Title: MEG Overview
1MEG Overview
- Cobra (W. Ootani)
- LXe calorimeter (S. Mihara)
- Calibrations (G. Signorelli)
- Drift Chambers (J. Egger)
- Timing counter (F. Gatti)
- Electronics and DAQ (M. Grassi)
- Software (R. Sawada)
- Schedule
2Quench Problem Status (W. Ootani)
- The shielding and grounding scheme was improved
after the December run. - There hasnt been no unexpected shutdown since
then. - No shutdown for 10 days with SCNCBypass during
shutdown period. - No shutdown for 10 days with SC (BTS) after
accelerator started to run. - The problem by the external noise seems fixed.
A new problem happened during CW accelerator
testing. COBRA was unexpectedly shutdown after
40 hrs operation. Still under investigation, but
it seems there was a problem with NC power supply
according to the measured waveform.
3Xenon detector (S. Mihara)Honeycomb panel test
- 3rd panel delivered to Pisa at 1630 on 20/Feb
- Mounted on the text box and tested on 22, 23/Feb
- 3 bar
- Inspection by a Plyform expert
- 4 bar x4 times
- Hold for 3 minutes at 4 bar in the last test
- Panel deformation (max)
- 0.3 mm at 1 bar
- 3.4 mm at 4 bar
Holes for evacuation
4Cryogenic Test at SIMIC
- -18/May
- All nuts on the covers of the cold vessel were
fastened tightly and the warm vessel was
evacuated whole weekend. - 21/May
- He leak test. 1.8Bar He was filled and found that
the leak rate was larger than 10-4 mbarl/sec.
Keep evacuation during the night. - 22/May
- cooling using cold gas from the LN2 tank. Cold
gas in the cold vessel Most parts were cooled
down to -5-10 degree C. - 23/May
- liquid N2 through the cooling pipe. All parts
cooled below -110 degreeC around 1200. - Then N2 gas at 1.0Bar and He gas filled step by
step with measuring leak rate. - N2 1.0 bar He 0.2 bar ? 5x10-7 mbarl/sec
- N2 1.0 bar He 0.4 bar ? 1.6x10-6mbarl/sec
- N2 1.0 bar He 0.6 bar ? 7.8x10-6mbarl/sec
- N2 1.0 bar He 0.8 bar ? 2.2x10-5mbarl/sec
- The leak was not fixed at SIMIC by any means.
- We decided to bring the cryostat to PSI and
perform a leak test
5Cryostat arrived at PSI
- Delivery at 700 am on 5/June
- Works to be done
- Cleaning
- Leak/pressure test
- Alignment
- PMT installation
6CW received on middle of may(G. Signorelli)
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8m radiative decay
Lower beam intensity lt 107 Is necessary to reduce
pile-ups Better st, makes it possible to take
data with higher beam intensity A few days 1
week to get enough statistics
(rough) relative timing calib. lt 23 nsec
PMT Gain Higher V with light att. Can be repeated
p0? gg
p- p ? p0 n p0 ? gg (55MeV, 83MeV) p- p ?
g n (129MeV) 10 days to scan all volume
precisely (faster scan possible with less
points) LH2 target
Xenon Calibration
PMT QE Att. L Cold GXe LXe
Nickel g Generator
Proton Acc
Li(p,?)Be LiF target at COBRA center 17.6MeV
g daily calib. Can be used also for initial
9 MeV Nickel ?-line
Illuminate Xe from the back Source (Cf)
transferred by comp air ? on/off
Li(p, ?1) at 14.6 MeV
0.25 cm Nickel plate
Li(p, ?0) at 17.6 MeV
9DC (J. Egger)
10- 4 Levels of test
- Pretest HV Air tightness
- Aquarium functionality tightness
- Cosmics Lab other preamps correct signal
assignment inside COBRA up to panel - Cosmics pE5, with and without COBRA
11DC test with Cosmic ray (in Lab.)
12cosmic ray counter for DC wire alignment
- 10 counters (10 plastic scintillators 20 PMTs)
are prepared - DC wire alignment will be performed w/o COBRA
13TC F. Gatti
14TC MC vs data E loss in bars
156 years of operation !!
