Title: Search for sterile neutrinos in MINOS
1Search for sterile neutrinos in MINOS
- Christopher Backhouse
- University of Oxford
- Fermilab Users Meeting
- 4 June 2009
2Search for sterile neutrinos in MINOS
- Overview of the MINOS experiment
- Sterile neutrinos
- Event Selection
- Prediction of FD spectrum from ND
- Results from 3.181020 protons-on-target
- 3-flavour expectation
- 4-flavour model
- ? decay model
Christopher Backhouse
3Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search
- 93 ?? beam from Fermilab Main Injector
- Two detectors
- Near Detector at Fermilab
- Far Detector in Soudan mine 735km away
- Measure flux at ND, compare to FD measurement
Near Detector
Far Detector
- Functionally identical magnetized
steel-scintillator tracking calorimeters - Fiducial masses
- ND 27t
- FD 3.8kt
See talk by G. Pawloski for more details
Christopher Backhouse
43-Flavour Theory
Christopher Backhouse
5Sterile Neutrinos
- Z0 width (LEP) ? 3 light active neutrinos
- Additional sterile ??
- LSND suggests new large ?m2
- Bugey, Karmen and MiniBooNE dont support this
interpretation - Additional massive ? still interesting
- Astrophysics dark matter, supernovae
- Seesaw mechanism
- Sterile neutrinos ? new physics!
Christopher Backhouse
6Looking for Sterile Neutrinos in MINOS
- NC interactions same for all flavours
- Oscillations among active flavours dont affect
NC spectrum - Sterile neutrinos wouldnt interact weakly at all
- Sterile signal
- Depletion of FD NC spectrum
- Energy-dependent
Christopher Backhouse
7Event Topologies
?µ CC Event
NC Event
- Charged lepton track
- Hadronic shower
June 4, 2009
Christopher Backhouse
Christopher Backhouse
8Pre-Selection Cuts
- Beam and detector quality
- Veto cosmics using timing and steepness
- Event vertex not close to detector edge
- Ensures containment of hadronic shower
Near Detector
Far Detector
Christopher Backhouse
9ND Pre-Selection Cuts
- High event rate in ND can cause poor event
reconstruction - Split events
- Incorrect vertex
- Apply a series of cuts
- Time and spatial separation
- Total number of hit strips
- Event steepness
- Activity in edge region
- Reduce poorly reconstructed background lt1GeV from
34 to 8
Christopher Backhouse
10ND NC Event Selection
- Discard events gt60 planes
- Discard events with a track gt5 planes longer than
the shower
- Same selection applied at FD
- Variable distributions similar
Christopher Backhouse
11Neutral Current Selection
- NC events selected with 90 efficiency and 60
Christopher Backhouse
12Near Detector NC Spectrum
- Good agreement between data and MC
- Discrepancies smaller than systematic
Christopher Backhouse
13Far/Near Ratio Method
- The F/N ratio method uses the ND data without
relying on a specific parameterization - Correct each energy bin in the FD MC using the ND
data/MC differences as a scale factor - Simple, robust to systematic errors
- FD data spectrum blinded so prediction unbiased
Christopher Backhouse
143-Flavour Analysis
- Compare NC energy spectrum with expectation from
standard 3-flavour oscillations - Pick the oscillation parameter values
- Normal mass hierarchy
- sin22?23 1
(Super Kamiokande) - ?m232 2.43x10-3 eV2
(MINOS CC result) - ?m221 7.59x10-5 eV2, ?12 35
(KamLANDSNO) - ?13 0 or 12 from CHOOZ limit
- ?3p/2 (maximum ne appearance)
- Because CC ne are almost all selected as NC
Christopher Backhouse
153-Flavour FD Energy Spectrum
Christopher Backhouse
16R statistic
Christopher Backhouse
174-Flavour Analysis
- Assume an additional sterile ? and an additional
?m2 - Extend mixing matrix with extra angles and phases
- Consider two mass scales
- ?m241 gtgt ?m231
- ?m241 ltlt ?m231
- Simplify oscillation formulae
Christopher Backhouse
184-Flavour Analysis
- Start with general matrix
- UR34(?34) R24(?24,?2) R14(?14) R23(?23)
R13(?13,?1)R12(?12) - 11 parameters
- ?34, ?24, ?14, ?23, ?13, ?12
- ?m223, ?m241, ?m221
- ?1, ?2
- Need to simplify
194-Flavour Analysis
- ?34, ?24, ?23, ?13, ?14, ?12
- ?m223, ?m241, ?m221
- ?1, ?2
- ?m221 ? 0
- ?14 ? 0
- ?2 ? 0
- Pick mass scale
- ? UR34(?34) R24(?24) R23(?23) R13(?13,?1)
- ?13 and ?1 as before
204-Flavour Analysis
- ?34 lt 38 (56 ?e) (90 C.L.) (Both models)
- ?24 lt 10 (10.6 ?e) (90 C.L.) (?41 gtgt ?31)
21Sterile fraction
- Simple way to interpret result
- What fraction of ?µ that disappear go to steriles?
fs lt 0.51 (0.55 ?e) (90 C.L.)
