Title: Montana Space Grant Student Workforce Development Programs
1Montana Space Grant Student Workforce Development
- Bill Hiscock
- Director, Montana Space Grant Consortium
- hiscock_at_spacegrant.montana.edu
Southeast Regional Mtg 2006
2Our competition
3Our competition
4Our competition
5Call for proposals from ESA universities closed
15 August
6Programs Members Sponsors Endorsements
News Resources Our Mission Across America,
Space Grant students are learning from the ground
up--literallyby designing, building, flying and
operating a broad range of spacecraft. Students
come with an interest in Space, but with
different levels of skill, knowledge, and
experience. Missions of growing complexity
provide opportunities to acquire baseline skills
and then to build on them. They range from the
simple--building soda-can "satellites" or small
payloads for launch from small rockets or
balloons--to building sophisticated satellites.
We call this strategy "crawl", "walk", "run" and
"fly!". Our goal is to make aerospace history and
send the first student-built satellites to Mars.
To be added to the SG Satellites e-mail list
send a request to Chris Koehler
at koehler_at_colorado.edu
7The SSEL is our partner in all Student Satellite
activities SSEL brings in dedicated expertise,
additional funding (federal, private), and
provides overall organization for our student
teams thanks to its Director, Dr. David Klumpar.
8BOREALIS Balloon Outreach, Research,
Exploration, and Landscape Imaging System
2001 4 flights 2002 5 flights 2003 10
flights 2004 3 flights 2005 15
flights 2006 13 flights (so far)
9Creation of second launch service provider at UM
Seven flights to date Teams UM undergraduates
with Middle School students Holds current
BOREALIS altitude record of 113,000 ft.
10Collaboration with other Space Grant Consortia
August 2005 flight with faculty students from
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
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12Customer NASA Ames Research Center
Customer The Aerospace Corporation
Payload Re-entry Breakup Recorder (REBR)
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14Secondary payload flight opportunities on large
balloons (Northern Manitoba and NM) Flying with
the big guys
15Kim and Jackie, MSU undergraduates prepping the
Launch 300 am -30C Wind chill -70C
16June 2005 NASAs DSTB High Altitude Balloon
Opportunity Ft Sumner, NM
Opportunity provided through Alabama Space Grant
17Long-term ballooningLarger and Heavier
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23Montana Earth Orbiting Pico Explorer(MEROPE)
Engineering Design Unit April 19, 2004
Flight Unit October 4, 2004
24Montana Earth Orbiting Pico Explorer (MEROPE)
Scientific Student Satellite Project
Montanas 1st satellite Objectives Undergraduate
education, workforce training Demonstrate
commercial/consumer electronics in
space Repeat of Explorer-1 science mission
Student-designed, -fabricated, -operated 4
graduate students 100 undergraduate students
involved during first 3 years Faculty serve as
advisors Low-cost (40,000 to orbit) Phase A,B,C
design, develop, launch Phase D 4 months
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26Space Operations Center Creating a university
ground station
Developed for use in controlling MEROPE Initial
student training using AMSATs and NOAA
satellites (MSU one of two universities downlinkin
g NOAA VHF data on Van Allen Belts) Students
Keith Mashburn and Joey Moholt were invited
speakers at the 2004 NOAA/NASA Direct Readout
27Electra -- A tethered satellite
Electra will remain attached to the orbiting
upper stage booster by a 1 km long
tether Demonstrator for de-orbit capabilities
August 9, 2005 First integration of MSUs
Electra Satellite with Ecliptic Enterprises
Jon Ehresman and other students at Montana Tech
in Butte manufactured structural parts
28NASA EPSCoR Funded Infrastructure 1 m X 3 m
vacuum chamber surplused by GSFC (cost of
transport only!) Class 1000 clean room, Class
100 Flow bench funded by NASA EPSCoR For use in
MOSES NASA Sounding Rocket payload project
29MOSES Still to be mounted on Terrier/Black
Brant sounding rocket Launch February 8,
2006 White Sands Missile Range
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32- Primary objective Weather
- Secondary objective Water methane cycles
- Tertiary objective Radiometry
33ARES I.1 Flight opportunity
April 2009
34October Skies rocket group
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37Instrument package provided for CSU-LB Prospector
6 flight, 24 May, 2005 Measured accelerations,
pressure, and temperature data Flown again on
Prospector 7 flights (2 flights within 3.5 hours)
on 29 October, 2005
38Materials International Space Station Experiment
(MISSE) MSGC undergraduates analyzed MISSE 1
samples won Best Poster award at international
Space Effects meeting contributing samples for