Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe


Title: Pushes and Pulls Subject: IJSO Training Course Last modified by: Iris Wong Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe

Interdisciplinary "Space" Studying the Universe
  • for IJSO training course

  1. Solar system an overview
  2. Order of the planets
  3. Key features of each planet
  4. Asteroids, comets and meteoroids
  5. Stars and their colors
  6. Constellations
  7. Galaxy
  8. Space exploration
  9. Scale model of planets

1. Solar system
  • Sun its mass is about 300,000 times more massive
    than the Earth. Its radius is 700,000 km, about
    110 times that of the Earth.
  • Energy source thermonuclear reactions (????)at
    the core.
  • Its atmosphere is divided into 3 layers
  • Photosphere ( 500 km thick) (???)
  • Chromosphere (???)
  • Corona (??)

1. Core 2. Radiative zone 3. Convective zone
4. Photosphere 5. Chromosphere 6. Corona 7.
Sunspot 8. Granules 9. Prominence
(Wikimedia Commons)
  • Sunspots (????) cool, dark areas of the solar
    surface, each consists of a darker, cooler (
    4,000 K) region called umbra (??), surrounded by
    a less cool region called penumbra (??).

A large group of sunspots in year 2004. The grey
area around the spots can be seen very clearly,
as well as the granulation of the sun's surface.
(Wikimedia Commons)
  • Planets (??) 8 planets and their satellites
  • lie close to a common plane.
  • Planets move in nearly circular orbits around the
    sun in counter-clockwise sense as seen from
  • The average distance between the sun and the
    earth is about 1.5 ? 1011 m, which is also called
    1 AU (Astronomical unit).

  • Self-rotation is also in the counter-clockwise
    sense as seen from above, except for Venus and
  • Orbits of planets are not evenly spaced -
    distances between successive planets increase
    with their distances from the sun.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Scale model of planets
  • Earth a grain of table salt (0.3 mm in diameter)
  • Moon A speck of pepper 1 cm away
  • Sun A plum 4 m away
  • Mercury, Venus, Mars grains of salt
  • Jupiter Apple seed 20 m from the sun
  • Saturn Smaller apple seed 36 m from the sun
  • Uranus lighter than salt grain
  • Neptune lighter than salt grain, 115 m from the

  • Dwarf planets (???) Minor planets. The first
    three members are
  • Ceres (???) --- in the Asteroid Belt
  • Pluto (???)
  • Eris formerly known as 2003 UB313 or Xena (??)

The orbit of Eris (blue) compared to those of
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (white/grey).
The arcs below the ecliptic are plotted in darker
colours, and the red dot is the Sun. The diagram
on the left is a polar view while the diagrams on
the right are different views from the ecliptic.
  • Small solar-system bodies include
  • Asteroids (???) Most can be found in the
    Asteroid belt (????) that lies between the orbits
    of Mars and Jupiter.
  • Comets (??) Dirty snow balls moving in highly
    elliptical orbits around the sun

In the solar system, there are the sun, the
planets, the dwarf planets and small solar-system
Universal gravitation (????)
  • In hammer throw (???), the tension in the chain
    keeps the ball moving around a centre. Without
    the tension, the ball will fly straight away.

(Wikimedia Commons)
  • The gravitational force from the sun is just like
    the tension in an invisible chain that keeps a
    planet in its orbit around the sun.

  • Inverse square law The attractive force (F)
    between any two bodies is directly proportional
    to the product of their masses (M1 and M2) and is
    inversely proportional to the square of their
    separation (r).

G 6.674 ? 10-11 Nm2kg-2
Circular motion (????)
  • An object is moving in a circle of radius r. Its
    speed is v.
  • What is the acceleration of the object?

Time for the particle to travel from A to B is
given by
To find the acceleration, we have to know the
change in velocity.
Magnitude of acceleration a is then
To find the instantaneous acceleration at A, we
let Dq tend to 0. We also note that sin(x) x
when x is very small, hence
Acceleration is
Direction Perpendicular to the velocity and
towards the centre, hence centripetal.
Example 1
  • It is given that the gravitational acceleration
    on the Earth is 9.81 ms-2 and the radius of the
    Earth is 6373 km.
  • Find the mass of the Earth.

Let m be an object on the Earth, M the mass of
the Earth, R the radius of the Earth, the weight
of the object is
From table 5.97 ? 1024 kg
Example 2
  • It is given that the mean radius R of the Earths
    orbit is 149600000 km. Mass of the sun M is
    1.9891?1030 kg. Find the period of revolution of
    the Earth around the sun.