Christopher Backhouse
22Future Sensitivity
Christopher Backhouse
23Neutrino Decay CC spectrum
- Deficit in FD CC energy spectrum versus
expectation - Decay disfavoured at 3.7s
Christopher Backhouse
24Neutrino Decay NC spectrum
- Decay would also deplete NC spectrum, improves
limit - Mixed model
- ? oscillations
- One mass state decays
Pure decay disfavoured at 5.4s
Christopher Backhouse
- Analysis of neutral current neutrino interactions
from 3.18?1020 POT NuMI beam exposure - Consistent with no neutrino decay and no sterile
neutrino admixture (R1.040.080.07-0.10(?e)) - fs lt 51 (90 C.L. no ?e appearance)
- Disfavour pure decay by 5.4s as alternative to
oscillations - Mass-corrected ? lifetime gt 2.1x10-12 s/eV (90
C.L.) - Statistically limited. More protons-on-target
will continue to improve result
Christopher Backhouse
- On behalf of the MINOS Collaboration, I would
like to express our gratitude to the many
Fermilab groups who provided technical expertise
and support in the design, construction,
installation and operation of the experiment - We also gratefully acknowledge financial support
from DOE, STFC(UK), NSF and thank the University
of Minnesota and the Minnesota DNR for hosting us
Christopher Backhouse
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14 October 2009
Christopher Backhouse
28Backup Slides
29The MINOS Collaboration
140 scientists 28 institutions
Argonne Athens Benedictine Brookhaven
Caltech Cambridge Campinas Fermilab Harvard
Holy Cross IIT Indiana Minnesota-Twin
Cities Minnesota-Duluth Otterbein Oxford
Pittsburgh Rutherford Sao Paulo South
Carolina Stanford Sussex Texas
AM Texas-Austin Tufts UCL Warsaw William
Christopher Backhouse
30MINOS Physics Goals
- Measure Dm2atm and sin22qatm via nm
disappearance - Search for ne appearance (?13)
- Compare n, n oscillations
- Atmospheric ? and cosmic rays
- Cross sections using ND
- Search for or constrain exotic physics such as
sterile n
Christopher Backhouse
31NuMI Beam
- 120GeV protons strike target
- Pions and Kaons focussed
- Decay into neutrinos (93 ?µ)
- Rock absorbs everything else
Christopher Backhouse
32Near Detector
- Magnetized steel-scintillator tracking
calorimeter - Alternate planes of steel and plastic
scintillator strips - Read out by PMTs
- 27t fiducial mass
Christopher Backhouse
33Far Detector
- Functionally equivalent to Near Detector
- 3.8kt fiducial mass
- 705m underground
Christopher Backhouse
34Weak Interactions
- Neutral current
- No track
- Unobserved energy
- Hadronic shower
- Charged current
- Charged lepton track
- Hadronic shower
June 4, 2009
Christopher Backhouse
Christopher Backhouse
35Muon Neutrino Disappearance
- Deficit in FD CC energy spectrum versus
Christopher Backhouse
36Muon Neutrino Disappearance
- Worlds best measurement of ?m2
Christopher Backhouse
37ND Event Pre-Selection Cuts
- Beam quality and detector quality cuts
- Event vertex reconstructed within the fiducial
volume of the detector - Transverse vertex position gt 50 cm away from the
edge of a partial plane or its outline on a full
plane - 30 planes lt z lt 80 planes
Christopher Backhouse
38FD Event Pre-Selection Cuts
- Beam quality and detector quality cuts
- Event vertex reconstructed within the fiducial
volume of the detector - Transverse vertex position gt50 cm from the edge
of the detector and gt45 cm from the center of the
detector (avoid uninstrumented coil hole region) - z position gt25 cm from the front and gt1m from the
back of each super-module
14 October 2009
Christopher Backhouse
39FD NC Event Selection
- Discard events gt60 planes
- Discard events with a track gt5 planes longer than
the shower
Christopher Backhouse
40Systematic Errors
- Normalization ?4
- Livetime, Near/Far reconstruction efficiency,
fiducial mass - Relative Hadronic Calibration ?3
- Inter-detector calibration uncertainty
- Absolute Hadronic Calibration ?11
- Hadronic shower energy scale(?6)
- Modeling of intranuclear rescattering(?10)
- CC Contamination of NC-like sample ?15
- ND Preselection
- Evis lt 0.5GeV ?15.2
- Evis lt 1.0GeV ?2.9
Christopher Backhouse
41Blind Analysis
- Hide unknown fraction of FD events using unknown
function of energy - Decide analysis details using Monte Carlo and ND
data - Use open FD dataset for data quality checks
- Open the box
- Dont change any details of the analysis after
this point - Ensures result unbiased
Christopher Backhouse
424-Flavor Contours
Christopher Backhouse
434-Flavor Contours Sensitivity
Christopher Backhouse
44Decay Sensitivity
45(No Transcript)