Title: The MINOS Experiment
1The MINOS Experiment Nathaniel Tagg for the
MINOS Collaboration NO-VE 2003 Neutrino
Oscillations in Venice 03/12/02
2Argonne - Athens - Brookhaven - Caltech -
Cambridge - Campinas - Fermilab College de France
Harvard - IIT - Indiana - ITEP-Moscow - Lebedev
Livermore - Macalester Minnesota-Twin Cities -
Minnesota-Duluth - Oxford - Pittsburgh - Protvino
- Rutherford Sao Paulo South - Carolina Stanford
- Sussex - Texas AM Texas-Austin - Tufts - UCL
- Western Washington - Wisconsin
Nathaniel Tagg MINOS
Nathaniel Tagg MINOS
3The Idea Measure atmospheric oscillations with
a well-understood neutrino source. Near Detector
1 km away from target At Fermilab, 980
tonnes Far Detector 730 km away from
target At Soudan, MN, 5400 tonnes Gives a
precise measurement of oscillation parameters
MINOS Long Baseline
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5The NuMI Beam
120 GeV protons strike a graphite
target Magnetic horns focus pions (choose which
sign) 700 m decay pipe lets pions decay to
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- The excavation of the NuMI beamline halls and
tunnels is complete. - The decay pipe is installed along with the
concrete shielding. - The outfitting of the tunnels and halls is just
finishing. - The surface buildings are built.
- First protons on target expected one year from
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11Detector Overview
Far Detector 485 planes of scintillator
steel 8m x 8m octagon 5.4 kT total mass
BOTH Steel/Scintillator sandwiches 2.54 cm
steel 1 cm scint Magnetized 1.5T 55/?E
hadrons 23/?E electrons
Near Detector 282 steel 153 scintillator
planes 3.8m x 4.8 m 0.98 kT total mass
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13Near Detector
All planes assembled on surface, and ready to
move in. Construction and commissioning to
happen concurrently
The Near Detector Hall (as of late October)
14FD Installation
15Far Detector
Completed July 10, 2003 Taking cosmic ray data
during construction. Veto shield added
for atmospheric neutrino physics We're now
tuning and calbrating it. Looks good! 9
photoelectrons/plane/muon 2.6 ns/plane time
resolution Magnetic field now on for both
16Calibration Detector
In fact, we have a third detector as well..
CalDet at CERN in T7/T11 1m x 1m x 66
planes Uses both ND and FD electronics Uses
independent particle ID Used to measure the
response of the MINOS detectors to different
MC expectation
CalDet Preliminary Result
18Real Up-Mu
p 5.3 GeV/c ve muon
19Atmospherics in FD
The MINOS FD is the first deep underground
detector with a magnetic field. We can measure
rate of ? AND ? CPT Violation?
Number of events in 24 kT years
Neutrino Antineutrino Reconstructed contained
vertex with muon 440
260 Reconstructed upgoing muon
280 120
For ?m20.003 eV2, sin2 2? 1.0
20CC Physics
Primary measurement of beam neutrinos - Take
Far/Near ratio as a function of energy - Correct
for different beam seen at near and far 10
correction Flat line no osc Blue line decay
21CC Physics
Proposed proton timeline 2.5 x 1020 Protons
on target in 2005 Moderate investment and
improvement in beam to get 25 x 1020 POT by
end of 2009
22CC physics
Worst case ?m2 is at the lower limit May be
tough to see dip and rise without a lot of
23Theta-13 Discovery
(5 years, 3kt)
?m2 0.0025 eV2
90 CL Exclusion Limits
MINOS 3? Discovery Limits
- MINOS sensitivities based on varying numbers of
protons on target
MINOS Timetable 2003 Far Detector
construction finished CalDet data taking
finished Early 2004 Near Detector
construction Mid 2004 Near Detector
commissioned, calibrated, running Dec 2004 First
beam! 2006? First beam results? MINOS will
give - A sine curve (?) - Precision
measurement of ?m2 and improvement on sin22? -
Extended reach into theta-13 - First measurement
of anti-neutrino/neutrino ratio with