The centripetal acceleration of the Earth is
caused by the gravitational attraction from the
v speed of the Earth
m mass of the Earth
The period T is therefore
2. Order of the planets
Radius Mass/Earth Rotation Period Orbital Radius Revolution Period No. of Satellites
Mercury 2439 km 0.055 59 days 57.9 ? 106 km 88 days 0
Venus 6052 km 0.815 244 days 108.2 ? 106km 224.7 days 0
Earth 6378 km 1 1 day 149.6 ? 106km 365.2 days 1
Mars 3397 km 0.107 24.7 hours 227.9 ? 106km 1.88 yrs 2
Jupiter 71492 km 317.8 9.9 hours 778.6 ? 106km 11.8 yrs 63
Saturn 60268 km 95.2 10.7 hours 1433.5 ? 106km 29.4 yrs 56
Uranus 25559 km 14.5 17.2 hours 2872.5 ? 106km 83.8 yrs 27
Neptune 24764 km 17.2 16.1 hours 4495.1 ? 106km 164 yrs 13
Two kinds of planets Terrestrial (????)
  • Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, all lie in the inner
    solar system
  • Relatively dense (3-5 g cm-3), with cores of
    iron and nickel surrounded by a mantle of dense
  • Small in size and mass
  • weak gravity
  • have a few satellites (e.g., one for Earth, two
    for Mars) and thin atmospheres, no ring systems
  • Their surfaces are scarred with craters.

Two kinds of planets Jovian (????)
  • Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, all lie in the
    outer solar system
  • Gaseous-like, mainly made up of hydrogen and
    helium, low-density (?1 g cm-3)
  • They do not have solid surfaces, but have thick
    liquid layers inside, possibly with small rocky
    core of Earths size.

  • Large in size and mass
  • strong gravity
  • all have ring systems (????), many satellites
    and thick atmospheres of hydrogen, high
    atmospheric pressure and a lot of weather

3. Key features of each planet
A. Mercury (??)
  • Too hot and gravity too weak to hold a thick
  • Results
  • retains a lot of craters
  • No thick atmosphere to retain heat, large
    temperature difference between day and night
    (-173oC 430oC)

  • Mercury in fact has a thin layer of atmosphere,
    which is mainly made up of sodium and a little
    helium. The atmospheric pressure is almost zero.
    The presence of gaseous sodium means the
    temperature is high enough to allow sodium in
    rock be released. This is expected as Mercury is
    so near the Sun.

Rotation of Venus
B. Venus (?? )
  • Firstly, its self-rotation is in the clockwise

  • Secondly, the axis of rotation is almost
    perpendicular to the orbital plane. (For the
    Earth, the rotational axis tilts 23.5o.) As a
    result, there is no seasonal change on Venus.

The atmosphere of Venus
  • Venus has a thick atmosphere. The pressure is 90
    times that of the Earth. The atmosphere consists
    of 90 of CO2 , 3 of N2 , and some SO2 . The
    whole planet is completely covered by clouds made
    up of sulphuric acid (H2SO4). As a result, the
    rain on Venus is acidic.

  • Much carbon dioxide
  • Greenhouse effect (????) CO2 traps the heat of
    solar radiation
  • very hot surface (470?C) the atmosphere is full
    of vapour of chemical compounds.

A schematic representation of the exchanges of
energy between outer space, the Earth's
atmosphere, and the Earth surface. The ability of
the atmosphere to capture and recycle energy
emitted by the Earth surface is the defining
characteristic of the greenhouse effect.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Volcano Eista
Crator Cunitz diameter 48.5 km
C. Mars (??)
  • Like Earth, the axis of rotation tilts 24o.
    Hence, there are seasonal changes on Mars.
  • Mars looks red because its soil contains minerals
    of iron (like rust).

The atmosphere of Mars
  • Mars has a mass less than 11 of Earths, its
    gravity is weak
  • the atmosphere was much denser billions of years
    ago, but volatile gases escaped, leaving a thin
    atmosphere (1 of Earths). The chemical
    composition is mainly carbon dioxide (95) and
    nitrogen (3).
  • Long ago water was dissociated by the solar
    radiation (unlike the earth, Mars has no ozone
    layer to shield the solar ultraviolet radiation)
  • no liquid water on surface, a little water
    combined with minerals in soil polar caps (??)
    contain layers of frozen CO2 (dry ice) with
    frozen water beneath.

  • Although the atmosphere consists mainly of carbon
    dioxide, it is too thin to trap heat. So, the
    surface temperature varies enormously, from
    -100oC to -10oC. Moreover, owing to the long
    distance from the Sun, the temperature is quite
    low on average.

