Title: 1000 Earth Space Stations
1 1000 Earth Space Stations
- By Dan Shaw
- Dr. Bob Krone
- Dr. Sherry Bell
- Lonnie Schorer
Aerospace Technology Working Group
(ATWG) International Space Development
Conference (ISDC 2008) Washington, D.C.,
28 May 1 June 2008
2Aerospace Technology Working Group (ATWG)
- ATWGs commitment will help transform the
space program of every space faring nation
into an Earth/Space movement that integrates
permanent settlement with personal adventure,
science, commerce, ecology, and holistic well
being for everyone and everything on earth. - ______________
- Dr. Kenneth J. Cox, Beyond Earth The Future
of Humans in Space, 2006, p.277
3The Beyond Earth Brainpower Resource
- The Beyond Earth Think Tank
- 42 Space Professional Authors.
- 1000 Person Years of Space
- Experience Hard Soft Sciences.
- A Global Brainpower Resource.
- Future Paradigm Change Drivers.
- Space Resources as the solution
- for U.S. and Global Dilemmas.
- High Benefit/Cost Ratios for
- Investors.
Universe Today picked this book as one of
three Best Space Books of 2006.
4 The Earth Space Stations Vision
To share with the world, and add to
research, the entire system of benefits to
global and universal humanity that space
offers. That system is complex, not easily
grasped or understood, and full of
wonderment for discovery in all its parts.
5Figure 1. Earth Space Stations Links
6 The Earth Space Stations Logo
Barbara Heros New Measurements, painting
created in the 1980s and published in the
Barbara Hero book, Eyes Ears
Ideas(1994). Barbara Hero is an artist,
musician and mathematician whose extensive
creations can be found in her web site
7 The Driving Force
- The driving force behind Earth Space
Stations is the human need for healing and
improvement of life through discovery. - _____________
- Bob Krone, Ph.D. Beyond Earth Think Tank
- Aerospace Technology Working Group
- Richard Kirby, Ph.D., Kepler American Space
Academy -
8 Earth Space Stations Goals
- To create learning centers focusing on
exploration of space and space resources for
Earth. To be the conduits for Americans
throughout the United States to contribute
their ideas, imagination and dreams to the
Vision and Planning for capturing benefits
from space for global humanity. -
9 Why Earth Space Stations
- Increase Space Benefits Awareness.
- Education Across America.
- Capture Ideas recommendations
- for the future space exploration
and settlement. - Accelerate benefits to earth from space
- exploration and Habitation.
- Help keep U.S. Lead for Space.
- Prevent Dystopian futures by accident
- or evil intent.
- Be independent centers.
10 Criteria for Earth Space Stations
- Establish capabilities and functions, with
different architectures. - Let cities and schools conduct design
competitions for their Earth Space Station. - Designs not constrained by existing launch
capabilities or systems (i.e. Shuttle). - Have global electronics communications.
- Be modular designed for continual growth
(like the International Space Station). - Consider all modes Computer Virtual,
Physical, Mobile Models. - Have science and science-fiction libraries.
- Have a local TV station and a web site.
- Have products and services for sale.
- Include Performing Arts.
- Have ideas capturing technology (i.e. Ideas
Unlimited). -
11 Where Earth Space Stations ? 20 Stations
in each U.S. State
Expand over time globally
12 Kids Are Our Future Lonnie Schorers
Beyond Earth The Future of Humans in
Space Chapter 18, Children's Visions of Our
Future in Space By Lonnie Jones Schorer "My
vision for space travel is that NASA and other
space flight companies will make commercial
launches to outer space and it will become as
common as airplane flight. People will go on
flights for business, pictures, reports,
interviews, and just for fun. If all this
happens, NASA will get more money, and we will be
able to add to the space station or explore
deeper into space. We will learn more about our
Universe. It all benefits from this project. That
is my vision for space travel. Graham Haydon,
age 10, Pennsylvania
13 Who Sponsors Earth Space Stations ?
- Sponsored by Leadership in
- Governors Offices
- City Chambers of Commerce and Mayors
Offices - NASA Centers
- Universities or Schools
- Observatories Air-Space Museums
- Corporations
- Military Organizations with Wounded
14 Space Shows 1000 Earth Space Stations
Dr. David Livingston wil celebrate his
1000th Space Show during the Fall of 2008.
That special event will help launch
the 1000 Earth Space Stations Project.
15A World in Tune
- Somewhere, somehow, we must find a common
ground of understanding, of mutual respect, of
enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something
together - Max Beatrice
Krone (1959) - ___________________
- Dr. Max Krone was Dean of the Institute of
the Arts at the University of Southern
California in Los Angeles, 1940-1967. Beatrice
Krone was a music educator. Together they
founded, in 1950, the Idyllwild School of Music
and the Arts in California, a 100-Building
Idyllwild Arts Campus in 2008. Bob Krone was
a 1950 student and involved ever - since.