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18Positron efficiency
Confirmed by a 3 calculation including PR,
tracking and fitting from DC to TC
19missing hits
missing hits
Positrons from off-centre m-decays and hitting
DCH outer frame
20Where do they come from?
- Front view (x-y) of
- m-decay vertices on
- the target
- all events
- c2gt50 N1lt5
- Source of inefficiency
- for the TC
21Way(s) out?
- Reduction of beam spot size on the target?
- (sx,y ? 1.1 cm ? 0.5 cm)
- is it achievable by shrinking the target (not
this year) - Background ? Investigate...
- Increase of the magnetic field?
- shrinking of the bending radius by ? 1 cm needed
- increase of B by ? 7 (B0 1.26 T ? 1.35 T)
- distortion of hit pattern on TC?
- might it affect COBRA behaviour?
- ...
22Multi-threading model
Electronics and DAQ M. Grassi
Calibration Thread
Zero-copy ring buffers
Round-Robin distribution
Calibration Thread
VME Transfer Thread
Collector Thread
Calibration Thread
Calibration Thread
23DRS Readout rate
- Optimal readout rate of DRS full waveforms with 4
calibration threads 30 events/s - During Dec 06 run max readout at 7 events/s
- Double event readout
- Code optimization
- Single calibration thread
24DAQ rate vs. amount of data
- DAQ speed is not a limiting factor
- The total data size needs solution
- 30 Hz is maximal VME speed for full waveforms ?
gt270 MB/sec - Data transmission limit is 20 MB/sec
(250TB/year)? need online reduction 10x (M.
Grassis and R. Sawadas talk) - Storage limit is 30 TB/year? need offline
reduction 8x (R. Sawadas talk)
- Splitters installed, operational, expected
performances, test in Dec 06 - Fiber preamp problem with an IC fixed, test
passed, mounted on the TC detector, installation
in Aug 07 - Hit registers mezzanine boards produced, FPGA
firmware ready (PSI GPVME board), installation in
Aug 07 - Trigger installed, operational, built-in
debugging and control tool, need tuning after
detector turn on, test in Dec 06 - DRS2 installed, operational, good for timing,
temperature dependence, usable with DC - DRS3 prototype test phase, final solution, not
available in 2007 - Aux digitizer production problem solved,
prototype test completed successfully, ready for
2007 run - DAQ installed, operational, good performances,
test in Dec 06 run - The electronics and the DAQ systems are expected
to be ready for the 2007 run
26Software (R. Sawada)
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28Pdfs 1)
FWHM 0.8
All pdfs normalized to 1 and summed by relative
weights of different types of events. Positron
FWHM improved from 1.0 ? 0.8 photon FWHM
improved from 6.5 ? 5 .
29Pdfs - 2)
Signal RD
FWHM ? 1o
FWHM 180 ps
Accidental (assumed flat in cos q)
Accidental (assumed flat)
Dt assumed flat for accidental and gaussian for
signal/RD (MC results predict gaussian shape,
but with worse resolution) Dq taken from MC
(results close to the proposal FWHM).
30Sensitivity result
- Three different sets of windows results do not
depend on the cuts. - The sensitivity limit is
- 2.15 x 10-13
- equivalent to the sensitivity that one
obtains with a box - analysis assuming ? 0 bck.
- (not surprising).
- Important point the spill-in
- of bck events within the signal region is
automatically - taken into account by the
- knowledge of the bck pdf.
2.15 x 10-13
N.B. Empty circles crosses shifted by 0.05 on
B.R. axis for clarity.
of null experiment
31Advantage boundary effect
0 events in box analysis
Box analysis window
Likelihood analysis window
1 event in box analysis
Box analysis window
Likelihood analysis window
Box analysis quote a worse upper limit, with a
sudden jump. Likelihood analysis treated as
a bck fluctuation, likelihood value only
slightly changed ? upper limit increases by a
small amount and continuously.
First result very good agreement of rates
predicted by MC ? no significant unwanted
backgrounds !!
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