Features on the surface
  • Mars is a cratered world having gigantic
    volcanoes (e.g. Olympus Mons ?????), deep canyons
    (e.g. Valles Marineris ???), dry channels, and
    vast dust storm.

25 km above the surface and is 600 km in diameter
5000 km long, 200 km wide and 7 km deep
Large bodies of liquid water may have existed on
  • Evidence of old channels and signs of erosion,
    seemingly carved by running liquid
  • billions of years ago Mars was much warmer (with
    a thicker atmosphere)
  • Large bodies of liquid water may have existed

Its two satellites
D. Jupiter (??)
  • The largest and most massive planet in our solar
    system. The mass of Jupiter is about 300 times
    that of the Earth, however its density is low. In
    fact, these are general features of Jovian
  • Almost completely made up of gases.

  • The rotational period of Jupiter is about 10
    hours, and such a high velocity flattens Jupiter
    at the two poles.
  • Mainly made up of hydrogen, helium, and a small
    amount of methane and ammonia.
  • The atmospheric pressure is extremely high, over
    1000 times than that of the Earth. Because of the
    great pressure, the core of Jupiter is made up of
    metallic hydrogen. The rapid rotation of such
    metallic core explains the strong magnetic field
    of Jupiter.

Feature I Dark belts and light zones
Feature II Great Red Spot
  • A great cyclone lasting for at least 300 years.
  • 3 times the size of the Earth.
  • Red presence of sulphuric compounds.

Feature III Ring system
  • The dark and thin ring of Jupiter. It is composed
    of small particles.

  • Jupiter has 63 satellites, the four largest ones
    were discovered by Galileo.

Io (???)
  • Famous for its active volcanic activity that
    emits sulphuric compounds, and has a geologically
    young surface.

Erupting volcano
A volcano spewing out gas.
Europa (???)
  • A rocky world with an icy crust.
  • There may be a lake under the icy surface.

Ganymede (???)
  • The largest satellite in the solar system, its
    surface is old and is heavily cratered, crossed
    with grooved (???) terrain.

Callisto (???)
  • A heavily cratered, dark surface.

E. Saturn (??)
  • The second largest planet. It has 47 satellites.
  • Atmospheric condition is similar to Jupiter, but
    the belts and zones seem less distinct.
  • Average density is lower than water (0.7 g cm-3).

Ring system
  • Three concentric rings (A, B and C) can be easily
    observed on Earth.
  • Thickness I km
  • Made of dust and ice.
  • The most obvious gap is Cassinis division.

(Wikimedia Commons)
Pandora (pan-DOR-uh)
Shepherd satellites for inner F ring
Prometheus (pra-MEE-thee-us)
Titan (???)
  • The most famous satellite.
  • It is cold enough to hold an atmosphere of
    nitrogen (?) and methane (??).

F. Uranus (???)
  • Discovered in 1781 by William Herschel.
  • Uranus appears blue because of the methane in its
    atmosphere. It has much less distinct atmospheric
    circulation than Jupiter.

Shepherd satellites
G. Neptune (???)
  • Astronomers in 19th century found that Uranus
    orbit deviated from a perfect ellipse, it was
    under the gravitational pull of an unknown outer
  • Newtonian mechanics predicted the mass and orbit
    of this planet.
  • discovery of Neptune in 1846.

  • It is similar to Uranus in size, mass, and
    atmospheric condition.
  • Cyclone patterns have been discovered (e.g. Great
    Dark Spot ???).

4. Asteroids, comets and meteoroids
Asteroids (? ? ?)
  • Small rocky debris that revolve around the sun.
  • Most orbits lie in the asteroid belt (????)
    between those of Mars and Jupiter.
  • Only two dozens or so are larger than 200 km,
    most as small as ?0.1 km, irregular in shape.
  • Asteroids are either fragments of a planet broken
    up long ago, or primal rocks never managed to
    accumulate into a planet. Researchers favour the
    latter view.

Gaspra 19 ? 12 ? 11 km Spins once every 7 hours
Ida and its satellite Dactyl
Comets (??)
Comet Hyakutake
Comet Hale-Bopp
(Wikimedia Commons)
(Wikimedia Commons)
  • They are dirty snow balls.
  • Nucleus (??) is very small (a few km), it is the
    main solid body of a comet. Only this frozen part
    exists when a comet is far from the sun.
  • Coma (??) Dust and evaporated gas surrounding
    the nucleus. Its maximum size could be as large
    as Jupiter.
  • Tail (??) Vapourized materials directed away
    from the sun by solar wind (particles from the
    sun) and pressure of the sunlight.
  • Coma and tail are most pronounced when the comet
    is closest to the sun.