Bob Krone ATWG footnote, 28 May 2008 Lets
make Space the Something
16 Kepler Beyond Earth Consultant to Earth
Space Stations
Dan Shaw, Kepler Team Executive Officer and
PhD Degree Candidate in Space Sciences
with a Space Finances Concentration
17 Your Ideas for Earth Space Stations to
BobKrone_at_aol.com danshaw_at_ashlandhome.net
18 You Help Design Earth Space (Assume you
are responsible for designing an Earth Space
Station for your city, school or community)
- Ideas Unlimited Target
- My Earth Space Station How It Will
- Bring Space Benefits to Earth Faster
- What will be the major purpose?
- Who would you get involved?
- How would you make it profitable?
- What benefits? For Whom?
19 1000 Earth Space Stations
- By Dan Shaw
- Dr. Bob Krone
- Dr. Sherry Bell
- Lonnie Schorer
Aerospace Technology Working Group
(ATWG) International Space Development
Conference (ISDC 2008) Washington, D.C.,
28 May 1 June 2008
20 21 Space Benefits Past
- Aviation GPS, Weather.
- Internet, Cell Phones.
- Health Medical Sciences.
U.S. Economic Growth. - Human Exploration.
- U.S. Space Leadership.
22 Space Benefits Future
- Terminate Oil Dependence
- Solar Systems Resources
- Planetary Defenses
- Human Quality of Life, .....even
Survival - Excitement of Exploration
- Space resources will be
- gifts from the universe to
- humans.
23 A Macro Space Benefit/Cost RatioExample
- The Neville Marzwell Benefit/Cost
Illustration - Katrina 104 Billion/10 Million
- Theory exists to reduce a hurricane from a
6 or 7 intensity to a 3 or 4 by space-based
solar temperature change. 10M for the
research could have stopped the destruction
of New Orleans. - Source Video of Dr. Neville Marzwell, Space
Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research
Center, October 2005.
24- The Beyond Earth Think Tank Members
The Kepler American Space Academy
25Beyond Earth Author Network
- Sherry Bell Leadership, Psychology, Sociology
- Eshel Michal Ben Jacob Physics, Intelligence
- Howard Bloom Science, History, Evolution
- K.T. Connor - Values, Ethics
- Ken Cox - Challenges Outer/Inner Space
- Becky Cross Youth Inspiration
- Tom Diegelman Mission Operations
- Larry Downing Theology, Education
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy
26Beyond Earth Author Network
- Yehezkel Dror Governance
- Romney Duffey Nuclear Engineering
- Rick Eckelkamp Software Integration
- Ray Cher Garbos Youth Education
- Rob Godwin, Co-owner Editor, Apogee
- Space Press
- Lynn Harper Astrobiology
- Feng Hsu Risk Assessment
- Joel Isaacson Universe Intelligence
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy
27Beyond Earth Author Network
- Ed Kiker Military in Space
- Richard Kirby Cosmic Theologian,
Mathematician, Kepler Academy Director - David Korsmeyer - Intelligent Systems
- Bob Krone - Policy, Strategy, Global
Brainpower - David Livingston Popular Space History
- Karen Loveland - Marketing Commerce
- Hylan Lyon - U.S. Policy for Space Future
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy
28Beyond Earth Author Network
- Tom Matula Space Commerce
- Neville Marzwell Human-Robotics, SBSP
- Elliott Maynard - Planetary Management
- Edgar Mitchell Astronaut
- Langdon Morris - Innovation Labs, Inc.
- Bruce Pittman Systems Engineering
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy
29Beyond Earth Author Network
- George Robinson Commercial Space Law
- Thomas Rogers Civil Military Space
- Leadership since the 1940s
- Lonnie Schorer - Space Author, Director
- Global Space Travelers, Kids to Space
- Martin Schwab World Security Strategist
- and Author, Planetary Defense
- Charles Smith Leadership Consultant
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy
30Beyond Earth Author Network
- John Stewart Australian Evolutionary
Theorist - Dawn Strongin Cognitive Neuroscientist
- Derek Webber Director, Spaceport
Associates - Paul Werbos U.S. National Science Foundation
- Frank White Author, Space Explorations
- Mike Wiskerchen Space University Education,
- NASA California Space Grants
NOTE These are co-authors of Beyond Earth The
Future of Humans in Space, 2006. This Network
produced the book. Participation of Any
researcher will involve negotiation.
The Kepler American Space Academy