Title: Fearnley Finans AS
1Fearnley Finans AS
- New developments in the KS system in Norway
- Third City of London Biennial Meeting
- 4th-5th November 2003
2The KS model
Bank financing
Limited Partners (investors Persons / companies)
Equity financing
General Partner (company with unlimited liability)
Limited Partnership KS
Disponent owner Corporate manager (Technical
manager) (Commercial manager)
The vessel(s)
3New developments
- KS projects in the 1980s
- -Asset play
- Tax driven
- No sellers credit
- Liquid tonnage (tankers and bulkers)
- Broad syndication to a high number of investors
- KS projects today
- -Mainly with long term contracts (TC or BB
charter) - -Sellers credit
- -Limited tax advantage
- More specialized tonnage
- Fewer and more dedicated investors
4The KS financing
Project price
- Equity financing
- Paid in capital 10-25
- (Uncalled capital 5-20)
- Sellers Credit
- 5-20
- 2nd mortgage
- Bank financing
- 60-80
- 1st mortgage
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Euity financing
Paid in capital
Sellers credit
Uncalled capital (reserved for bank financing)
Bank financing 1,5-2,5 margin
5Why KS ?
- Off balance sheet financing
- No age limit on the vessel(s)
- No restriction on the type of vessel(s)
- The purchase price can be adjusted reflecting
the availability of a sellers credit - Can do both bareboat and time charter back to
seller or related company - Flexibility with regard to charter period,
charter options, purchase options and profit
splits - Can do several vessels in a packege with
different charter back periods for each vessel - The KS company is willing to take a residual
value risk at the end of the charter period
6Focus on good cashflow and short payback period
- Most shipping KS projects have an average
payback period of 4-7 years based on paid in
capital by means of annual distributions to
investors - Annual ditributions to the investors normally
start after 12 months at an average rate of
10-25 of paid in capital
Payback period
150 125 100 75 50 25
Distributions in of paid in capital
Paid in capital
Year 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8
7The typical KS deal
- Purchase of two bulkers (purchase price USD
20-25 million) - 10 sellers credit
- Average age 10 - 14 years
- 5 years bareboat charter back purchase option
from year 3 onwards - Charterers option to extend the charter with
11 year
8Fearnley Finans acts as the commercial manager
for 19 KS companies owning a total of 28 vessels
- abt. 825 000 dwt
- USD 380 mill in total assets