Comets have highly elliptical orbits. Note the
two distinct tailsCyan for gas tail (controlled
by the solar magnetic field), grey for dust tail
(bends due to the comets motion). (Wikimedia
Meteoroids (??)
  • Meteoroids are interplanetary debris hitting
    Earth, heated up by friction in Earths
  • appear as bright streaks of shooting stars
    called meteors (??).
  • Most meteoroids are destroyed in the atmosphere
    any parts that reach the ground are called
    meteorites (??).

  • Some are fragments dislodged from comets,
    spreading along the comets orbits.

Marília Meteorite, a chondrite H4, which fell in
Marília, São Paulo state, Brazil, on October 5,
1971, at 500p.m. (Wikimedia Commons)
5. Stars and their colors
  • When we heat something up, it will radiate
    electromagnetic waves. When the object is not
    very hot, it will be red. If it is hotter, it
    will be yellow, then white and finally blue. The
    color of a star depends only on its surface
    temperature, and nothing else.

6. Constellations (??)
  • Visual groupings of stars.
  • There are totally 88 constellations today, some
    added in modern days (e.g., Telescopium ? ? ? ?).
  • Usually no real correlation among the stars in
    the same constellations they could be very far
    away from one another.

7. Galaxy (??)
  • Almost all the stars visible by naked eyes are in
    our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • A galaxy is a collection of hundred billions of
  • Galaxies are categorized into three basic classes
    according to their shapes Elliptical galaxies,
    spiral galaxies and irregular galaxies.

Milky Way Galaxy
  • About 200 billion stars whirling in a great
    wheel-like system the sun is ?8.5 kpc (1 pc ?
    3.3 light years) from the galactic centre.

Artist's conception of the spiral structure of
the Milky Way with two major, stellar arms and a
bar. (Wikimedia Commons)
  • Disk component contains almost all of the gas and
    dust in the galactic plane.
  • Spiral arms (??) Long spiral patterns of bright
    stars, star clusters, gas and dust.

Observed and extrapolated structure of the spiral
arms (Wikimedia Commons)
  • Spherical component
  • Halo (??) Thin scattering of old, lower mass
    stars, globular star clusters almost no gas and
  • Nuclear bulge (??) The most crowded part of
    spherical component around the galactic core
    about 20000 light years in diameter the center
    is obscured at visual wavelengths and requires
    radio or infrared observations.

  • The universe contains ?100 billion galaxies.
  • Along the plane of Milky Way, dust clouds block
    our view of distant galaxies.

Elliptical galaxies (????)
  • Spherical or elliptical in shape, lacking in gas
    and dust, they contain relatively old, low-mass
  • Disk component is not obvious or missing

The giant elliptical galaxy ESO 325-G004.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Spiral galaxies (????)
  • contain gas, dust, and hot bright stars outlining
    spiral arms, having a mixture of star types.
  • Obvious disk component.
  • They are very luminous and therefore easy to
  • ?2/3 of all known galaxies are spiral, but they
    may make up only a small fraction of all galaxies

An example of a spiral galaxy, the Pinwheel
Galaxy (also known as Messier 101 or NGC 5457)
(Wikimedia Commons)
Irregular galaxies (?????)
  • Irregular in shape, clouds of gas and dust mixed
    with both young and old stars.
  • e.g., the Large Magellanic Cloud and Small
    Magellanic Cloud are neighbors of the Milky Way

NGC 1427A, an example of an irregular galaxy
about 52 Mly distant. (NASA)
Hubble classification of galaxies
Types of galaxies according to the Hubble
classification scheme. An E indicates a type of
elliptical galaxy an S is a spiral and SB is a
barred-spiral galaxy. (Wikimedia Commons)
8. Space exploration
1957 Sputnik First Earth orbiter
1969 Apollo 11 First Manned Lunar Landing (Total six manned lunar landings, Apollo 17 shown below)
1972 Pioneer 10 First Jupiter Flyby
1977 Voyager 1 and 2 Multiple Planet Flybys (still active)
1989 Galileo First Asteroid Flyby (on trip to Jupiter)
1990 Hubble Space Telescope
1996 Mars Pathfinder First Mars Rover
1997 Cassini-Huygens First Saturn Orbiter
1998 International Space Station (date of first section)
2003 Shenzhou 5 First Chinese Manned Earth orbiter
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