, creating value,
    variety, control, power)
  • Context culture, type of business, size,
    working conditions, diversity, socializing,
    (coworkers, dress code, open door, loyalty,
    teamwork, similarity)
  • Career promotion, stability of employer,
    (prestige, raises, exposure, market share,
    security, mentor)
  • Personal location, hours, stress, travel,
    commute, living expenses, dating possibilities,
    (schedule, quality of life, flexibility, office

More on Job Choice Exercise
  • Most (but not all) trust the intuitive model, and
    try to adjust the linear models to agree
  • trust, but verify (intuition is not perfect)
  • Does using intuition first bias the model?
  • Weight ranges varied greatly
  • Weights may be hidden in attribute ratings
  • What would you do if this really mattered?
  • Modeling for learning, not for choice!
  • how to develop intuition

We Are What We Choose To Do
  • It is our choices, Harry, that show what we
    truly are, far more than our abilities
  • Professor Dumbledore
  • J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the
    Chamber of Secrets, 1999, p. 333.

Scheins Career Anchors
  • Self-perceptions of motives, skills, and values
    that you would not trade off, that solidify with
    work experience
  • Technical/Functional Competence
  • Managerial Competence
  • Autonomy/Independence
  • Security/Stability
  • Service/Dedication
  • Challenge
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Life-Style Integration

A Personal Mission Statement
  • Just as companies create mission statements and
    the US founders wrote a Declaration of
    Independence, individuals become self-aware
    through articulation of and reflection on their
    own goals and values
  • This is not something to do in a few minutes, but
    a serious project that should be reviewed from
    time to time
  • The superior man seeks what is right the
    inferior one, what is profitable. - Confucius

Instrumental Terminal Values
  • Take one of the important attributes from
    exercise 1, such as salary
  • Why do I want this?
  • Why?
  • Try to ask yourself why? 6 times!
  • When you get to things desired for their own
    sake, you have found terminal values

Begin With the End in Mind
from Stephen Covey, 7 Habits
  • Find a quiet spot to reflect for awhile and clear
    your mind
  • Imagine you are going to the funeral of a loved
    one. As you walk inside you see the flowers and
    hear the music. Family and friends are there.
    As you walk down the aisle to look in the casket,
    you come face to face with yourself.
  • This is your funeral, three years from now.
  • As you wait for services to begin, you look at
    the program. There are four speakers one from
    your family, one from your friends, one from your
    work or profession, and one from your church or
  • What would you like each of these speakers to say
    about you and your life? Look at the people
    around you what difference would you like to
    have made?
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